How to convert this formula into an arrayformula? Google Sheets - google-sheets

Been beating my head against this and can't get it. Here is the forumla:
Pretty simple. All it does is look at the cell above it...if they are the same it doesn't increase the number iteration. If they are different it does. Somehow I can't figure out how to format this in order to make it an ArrayFormula. The only reason I want it to be an Arrayformula is so that rows can be added or removed and the formula would remain intact thus the spreadsheet would be easier to use.

If you need to place it in column F from F3, you may try another approach or you'll get a circular dependency:
=BYROW(E3:E,LAMBDA(each,IF(each="","",F2+sum(MAP(E3:each, LAMBDA(c,IF(c="","",IF(c=OFFSET(c,-1,),0,1))))))))

LAMBDA(e, IF(OFFSET(e, 1, )=e, OFFSET(e,,1), OFFSET(e,,1)+1))


how can I write a formula that uses a cell's contents when building a range reference to the name of another sheet?

I have a large Google Sheets spreadsheet that has individual sheets for financial statements of activity for multiple years. I want to reference particular columns of those in other sheets, and I've successfully figured out how to do that with an HLOOKUP function. However, because I want to do this for multiple years, I'd like that HLOOKUP function to pick up the name of the sheet to reference from its column header. Right now, I'm hard-coding it like this—you can see the HLOOKUP range refers to cells in the "2021 Overall" sheet. The hard-coded approach works but makes adding a new year tedious. Ideally, the HLOOKUP formula would read the contents of its column header cell to determine which year it is.
As best I can tell, the solution is to use INDIRECT, but I can't figure out any way to build the formulate with INDIRECT and not get an error. For instance, this seemed like it should work. As you can see, I have 2021 in cell D4, and my INDIRECT statement is referencing that and building the rest of the range.
I've also tried using INDIRECT with an explicit CONCATENATE, with no more success.
Any ideas for how to look up that D4 cell and slide it into the HLOOKUP range?
Thank you!
Try to remove the "'"& before D4 and the ' after the Overall.
Your formula should look like this:
=IFERROR(HLOOKUP($A$2,INDIRECT(F4 &" Overall!$A$5:$X$150", Utility!$A10, FALSE)))
With Nikko's nudges in the right direction, I eventually figured out the right format. This allows the formula to work in multiple sheets and to be filled right (for more years) and down (for more classes).
=IFERROR(HLOOKUP($A$2,INDIRECT("'"D$4&" Overall'!$A$5:$X$150"), Utility!$A3, FALSE))
Note that if you try to replicate this, you may need to type the formula out from scratch—I had a problem where pasting it in didn't work. Once I'd retyped it and Google Sheets acknowledged it, it worked from then on in the spreadsheet, even when pasted from sheet to sheet.

IF statement to ArrayFormula

I have the following formula in cell D2 in a Google Spreadsheet:
How do I apply that formula to the whole column D with ArrayFormula? Because ArrayFormula is the best solution, right?
Enclose the formula in the google sheets Arrayformula() function. Then change the reference from B2 to B2:B500 (or leave blank for open ended reference). Same for the second reference.
So =ARRAYFORMULA(IF(B2:B="","",B2:B-C2:C)) should work. Note that I changed ISBLANK to X="" since the arrayformula is bound to find values in the entire array so it won't return blank.
Whether this is the best way I don't know. The benefit is that this grows with the dataset and avoids errors when you haven't filled the formula far enough down. However it can sometimes slow sheets down (I've heard but not experienced anything severe myself). If you're experiencing slow sheets I recommend Ben Collin's blog on the topic.
Whithout closed ended references
=mmult( arrayformula(1*(ROW(A2:A)<TRANSPOSE(ROW(A2:A)+1))*(ROW(A2:A)>=TRANSPOSE(ROW(A2:A))) -1*(ROW(A2:A)>TRANSPOSE(ROW(A2:A)))*(ROW(A2:A)<=TRANSPOSE(ROW(A2:A)+1)) ) , A2:A)

Google Sheets: Is it possible to simplify this formula? Preferably, I'd like it to calculate all the cells in the row

Can the following formula be simplified as described in the paragraph below it?
The problem is that I don't know how many columns I'm going to end up with, and I certainly don't want to continue manually writing each column into the formula. Is there I way to simplify this formula so that every column in a row is calculated?
I've been trying various formulas to no avail, and I can't get usable results via Google searches. I suppose I don't know how to effectively word the question without writing a paragraph.
Thanks, in advance!
Try this one:


I have a sheet that pulls numbers from several different sheets to amalgamate numbers. Each week, a new sheet is added to the source files, all with the same name. I'd like to update the amalgamated sheet by changing one cell instead of many.
When the tab is located in the same Google sheet, this is easily done with INDIRECT.
Right now, the formula in the amalgamated sheet is:
=IMPORTRANGE(M4, "Aug29!$F$2")
That formula is on each line to pull from several different sheets:
=IMPORTRANGE(M5, "Aug29!$F$2")
=IMPORTRANGE(M6, "Aug29!$F$2")
and so on.
Each week, the "Aug29" changes to the new date - "Sep5", "Sep12", etc.
What I'd like to do is use INDIRECT to pull that part of the equation in (from cell Z1) so that I don't have to update each formula.
I was thinking I could use CONCATENATE to create the "Aug29!$F$2" portion of the formula with INDIRECT:
The problem is, the IMPORTRANGE formula requires quotations around the range string, and I can't figure out how to add them.
Weird problem, I'm sure, but wondering if there's anyone with a solution?
Short answer
INDIRECT requires a string that represents a cell or range references, like "Z1" but it will increase unnecessarily the complexity of your formula.
If Z1 has the name of the sheet, then just concatenate it by using CONCATENATE, CONCAT or &
UNTESTED. Please try something like:
with in Z2 something like:
In other words, I think your IMPORTRANGE does not like INDIRECT.

Google Sheet Arrayformula with multiple mathematical functions

How would I go about formatting an arrayformula for this?:
I've tried a few different ways but none of them work. I have a bunch of rows with that formula (where of course the row number matches, so for example:
=$D12*(sum($F12:$I12)) etc...
I need this formula in each row but I'm trying to figure out an arrayformula so that it works when I add or subtract rows.
Thanks for your help!
I've just figured out that =arrayformula(D7:D*(F7:F+G7:G+H7:H+I7:I)) works but I might need to add and subtract columns too. Is there a way to make it work with sum()?
I believe MMULT can be a good alternative:
=ArrayFormula(if(len(D2:D), D2:D*mmult(N(F2:I),transpose(column(F2:I2)^0)),))
Change ranges to suit.
The best way to solve math problem is to split it.
You have two multipliers: D x sum(F:F)
The first task is to make ArrayFormula with D. It's simple:
And the hard part is to make ArrayFormula with sum. This part was already asked and answered here by AdamL. In your case:
And your final formula is
=ArrayFormula(D10:D1000 *
