How To Extract The Name of the Level 7 HTTP2 Application in Tshark - wireshark

So by default when you open a pcap in wireshark it looks something like this.
enter image description here
But I want to view the name of the websites, so I have to find the host (HTTP) or :authority (HTTP2) header then apply it as a column so that I have the name of the website in my display. Once that is done I can export the pcap as a CSV with the name of the websites include CSV.
enter image description here
My question is how do I do this in tshark? Especially for HTTP2. There's lot's of information on how to do this for HTTP.

From the tshark man page:
-T ek|fields|json|jsonraw|pdml|ps|psml|tabs|text
fields The values of fields specified with the -e option, in a form
specified by the -E option. For example,
tshark -T fields -E separator=, -E quote=d
So in your case, you might use something like:
tshark -r Wednesday.pcap -Y http2 -T fields -E separator=, -E quote=d -e frame.number -e frame.time_relative -e ip.src -e ip.dst -e _ws.col.Protocol -e frame.len -e http2.headers.authority -e _ws.col.Info > Wednesday.csv


Github action deploying to lightsail has suddenly started failing with dial tcp i/o timeout

I have a github action set up to deploy to an Amazon Lightsail server via ssh. It was working fine until it suddenly started failing with an i/o error. It has consistently failed now for 24 hours (I have tried it many times). I commented out everything in the script part and still get the error, so I know it isn't anything in the script. I think it's pretty clear that it is failing to reach the server and not even getting as far as attempting to run the script.
Here is the output:
Run appleboy/ssh-action#master
# cd /opt/bitnami/drupal
# git pull origin main
# composer -n install
# if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
# exit 1
# fi
# drush updb
# drush cr
372023/01/18 11:24:51 dial tcp i/o timeout
Someone has reported a similar issue here for MacOS runners but I am using ubuntu-latest. I've also tried with ubuntu-20.04 and had same issue.
I can't see any way to increase the timeout so if you know of a way please let me know.
Various people have raised issues on with the same issue but the answers are things like the SSH key being incorrect, the port being closed or the IP changing. But I have no problem ssh'ing from my machine, and the key that is stored in secrets is the same one that was working a few days ago.
There is plenty of disk space on the target machine.
OP here. Turns out the problem was that I was using the hostname in the ssh command, rather than the IP. For some AWS-magicky reason, the hostname was resolving to an internal IP. It was different from the IP which I use when successfully SSH'ing from my local machine. So I replaced the hostname with this IP, and it started working again.

Filter a PCAP file using tshark : show ip source>ip destination:info in a txt file

I need a tshark command so i can create a txt file containing Ipsource>Ipdestination:Info in this order ! i tried this command
tshark -T fields -n -r "C:\Users\dell\Desktop\tracecomplete.pcap" -E separator=, -e ip.src -e ip.dst > "C:\Users\dell\Desktop\walima22.txt"*
but i can't change the separator and show the infos
There are generally 2 solutions for printing specific column data, one using column-specifiers and the other using fields, similar to what you have.
Using column-specifiers:
Standard specifiers as described by tshark.exe -G column-formats:
tshark.exe -n -r "C:\Users\dell\Desktop\tracecomplete.pcap" -o "gui.column.format:\"Source\",\"%s\",\"Destination\",\"%d\",\"Info\",\"%i\""
... or using custom columns for those fields that are supported:
tshark.exe -n -r "C:\Users\dell\Desktop\tracecomplete.pcap" -o "gui.column.format:\"Source\",\"%Cus:ip.src\",\"Destination\",\"%Cus:ip.dst\",\"Info\",\"%i\""
Using Fields:
tshark.exe -n -r "C:\Users\dell\Desktop\tracecomplete.pcap" -T fields -E separator=, -e ip.src -e ip.dst -e _ws.col.Info
but i can't change the separator
You should be able to change it using the -E option. Refer to the tshark man page for more help with this option.

Problem with Influxdb2/grafana on docker, can't access influx bash commands nor can't connect to the database from grafana

i'm currently trying to setup a grafana/influxdb2 interaction for IoT purposes.
Both are running insides dockers and they are equally reachable via host machine browser on the respective port
docker run -d -p 3000:3000 `
--name=grafana `
-v ${PWD}:/var/lib/grafana `
-e "GF_INSTALL_PLUGINS=grafana-clock-panel,grafana-simple-json-datasource" `
-e "GF_SERVER_CERT_FILE=/var/lib/grafana/ssl/grafana.crt" `
-e "GF_SERVER_CERT_KEY=/var/lib/grafana/ssl/grafana.key" `
docker run -d -p 8086:8086 `
--name=influxdb2 `
-v ${PWD}/influxdb2:/var/lib/influxdb2 `
-e INFLUXDB_HTTP_HTTPS_CERTIFICATE=/var/lib/ssl/influxdb2.crt`
-e INFLUXDB_HTTP_HTTPS_PRIVATE_KEY=/var/lib/ssl/influxdb2.key `
I'll start listing the issues im facing:
Influxdb is not running under HTTPS even though i'm passing those -e commands, i guess i'm missing something for sure since the docker log isn't reporting anything. --> Solved, see below
I browsed through a lot of videos and all the tutorials are showing how you can do
docker exec -it influxdb2 sh
and then
show database
to see the current status but in my case when i type "influx" i'm instead receiving
Influx Client
influx [command]
Available Commands:
and "show" is not recognized as command.
--> See below
What i'm currently missing is a "basic" way to write/read to get confident with the tool
I've also tried using POST commands
curl --request POST "http://localhost:8086/api/v2/write?org=my&bucket=PVdb&precision=s" --header "Authorization: Token myTOKEN" --data-raw "mem,host=host1 used_percent=23.43234543 1556896326"
but curl is not returning anything and i have yet no way to check if the data is present.
As last issue in grafana when i add the influxdb (Query Language Flux, URL: http://localhost:8086 (Server)) with Organization, Token and Bucket by pressing Save & Test i receive
Error reading InfluxDB
--> Solved, see below
Add this (even though http is still available)
-e INFLUXD_TLS_CERT=/var/lib/influxdb2/ssl/influxdb2.crt `
-e INFLUXD_TLS_KEY=/var/lib/influxdb2/ssl/influxdb2.key `
I guess all the tutorials are about influxdb 1.8, now the client uses
influx query
altough you can try and use
influx v1 dbrp
I had to change "localhost" with the "machine local ip" in the URL (e.g. https://192.x.x.x:8086)

Multiple filter in tshark

The filters -Y, -2 and -R in tshark confusing in Wireshark version 2.XX.
In version 1.8, we were able to apply multiple filters and save the filtered packets in csv file using command below:
tshark.exe -r src.pcap -T fields -e frame.number -e frame.time -e frame.len -e ip.src -e ip.dst -e udp.srcport -e udp.dstport -E header=y -E separator=, -E quote=d -E occurrence=f -R (ip.src==x.x.x.x)&&(ip.dst==y.y.y.y) > filtered.csv
But this command does not work in versions 2.x. Please help if someone applied multi-filter in new Wireshark versions.
You should be able to achieve what you want by replacing -R (ip.src==x.x.x.x)&&(ip.dst==y.y.y.y) with -Y "(ip.src==x.x.x.x)&&(ip.dst==y.y.y.y)".
On windows 7, I had this working with wireshark 2.2.1, adding -2 and quoting the string that follow -R option, like this:
tshark.exe -r mypcap.pcapng -T fields -2 -e frame.number -e frame.time -e frame.len -E header=y -E separator=, -E quote=d -E occurrence=f -R "(ip.src=="
Not quoting the expression after "-R" results in printing fields and evaluate expression. If the expression results TRUE, the filter is recognized and the result is given. Otherwise the filter (e.g. ip.src) will be evalued as a command by the system, resulting in "command not recognized"

How to add an extra column to Tshark's output (while keeping the default ones)?

I would like to add a Tshark column that tells me which type of ICMP-packet has been captured. This would be the following: icmp.type
While I still need the default columns, how can I make Tshark also show this one?
I've already seen the option to work with -T fields and -e but then all the default columns are left out.
You can add the default columns and use for instance:
tshark -i 1 -T fields -e frame.number -e frame.time -e eth.src -e eth.dst -e frame.protocols -e _ws.col.Protocol -e _ws.col.Info -e icmp.type -E header=y > output.csv
See tshark -h or the man-page for more information.
If you want to add something to the default summary output, you can also use:
-z proto,colinfo,filter,field
For example something like:
-z proto,colinfo,tcp.seq,tcp.seq
Will show this:
1 2018-10-10 10:39:54 -> SSH 198 Encrypted response packet len=132 tcp.seq == 1
