Video Kit Tiktok (Response Success but not Received in Inbox) - tiktok

I was try to Video Kit in Tiktok
Video Kit Documentation
But, sometimes the response from their API is successful and gets the share_id. But, after I checked the Tiktok application for a while, I didn't get the notification.
I use the Video Kit with Web
Has anyone experienced it too? or solve this issue?
My expectation is always get a notification when I hit the API

I had the same issue. Uploaded a video, got a successful response, and waited for days for it to get into the app. Later, I discovered, that my video was too lengthy.
According to the documentation:
The size of the uploaded video file must be less than or equal to 50
The duration of the video file must be at least 3 seconds and at
most 60 seconds.
The supported video file format is MP4.
The video resolution is at least 540p.
Hope that it helps.


Processing abandoned The video could not be processed

I followed this link with the second answer (two steps) to implement the video upload to Youtube: Upload video on Youtube using curl and api v3
The code works fine, but when I executed, I got response saying:
embeddable: true
license: "youtube"
privacyStatus: "unlisted"
publicStatsViewable: true
uploadStatus: "uploaded"
That means it is working, but when I went to my youtube account to check the video on videos list, it said:
Processing abandoned
The video could not be processed
The video is not playable with a red triangle, so are there any more info about why? and how to fix it? the video is about 30 seconds long, and when I manually upload from my youtube account UI, it works.
also my scope is configured with:
scopes: ['',
Export your video again and save it in a different format supported by Youtube. at first, youtube kept abandoning the processing of my mp4 video but when I saved it as MOV, I was able to upload it with ease. Hope it helps because uploading with video classic didn't fix my issue.
This video will explain to you all the possible reasons for your video rejection by youtube.
watch till the end so you can understand what is wrong with your video.
This is a new video with new reasons behind youtube rejection
I had the same problem with Electron. Solved by moving the API call from rendering process to main process. Apparently the video didn't upload at all using the node.js API in browser context.

Fast uploading video and play without buffering video from URL

In my Application I'm capturing 10 second of video and upload to server by FTP and Other user can watch this video by URL(s) from web service response.
As per my question I want to capture video with good quality with small size so It easy to upload video by FTP. Right now I'm using .mp4 video formate to upload video if anybody know best video formation that can increase uploading speed then guide me.
Second I'm getting all those uploaded video in the response of web service as a URL(s).
In response there are many URLs so I need to play video in queue means one-by-one and end user can do swipe left to move on NEXT video and swipe RIGHT to previous video. You can see my code here.
Every thing is working good but problem is take much time to upload and play (buffering time) video.
Please guide me on this points.
COMMENT : Get success in the compress video 20 MB to 1.6 MB so uploading speed bit increase and Right now working with AVQueuePlayer for play video in queue but some time stuck video to playing.
May you upload video using chunk data in base64 format.
This is faster then FTP video upload & also useful when your internet connection is lost same time when you upload video in sequence.
You can upload your files via SFTP, it is speed than FTP I think. Also your videos may bad performance with plays on http protocol.
You should follow this lines, I hope it will help you;
Upload video via SFTP or Amazon S3
Install to your server a stream engine like Wowza or Red5
Transcode video for mobile (Usually wowza makes auto)
Stream your videos over rtsp for android, hls (http) for ios
That its!
Good luck

how to reduce response time of youtube api

I am using webview in my iOS application to embed the youtube video using ytplayer api, its taking about 5 secs to load the video, all I want is to reduce the response time of the player,is there a way to achieve it?
I need the response time approximately equal to 2 secs
You mean increasing the response time? Because decreasing means your app is going to take longer time to run than usual. Anyway, embedding a YouTube video is different when running the official YouTube application. The problem is with the WebView. Please read this answer.

AVPlayer seekToTime download an insane amount of media segment files consuming a lot of data

I'm working in an app where I'm able to play a HLS m3u8 playlist of a streaming radio (audio only) without any problem using an instance of AVPlayer. Using Charles I can see how the playlist is updated properly in a normal pace (each 9-10 seconds, which takes one media segment file). When I perform a seekToTime: (back in time), the player success playing the stream from when I want to, but in Charles I observe how the player starts dowloading a huge amount of media segment files, consuming a lot of data. It seems that the player downloads all the media segment files until that time and then keeps again with the normal behaviour.
I understand that the correct behaviour would be to download the media segment file for the time I'm seeking to, start playing it and then download constantly 1 or 2 media segment files each 9-10 seconds, as it does when I play the stream without timeshift.
My question is if this is a normal behaviour, or if something could be wrong with my m3u8 playlist or the client implementation. Anyone could help me to clarify this?
UPDATED: I can confirm this doesn't happen in iOS 7, so it seems to be a bug introduced by iOS 8.
I've been told by Apple that this is not a bug, but a feature. They've made the buffer bigger since iOS 8.

Blackberry, QRs, and video

I've been asked to create a QR image that, on being scanned by a smartphone, will play a short 2-minute video. The video is currently in .mp4 format, but the format can change. The video playback works fine on iPhone however I'm having some problems with the BlackBerry Bold.
When the user scans the QR code the phone directs them to a URL. Right now the URL they are directed to is However when the user attempts to access this page they get a 413 Error "Entity too large". Basically, too much is being pushed to the client.
Reading the thread titled "Request Entity Too Large", I see you need to increase the allowed request size. But the user is able to play YouTube videos perfectly fine on their blackberry! WHY? is the youtube video size smaller? What format is YouTube using? Why does YouTube work, when my method doesn't?
I know the obvious solution here is to use YouTube as a hoster and embed the video but I am told I cannot use this quick and easy solution.
The problem is that YouTube streams the video. What you're trying to do is get the user to download the whole video file.
You may need to get a streaming server so that the video can be played.
Alternatively, reduce the filesize of the file by reducing the video resolution and bitrate, make sure the sound is mono and low bitrate as well.
