how change the duty cycle on cooja? - iot

I'm trying to change the work cycle of the motes in cooja to my convenience, but I don't know how to do it, cooja by default starts me contikimac but I would like to use my own work cycles. grateful for the help
I have seen that the solution is to modify contikimac but I don't know where I should and what I should modify.


How to move "obstacle" objects. Corona SDK Physics Box2D. Physics Update?

I'm trying to understand the proper way to move "obstacle" objects in corona/box2d. I want to know how to write my code so that the movement is deterministic and in-step with the physics engine. Is this possible?
I'm familiar with Unity which has a physics update (FixedUpdate). Where you can add a bit of code to execute on every physics step. This keeps the physics deterministic, frame and system time independent.
For example, in my game I want to do things like: Make a platform that moves back and forth, make an object that scales up and down in size. I would still like the physics to work properly and allow the ball in my game to bounce off of these for example. Depending on the case, I imagine that I should use either kinematic or dynamic bodies.
I've searched around and the way to periodically manipulate these objects is to use:
timer.performWithDelay. But this has an issue mentioned in the docs "Timers run on system time. If the app is suspended, running timers will not be automatically paused"
Listening to an enterFrame event. But this has a similar issue, if the frame rate drops then the object won't be moved enough. We can use delta time to deal with this, but this has determinism issues (moving an object too much on a lag spike). I'm guessing this is implemented with timer.performWithDelay and has the same issues.
I don't think that any of these will behave deterministic. Any suggestions? Thanks for the help.
You should really use:
object:setLinearVelocity(xVelocity, yVelocity)
object:applyForce(xForce, yForce)
instead of

Implementing Perfectly Timed Animations

Creating Perfectly "up to spec" Animations
I'm working with a designer right now that likes to work a lot with After Effects. They create beautiful, well timed animations that look great, but I'm having trouble actually implementing the designs.
I can make everything look perfect, as in everything is the right size, shape, color, etc., but I can't get the movements to feel perfect, like they are in the spec. I can try my best to eyeball it, and tweak my animation parameters until things look close enough to the original design, but this isn't very satisfying. All of that tweaking and recompiling is super time consuming, and not very fun, and in the end things don't always feel correct as I can only approximate the timing functions.
Are there any tools that make implementing After Effects animations in iOS easier?
I would suggest that you take a look at my animation library for iOS. iOS Animation Examples With this native library you can import Quicktime video data using the Animation codec and convert that data with exact timing already defined by the animators. This ability to export directly from After Effects can really save you a lot of time.

How do I make players on Roblox spawn as different objects?

For example: In my game I want player to spawn as a ball? How will I accomplish this? I can't find it anywhere on the web, though I have searched and searched. I haven't got any code because I haven't the simplest idea of how to do this. Thanks for your help!
First things first; You'd probably have better luck over at it's like Stack Overflow but for only Roblox related questions.
now, if you want the player to spawn as anything other than the default player, you have to do one of two things, prevent the character from loading, or remove it when it does, once you've accomplished that, you should bind the camera to the desired object, and bind movement to keys.
an easier, but much less elegant solution would be to find and modify a standard character morph to simply make it appear that you're a ball.

XNA How to Render and Update while resizing

Is it even possible to continue rendering and updating while resizing the window so that it doesn't stretch?
This is pretty deeply baked into XNA's Game class's behaviour. I'm dealing with this exact problem now, but I don't have a good solution yet. EDIT: I how now found a solution - but it doesn't answer the bit about scaling - so I've posted it as a question/answer pair over here.
You could possibly dive in with reflection and disconnect the events that pause the game's timer when you start resizing (and unpause it when you stop). I haven't tried this yet, I'm a bit loathe to do it without understanding why they exist in the first place.
(Personally I am thinking of having my game subscribe to the resize start/end events as well, and then pumping Update myself on an appropriate timer until XNA comes back. I wasn't going to worry about the scaling of the display.)
One way to work around this problem is to replace the Game class entirely. The XNA WinForms Sample provides a suitable replacement - although you have to implement your own Draw/Update loop and timing. I've just tested this in an old level editor and it works just as you want when resized.
Although it does slow down quite a bit when you make the window larger, as it constantly re-allocates the backbuffer to make it bigger. You could replace that behaviour to make it over-allocate the backbuffer size, so it doesn't reallocate so often.
The underlying problem has something to do with win32, and is described in some detail in this thread on But it doesn't really provide a satisfying solution either.
It might be interesting to note that the WinForms sample draws on its OnPaint method (and you get a loop by constantly calling Invalidate). Whereas XNA's built-in Game class subscribes to Application.Idle.

windows phone 7, xna, how do I sample the touch screen more regularly

ok, so apparently xna games can only run at 30fps, which is a shame, because our game on iphone looked alot better at 60...
at any rate, because the only way you can get information about the touch screen state is to get its current state, effectively this means you can only sample the touch screen at 30 fps.
even if our game has to run at 30fps, is there any way to get higher resolution sampling from the touch screen? maybe through callbacks? or by accessing a list of touch events with time stamps?
The function you are looking for is TouchPanel.GetState. It is a simple matter of calling this function at 60Hz.
To get 60Hz you could set Game.TargetElapsedTime to 1/60th of a second. This will give you two updates to every one draw (according to Shawn Hargreaves' post here) assuming you are VSyncing at 30FPS.
If you still want your game state updates to run at 30FPS (just doing touch input at 60FPS), then you could put those updates on a different thread. Start an update going on that thread on the first call to Game.Update, and wait for it to finish on the second one, and so on.
(You should note that normally XNA input must be done on the main thread (source). I assume this applies to Phone and to touch input.)
Alternately you could replace the Game class's timing yourself entirely (calling GraphicsDevice.Present yourself). It's not easy to do, but it's possible. A good place to start is to look at the Game class in Reflector.
(Disclaimer: I haven't tried any actual Phone-based development yet, so there may be some Phone-related gotchas I am unaware of.)
The sampling rate of 30fps is set for performance reasons.
Even if you could find a way to query for touches more frequently you still couldn't update the UI at a faster rate so I'm not sure what benefit you'd get.
Before spending too much time on trying to find a solution I'd test on an actual device to see how acceptable 30fps really is.
