Block builder errors with missing bot scopes, but the scopes are present - slack-api

i am using the block kit builder to format a video preview, i followed the instructions at and using a url it works fine.
However when i use my own domain url, i get an error:
Video validation failed: Bot scopes missing: [links:read, links:write, and/or links.embed:write]
My bot scopes are correct and include all of these scopes. My domain is listed in the unfurl list. I have re-installed the app into my workspace each time after changing scopes.
I am out of ideas for things to change or try.


Google's Link Checker script returning URL errors that are not broken

I have implemented Google's Link Checker Script into my account and, although it runs without errors, it frequently flag URLs having issues but when manually checked, those URLs are working fine.
When we receive an email saying that there is an error found, we go and check the Google sheets where the scripts would log the errors and it is usually "Address not Available" . It then logs the actual URLs and the related ad groups, keywords etc.
I don't really understand why the script keeps flagging the url as not available when it is working fine.
Link to the script ->
The main issue here is that we wrote a custom script that will check if any url erros has occurred as a result of the link checker and, if so, we would pause the related ad groups and we do not want to be pausing adgroups without a genuine reason.

403 error in Chrome when attempting to authenticate Cloud Run developer

I've got a project in Cloud Run with two services, both mapped to custom domains. The production site is and the development site is I deployed the development site with the --no-allow-unauthenticated flag to prevent public viewing. I want developers to be able to view the site in a browser though. Based on what I've read the "solution" Google currently has isn't great. You have to run the command gcloud auth print-identity-token to identify your Bearer token then use the ModHeader browser extension to modify the request header. The token is constantly changing and having ModHeader enabled to change the request header breaks authentication on other pages, so it is big PITA, but it works, mostly.
What doesn't work is having the development site load images from the Google Cloud Storage Bucket. Every resource which should be pulled from the bucket results in a 403 error for that resource, but the page loads fine otherwise. I'm the project owner (i.e. my email address is the "owner") and have admin rights on everything including the bucket in question. The bucket's Access Control is set to "Fine-grained: Object-level ACLs". When I deploy the project using the --allow-unauthenticated the images are accessible. Why isn't the bucket honoring my token?
I'm not 100% sure, but I think the issue might be related to the fact that ModHeader applies its rules to ALL open tabs. I tried another header modification extension named Requestly which allows rules to be targeted to specific URLs and now my development site is loading images as expected.

Apple/fastlane submit for review action failing with unclear error message about privacy text

I am following fastlane's default configuration conventions for a React Native project. That is to say, my project structure looks like (e.g.):
with the en-GB subdirectory containing the following files:
Everything was working perfectly until I tried to internationalise.
Now, when fastlane's upload_to_app_store() (aliased with deliver()) runs in my CI/CD pipeline, it fails and I see the following error:
The provided entity is missing a required attribute - You must provide a value for the attribute 'privacyPolicyText' with this request - /data/attributes/privacyPolicyText
I already have privacy_url.txt in there which was previously sufficient.
The thing that fixed it was adding a apple_tv_privacy_policy.txt (just containing a URL pointing to our privacy policy) file to the en-GB subdirectory.
Weird, given that the Fastfile was working completely fine before without any sort of privacy policy for TV. Very frustrating error message!

Whitelisting URLs in Firebase Dynamic Link

I setup a dynamic link to invite users to download my app or be sent to my website (I own the domain but haven't built it yet format: with Firebase Dynamic Links. Firebase recommends whitelisting URL patterns in the Firebase console, however I am unfamiliar with the RE2 syntax they require.
There are examples on Firebase and so I tried two:
(where Becky Thomas is a users name & changes for each user)
I'm testing this on my iPhone and would expect this to work & be able to share the link however nothing happens and I receive the following error in the Xcode terminal:
"Error Domain=com.firebase.durabledeeplink Code=0 "We could not match param '' with whitelisted URL patterns in your Google project. [] []"
Any advice would be much appreciated
The example didn't work for me either, I got it working by removing some of the slashes. This is the pattern I'm using...
If you want to match sub domains too you can use this...
Use this expression:
It's more restrictive because only accept the exact url with different values for shareProfileName.
Test the expressions on

Updating acl file using JS in hyperledger-composer

I am working on hyperledger playground. I have found that the access rules for participants can be specified manually on acl file in hyperledger composer. But is there a way that allows me to add rules to this file using JS?
There is an organization. It has some assets, and its number of employees is not fixed. As the admin adds new employees, their access rights on these assets is not known beforehand.
Is there a way such that as new employees are added, I can dynamically create rules for them, modifying the .acl file by script?
see the condition property in the reference doc As the condition property accepts code, you can invoke functions that exist within your business network .js files, however these functions are not allowed to invoke the composer runtime API. A summary of those functions not allowed can be found here
If you try to use them it will throw an error.
