How to configure visual studio profesional 2019 to use include path <> - visual-studio-2019

I have to use an external lib which uses includes in these way #include <lib.h>. I have to configure visual studio 2019 to acep these type of include instead of #include "lib.h", because the other option is to modify all the include tree.


Why do I get run-time error 453 when I try to use a VB.NET dll that uses DllExport?

I created a .NET dll by referencing DllExport provided by in VS 2019. I used the DllExport.bat file to configure my test solution. I call a function/sub from the dll in Excel macro. It generates the error "Can't find DLL entry point".
I use VS 2019 to create the .NET dll. I have used DllExport attribute to export the function. Also I use Excel 2013.
I also tried to use UnmanagedExports NuGet package instead of DllExport Nuget package. It produces the same run-time error 453 "Can't find DLL entry point".

How to exclude wwwroot\lib in ASPNET Core using Visual Studio 2017

Using VSTS (not git) and use Visual Studio 2017 libman to manage client-side libraries. These libraries are put in wwwroot\lib. I don't want to add these to source code control.
I've tried putting a .tfignore in my project folder with:
I also tried:
Regardless of what I do, all the wwwroot\lib files are put in source code control when I add a new client-side library via libman.
How can I ignore the lib files since they are managed/restored by Visual Studio libman feature?
Based on the comment above from Seabizkit, **/wwwroot/lib worked for me.

How to add language, platform and project type data to custom template in Visual Studio 2019

I have a extension which adds custom project template which is displayed under Installed -> Visual C# -> < type> in visual studio 2017.
but when i am using same extension in Visual studio 2019, on searching i get the template but without any label (like language, platform and project type).
and even if i select language filter in the wizard, i don't see the template in C#.
if any one can help, how to add language, platform, project type tag to the template.
This is a VS 2019 issue. It has now been solved in visual studio 2019 version 16.1 Preview 2. However it has no backwards compatibility with previous visual studio versions.
For more information about the bug see:
See for adding tags in visual studio 2019 Version > version 16.1 preview 2.

Casablanca - REST C++ SDK, used in Embarcadero RAD Studio XE5

I need to do a http get in RAD Studio XE5 C++. The tutorials on the RAD Studio site discuss a RESTCLient that is not included with the version I have. I found the Casablanca project, which is specifically for Visual Studio, and I made a small program in VS that does the simple http get and handles response in the way I need.
What do I need to do to successfully use Casablanca from within RAD Studio?
There are the steps I have taken so far.
Compiled Casablanca in Visual Studio 2013
Copied the .lib and .dll over to a folder in the RAD Studio project
added that folder to the link path in the RAD Studio project
added the .lib to the project
added dll imports to classes that should be in the .lib to the .cpp I want to use the function in.
class __declspec(dllimport) http_client;
class __declspec(dllimport) filestream;
class __declspec(dllimport) producerconsumerstream;
class __declspec(dllimport) rawptrstream;
There was a OMF error, and I used a tool that came with RAD Studio to convert the .lib, that got past the error.
I don't know how to declare the dll prototype's of the functions, because the returns types are from a namespace in the library itself so they aren't recognized. http_client is an unrecognized structure.
I tried this as well without the class keyword.
DLLs that export classes are not portable across compilers. So you will not be able to use a Visual Studio compiled DLL in C++Builder if it exports classes. Either flatten the DLL interface to export plain C-style functions instead (and then use C++Builder's command-line IMPLIB tool to create an import .lib file for the DLL, do not use the .lib file created by Visual Studio), or else find another solution.
For instance, C++Builder (and Delphi) ships with Indy 10, which has a TIdHTTP component. You can use its TIdHTTP::Get() method to perform an HTTP GET request. But if you need to actually use REST, you might be better off simply upgrading your XE5 to a version that has TRESTClient available (BTW, Embarcadero's REST classes use Indy internally).

CodeRush shared sources - Missing file AssemblyVersionInfo.cs

I'm opening the CodeRush shared sources, e.g. CR_CommentPainter in Visual Studio 2008 and 2010, but Visual Studio is complaining about missing file. AssemblyVersionInfo.cs
Anyone shed any light ?
The shared source plugins share a common AssemblyVersionInfo.cs file..
The file itself is held in the shipping solution folder. This is the common 'Source' folder in which all of the shared source projects sit.
Therefore if you're trying to locate the AssemblyVersionInfo.cs file for CR_CommentPainter and the project itself is stored in CodeRush\SOURCES\CR_CommentPainter then the AssemblyVersionInfo.cs file should be in CodeRush\SOURCES
It is entirely possible that you may have chosen to copy the CR_CommentPainter folder elsewhere for experimentation purposes.
If this is the case then you will not have copied the AssemblyVersionInfo.cs file from it's parent folder and as such, visual studio will be unable to find it.
If for any reason this file goes missing, the latest (11.1) version of this code is
using System.Reflection;
using DevExpress.DXCore.LicenseUtils;
[assembly: AssemblyCompany("Developer Express, Inc")]
[assembly: AssemblyProduct("IDE Tools for Visual Studio .NET")]
[assembly: AssemblyCopyright("Copyright (c) 2003-2011, Developer Express, Inc")]
[assembly: AssemblyTrademark("")]
[assembly: AssemblyVersion(DevExpress.DXCore.LicenseUtils.AssemblyInfo.Version)]
[assembly: AssemblyFileVersion(DevExpress.DXCore.LicenseUtils.AssemblyInfo.FileVersion)]
.. and it appears currently to only vary from previous versions, by copyright date.
