What is the Microsoft Graph Equivalent of Set-MsolPasswordPolicy - microsoft-graph-api

As Microsoft is soon deprecating the MSOL Module, we are converting everything over to direct Graph API calls.
Does anyone know how to accomplish the functionality of
using direct Graph API calls?
Searched Microsoft documentation for anything related to:
"Password Policy"
"Validity Period"
"Notification Days"
I found one attirbute under the user object
none of these turned up any endpoints that would accomplish what Set-MsolPasswordPolicy does

Based on feedback I have received and my own research, Microsoft has not yet developed an API endpoint to handle this.


Access to Microsoft eDiscovery with Microsoft Graph API

I'm trying to access to O365 (Security & Compliance) eDiscovery with Microsoft Graph API ?.. as far as microsoft flow does not allow it either.. any idea how to execute search contents or use Data subject requests with API ?
thank you
Unfortunately we do not have this capability available on Microsoft Graph. Please vote on this feature request on https://microsoftgraph.uservoice.com/ . I don't believe anyone has requested this yet so may need to create not vote up.

Upcoming changes to Exchange Web Services (EWS) API for Office 365

Currently we are using EWS API with basic authentication to automate CRUD activities for outlook tasks and calendar items. NOT outlook mail (sending/retrieving messages/mails etc.)
Looking at the notice where the basic authentication will stop working by October 2020, i have started to explore the alternative which is moving to Microsoft Graph API.
But i noticed, there is not yet CRUD for tasks and calendar items under Outlook Mail.
I found the below while googling but seems is not working.
POST https://graph.microsoft.com/beta/me/outlook/tasks
POST https://graph.microsoft.com/v1.0/me/events
My question is, will the EWS with basic authentication affect the Outlook tasks and calendar events as well?
Why i don't see them in the Graph API explorer? they should be under Outlook Mail
I appreciate if you guys can give me insight
The authentication changes for EWS will impact all the API endpoints available under it on exchange online.
You can find documentation about CRUD operation for Outlook tasks here.
For the graph explorer make sure you click on "show more samples" in the bottom left corner to see everything.
For the events you have the right endpoint, you should switch to a get request to obtain them and check that you requested the proper permissions.

Microsoft Graph API Office 365 - How change message flags property with REST API?

Following this question :
Microsoft Graph API mail office 365: Is any option create inbox message NOT as Draft?
I want to convert from EWS to Graph API ,
in EWS it is under the section below:
How can I change/ modify mail message flags with REST ?
I saw in beta version is possible somehow...
Part of the REST is here:
Any suggestions please ?
#Nicolas is correct. Check out Microsoft Graph API mail office 365: Is any option create inbox message NOT as Draft?
In there there is a link to an MSDN article that explains each of the flags, their integer values, etc...
It's important to remember that while the graph API (for Exchange related foo) looks a lot different than EWS, they actually share a bunch of the same logic underneath and ultimately talk to the exchange Store underneath. What this means is that all of the MAPI goodness (proptags, named props, etc...) can be accessed through the graph API via extended props. Funny bit of trivia - currently the REST API on the server side when it deals with extended props converts them into the EWS internal representation of extended props and calls the server side EWS business logic (in proc) to process them. So not only is it similar, it is exactly the same :)

Reading Group Conversations from Microsoft Graph using an application permission doesn't seem to be supported

We're building a mashup app that allows you to view data and information from multiple sources in one place.
To do this we need to get all conversations in O365 Groups and have been exploring how to build a daemon job.
According to the documentation this should be supported since we have the permissions Group.Read.All and Group.ReadWrite.All.
However it seems like Groups Conversations is an exception to what you can read with an application permission with Microsoft Graph which is mentioned in a small note on the subscriptions page:
We get permissions errors when calling the API with a application permission using a certificate (fetching groups and other data works fine) so this seems to be a limitation.
This also seems to affect fetching threads which doesn't seem to have any notes regarding application permissions at all since we can't fetch those either.
Does anybody know if there is a workaround or if we're doing something wrong here?
(NOTE: This seems to be a related question: Microsoft Graph API : "403 forbidden" error when getting groups conversations but I'd like to have some input from Microsoft on this)
Microsoft confirmed this as being an issue in the Microsoft Graph through our partner programme.
Until fixed by Microsoft this means that there is no good solution except workarounds as of now.

Do API gateways work normally with Office 365 U.S. Government plans?

According to https://products.office.com/en-us/government/compare-office-365-government-plans, the US gov version of office365 is in a segmented cloud, and i found an old SO question suggesting a possible issue regarding management API specifically Support US Government for Office 365 Management API
Does anyone know whether the API gateways such as graph.microsoft.com outlook.office.com/api, manage.office.com/api, as well as the ones for OneDrive/SharePoint etc. are expected to work normally with office365 gov?
Sorry for the delayed response. We just updated out documentation on this. These APIs should work for Office APIS through Microsoft Graph (for the most part). See https://developer.microsoft.com/en-us/graph/docs/concepts/deployments.
Hope this helps,
