Reading stream Mqtt - stream

I need your help, look the following code:
result = _modem->AWSMQTTSend(topicGet, jsonSend);
readSize = _modem->AWSMQTTReadStream(dataRec, 3072);
I have obtained like response of "AWSMQTTSend" result=0, which mean correct, but i dont get response of "AWSMQTTReadStream", supposedly here I should receive the bytes sent by the AWS platform.
I don't know if it's missing set up some policy or other data on the platform for this works.
I thank you so much for your help.


How to make a POST request to Twilio to call a number with urequests

I have recently starting doing things with a raspberry pi zero W and wanted to be able to call a number from it.
Unfortunately it seems very hard to use the normal Twilio library because the pi uses MicroPython so I have to use the raw API.
I also gathered that the API uses the content type x-www-form-urlencoded which urequests seems to have a hard time interacting with.
This is my code so far
url = f"{TWILIO_USER}/Calls.json"
def call() -> None:
response =, json=body, auth=(TWILIO_USER, TWILIO_KEY))
print("Status Code", response.status_code)
print("JSON Response ", response.json())
however I get the error
{'code': 21201, 'more_info': '', 'message': "No 'To' number is specified", 'status': 400}
I have tried a ton of stuff like url encoding the body myself, using it as the parameter for data, json.dumpsing it, nothing seemed to work. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Please remember I am limited by the picos standard libraries.
It seems I was close. All I had to do was copy paste urllib's urlencode and use it on body, then it ended up working.

Filtering requests by header - GunDB

So, basically I would like to filter the requests between nodes using some kind of security. I think a simple static token access based scenario is enough. The idea is to not let anyone to just connect and consult sensitive data. I already tried this solution, but I think it's outdated: JWT authentication with gundb.
Really appreciate some help :)
OBS: Im using the latest version of gundb. My server is the nodejs vanilla. Here's my code, but I dont know if it helps
const GUN = require('gun');
var listOfPeers = ["http://localhost:8081/gun"];
const server = require('http').createServer().listen(8080);
const gun = GUN({web: server, peers: listOfPeers});
gun.get("poems/2").put({foo: "bar"})

How to add wait-time to complete a request and get the response in Rest-Assured

I am trying to do an upload via api, when the data is small eg:100 rows the upload works fine and I get the response as expected but when the upload is large, eg:1M rows, the test fails with Time-out-exception. How can I handle this? Is Thread.sleep() a recommended method?
You can use like this. if it is not working, please provide code.
RequestConfig requestConfig = RequestConfig.custom().setConnectTimeout(5000).setConnectionRequestTimeout(5000)
HttpClientConfig httpClientFactory = HttpClientConfig.httpClientConfig()
.httpClientFactory(() -> HttpClientBuilder.create().setDefaultRequestConfig(requestConfig).build());
RestAssured.config = RestAssured.config().httpClient(httpClientFactory);

How to set Vendor Tax ID and 1099 Eligibility in API?

I'm currently using Consolibyte's PHP QB classes to interface with the QB api.
I've been successfully creating and updating Vendor's in QB for a while. However, we have a new requirement to use the API to store vendor's tax information.
I've tried to lookup the correct syntax to set these, but have been unsuccessful thus far.
My most recent attempt was:
The rest of the information set gets updated properly, and the return from
$result = $VendorService->update($this->context, $this->realm, $provider->vendorId, $Vendor);
seems to indicate success.
Please let me know if you need anymore context. Thanks!
Have you referred to the documentation?
The documentation indicates:
TaxIdentifier: String, max 20 characters
Vendor1099: Boolean
The geters and seters exactly mirror the documented fields. So unsurprisingly, you'll have these methods:
$string = $Vendor->getTaxIdentifier();
$boolean = $Vendor->getVendor1099();
If you continue to have trouble, make sure you post the XML request you're sending to QuickBooks. You can get this by doing:

KairosDB Java client checks health

I would like to use KairosDB Java client to check KairosDB health but it seems there is too few guides. Anyone knows please help me?
I have commented the question to get more details about what you want to do.
However one interesting metric is the HTTP request time in kairosDB (kairosdb.http.request_time). By polling this metric you will:
- Make sure metrics are recorded
- Make sure http requests are received, processed and answered in reasonable time (although long queries will report longer time than others)
To do so you can follow the example on, e.g. by doing this kind of query every five minutes:
QueryBuilder builder = QueryBuilder.getInstance();
builder.setStart(10, TimeUnit.MINUTES)
.setEnd(0, TimeUnit.MINUTES)
.addGrouper(new TagGrouper("host"));
HttpClient client = new HttpClient("http://localhost:8080");
QueryResponse response = client.query(builder);
I hope this helps.
