Is CircleCI self-hosted runner decrease credit? - circleci

Does anyone know whether Circle CI self-hosted runner decreases credit?
I have installed self runner in GitLab CI, self-hosted runner doesn't decrease the quota


How to deploy to Linode within a CircleCI workflow

I have a dockerized app and I set up a CI pipeline for it using CircleCI.
In this workflow, I have tests that if passed, will trigger the build of the docker image and push it to DockerHub.
Then, I have this Linode server where I manually pull this docker image from DockerHub.
The problem is every time I commit code, I also need to wait for the CI workflows to finish so that I can manually update the docker image in Linode.
Is there any way I can automate this so that I can add Continuous Delivery from CircleCI to Linode?

How to update ECS container/TASK through Jenkins?

Here's a beautiful related Q - "How do I deploy updated Docker images to Amazon ECS tasks?"
But my concern is how to integrate this with CI/CD pipeline when using Jenkins for CI.
Using Jenkins or any Jenkin's plugin is it possible to push the recently build docker image to ECR.
Using Jenkins or any Jenkin's plugin is it possible to update the ECS container/task with the recently built or published (to ECR) image.
you can using aws ecs cli comand to update your services

Jenkins CI/CD deployment to AWS EKS without Docker registry

We are trying to setup a development CI/CD pipeline with Jenkins that builds the Docker Images and deploy that Directly to AWS EKS cluster. Is this even possible??
Our Existing system
Jenkins as CI to pick the Code from GitLab and Build Docker Image
After Build, Jenkins push the Image to Jfrog Artifactory(Professional)
We use Harness for CD, that picks the Image from Artifactory and deploy that
to AWS
Here, Artifiactory and Harness Incurs cost for us and we don't want to use that for Development builds. So, we have setup a Docker Registry with Soantype Nexus3 OSS(open source version).
I would like to know two Options here:
if I can use Jenkins to Build Docker Image and Push that to Nexus Docker Registry and Use Jenkins Itself for CD to deploy that to AWS EKS?
Build Docker images with Jenkins and directly deploy that to AWS EKS without even having to store it in a docker registry?
Any suggestions and help is highly appreciated!
the first option much better.
because one day may need roll-back docker image on Kubernetes. (even development environment)
or you can use AWS ECR. it's easier to use on EKS.
and I think ECR is cheaper than Nexus operation cost.
You may be happy to know that Harness has created a free software version of it's CD service, called Harness Continuous Delivery Community Edition, which should work nicely for your development builds.

'docker push ...' from Bitbucket Pipelines is very slow to my self-hosted docker registry

I am using Bitbucket Pipelines to build my docker image, and push to my self-hosted docker registry, which is located in China.
Is there any way I can speed up docker push from Bitbucket Pipelines. Otherwise, this features is almost useless.
it seems doubtful that much can be done to alleviate slow pushes given 1) bitbucket pipeline and 2) china registry constraints. you have at least three options if you could lift these constraints:
throw out bitbucket pipelines in favor of self-hosted source control management (gitlab/bitbucket server) and a self-hosted CI system that does pipelines as code (there are many to choose from these days, including jenkins)
throw out your self-hosted registry and use docker hub
self-host your registry in the US (bitbucket cloud and pipelines is probably US East?)

gitlab CI build runs on my local docker container

I've been trying gitlab and its CI workflow these days, but found myself confused when I saw these messages during a build:
gitlab-ci-multi-runner 0.6.2 (3227f0a)
Using Docker executor with image mydocker:latest ...
Running on runner-5498280b-project-20053-concurrent-0 via jls-MacBook-Pro...
I register a project specified runner instead of using the shared ones.
Is gitlab actually running all the CI build process via my own machine? What if other co-workers push to this project while my computer was off? I just thought that gitlab would provide every project with a cloud CI server... So , I don't want to turn my own computer into such a server. Am I missing something on its docs?
See this Gitlab Docs
Is gitlab actually running all the CI build process via my own machine?
--Yes, Because you specified it. If you don't want to run into your machine, Then deploy the docker to other server.
What if other co-workers push to this project while my computer was off?
--Then, no build will going to happen,
