Switch between WriteTo and AuditTo at runtime - serilog

AuditTo is a Serilog feature that ensures synchronous write to the sink, with an exception thrown if change flushing fails.As the name implies, it is ideal for ensuring the security of audit data to be stored. Right now, I found File, Seq and RabbitMQ sinks supporting AuditTo writes. I couldn't find the SqlLite sink that I'm interested in ... :(
From the other side, we have WriteTo, which batches the log entries and writes them asynchronously. There are no exceptions; it's kind of fire and forget.No one cares whether the log entries are dropped by the connection or the target system's failure or unavailability.
I would like to implement sending the audit logs via AuditTo but also be able to switch the log configuration to WriteTo at the runtime. In the meantime, the app might still write the logs. 
I saw that Serilog offers dynamic switching of the logging level via LoggingLevelSwitch.
Any suggestions, ideas, or solutions for such requirements?


Does Serilog.Sinks.Console sink get any benefits from wrapping to Serilog.Sinks.Async sink?

I using Serilog inside my aspnet core app for logging. And i need to write log events to console pretty frequently (300-500 events per second). I run my app inside docker container and procces console logs using orchestrator tools.
So my question: should i use Async wrapper for my Console sink and will i get any benefits from that?
I read the documentation (https://github.com/serilog/serilog-sinks-async), but can't understand is it actual for Console sink or not.
The Async Sink takes the already-captured LogEvent items and shifts them to a single background processor from multiple foreground threads using a ConcurrentQueue Producer/Consumer collection. In general that's a good thing for stable throughput esp with that throughput of events.
Also if sending to >1 sink, shifting to a background thread which will be scheduled as necessary focusing on that workload (i.e., paths propagating to sinks being in cache) can be good if you have enough cores available and/or Sinks block even momentarily.
Having said that, to base anything of this information is premature optimization.
Console sinks and their ability to ingest efficiently without blocking if you don't put an Async in front, always Depends a lot - for example, hosting environments typically synthesize a stdout that buffers efficiently. When that works well, adding an Async in front of the Console sink is merely going to prolong object lifetimes without much benefit vs allowing each thread submit to the Console sink directly.
So, it depends - IME feeding everything to Async and doing all processing there (e.g. writing to a buffered file, emitting every .5s (perhaps to a sidecar process that forwards to your log store)) can work well. The bottom line is that a good load generator rig is a very useful thing for any high throughput app. Once you have one, you can experiment - I've seen 30% throughput gains from reorganizing the exact same output and how it's scheduled (admittedly I also switched to Serilog during that transition - you're unlikely to see anything of that order).

neo4j is storing arbitrary files in drive C?

my C Drive size is growing and my server is not running any thing but neo4j.
even though i configured neo4j to store database information on some other drive.
node count might be irrelevant but for the record, i have almost 10 million nodes and traffic to database about 200 request / minute.
is there any thing else written by neo4j that i should be aware of?
Update 1:
things i have checked already:
my debug log is being written some where other than Drive C
Update 2:
- as #InverseFalcon said i also checked transaction logs in the first step. they were being written in some other directory.
(Note: Answer was written before original question was updated to say that neither metrics nor logs were the likely culprits)
Logs, and possibly metrics
I'm not sure what your logging needs have been like, but a major source of disk consumption that is not the data itself is the writing of log files. They typically do not grow extremely quickly, but it totally depends on your set up.
I suspect that your drive may be filling up with logs, although I am surprised it's filling up so quickly. I would check out your log files and see if they are full of long chains of exceptions.
It could also be metrics being exported to CSV on the local disk, although I do not believe that Neo4J will do that without being explicitly configured to do so.
More info on metrics is at the official docs:
A variant on Rebecca Nelson's answer, you might want to check for transaction log files.
Transaction logs are the source of truth for changes made to a database, and they are not the same kinds of logs as the readable log files (debug.log, neo4j.log) that live in the logs folder.
You can find transaction logs in your graph.db folder (or whatever name you've given to your graph database folder) using the naming pattern neostore.transaction.db.0 (with incremental numbering of the log files starting with 0).
Transaction logs are a stage of data persistence. Transactions affecting the database first write to these logs. When criteria are met, a checkpoint operation occurs which flushes the contents of the transaction logs to the datastore files (some of the other files in the graph.db folder) and the transaction logs are pruned and/or rotated.
While you should not modify or delete transaction log files yourself, you can add configuration parameters in neo4j.conf to control how these files are handled.
Here are the docs dealing with transaction logs.

Debugging Amazon SQS consumers

I'm working with a PHP frontend which connects to a distributed back end, using Amazon SQS and a variety of message types and message consumers. I'm trying to come up with a way to safely debug those consumers, as we don't want message handlers with new, untested code consuming end-user messages, risking the messages being lost or incorrectly processed.
The actual message queue names are hardcoded as PHP constants in a class, so my first tactic was to create two different sets of queues, one for production and another for debugging, and to externalise the queue name constants into two different files. Depending on whether our debug condition is true or not, I wanted to include one or the other of those constant definitions and assign the constants in the included file to the class constants which currently have the names hardcoded.
This doesn't seem to work though because constants seem to act like class variables in PHP whereas I am trying to assign the values like instance variables. The next tactic was to see if there was anything on Amazon's side that would allow us to debug our message consumers transparently without adding lots of hacks to our code, but I couldn't see anything there that facilitated this. I'd love to know if anyone else has experienced (and ideally, solved this problem)
SQS doesn't provide a way to inspect the contents of messages in the queue, or for the sender to see if any consumers are failing to process messages.
A common approach to this problem would be to set up two sets of queues as you suggest and have the producer post the same message onto both queues. That way you can debug your code against a stream of production messages without affecting the actual production queue.
I'd recommend moving the decision of which queue to use out of your code and into config, and then deploy different config files to your development boxes vs your production boxes. The risk is always that a development box ends up talking to production systems, so having a single consistent approach to configuring those end-points across all your code is much less risky that doing it on an ad-hoc basis each time you call out to a service.
I'd also recommend putting your production and development queues in different AWS accounts with different access credentials. That way you can give your production account permission to publish to the development account's queue, but you can guarantee that your development systems can't read from the production queue.

Delphi (DataSnap) Do I need threading on authentication?

I am curious as to how to proceed with this issue; I currently have a DataSnap server setup with a TDSAuthenticationManager class managing the authentication.
If an authentication fails, is it safe for me to write directly onto a form TMemo or something similar for logging purposes? What's the best way to observe this?
Do I need threading?
Cheers for reading,
Yes, you need synchronization, since Datasnap events run in the context of different threads, and as you may know, the UI programming is limited to the main thread.
So, if you want to display something in the UI, you have to take care of how to do it.
On the other hand, if you want to log to a file, you don't need synchronization, but you have to be careful, since it is possible for two different threads to try to log at the same time.
The options I would evaluate are:
Protect the access to the log file using a Critical Section, thus avoiding the multi-thread access with a lock. Only one thread can access the file at a time and all other interested threads have to wait.
Create a new logging class, from which a global instance that can take log requests by simply adding the log message to a (multi thread capable) queue in memory, and running it's own thread writing them to a file when there are messages in the queue.
Since servers tend to run as a services in production environments, I would choose the latter.

Having C# application communicate with Nagios

We are using Nagios to monitor our network with great results. There is now a new requirement we are struggling with:
We want to notify Nagios of an non
fatal but critical application errors. The
application does not stop running but
there is some sort of issue that
needs looking into.
Once the issue has been looked into,
we need some way to "unflag" the
issue in Nagios.
We tried using the syslog, but the biggest problem was once an error was logged, the service was put into an error state with no way to recover. Also, while applications would report a critical error to the syslog, most of the time they don't report an "All clear" error.
I've done this using passive checks: http://nagios.sourceforge.net/docs/3_0/passivechecks.html
Basically, you're application is just going to feed the nagios core some data into its external command file. Nagios will eventually read the data and update the alerts, execute event handlers, etc.
Exactly how you set this up will be unique for your case, but if you need any other help just let me know. :)
