Twitter API Oauth2 issue getting Access Token - twitter

Following this guide: I am getting this error when making the POST oauth2/token at the step 3 request:
"errors": [
"code": 99,
"message": "Unable to verify your credentials",
"label": "authenticity_token_error"
This is my request: (Note that I hide the client_id and code). The code is the one I receive after the step 2, doing the GET oauth2/authorize callback. Header: Content-Type - application/x-www-form-urlencoded;charset=UTF-8
My Request

I found the issue, the problem was that in the Bot Application, editing the Auth settings of my twitter app, I had the option: Confidential client which needed a Basic Auth = authorization: Basic ${'username + password encoded here'}


Unable to generate the Tiktok access token for web

Here is my Request Post URL:
Here is the response which I got:
"data": {
"captcha": "",
"desc_url": "",
"description": "Authorization code expired",
"error_code": 10007
"message": "error"
Here is the documentation page which I am following:
Please help me with that, thanks in advance.
Check your code to make sure you're not making duplicate requests. A second request will invalidate the first one and you'll get Authorization code expired.
You are missing 2 values there:
Code (Authorization code from Web/iOS/Android authorization callback)
grant_type (should always be set as authorization_code)
Example request:{{key}}&client_secret={{secret}}&code={{client_unqiue_id}}&grant_type=authorization_code

Request had invalid authentication credentials - Google Calendar API

I'm trying to to a request to the Google Calendar API using Postman. Following this Google documentation:
I'm doing a:
On the Postman Authorization tab i'm specifying that i want to use OAuth 2.0 and i also put my access token (which i use to make Calendar API calls from code, works fine). However, Postman responds with the following body:
"error": {
"code": 401,
"message": "Request had invalid authentication credentials. Expected OAuth 2 access token, login cookie or other valid authentication credential. See",
"errors": [
"message": "Invalid Credentials",
"domain": "global",
"reason": "authError",
"location": "Authorization",
"locationType": "header"
I really don't understand what i'm doing wrong, and other answers don't seem to target my particular scenario. I'd be grateful if someone could point out what am i doing wrong.
I would recommend replicating the request in Google's OAuth 2.0 Playground. Then using the confirmed to be working access token to troubleshoot Postman.
For Postman you could also pass the access token as a request header and if that resolves the issue.
Postman Headers Tab Input:
| Key | Value |
| Authorization | Bearer {access_token} |

Is delegation deprecated in Auth0?

I'm trying to POST to a Auth0 delegation URL to obtain an access token and getting a "Grant Type not allowed" error as seen below. (This is when not using Postman.)
I came across a post in the forums that Delegation is deprecate in Auth0. Can anyone confirm if that is the issue here and if I'm trying something that's not available anymore?
Content-Type: 'application/json'
"client_id": "ID",
"grant_type": "urn:ietf:params:oauth:grant-type:jwt-bearer",
"id_token": "TOKEN",
"target": "lwTL1rYVfC0KsBUFPeKWY3HvGjbIgdDM",
"api_type": "salesforce_api",
"scope": "openid"
"error": "unauthorized_client",
"error_description": "Grant type '' not allowed for the client.",
"statusCode": 403,
"error_uri": ""
Related Question:
"Missing grant-type parameter" in Auth0 Delegation endpoint call
In that question, using Postman to call the endpoint with the same request results in a different error!

Using postman + oauth2 to access Google Apps Admin SDK

I am struggling to get oauth2 working between postman and the Google Apps Admin Sdk. I have created a client app in the google console and set the Authorized redirect URIs to and my settings in postman are as follows
Auth URL -
Access Token URL -
Client Id - some id here
Client Secrent - some secret here
Scope -
Token Name - Google
Grant Type - Authorization Code
Request Access Token Locally - Checked
This returns a token - xyz - after logging in.
I do a GET request with the token in the url
The error I am getting is below
"error": {
"errors": [
"domain": "global",
"reason": "required",
"message": "Login Required",
"locationType": "header",
"location": "Authorization"
"code": 401,
"message": "Login Required"
From what I have read this should work. Where else do I have to login? What am I doing wrong?
After playing around I figured out my url was incorrect. Changing key to access_token did the trick.
Just a side note, ensure you specify the domain or customer parameter otherwise you will receive a bad request error.

"Insufficient Permission" to retrieve user youtube subscriptipns after getting access token

I'm working on a scripts that checks if the user is already subscribed to my channel. The idea is to get all the channels the user had subscribed into then check if my channel id is one of them. First I get the access token correctly using POST and it works fine than send these as GET but the result is "failed to open stream: HTTP request failed! HTTP/1.0 403 Forbidden false". Doc page:
$data =file_get_contents('
&maxResults=50&access_token='.$token.'&mine=true&key=My API Key');
and pasting the full url{Access_Token}
I get this
"error": {
"errors": [
"domain": "global",
"reason": "insufficientPermissions",
"message": "Insufficient Permission"
"code": 403,
"message": "Insufficient Permission"
Add a heaer:
Authorization: Bearer ya29.DwG_A_V6cybZ2KGqRwPMBF02w0sYw9msqSKoCBI53So0zzIHFRKlwEv68C4aI_NdadQ4wKHUrV2pBA
key is your client id
Google restricts access with API keys. If you go over the free limits, they charge you. You need to get a Google API key and add it to the URL like this: &key=YOUR_API_KEY
Create the API key from Google's console (you'll need to sign up and create a project):
Your new URL for the request would be:{Access_Token}&key=YOUR_API_KEY
I was having this error, and I solved it when I found out I needed to add the Youtube scope to my OAuth sign-in request: ""
