I need to use my reports on FastReport, but all of them were made in QRDesign (.qr2). I couldn't find a way to convert these reports. QRDesign was made based on QuickReport. How can I convert them to .dfm?
I tried to use FRConverter, but it didn'd succeed.
So I am looking for a solution to read a QR code from delphi with a webcam.
I found this example project to capture the webcam's image and save it to a .bmp file : linky
So I have the image that I want to scan. Now I would like to know how to get its contents in string format in Delphi. So to read the QR code I found ZBar which is exactly what I need. I just cant figure out how to use it with delphi.
I want to know if there is a way I can either implement the libraries ZBar supplies or somehow run ZBar and just receive the decoded text ?
ZBar has a command prompt example so I thought that it would be possible to run the command prompt, receive the results and just format the strings to find the code (like this). But that seems rather hacky and I am sure there must be a better way. I also could not get any of the answers to work.
I am using delphi 7 or xe3 if thats a factor.
Thanks for your time and suggestions.
The famous ZXing library finally has been ported to Delphi, but it is for the modern Delphi versions like Delphi 10.4, because there are new features used like in-place filling of dynamic arrays. I tried to rewrite it for Delphi 6 and didn't manage that.
Here is the link: https://github.com/Spelt/ZXing.Delphi
There is also an example for a webcam.
We used to use ExtraDevices to print ReportBuilder Reports to Excel. Unfortunately, there seems to be no support for Delphi XE.
Can someone suggest an alternative way to print a ReportBuidler Report to Excel? It doesn't have to be a free solution, though an open source option is always preferable.
I am currently considering Gnostice and ReportBuilder Export Devices Pro
Our only requirement is to be able to print to Excel, so my initial sense is that option 2 might be a better fit.
How reliable are these tools? And, can someone suggest other alternatives? We do not need to print to PDF.
Thank you!
This may be too late now but I am leaving this response for anyone else who might be interested in it. (I am from Gnostice.) If you are using eDocEngine, there are three ways to save the report as XLS. Instead of the PDF engine component used in this article, use our XLS engine component. You can enable the print to file option and let it save to an XLS file. You can also use a RTM template, load it with data and print to file. You can also create a RAF file and also render it to XLS without any user interaction.
There are two systems. I need to get the document in some format and print it in my application.
The source file should be in a pdf format.
Do you know the component for delphi7 that i could be able to open pdf file and print it on delphi's canvas. Is such approach good for the pdf document quality?
Or which format of the source document could be better to print in delphi application?
I think almost all PDF preview components may do it.
When searching - https://www.google.ru/search?client=opera&q=delphi+render+pdf+to+canvas&sourceid=opera - you would instantly get at least few commercial libs:
TCanvas is a wapper around Windows HDC. See http://docwiki.embarcadero.com/Libraries/en/Vcl.Graphics.TCanvas.Handle
Which of the mainstream Delphi report generators (if any) supports generating PDF files that comply with PDF/A standard? I'm mostly curious about FastReports and QuickReport.
We provided an open source report builder, to be used from code, which is able to produce PDF or even PDF/A compliant files.
You create your report from code, then you can preview it on the screen. You can then print or export the report as PDF. Note that the report drawing uses GDI+, even if you embed .emf files or TMetaFile in them: with antialiaising, they just look smooth on screen. There are some report-dedicated methods to create the report, but also a true Canvas property, in which you can draw whatever you want.
You can use the same class without the preview function, just to create a pdf file from some content.
It's free, licensed under MPL/LGPL/GPL, and compiles and run from Delphi 6 up to XE. It's 100% Unicode-ready, even before Delphi 2009.
In order to have your reports being compliant with the PDF/A standard, you must ensure that the ExportPDFA1 property is set to true. Only a sub-set of the font file (i.e. only used characters) will be joined to the pdf content, saving disk space. Therefore PDF/A files will be bigger than PDF files generated with the default options.
Reporting has just been enhanced (in our source code repository): now handle bookmarks, links, and document outline, and life-navigation within the report preview. The generated PDF file also handle those links and outline tree. Some issues were also fixed (about bitmaps or underlined text). And one bitmap will be stored only once in the PDF, if it's drawn several times on the report. So make sure you're using the latest source code repository version.
Have you considered using a PDF printer such as PDF Factory?
Generally the quickest way to get PDF's from reports.
I have multiple rave reports(projects) in the project(the delphi project) and I want to save them all in one pdf file. How can I do it?
While I don't have any real experience with Rave reports, I also had to perform stitching of multiple "pdf" pages to a single pdf document. I ended up using Gnostice PDFToolkit to do the final merge and it works quite well. In my case I was generating multi-thousand page documents, so i'm sure it will fit your needs.
Does Rave already export to PDF? If so then there are a number of libraries that support merging of PDFs programmatically. The main difference between them will be how many files they can merge at once (some support only two and some support merging a full array at once) and how quickly the output is produced.
If Rave doesn't already export to PDF, however, then you'd likely need a printer driver based PDF component. The idea would be to tell Rave to print the report to a named virtual printer, then use the printer driver based component to capture that print job as a PDF. Once you've got the PDF, you can do the merge.
It's been years since I've personally worked with Rave (last time was in the C++Builder/Delphi 6 days) but hopefully this helps. If you need more info just let me know, I worked at Borland for a long time (before they became Embarcadero) and now work with PDF toolkits for developers.