How to check if Account Trading is Allowed in MQL5? - mql4

What is the equivalent of MQL4's
AccountInfoInteger(ACCOUNT_TRADE_ALLOWED) in MQL5?
Also what about the equivalent of?
they are not listed here:

In MQL5, the equivalent to AccountInfoInteger(ACCOUNT_TRADE_ALLOWED) is the same function AccountInfoInteger.
It's also the same for TerminalInfoInteger(TERMINAL_TRADE_ALLOWED) - TerminalInfoInteger

You should take care of the official Documentation
and not only look at one single article from a user like us.
You can find it by useing "F1" on your written Code or behind the following links:
This should answer your questions.
Nice day


What is the best way to handle Coreference Resolution in NLP

For example,
Context: I am Yash and he is Jay who is my close friend.
Generated Question: Who is Jay?
Generated Answer: my close friend.
But the Answer should be something like following:
Yash's close friend.
Jay is a cose friend of Yash.
I have tried out AllenNLP and other Standford-NLP solutions but didn't work out at all.

Confused about Google Ads documentation

I've adapted the code at I don't understand why at one point why the example says,
var response = keywordPlanIdeaService.GenerateKeywordIdeas(request);
and then about three lines later says,
KeywordPlanHistoricalMetrics metrics = result.KeywordIdeaMetrics;
It seems on the one hand to be generating keyword ideas and then on the other giving history.
Now in the KeywordPlanIdeaService documentation it says that there's GenerateKeywordHistoricalMetrics and GenerateKeywordIdeas. However when I try to use the former instead of the latter in the example, VS2022 indicates that the name is unknown.
So my questions are:
What does the C# code on the "idea generation" page demonstrate? Is it demonstrating Ideas or Historical Metrics.
Are these the same, conceptually, as AdWords' IDEAS and STATS respectively?
If it is in fact demonstrating Ideas, how would one adapt it for Historical Metrics?

Google Slides API: replaceAllLinks?

In my implementation, I go through a loop to duplicate a slide and then update the text and images of each new slide using ReplaceAllText and ReplaceAllImages. I can do that in one batchUpdate. I wish I could do the same and "ReplaceAllLinks" but could not find anything to do that. Any ideas ?
You want to replace all links in a Google Slides using Slides API.
If my understanding is correct, how about this answer? Please think of this as just one of several possible answers.
Issue and workaround:
Unfortunately, in the current stage, there is no methods for directly achieving "ReplaceAllLinks". So it is required to use a workaround. In this answer, I would like to propose the following workaround.
Retrieve the object IDs you want to replace the link using the method of presentations.get.
Replace the links of the retrieved object IDs using updateTextStyle and updateShapeProperties of the method of presentations.batchUpdate.
In this case, 2 API calls are required.
If I misunderstood your question and this was not the direction you want, I apologize.

How can I store comments for a post using Parse & Swift?

I'm honestly stumped as to how I could do this. I've been searching and trying out different methods for the past day or so and none have worked. What I'm basically trying to do is store comments for a post (Each row represents a post). I've been reading through the Parse documentation and have tried to implement some of the things that they have there into my code in order to achieve this, but that hasn't worked out either. If anybody could help me out, I'd be extremely greatful.
This exact task is the example provided in the documentation.
You need to create a new class called "Comments" and then refrence its parent post as one of it's columns.

How do I link to a LABEL in org-mode?

In org-mode, I have defined a figure+caption like this:
#+CAPTION: My great figure
#+LABEL: fig:myfigure
How do I write "See figure [myfigure]"? I've found the following syntax:
See figure \ref{fig:myfigure}
but this looks ugly in the source file. In particular, you cannot use it for actually jumping to the figure.
You actually don't need '#+NAME', it works fine if you use '#+LABEL', which won't break your short-caption for list of figures.
Orgmode does now offer a 'jumpable', enumerated or link with name of your choice in the exported (latex, html) text if you link with:
see figure [[fig:myfigure]].
see figure [[fig:myfigure][figurenameintext]].
I would have added this as a comment, but I don't have the reputation yet.
In response to your comment (still can't comment): you do need the '#+NAME' for it to jump within the .org source file; as mentioned in the manual, and i also just confirmed that works. Not sure about the short-captions in the latest version.
With a very recent org-mode, you can use #+name:, see:
#+CAPTION: My great figure
#+LABEL: fig:myfigure
#+name: fig:myfigure
See figure [[fig:myfigure][test]].
This works for me to jump from the link , but has no effect when exporting, I'm afraid...
