Is it possible to deselect a variable in the InfluxDB dashboard UI? - influxdb

I have a variable in my InfluxDB dashboard to filter for a specific scenario_id. However, I want to be able to deselect the variable or set it to * in order to show all scenarios. This should be similar to how one can deselect a filter in Datadog (as shown below).
InfluxDB variable:
When I click on the X button, the drop-down to select another scenario_id opens and forces me to select a scenario ID. If I close it without selecting a value, the old value stays selected.
Variable deselected in Datadog:


Power Automate Desktop Fill Data from excel to website but multi UI ELEMENT

I am a newbie working on power automate desktop and sorry if my english is not good. Currently I am making a flow that will populate the website from my excel. Excel I will have a list of lists I want it to populate in order. But I am having a problem that when I finish filling in the first position, it will show the second position and go on to third , ..... The HTML Input ID also changes in ascending order. So when I do this Flow, it only executes at the top of all my list from excel. Is there a way that can automatically jump the column according to that line UI element. Thank you
enter image description here
Input text will increase like adGroupInfo.1.adcontent and then you fill that one it will show your second and i want to fill data from my excel to that it will be adgroupInfo.2.adcontent
enter image description here
It same all DIV, SPAN ,But different Input ID
enter image description here
enter image description here
For this you will make use of a variable.
Dummy data:
Navigate to the element in the element list.
The click on the 3 dots menu to see the options.
Select Edit
Then scroll down to the enabled selector, this will in most cases be the id of the element on the web page.
replace the value with the name of the variable that will hold the control id value
Then in your loop assign the value of the UI element to the variable you used as the identifier.
Line 7 (red 2)
This should then fill the boxes as required.

Google Sheet Returned values from query into a drop down

so basically if i were to make a simple query, that pulls a few data. it would just paste the value in individual cell. Would it be possible for those return values be automatically made into a drop down?
Right click a cell that you would want the dropdown to exist in, select data validation. Then, use the "List from range" criteria and select the cells that your query result would display in.

Delphi navigate through the TDBGrid using the TAB

In my DBGRID, i have a field that populated with default name of current configuration when i create new record.
When i set the dgtabs option to true, I can navigate through the grid using the TAB and SHIFT+TAB keys. I need to navigate without create new record or create new record with field populated by the current configuration name.
How can do that?
or create new record with field populated by the current configuration name.
You can do that simply by creating an OnNewRecord event handler for the dataset connected to the DBGrid and saving the configuration name to the relevant field in that.
Regarding how to avoid navigating the grid using Tab & Shift Tab opening the New Record row, a simple way, which may be acceptable (or not) to your situation is to set the DBGrid's Options.dgEditing to False. Then, the grid will not open the New Record row when Tab or Shift Tab is pressed or even if you press the Insert key in the DBGrid.
If that's not appropriate, you might take a look at my answer to this q
Focus cells in reverse order
which may give you a clue if you need it.

Delphi 10.1 Berlin Fast Report - Show Multiple Records in One Page

Below is the design of my report.
When clicking the preview button, it shows one record every page.
How to make it display multiple records until the page is fully occupied, and then the next record will be on the next page? I want something like the image below.
Looks like you have set the StartNewPage property flag on your MasterData1.
Click that band with the righ button and uncheck the Start New Page of its Menu.
Instead of defining Report DataSet, define MasterData1 DataSet.
Right click on MasterData1, Edit... select the your DataSet and set the value of Number of Records to 0. Probably this property is set with 1.

how to set maximum selection of checkbox in a dialog in advanced installer 8.9?

Advanced Installer 8.9
I have 9 check-box on a selection dialog ,on which i need to allow maximum selection of any three check-boxes.
We can show a message box displaying that only three can be selected or disable next button .
Trying to do permutation and combination will be a filthy task,is there any way where i can set a counter which increments on selection of check-boxes.
The easiest way is to create a very simple custom action in C# that checks the value of each property attached with your checkboxes. You need to call this DLL using a published event, from each checkbox, so when a user tries to select it, first the custom action checks to see if other checkboxes are not selected. If there are already 3 checkboxes selected then you need to delete the property of the new checkbox, like this:
session["CHECKBOX_PROP_1"] = "[~]";
Of course you can also use a C++ custom action if you prefer this language.
