Build .deb package in one Docker build stage, install in another stage, but without the .deb package itself taking up space in the final image? - docker

I have a multistage Docker build file. The first stage creates an installable package (e.g. a .deb file). The second stage needs only to install the .deb package.
Here's an example:
FROM debian:buster AS build_layer
COPY src/ /src/
RUN ./
# A lot of stuff happens here and a big huge .deb package pops out.
# Suppose the package is 300MB.
FROM debian:buster AS app_layer
COPY --from=build_layer /src/myapp.deb /
RUN dpkg -i /myapp.deb && rm /myapp.deb
ENTRYPOINT ["/usr/bin/myapp"]
# This image will be well over 600MB, since it contains both the
# installed package as well as the deleted copy of the .deb file.
The problem with this is that the COPY stage runs in its own layer, and drops the large .deb package into the final build context. Then, the next step installs the package and removes the .deb file. However, since the COPY stage has to execute independently, the .deb package still takes up room in the final image. If it were a small package you might just deal with it, but in my case the package file is hundreds of MB, so its presence in the final build layers does increase the image size appreciably with no benefit.
There are related posts on SO, such as this one which discusses files containing secrets, and this one which is for copying a large installer from outside the container into it (and the solution for that one is still kinda janky, requiring you to run a temporary local http server). However neither of these address the situation of needing to copy from another build stage but not retain the copied file in the final package.
The only way I could think of to do this would be to extend the idea of a web server and make available an SFTP or similar server so that the build layer can upload the package somewhere. But this also requires extra infrastructure, and now you're also dealing with SSH secrets and such, and this starts to get real complex and is a lot less reproducible on another developer's system or in a CI/CD environment.
Alternatively I could use the --squash option in BuildKit, but this ends up killing the advantages of the layer system. I can't then reuse similar layers across multiple images (e.g. the image now can't take advantage of the fact that the Debian base image might exist on the end user's system already). This would minimize space usage, but wouldn't be ideal for a lot of other reasons.
What's the recommended way to approach this?


Why does docker bother of context if we do not copy all

In various sites of Docker official web, it warns about the folder that is sent to docker daemon (they call as context) to build new image with docker build. For example, from understand-build-context
Inadvertently including files that are not necessary for building an
image results in a larger build context and larger image size. This
can increase the time to build the image, time to pull and push it,
and the container runtime size. To see how big your build context is,
look for a message like this when building your Dockerfile:
Sending build context to Docker daemon 187.8MB
I do not understand why the context is so important if we do not use all its content.
Let say that my build context is a 1GB folder, but in Dockerfile I have only one COPY command of a file of 1KB. Then why do we bother about the rest? How could the rest affect the size of my image?
Similarly, why do we have .dockerignore? If I do not use them in Dockerfile, are not they ignored at all? If not, then for what are they used?
Let say that my build context is a 1GB folder, but in Dockerfile...
The Dockerfile is normally transferred as part of the build context. Perhaps the easiest place to see this is in the "build an image" Docker HTTP API: the dockerfile parameter is explicitly a path within the build context, which is expected to be transferred in the HTTP body as a tar file. In that low-level API there's no way to pass the Dockerfile outside of that build-context tar-file HTTP body.
So first you send the build context to the Docker daemon, then the daemon unpacks it, and then it reads the Dockerfile and sees
I have only one COPY command of a file of 1KB.
so only that one file is copied into the resulting image; the rest of the context is just ignored.
Then why do we bother about the rest? How could the rest affect the size of my image? Similarly, why do we have .dockerignore?
Sending the build context is surprisingly slow. Even if you're not using remote Docker, and working directly on a native-Linux host, it can take multiple seconds to send that 1 GB tar-file build context over the Unix socket. So smaller build contexts can result in faster builds, and .dockerignore is a convenient way to cause things you're not going to use to be omitted from the build context.
It is very common to copy the entire build context into an image, though, and in this case it's important to control what goes in there. Let's consider a typical Node application. In day-to-day development I might just use Node, so I'll have a package.json file and a src subdirectory, but Node installs all of its dependencies in a node_modules subdirectory as well. A typical Node Dockerfile will look something like
FROM node:lts
# Copy and install dependencies
COPY package*.json ./
RUN npm ci
# Copy and build the rest of the application
COPY ./ ./ # <-- IMPORTANT
RUN npm run build
# Explain how to run the container
CMD ["node", "./build/index.js"]
The RUN npm ci line recreates the node_modules directory inside the image. In the next line I copy the entire build context – my src directory, webpack.js configuration, .typescript configuration, static assets, the whole works - into the image, with enough parts and local files that I'd prefer to not list them out individually.
In that context it's important that COPY ./ ./ not include the host's node_modules directory. The host might be a different OS, or a different C library version, or any of several other things that might cause incompatibilities. That's where putting it in .dockerignore lets me say "copy everything, except this".
Your question hints at a very carefully curated build-context directory. That's a possibility too; in particular it's something that made sense with a compiled language, on a native-Linux host, before Docker multi-stage builds existed. You could consider writing something like a Makefile that copied specific files from your source tree into a dedicated docker directory, and then used that directory as the build context. Then you'd know exactly what was in the build context and therefore exactly what was going into the image. With modern Docker and multi-stage builds, I feel like this setup is a little unusual though.
The documentation was written before buildkit became standard in docker, but it's still a good practice for older build tooling. The reason for this in the classic builder is that docker is a client/server based app. To run a build, the client sends over the entire context, Dockerfile, and all the parameters for the server to build, and the server runs that build, pulling parts out of the context that the Dockerfile requests. As much as it looks like everything is happening locally, and often is, the server could be a remote host without direct access to your filesystem, and the build process is a JSON REST API that sends the request and then monitors for the build to complete.
Buildkit, however, changes this. Both the server and the client communicate with each other, and the server has a cache of not only the previous builds, but of the previous build contexts. So when a file changes in the context between builds, it can perform the equivalent of an rsync to send just that one file, and only when the server requests it from the client.
There is still a need for a .dockerignore since even with buildkit, you often want to exclude files within the build that would otherwise be copied in a wildcard match. For example, if you have the step:
COPY . /src
Then even with the buildkit caching, you'll include every file in the directory, even if a number of those files aren't needed to build your app (like the .git folder, the Dockerfile itself, the README, LICENSE, etc). That not only bloats your image and makes your builds slower, but it risks causing a cache miss when the resulting image would normally be unchanged.
Some will make the .dockerignore look similar to their .gitignore with some added files that don't affect the build. I often do the reverse, excluding everything, and then reincluding only the files I need with the ! prefix. E.g. the following would include only the Makefile, src, and static folders:
If you do that, make sure you remember to update it when adding new files or directories to your builds.

How to use docker images when building artefacts in Actions?

TL;DR: I would like to use on a self-hosted Actions runner (itself a docker container on my docker engine) specific docker images to build artefacts that I would move between the build phases, and end with a standalone executable (not a docker container to be deployed). I do not know how to use docker containers as "building engines" in Actions.
Details: I have a home project consisting of a backend in Go (cross compiled to a standalone binary) and a frontend in Javascript (actually a framework: Quasar).
I develop on my laptop in Windows and use GitHub as the SCM.
The manual steps I do are:
build a static version of the frontend which lands in a directory spa
copy that directory to the backend directory
compile the executable that embeds the spa directory
copy (scp) this executable to the final destination
For development purposes this works fine.
I now would like to use Actions to automate the whole thing. I use docker based self-hosted runners (tcardonne/github-runner).
My problem: the containers do a great job isolating the build environment from the server they run on. They are however reused across build jobs and this may create conflicts. More importantly, the default versions of software provided by these containers is not the right (usually - latest) one.
The solution would be to run the build phases in disposable docker containers (that would base on the right image, shortening the build time as a collateral nice to have). Unfortunately, I do not know how to set this up.
Note: I do not want to ultimately create docker containers, I just want to use them as "building engines" and extract the artefacts from them, and share between the jobs (in my specific case - one job would be to build the front with quasar and generate a directory, the other one would be a compilation ending up with a standalone executable copied elsewhere)
Interesting premise, you can certainly do this!
I think you may be slightly mistaken with regards to:
They are however reused across build jobs and this may create conflicts
If you run a new container from an image, then you will start with a fresh instance of that container. Files, software, etc, all adhering to the original image definition. Which is good, as this certainly aids your efforts. Let me know if I have the wrong end of the stick in regards to the above though.
Base Image
You can define your own image for building, in order to mitigate shortfalls of public images that may not be up to date, or suit your requirements. In fact, this is a common pattern for CI, and Google does something similar with their cloud build configuration. For either approach below, you will likely want to do something like the following to ensure you have all the build tools you may
As a rough example:
FROM golang:1.16.7-buster
RUN apt update && apt install -y \
git \
make \
&& useradd <myuser> \
&& mkdir /dist
USER myuser
You could build and publish this with the following tag:
docker build . -t <containerregistry>:buildr/golang
It would also be recommended that you maintain a separate builder image for other types of projects, such as node, python, etc.
Building with layers
If you're looking to leverage build caching for your applications, this will be the better option for you. Caching is only effective if nothing has changed, and since the projects will be built in isolation, it makes it relatively safe.
Building your app may look something like the following:
FROM <containerregistry>:buildr/golang as builder
COPY src/ .
RUN make dependencies
RUN make
RUN mv /path/to/compiled/app /dist
FROM scratch
COPY --from=builder /dist /dist
The gist of this is that you would start building your app within the builder image, such that it includes all the build deps you require, and then use a multi stage file to publish a final static container that includes your compiled source code, with no dependencies (using the scratch image as the smallest image possible ).
Getting the final files out of your image would be a bit harder using this approach, as you would have to run an instance of the container once published in order to mount the files and persist it to disk, or use docker cp to retrieve the files from a running container (not image) to your disk.
In Github actions, this would look like running a step that builds a Docker container, where the step can occur anywhere with docker accessibility
For example:
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
- name: Build and push
id: docker_build
uses: docker/build-push-action#v2
push: true
tags: user/app:latest
Building as a process
This one can not leverage build caching as well, but you may be able to do clever things like mounting a host npm cache into your container to aid in actions like npm restore.
This approach differs from the former in that the way you build your app will be defined via CI / a purposeful script, as opposed to the Dockerfile.
In this scenario, it would make more sense to define the CMD in the parent image, and mount your source code in, thus not maintaining a image per project you are building.
This would shift the responsibility of building your application from the buildtime of the image, to the runtime. Retrieving your code from the container would be doable through volume mounting for example:
docker run -v /path/to/src:/src /path/to/dist:/dist <containerregistry>:buildr/golang
If the CMD was defined in the builder, that single script would execute and build the mounted in source code, and subsequently publish to /dist in the container, which would then be persisted to your host via that volume mapping.
Of course, this applies if you're building locally. It actually becomes a bit nicer in a Github actions context if you wish to keep your build instructions there. You can choose to run steps within your builder container using something like the following suggestion
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
container: <containerregistry>:buildr/golang
- run: |
echo This job does specify a container.
echo It runs in the container instead of the VM.
name: Run in container
Within that run: spec, you could choose to call a build script, or enter the commands that might be present in the script yourself.
What you do with the compiled source is muchly up to you once acquired 👍
Chaining (Frontend / Backend)
You mentioned that you build static assets for your site and then embed them into your golang binary to be served.
Something like that introduces complications of course, but nothing untoward. If you do not need to retrieve your web files until you build your golang container, then you may consider taking the first approach, and copying the content from the published image as part of a Docker directive. This makes more sense if you have two separate projects, one for frontend and backend.
If everything is in one folder, then it sounds like you may just want to extend your build image to facilitate go and js, and then take the latter approach and define those build instructions in a script, makefile, or your run: config in your actions file
This is alot of info, I hope it's digestible for you, and more importantly, I hope it gives you some ideas as to how you can tackle your current issue. Let me know if you would like clarity in the comments

Including pkg in .dockerignore file

Right now my .dockerignore file has this contents:
and my Dockerfile looks like:
FROM golang:latest
RUN mkdir -p /app
COPY . .
RUN go install huru
ENTRYPOINT /app/bin/huru
My question is - should I be copying the pkg folder from host to image or not? Right now I am not, as my dockerignore file makes clear.
I get the feeling that I should just COPY the pkg folder from host to image, because that might have pre-built files in it that go install can use instead of re-downloading the source from github etc?
Personally, I think copying pkg folder from host to image is not a good idea because :
it tightly couples the place from where you are building the image (your host) and the image itself. You could potentially have differences in resulting images depending on where you build the image, and that's probably what you don't want
moreover, if you have automated builds (from CI for example), you're probably rebuilding the whole application from a clean environment each time, so there is no initial pkg folder to copy.
If you're familiar with Java world, I've already encountered that problem for images built with Maven. To speed up the build, some people are copying their local Maven repository (~/.m2) in the image to avoid redownloading artifacts. I don't particularly agree with that, since there is always a risk that their .m2 folder contains corrupted artifacts : therefore, the image built on their machine will be different than if it was built on a clean environment. It depends on whether you want to have consistent builds or quick builds (I prefer the former).
In conclusion, I think that building images from a clean environment, without depending on the host where the image is built, is a good practice. That's why I personally would not copy any files (except application source code!) inside the image.

With Docker, what files persist between stages?

There are few ways in which I can phrase my question. I find documentation lacking around how to use an artifact from a previous stage - specifically the example here.
My use case is I'm using a docker stage to makepkg an arch linux package, which requires many build-time dependencies (including a 500MB go language toolkit, creation of a non-root user etc), and I don't want to keep those in the image.
Inside first stage, do I need to COPY the resulting pkg.tar.xz for using it with COPY --from= inside the second stage? What's the lifetime of this artifact?

What is a Docker build stage?

As far as I understand build stages in Docker are fundamental things, and I have a practical understanding of them but I have trouble coming up with a proper definition, and I also can't seem to find one.
So: what is the definition of a Docker build stage?
Edit: I'm not asking "how do I use a build stage?" or "how can I use multi-build stages?" which people seem very eager to answer :-)
The reason I have this question is because I saw the following sentences in the docs:
"The FROM instruction initializes a new build stage"
"a name can be given to a new build stage"
Which left me wondering: what exactly is a build stage?
I don't think there will ever be a strict definition for Docker build stage because a build stage is in general something theoretical which:
can be defined by you
depends on your case (language / libraries)
In this question: Difference between build and deploy? one of the answers says...
Build means to Compile the project.
I think you can see it this way too. A build stage is any procedure that generates something which can later be taken and used.
The idea with docker multi-stage builds is to:
generate what you are going to need
leave behind what you don't need and use the product of step 1 in a more lightweight way
If you have read the docs, Alex Ellis has a nice example where the same logic takes place:
he starts with a golang image, adds libraries, builds his app (Go generates a binary executable file)
after that, he doesn't need golang and the libraries to ship/run it so, he picks an alpine image, adds the executable file from step 1 and ships his app with an image that has much smaller size.
Since version 17, docker now supports multiple stages during a docker build executions.
This means, that you no longer need to define only one source image in your docker file and do the whole build in a single run, but you can define multiple stages with different images in your Dockerfile for each stage with multiple FROM definitions:
# Build stage
FROM microsoft/aspnetcore
# a build with a dev image for creating ./app artifact
# Publish - use a hardened, production image
FROM alpine:latest
CMD ["./app"]
This gives you the benefit to break your image building process to be optimized for a task that you are doing in a stage - for example the stages could be:
use an image with extra linting dependencies to check your source
use a dev-image with all development dependencies already installed to build your source
use another image including test frameworks to run various tests on the artifacts
and once everything passed ok, use a minimal-sized, optimized, hardened image to capture the final artifacts for production
Read more in details about multistage-build:
A stage is the creation an image. In a multi-stage build, you go through the process of creating more than one image, however you typically only tag a single one (exceptions being multiple builds, building a multi-architecture image manifest with a tool like buildx, and anything else docker releases after this answer).
Each stage, building a distinct image, starts from a FROM line in the Dockerfile. One stage doesn't inherit anything done in previous stages, it is based on its own base image. So if you have the following:
FROM alpine as stage1
RUN apk add your_tool
FROM alpine as stage2
RUN your_tool some args
you will get an error since your_tool is not installed in the second stage.
Which stage do you get as output from the build? By default the last stage, but you can change that with the docker image build --target stage1 . to build the stage with the name, stage1 in this example. The classic docker build will run from the top of the Dockerfile until if finishes the target stage. Buildkit builds a dependency graph and builds stages concurrently and only if needed, so do not depend on this ordering to control something like a testing workflow in your Dockerfile (buildkit can see if nothing in the test stage is needed in your release stage and skip building the test).
What's the value of multiple stages? Typically, its done to separate the build environment from the runtime environment. It allows you to perform the entire build inside of docker. This has two advantages.
First, you don't require an external Makefile and various compilers and other tools installed on the host to compile the binaries that then get copied into the image with a COPY line, anyone with docker can build your image.
And second, the resulting image doesn't include all the compilers or other build time tooling that isn't needed at runtime, resulting in smaller and more secure images. The typical example is a java app with maven and a full JDK to build, a runtime with just the jar file and the JRE.
If each stage makes a separate image, how do you get the jar file from the build stage to the run stage? That comes from a new option to the COPY command, --from. An oversimplified multi-stage build looks like:
FROM maven as build
COPY src /app/src
WORKDIR /app/src
RUN mvn install
FROM openjdk:jre as release
COPY --from=build /app/src/target/app.jar /app
CMD java -jar /app/app.jar
With that COPY --from=build we are able to take the artifact built in the build stage and add it to the release stage, without including anything else from that first stage (no layers of compile tools like JDK or Maven get added to our second stage).
How is the FROM x as y and the COPY --from=y /a /b working together? The FROM x as y is defining an image name for the duration of this build, in this case y. Anywhere later in the Dockerfile that you would put an image name, you can put y and you'll get the result of this stage as your input. So you could say:
FROM upstream as mybuilder
RUN apk add common_tools
FROM mybuilder as stage2
RUN some_tool arg2
FROM mybuilder as stage3
RUN some_tool arg3
FROM minimal_base as release
COPY --from=stage2 /bin2 /
COPY --from=stage3 /bin3 /
Note how stage2 and stage3 are each FROM mybuilder that is the output of the first stage.
The COPY --from=y allows you to change the context where you are copying from to be another image instead of the build context. It doesn't have to be another stage. So, for example, you could do the following to get a docker binary in your image:
FROM alpine
COPY --from=docker:stable /usr/local/bin/docker /usr/local/bin/
Further documentation on this is available at:
a build stage starts at a FROM statement and ends at the step before the next FROM statement
stage | steɪdʒ |
a point, period, or step in a process or development
Take a practical example: you want to build an image which contains a production ready web server with Typescript files compiled to Javascript. You want to build that Typescript within a Docker container to simplify dependency management. So you need:
any dependencies needed for compilation
Webpack or whatever
In your final image you only really need the compiled .js files and, say, nginx. But to get there, you need all that other stuff first. When you upload that final image, it will contain all the intermediate layers, even if they're unnecessary for the final product.
Docker build stages now allow you to actually separate those stages, or steps, into separate images, while still using just one Dockerfile and not needing to glue several Dockerfiles together with external shell scripts or such. E.g.:
FROM node as builder
RUN npm install ...
# whatever you need to build your files
FROM nginx as production
COPY --from=builder /final.js /var/www/html
The final result of this Dockerfile is a small image with nginx as its base plus just the final .js file. It does not contain all the unnecessary stuff like node.js and the npm dependencies.
builder here is the first stage, production is the second stage. In this case the first stage will be discarded at the end of the process, but you can also choose to build a specific stage using docker build --target=builder. A new FROM introduces a new, separate stage. They're essentially separate Dockerfiles, but they can share data using COPY --from.
