fractal export-components command is not building templates component from the library - craftcms

thank you in advance to solve my issue,
I am new to Craft CMS. just got a project and it is using fractal for template components build. on production when I update file in library it rebuild the components files in templates directory. but when i run the same command in my dev site terminal it is not rebuilding them. Note i am not getting any error.
on prod commands are :
npm run mix --production && npm run fractal:export && node replace.js
and on my dev I am running :
npm run mix && npm run fractal:export && node replace.js
I tried the same command as production but still not worked


Npm install of aurelia project in docker container gets stuck/hangs on jenkins build server

Most of my Jenkins builds get stuck at npm install. The issue is not reproducible locally what makes it hard to narrow down. The build server would just endlessly hang at a "random" package while until you'd manually stop it.
16:33:55 [0m[91mnpm http fetch GET 200 737ms
The frontend is developed with Aurelia and is part of a monorepo that is managed by Docker. This is my only project that uses Aurelia CLI so I thought I could find the problem there - but without any results.
I've already tried to analyze the issue by executing npm install --verbose but didn't gain any additional valuable information. It wasn't a specific package that lead to the problem nor was it a noticeable timeout.
# Dockerfile
FROM node:12.13.0 as builder
COPY web .
RUN pwd
RUN npm install --verbose
RUN npm run build
FROM nginx:mainline-alpine
COPY --from=builder /web/dist /usr/share/nginx/html
COPY html/index.html /usr/share/nginx/html/index2.html
COPY nginx.conf /etc/nginx/nginx.conf
After investigating the problem for a long time, I discovered the newly introduced npm ci command and used it instead of npm install which solved the problem. Unfortunately installing a project with a clean state is a good idea ;-)
This command is similar to npm-install, except it’s meant to be used
in automated environments such as test platforms, continuous
integration, and deployment – or any situation where you want to make
sure you’re doing a clean install of your dependencies. It can be
significantly faster than a regular npm install by skipping certain
user-oriented features. It is also more strict than a regular install,
which can help catch errors or inconsistencies caused by the
incrementally-installed local environments of most npm users.

Build executable for windows with Vue CLI Plugin Electron Builder in linux

I'm trying to build an executable file for windows from my linux but so far I have not been able to do it.
According to the documentation, it tells me that here I could configure, for example, the output folder.
pluginOptions: {
electronBuilder: {
outputDir: 'desktop-for-windows',
and if it works but does not say anything about how to change the platform (s.o) to build.
also try testing the following command:
npm run electron:build --win
but by default it builds for linux
Ran into same thing trying to move from an older boiler plate to using Vue-CLI 3 just now.
Run this from within the project directory and see if it works:
./node_modules/.bin/vue-cli-service electron:build --windows
I got the --windows from the ui.js file in the vue-cli-plugin-electron-builder directory under node_modules. Other options are --linux and --macos. I'm surprised I don't see a --all flag or that all isn't the default.
If you add "build:win": "vue-cli-service electron:build --windows" under scripts in your package.json then you can instead run npm run build:win from there on.
I just faced the same problem and found pretty easy answer.
You can just run npm run electron:build -- --linux deb --win nsis in the project directory.
There is more about it here:

Yeoman still lists uninstalled generators

I wanted to upgrade a generator, so I hit npm update -g generator-jhipster, I have node installed via nvm using v6.9.2.
Even after removing and reinstalling nvm, npm, yo, I still see the same generators!?
~/Documents/workspace/jhipster$ which yo
~/Documents/workspace/jhipster$ which npm
~/Documents/workspace/jhipster$ which node
~/Documents/workspace/jhipster$ yo --generators
All looks good!
~/Documents/workspace/jhipster$ yo --generators
Available Generators:
But... none of these should be installed:
~/Documents/workspace/jhipster$ npm list -g --depth=0 | grep 'generator'
Where is yo finding these generators and how do I remove them???
Already tried:
npm uninstall -g yo
rm -rf ~/.nvm
Looks like you have multiple npm installed on your computer. This means that there's multiple global node modules folders.
You can run DEBUG=yeoman:* yo to get some insight into where those globally installed packages are.
As for the multi npm instances, you should delete the duplicated one.

envsubst command getting stuck in a container

I have a requirement that before an application runs, some part of it needs to read the environmental variable. For this I have the following docker file
FROM nodesource/jessie:0.12.7
# install gettext for envsubst
RUN apt-get update
RUN apt-get install -y gettext-base
# cache package.json and node_modules to speed up builds
ADD package.json package.json
RUN npm install
# Add source files
ADD src src
# Substiture value for backend endpoint env var
RUN envsubst < src/js/envapp.js > src/js/app.js
ADD node_modules node_modules
CMD ["npm","start"]
The above envsubst line reads (should read) an env variable $MYENV and substitutes it. But when I open the file app.js, its empty.
I checked if the environmental variable exists in the container and it does. Any reason its value is not read and substituted?
I also tried the same command in teh container and it works. It only does not work when I run the image
This is likely because $MYENV is not available for envsubst when you run the image.
Each RUN command runs on its own shell.
From the Docker documentations:
RUN (the command is run in a shell - /bin/sh -c - shell form)
You need to source your profile as well, for example if the $MYENV environment variable is available in the .bashrc file, you can modify your Dockerfile like this:
RUN source ~/.bashrc && envsubst < src/js/envapp.js > src/js/app.js
I encountered the same issues, and after much research and fishing through the internet. I managed to find a few work arounds to this issue. Below I'll list them and identifiable risks at the time of this "Answer post"
1.) apt-get install -y gettext its a standard GNU package language library, one of these libraries that it includes is envsubst` and I can confirm that it works for docker UBUNTU:latest and it should work for every flavored version.
2.) npm install envsub dependent on the "use case" - this approach would be better supported by node based projects.
3.) enstub cli project lib in my opinion it seems a bit overkill to downloading a custom cli from a random stranger but, it's also another option.
apt-get install -y gettext:
1.) gettext - this approach would NOT be ideal for VM's as with any package library, it requires maintenance and updates as time passes. However, this isn't necessary for docker because once an a container is initialized and up and running we can create a bashscript to add the package, substitute env vars and then remove the package.
2.) It's a bad idea for VM's because it can be used to execute arbitrary code
npm install ensub
1.) envsub - updating packages and this approach wouldn't be ideal if your dealing with a different stack and not using nodejs.
There's also a PHP version for those developing a PHP application and it seems to work PHP's cli if you need a custom environment.
GetText package library info:
GetText Risk -
PHP-GetText - apt-get install -y php-gettext
Custom ensubst cli:
I suggest that since your are using Node, you use the npm envsub module.
This module is well tested and is developed with docker in mind.
It avoids the need for relying on other dependencies when you already have the full Node arsenal at your fingertips.
envsub is described as
envsub is envsubst for NodeJS
NodeJS global CLI module providing file-level environment variable substitution via Handlebars
I am the author of the package. I think you will enjoy it.
I had some issues with envsubst in Docker.
For some reasons envsubst doesn't work when I try to copy the output in the same file. For example, this is not working:
RUN envsubst < file.conf > file.conf
But when I when I tried to use a temp file the issue disappeared:
RUN envsubst < file.conf > file.conf.temp && cp -f file.conf.temp file.conf

jhipster application files generated in wrong directory

When I try to create a jhipster application in ubuntu 13.10 with yo jhipster the generated output files are always dumped in the wrong directory.
For example I run yo jhipster in the directory /mnt/mercury/jhipster-test/alpha then the files are dumped out to /mnt/mercury. In fact if I run yo jhipster in any subdirectory of /mnt/mercury they are always dumped out to /mnt/mercury.
I'm using yo version 1.1.2 from the standard ubuntu repository
Please advise how to generate files to be output in current directory.
For the benefit of anyone else facing this problem.
I managed to get Yeoman working with the following
npm cache clean
sudo npm rm -g yo
npm cache clean
sudo npm install -g yo
My problem: Accidentally "yo generating" in the parent directory.
Solution: Delete the .yo-rc.json file in the parent directory, then running the yo generator command in the child directory.
As discussed in the comments, this is a Yeoman problem on Ubuntu 13.10:
We don't have this issue with Ubuntu 12.04
There is the same issue with other generators ("yo webapp") on Ubuntu 13.10
As a workaround, I recommend you have a look at our Docker container:
This will allow you to run the full JHipster stack, with Ubuntu 12.04, inside a container! Just use it to generate the app, then you can work directly on your host machine.
On Mac OSX Maverick with Node v0.10.26, yo v1.1.2 and generator-jhipster v0.11, the yo hipster command was generating all the sources always in the same (wrong!) directory and not using my current directory.
I fixed this problem doing the following:
rm .yo-rc.json node_modules/
npm uninstall -g karma
npm install -g karma (Note: using sudo it was not working!)
sudo npm install -g generator-jhipster
Not sure why but I've then been able to install karma and generator-jhipster again and suddenly yo hipster starting generating code again in my current directory
Could it be caused by different environment variables when launching npm with sudo?
The file .yo-rc.json is hidden, if it is not deleted, the generator will constantly take the settings from it. You must delete .yo-rc.json.
