Hightchart - Series refers to many xAxis - highcharts

We are using spline graph : https://api.highcharts.com/highcharts/series.spline.xAxis
In our code we have 2 xAxis:
xAxis: [
categories: formattedValues,
categories: axisFiltered,
My series :
series: [
name: `Satisfaction`,
data: formattedValues,
name: `Bottom`,
data: formattedBottomValues,
name: `Top`,
data: formattedTopValues,
name: `$Average`,
data: formattedAverageValues,
Into our series i want to refer to the 2 xAxis and not only one. In documentation it says we can refer to only one xAxis by series :
For example in my series i would like to do that :
series: [
name: `Satisfaction`,
data: formattedValues,
xAxis: [0, 1]
name: `Bottom`,
data: formattedBottomValues,
xAxis: [0, 1]
name: `Top`,
data: formattedTopValues,
xAxis: [0, 1]
name: `$Average`,
data: formattedAverageValues,
xAxis: [0, 1]
But the problem is currently we are allow only to do this :
series: [
name: `Satisfaction`,
data: formattedValues,
xAxis: 1
name: `Bottom`,
data: formattedBottomValues,
xAxis: 0
name: `Top`,
data: formattedTopValues,
xAxis: 1
name: `$Average`,
data: formattedAverageValues,
xAxis: 0
The problem with that is, when i click on the legend to hide a serie, it will hide the xAxis associated. But me i don't want this xAxis to be hide because it's usefull for other series.

Settings that give the possibility to adjust xAxis are xAxis.min and xAxis.max then they will stick to the second axis and the extremes will not change depending on the series.
xAxis: [{
title: {
text: 'Data'
}, {
title: {
text: 'Histogram'
alignTicks: false,
opposite: true,
min: 0,
max: 11
Demo: https://jsfiddle.net/BlackLabel/hymjs0wL/


Highcharts histogram drilldown: set options for drilldown + first and last column cut-off

I have a game with 3 difficulties and I show their averages in a first graph. Now I want to use drilldown to show a spread of the scores for each difficulty in a histogram. I managed to get this working but I have two problems. First of all I use update to change the setting for the drilldown graphs, but then these settings also change for the first graph and thus I was wondering what the better way would be to do this.
My other problem is that in my histogram the first and last column are cut in half and only half is shown, but I cant seem to find a way to solve this. I tried min- and maxPadding but this did not work.
chart of the tree difficulties
Histogram of one difficulty
Here is my code
Highcharts.chart('skippedPatients', {
chart: {
events: {
drilldown: function (e) {
title: {text: "Skipped patient: " + e.point.name},
title:{text: "Nr of skipped patients"},
tickmarkPlacement: 'on',
yAxis:{title:{text: "Nr of players"}},
plotOptions:{series:{pointPlacement: 'on'}},
if (!e.seriesOptions) {
var chart = this,
drilldowns = {
'Histogram: Easy': {
name: 'Easy',
type: 'histogram',
baseSeries: 'avgSkippedEasy'
'Easy': {
id: 'avgSkippedEasy',
visible: false,
type: 'column',
data: skippedPatientsList
series = [drilldowns['Histogram: ' + e.point.name], drilldowns[e.point.name]];
chart.addSingleSeriesAsDrilldown(e.point, series[0]);
chart.addSingleSeriesAsDrilldown(e.point, series[1]);
title: {
text: 'Skipped patients'
xAxis: {
type: 'category',
legend: {
enabled: false
plotOptions: {
series: {
borderWidth: 0,
dataLabels: {
enabled: true
histogram: {
binWidth: 1
series: [{
name: 'Averages per difficulty',
colorByPoint: true,
type: 'column',
data: [{
name: 'Easy',
y: 5,
drilldown: true
}, {
name: 'Moderate',
y: 2,
drilldown: true
}, {
name: 'Hard',
y: 4,
drilldown: true
drilldown: {
series: []
You should define your initial options as a variable and attach them again in the drillup callback due to you did a chart update with changed the initial options.
Demo: https://jsfiddle.net/BlackLabel/5d1atnh7/

Highcharts stacked column how to use different label on each category

Hi guys I want to achieve something like this using HighCharts Stacked Column
This is my current code
plotOptions: {
column: {
stacking: 'normal',
dataLabels: {
enabled: true,
xAxis: {
categories: ['Cukai Semasa', 'Tunggakan Cukai']
series: [{
name: 'Baki Cukai Semasa',
data: [69000000, 60000000]
}, {
name: 'Kutipan Semasa',
data: [69000000, 60000000]
Which resulting this chart
As you can see, my generated chart dont have the label for Tunggakan Cukai category (Baki Kutipan Tunggakan and Kutipan Tunggakan).
How to achieve this using Stacked Column?
Another way is to use series.legendType: 'point'.
Highcharts.chart('container', {
chart: {
type: 'column'
plotOptions: {
column: {
legendType: 'point',
stacking: 'normal',
dataLabels: {
enabled: true,
xAxis: {
categories: ['Cukai Semasa', 'Tunggakan Cukai']
series: [{
data: [{
name: 'Baki Cukai Semasa',
y: 69000000,
color: '#72AD4D'
}, {
name: 'Baki Kutipan Tunggakan',
y: 60000000,
color: '#FC3D45'
}, {
data: [{
name: 'Kutipan Semasa',
y: 69000000,
color: '#AAD092'
}, {
name: 'Kutipan Tunggakan',
y: 60000000,
color: '#FD7C82'
One way of achieving this and showing all points in legend is by making them individual series:
series: [{
name: 'Baki Cukai Semasa',
data: [69000000, null]
}, {
name: 'Kutipan Semasa',
data: [60000000, null]
}, {
name: 'Baki Kutipan Tunggakan',
data: [null, 69000000]
}, {
name: 'Kutipan Tunggakan',
data: [null, 60000000]
See this JSFiddle demonstration of it in use.

Highcharts population pyramid opposite x axis not labeled correctly when using axis type 'category'

I adapted the highcharts population pyramid (https://jsfiddle.net/gh/get/library/pure/highcharts/highcharts/tree/master/samples/highcharts/demo/bar-negative-stack/) as follows:
I omitted the option "categories", instead used the option "type: 'category'" and added the categories to the data series. I want to do this because the data comes as a tuple from a file. Unfortunately, the right-hand x-axis is not labeled correctly. I want the right hand x-axis labeled same as the left one. Is this possible without using the option "categories"?
Here is the jsfiddle: https://jsfiddle.net/nehqb9k4/
chart : {
renderTo: 'container',
type: 'bar',
height: 480,
xAxis : [{
type: 'category',
reversed: false,
}, { // mirror axis on right side
type: 'category',
opposite: true,
linkedTo: 0,
reversed: false,
yAxis: {
title: {
text: null
labels: {
formatter: function () {
return Math.abs(this.value) + '%';
plotOptions: {
series: {
stacking: 'normal'
series: [{
name: 'Male',
data: [
['0-4', -2.2],
['5-9', -2.1],
['10-14', -2.2],
['15-19', -2.4],
['20-24', -2.7],
['25-29', -3.0],
['30-34', -3.3],
['35-39', -3.2],
['40-44', -2.9],
['45-49', -3.5],
['50-54', -4.4],
['55-59', -4.1],
['60-64', -3.4],
['65-69', -2.7],
['70-74', -2.3],
['75-79', -2.2],
['80-84', -1.6],
['85-89', -0.6],
['90-94', -0.3],
['95-99', -0.0],
['100 +', -0.0]
}, {
name: 'Female',
data: [
['0-4', 2.1],
['5-9', 2.0],
['10-14', 2.1],
['15-19', 2.3],
['20-24', 2.6],
['25-29', 2.9],
['30-34', 3.2],
['35-39', 3.1],
['40-44', 2.9],
['45-49', 3.4],
['50-54', 4.3],
['55-59', 4.0],
['60-64', 3.5],
['65-69', 2.9],
['70-74', 2.5],
['75-79', 2.7],
['80-84', 2.2],
['85-89', 1.1],
['90-94', 0.6],
['95-99', 0.2],
['100 +', 0.0]
You need to set the right xAxis for the second series:
series: [{
// xAxis: 0 by default
name: 'Male',
data: [
}, {
name: 'Female',
xAxis: 1,
data: [
Live demo: https://jsfiddle.net/BlackLabel/70yv1Lae/
API: https://api.highcharts.com/highcharts/series.bar.xAxis

Multiple histograms in highcharts causes an issue with bin spacing on the second histogram?

I'm trying to plot two series of data and their corresponding histograms on the same chart. Unfortunately the result is gaps between the bins of one of the histograms.
Has anyone any idea how to resolve this, bearing in mind that the data is dynamic so I don't want to explicitly set any bin widths etc.
Highcharts.chart('container', {
xAxis: [{
}, {
}, {
yAxis: [{
}, {
series: [{
type: 'histogram',
xAxis: 2,
yAxis: 1,
baseSeries: 's1'
}, {
type: 'histogram',
xAxis: 2,
yAxis: 1,
baseSeries: 's2'
}, {
id: 's1',
type: 'scatter',
data: [1540.05,1532.99,1880.28,1477.81,1585.73,1517.52,1986.31,1469.12,1314.68,1769.32,1438.85,1559.51,1712.68,1539.97,1253.89,1830.8,1496.05,1490.26,1671.14,2442.06,1553.05,1493.59,1563.03,1486.62,1802.82,1373.39,1754.35,1525.61,1546.15,1505.9,1457.14,1800.56,1481.7,1349.72,2125.55,1621.02,1689.52,1685.67,1778.98,1698.82,1921.13,1520.81,1566.14,2372.76,1419.91,1796.7,1621.19,1816.31,1528.85,1342.83,2481.26,1694.68,1657.92,1457.89,1414.73,1857.76,1715.27,1530.2,1553.69,2890.06,1632.14,1419.08,1449.88,1414.45,1600.4,1473.22,1745.77,2536.96,1625.38,1788.98,1502.14,1414.55,1491.99,1389.6,1606.47,1865.12,2281.73,1466.92,1485.69,1492.09,2272.98,1656.43,1562.23,2229.11,1732.37,1466.74,1428.72,1209.87,1459.51,1618.47,1720.35,1660.64,1479.19,1425.42,1549.53,1645.3,1602.82,1608.41,1749.81,1714.55,1679.14,1791.71,1490.59,1928.39,1586.32,1494.97,1550.52,2608.26,1512.23,1804.93,1799.76,2493.59,2105.95,1765.73,1176.89,1789.19,1257.6,1701.47,1445.61,2308.24,1644.9,1590.58,2272.31,1449.72,1802.39,1385.58,1402.27,1562.01,1593.6,1585.58,1351.67,1563.42,1689.95,1332.75,2055.39,1567.86,1918.89,1669.67,1521.49,1936.59,1646.44,1735.57,1512.26,1727.84,1398.51,1437.52,1395.86,1704.65,1691.25,2436.58,1474.62,1971.48,1453.26,1274.71,1908.51]
}, {
id: 's2',
xAxis: 1,
type: 'scatter',
data: [1796.39,1819.96,1644.75,1682.29,1664.81,2122.26,1442.42,1748.17,2099.26,1866.1,1466.9,2090.13,1502.34,1760.46,2279.47,1565.06,2104.19,1707.06,1827.82,1989.51,1899.41,1836.86,1633.83,2633.47,1860.75,2582.93,1500.57,2213.11,1417.45,1671.14,2305.97,3002.58,1802.91,1978.37,1914.84,1688.79,1967.32,1622.43,1705.98,1911.45,2040.99,2404.06,1788.33,1540.64,1900.35,1822.32,1995.54,2837.06,1840.97]
Thank you!
Just change the xAxis and set borderWith:0
xAxis: [{}, {}, {}, {}], // new xAxis
type: 'histogram',
xAxis: 3, // Use the new added xAxis
yAxis: 1,
baseSeries: 's2',
borderWidth: 0 // Remove the line around the bins

Highcharts : How to remove the gap between series and vertical axis?

It seems like Highcharts is adding some spacing between the 1. series line start/series line end and the 2. vertical axis.
Please see the jsfiddle link and below screenshot for more details.
Highcharts.chart('container', {
title: {
text: 'Solar Employment Growth by Sector, 2010-2016'
subtitle: {
text: 'Source: thesolarfoundation.com'
xAxis: {
categories: ['D1', 'D2', 'D3', 'D4']
yAxis: {
title: {
text: 'Number of Employees'
legend: {
layout: 'vertical',
verticalAlign: 'bottom'
plotOptions: {
series: {
series: [{
name: 'Installation',
data: [43934, 52503, 57177, 69658]
}, {
name: 'Manufacturing',
data: [24916, 24064, 29742, 29851]
}, {
name: 'Sales & Distribution',
data: [11744, 17722, 16005, 19771]
}, {
name: 'Project Development',
data: [null, null, 7988, 12169]
}, {
name: 'Other',
data: [12908, 5948, 8105, 11248]
responsive: {
rules: [{
condition: {
maxWidth: 500
chartOptions: {
legend: {
layout: 'horizontal',
align: 'center',
verticalAlign: 'bottom'
How do I get rid of this spaces? I want my series lines to expand from ened to end within the plot area with no gaps. Is it achievable with smaller number of data points? (e.g. in my case every series has only 4 data points)
check pointPlacement
when pointPlacement is "on", the point will not create any padding of the X axis.
plotOptions: {
series: {
pointPlacement: 'on'
Fiddle demo
