code coverage for oe-core doesn't work, show 0% mesured - code-coverage

I use
export LANG=en_US.UTF-8
coverage run --source=$path-to/oe-core/meta/lib/oe --debug=trace $path-to/bin/bitbake -C do_rootfs core-image-minimal
it shows oe-core measurement is 0%, and --debug=trace doesn't show any info about oe-core/meta/lib/oe
/oe-core/meta/lib/oe/package_manager/ 345 345 0%
/oe-core/meta/lib/oe/package_manager/deb/ 322 322 0%
/oe-core/meta/lib/oe/package_manager/deb/ 15 15 0%
/oe-core/meta/lib/oe/package_manager/deb/ 133 133 0%
/oe-core/meta/lib/oe/package_manager/deb/ 55 55 0%
/oe-core/meta/lib/oe/package_manager/ipk/ 298 298 0%
/oe-core/meta/lib/oe/package_manager/ipk/ 49 49 0%
/oe-core/meta/lib/oe/package_manager/ipk/ 204 204 0%
/oe-core/meta/lib/oe/package_manager/ipk/ 58 58 0%
/oe-core/meta/lib/oe/package_manager/rpm/ 293 293 0%
/oe-core/meta/lib/oe/package_manager/rpm/ 33 33 0%
/oe-core/meta/lib/oe/package_manager/rpm/ 89 89 0%
/oe-core/meta/lib/oe/package_manager/rpm/ 57 57 0%
/oe-core/meta/lib/oe/ 75 75 0%
TOTAL 8130 8130 0%


Memleak with UIDocumentPickerViewController via SwiftUI

The application is built for iOS. I want user to choose a file from it's directory and get the url of chosen one. Apple recommends UIDocumentPickerViewController to solve this issue. I wrapped it in UIViewControllerRepresentable, so it is the first place, where I can mistake
import SwiftUI
import MobileCoreServices
struct DocumentPickerView: UIViewControllerRepresentable {
func makeCoordinator() -> Coordinator {
return DocumentPickerView.Coordinator()
func makeUIViewController(context: Context) -> UIDocumentPickerViewController {
let picker = UIDocumentPickerViewController(documentTypes: [String(kUTTypeItem)], in: .import)
picker.allowsMultipleSelection = false
picker.delegate = context.coordinator
return picker
func updateUIViewController(_ uiViewController: UIDocumentPickerViewController, context: Context) {
class Coordinator: NSObject, UIDocumentPickerDelegate {
func documentPicker(_ controller: UIDocumentPickerViewController, didPickDocumentsAt urls: [URL]) {
print("url: \(urls[0].absoluteString )")
struct ContentView: View {
#State var showPicker = false
var body: some View {
Button(action: {
}, label: {
Text("Push me")
.sheet(isPresented: self.$showPicker) {
struct ContentView_Previews: PreviewProvider {
static var previews: some View {
The reason I think that there is a problem is that Xcode instruments show that memory leaks, here the trace:
32 Bytes 100.0% 1 start
32 Bytes 100.0% 1 main
32 Bytes 100.0% 1 UIApplicationMain
32 Bytes 100.0% 1 GSEventRunModal
32 Bytes 100.0% 1 CFRunLoopRunSpecific
32 Bytes 100.0% 1 __CFRunLoopRun
32 Bytes 100.0% 1 __CFRunLoopDoObservers
32 Bytes 100.0% 1 _afterCACommitHandler
32 Bytes 100.0% 1 _cleanUpAfterCAFlushAndRunDeferredBlocks
32 Bytes 100.0% 1 _runAfterCACommitDeferredBlocks
32 Bytes 100.0% 1 __56-[UIPresentationController runTransitionForCurrentState]_block_invoke.478
32 Bytes 100.0% 1 _UIViewControllerTransitioningRunCustomTransition
32 Bytes 100.0% 1 +[UIView(Animation) _setAlongsideAnimations:toRunByEndOfBlock:]
32 Bytes 100.0% 1 ___UIViewControllerTransitioningRunCustomTransition_block_invoke.648
32 Bytes 100.0% 1 +[UIInputResponderController _pinInputViewsForInputResponderController:onBehalfOfResponder:duringBlock:]
32 Bytes 100.0% 1 ___UIViewControllerTransitioningRunCustomTransition_block_invoke_2
32 Bytes 100.0% 1 -[UIViewControllerBuiltinTransitionViewAnimator animateTransition:]
32 Bytes 100.0% 1 -[UITransitionView transition:fromView:toView:removeFromView:]
32 Bytes 100.0% 1 -[UITransitionView _startTransition:withDuration:]
32 Bytes 100.0% 1 +[UIView(UIViewAnimationWithBlocks) conditionallyAnimate:withAnimation:layout:completion:]
32 Bytes 100.0% 1 __50-[UITransitionView _startTransition:withDuration:]_block_invoke.169
32 Bytes 100.0% 1 +[UIView(UIViewAnimationWithBlocks) animateWithDuration:delay:options:animations:completion:]
32 Bytes 100.0% 1 +[UIView(UIViewAnimationWithBlocks) _setupAnimationWithDuration:delay:view:options:factory:animations:start:animationStateGenerator:completion:]
32 Bytes 100.0% 1 +[UIViewAnimationState popAnimationState]
32 Bytes 100.0% 1 -[UIViewAnimationState pop]
32 Bytes 100.0% 1 -[UIViewAnimationState _runAlongsideAnimations]
32 Bytes 100.0% 1 __63+[UIView(Animation) _setAlongsideAnimations:toRunByEndOfBlock:]_block_invoke
32 Bytes 100.0% 1 -[_UIViewControllerTransitionContext __runAlongsideAnimations]
32 Bytes 100.0% 1 -[_UIViewControllerTransitionCoordinator _applyBlocks:releaseBlocks:]
32 Bytes 100.0% 1 __54-[_UISheetPresentationController transitionWillBegin:]_block_invoke.345
32 Bytes 100.0% 1 +[UIView(Animation) performWithoutAnimation:]
32 Bytes 100.0% 1 __54-[_UISheetPresentationController transitionWillBegin:]_block_invoke_2
32 Bytes 100.0% 1 -[_UISheetLayoutInfo _layout]
32 Bytes 100.0% 1 -[_UISheetPresentationController _sheetLayoutInfoLayout:]
32 Bytes 100.0% 1 -[UIView(Hierarchy) layoutBelowIfNeeded]
32 Bytes 100.0% 1 CA::Layer::layout_if_needed(CA::Transaction*)
32 Bytes 100.0% 1 -[CALayer layoutSublayers]
32 Bytes 100.0% 1 -[UIView(CALayerDelegate) layoutSublayersOfLayer:]
32 Bytes 100.0% 1 #objc _UIHostingView.layoutSubviews()
32 Bytes 100.0% 1 _UIHostingView.layoutSubviews()
32 Bytes 100.0% 1 ViewRendererHost.render(interval:updateDisplayList:)
32 Bytes 100.0% 1 closure #1 in ViewRendererHost.render(interval:updateDisplayList:)
32 Bytes 100.0% 1 closure #1 in closure #1 in ViewRendererHost.render(interval:updateDisplayList:)
32 Bytes 100.0% 1 ViewGraph.updateOutputs(at:)
32 Bytes 100.0% 1 closure #1 in ViewGraph.updateOutputs(at:)
32 Bytes 100.0% 1 ViewGraph.runTransaction(in:)
32 Bytes 100.0% 1 AG::Subgraph::update(unsigned int)
32 Bytes 100.0% 1 AG::Graph::update_attribute(unsigned int, bool)
32 Bytes 100.0% 1 AG::Graph::UpdateStack::update()
32 Bytes 100.0% 1 partial apply
32 Bytes 100.0% 1 protocol witness for static UntypedAttribute._update(_:graph:attribute:) in conformance PlatformViewChild<A>
32 Bytes 100.0% 1 PlatformViewChild.update(context:)
32 Bytes 100.0% 1 closure #1 in PlatformViewChild.update(context:)
32 Bytes 100.0% 1 swift_weakInit
32 Bytes 100.0% 1 swift::RefCounts<swift::RefCountBitsT<(swift::RefCountInlinedness)1> >::formWeakReference()
32 Bytes 100.0% 1 operator new(unsigned long)
32 Bytes 100.0% 1 malloc
With multiple calls at allocation I have such entities that have lost theirs memory:
Category Persistent # Persistent # Transient Total Bytes
UIDocumentBrowserViewController 22,50 KiB 15 0 22,50 KiB
DOCRemoteViewController 22,50 KiB 15 0 22,50 KiB
_UIResilientRemoteViewContainerViewController 13,36 KiB 15 0 13,36 KiB
_UIRemoteView 6,80 KiB 15 0 6,80 KiB
_UISizeTrackingView 6,56 KiB 15 0 6,56 KiB
DOCRemoteBarButtonTrackingView 5,62 KiB 15 0 5,62 KiB
DOCConfiguration  2,58 KiB 15 0 2,58 KiB
DOCRemoteContext 1,88 KiB 15 0 1,88 KiB
_UIViewServiceInterface 1,41 KiB 15 0 1,41 KiB
__NSXPCInterfaceProxy__NSExtensionContextVending 1,17 KiB 15 0 1,17 KiB
UISystemDefaultTextInputAssistantItem 1,17 KiB 15 0 1,17 KiB
UIKeyboardBIUImageGenerator 960 Bytes 15 0 960 Bytes
_UIViewServiceReplyControlProxy 720 Bytes 15 0 720 Bytes
Swift.__SwiftDeferredNSArray 480 Bytes 15 0 480 Bytes
DOCRemoteBarButton 480 Bytes 15 0 480 Bytes
NSWeakObjectValue 480 Bytes 15 0 480 Bytes
_UIRemoteViewService 480 Bytes 15 0 480 Bytes
_UIViewServiceImplicitAnimationEncodingProxy 480 Bytes 15 0 480 Bytes
DOCWeakProxy 240 Bytes 15 0 240 Bytes
I just started feedback to solve this problem, but I found that there are no similar problems, so if you have the same one please report too
This is definitely Apple's bug, so worth submitting feedback to them.
Meanwhile here is a safe workaround applicable for majority of use-cases. Tested with Xcode 11.4 / iOS 13.4. The idea is to use shared document picker instance and just reconfigure it on every call.
struct DocumentPickerView: UIViewControllerRepresentable {
static let picker = UIDocumentPickerViewController(documentTypes: [String(kUTTypeItem)], in: .import)
func makeUIViewController(context: Context) -> UIDocumentPickerViewController {
Self.picker.allowsMultipleSelection = false
Self.picker.delegate = context.coordinator
return Self.picker
// ... other code no changes

imagemagick - find coordinates of outline of transparent png (not border)

While it's easily done to visually outline, is it possible to have imagemagick output the coordinates of the outline of a transparent image?
Note, by outline, I don't mean just the bounding box border, but the actual contour around an arbitrarily shaped transparent image geometry.
Let's say you start with this image, which has a transparent background:
You can extract the transparency and find the edges like this:
convert penguin.png -alpha extract -edge 1 -threshold 50% edges.png
If, rather than an image, you want a list of the coordinates of the contour (i.e. the white pixels), you could do this instead:
convert penguin.png -alpha extract -edge 1 -threshold 50% -depth 8 txt: | awk -F: '/white/{print $1}'
Replace awk and everything after it with more to see what the awk is actually doing - it is just printing the coordinates of every pixel that is white.
The above pixels come out in row order, not like a contour where adjacent pixels come out together. If you want that, you might prefer to generate an SVG of the transparency with potrace like this:
convert penguin.png -alpha extract -threshold 50% pgm:- | potrace - --svg < alpha.pgm > result.svg
<?xml version="1.0" standalone="no"?>
<!DOCTYPE svg PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD SVG 20010904//EN"
<svg version="1.0" xmlns=""
width="500.000000pt" height="577.000000pt" viewBox="0 0 500.000000 577.000000"
preserveAspectRatio="xMidYMid meet">
Created by potrace 1.13, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2015
<g transform="translate(0.000000,577.000000) scale(0.100000,-0.100000)"
fill="#000000" stroke="none">
<path d="M0 3294 l0 -2476 25 16 c31 20 104 21 152 1 20 -8 38 -14 40 -12 2 2
-8 35 -23 73 -49 129 -29 246 43 260 51 10 109 -12 159 -58 43 -40 44 -40 44
-15 0 41 60 120 99 130 28 7 32 11 26 30 -24 70 -15 385 16 637 44 346 171
715 351 1023 34 58 35 77 5 77 -43 0 -242 47 -277 65 -68 35 -196 130 -248
185 -83 86 -119 154 -153 286 -31 124 -38 237 -18 307 13 49 15 49 91 -15 177
-151 388 -309 477 -357 42 -23 108 -60 146 -81 76 -43 194 -83 228 -78 19 3
23 12 28 60 4 32 12 65 19 73 15 18 16 17 -35 34 -88 29 -255 122 -255 141 0
5 12 15 27 22 24 11 48 10 168 -9 77 -12 179 -22 226 -23 80 0 87 2 111 28 60
64 64 105 11 123 -21 6 -76 30 -122 51 l-84 39 -30 -21 c-21 -16 -32 -19 -40
-11 -19 19 8 54 63 84 46 25 59 27 109 22 31 -3 66 -8 79 -11 77 -16 -65 130
-178 182 -84 38 -150 45 -340 35 -225 -12 -242 -15 -322 -55 -57 -28 -68 -31
-68 -17 0 26 77 95 150 134 206 112 479 177 741 177 l97 0 -20 38 c-37 70 -10
186 68 294 54 75 56 88 23 119 -16 15 -29 36 -29 47 0 12 -4 24 -10 27 -19 12
-10 57 18 94 69 89 125 236 167 431 24 113 41 148 68 137 19 -7 43 -83 52
-162 l7 -60 33 90 c18 50 36 110 40 135 10 61 55 111 55 61 0 -11 9 -35 20
-54 29 -49 40 -235 17 -289 -9 -21 -12 -38 -8 -38 4 0 34 22 65 50 31 27 66
55 78 61 20 11 21 9 14 -22 -3 -18 -24 -72 -46 -119 -22 -48 -40 -90 -40 -94
0 -14 43 17 110 80 143 136 324 456 306 545 -4 21 -1 31 12 38 11 7 -402 10
-1260 11 l-1278 0 0 -2476z"/>
<path d="M2613 5669 c17 -82 18 -107 9 -133 -7 -18 -12 -47 -12 -64 0 -18 -14
-60 -31 -93 -17 -34 -28 -64 -25 -67 10 -10 49 17 129 88 43 39 84 70 92 70
23 0 17 -31 -15 -79 -17 -24 -30 -49 -30 -56 0 -6 -32 -58 -70 -115 -39 -56
-69 -104 -67 -106 4 -5 111 33 153 54 33 17 42 18 57 7 9 -7 17 -17 17 -23 0
-16 -104 -125 -134 -141 -14 -8 -26 -17 -26 -20 0 -4 23 -17 50 -30 53 -25
100 -63 100 -80 0 -19 -36 -30 -116 -36 -43 -3 -103 -8 -133 -11 l-54 -6 82
-80 c92 -90 185 -225 230 -331 34 -83 71 -217 71 -260 0 -15 5 -38 12 -50 18
-34 31 -169 29 -311 -1 -97 2 -133 12 -145 8 -9 29 -43 47 -76 19 -33 58 -96
87 -139 64 -93 107 -175 122 -233 10 -36 17 -44 49 -54 59 -18 220 -22 467 -9
127 6 316 15 420 20 184 9 267 15 311 25 46 10 364 35 451 35 64 0 93 -4 96
-12 3 -7 6 566 6 1275 l1 1287 -1204 0 -1203 0 20 -101z"/>
<path d="M4971 3138 c-20 -33 -89 -96 -165 -153 -23 -17 -103 -92 -179 -168
-77 -75 -145 -137 -153 -137 -8 0 -27 -21 -43 -47 -29 -47 -30 -47 -178 -99
-81 -29 -158 -53 -171 -53 -12 -1 -61 -15 -109 -31 -50 -18 -106 -30 -133 -30
-25 1 -101 -2 -170 -6 -100 -5 -136 -3 -179 10 -30 9 -70 16 -89 16 -33 0 -33
-1 -25 -32 4 -18 8 -92 8 -164 l0 -132 32 -20 c17 -12 70 -64 117 -117 68 -76
96 -119 140 -208 58 -118 106 -256 106 -302 0 -24 3 -26 23 -20 12 3 42 9 67
12 69 8 83 -18 98 -180 16 -176 45 -309 96 -446 24 -64 48 -129 54 -146 17
-50 52 -247 52 -295 0 -69 -42 -141 -129 -221 -99 -91 -141 -111 -239 -112
-91 -2 -129 14 -157 67 -23 42 -35 44 -76 14 -35 -26 -138 -36 -191 -19 -60
20 -78 45 -78 106 0 47 4 57 24 70 41 27 148 62 227 74 41 6 89 14 107 17 19
3 32 11 32 20 0 8 12 42 26 75 24 58 25 66 15 145 -7 57 -25 120 -57 204 -26
66 -50 120 -53 120 -16 -1 -49 -42 -73 -90 -56 -110 -125 -182 -277 -287 -66
-46 -158 -73 -248 -73 -82 0 -93 -4 -173 -65 -85 -65 -188 -116 -290 -143
-139 -38 -226 -46 -470 -45 -201 1 -250 4 -339 23 -57 12 -116 20 -130 17 -14
-3 -73 -22 -131 -42 -97 -34 -111 -37 -192 -33 l-87 4 -6 -40 c-4 -23 -9 -55
-12 -73 -7 -43 -51 -82 -104 -92 -25 -5 786 -9 1934 -10 l1977 -1 0 1585 c0
872 -2 1585 -4 1585 -2 0 -14 -15 -25 -32z"/>
<path d="M0 358 l0 -358 458 1 c393 1 450 2 407 14 -146 37 -255 105 -435 270
-30 28 -102 83 -160 122 -173 118 -218 166 -256 271 -11 32 -13 -14 -14 -320z"/>
Assuming you have a transparent "input.png", first convert all nontransparent pixels to white, then use the "-edge" option to find the transitions between transparent and white:
convert input.png -negate -threshold 1 -edge 1 edge.png
Note that this will not only outline the image but will outline any "holes" in it as well. For example, try it with the built-in "logo:" image:
convert logo: -transparent white logotrans.png
convert logotrans.png -negate -threshold 1 -edge 1 t.png
which transforms this
to this

Drawing editable shapes on large image - performance issue

I'm creating a drawing app using Xamarin. Althought, my question is also addressed to iOS developers.
My app loads huge images (20k x 20k). I'm using CATiledLayer to load image tiles dynamically. Thanks to that, zoom and scrool run smoothly.
However, I need to implement effective drawing mechanism. My first attempt was to draw a shape as a separate UIView and add it to TiledView's Subviews. Unfortunately, when I add about 20/30 new shapes then app crashes (I guess it's a problem with memory).
I need to find a better solution. My shapes need to be editable, so I need to recognize selection on each shape which is already drawn on the TiledView.
What could be the best mechanism to avoid memory trouble in that case?
ncident Identifier: C9C8CCA2-C696-47E2-AA9D-A8C31FFBAF31
CrashReporter Key: a67a03df60dd7720558ad435b234abe43d11b3f7
Hardware Model: iPad5,4
OS Version: iPhone OS 8.1.3 (12B466)
Kernel Version: Darwin Kernel Version 14.0.0: Mon Jan 12 21:30:33 PST 2015; root:xnu-2783.3.26~3/RELEASE_ARM64_T7001
Date: 2015-09-10 17:03:33 +0200
Time since snapshot: 90 ms
Free pages: 1933
Active pages: 121405
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Anonymous pages: 123856
Compressions: 1741284
Decompressions: 447152
Compressor Size: 8767
Uncompressed Pages in Compressor: 74266
Page Size: 16384
Largest process: MyAppMobileiOS
Name | | CPU Time| rpages| purgeable| recent_max| lifetime_max| fds | [reason] | (state)
lockbot <53895193cd6633249ce169c478502497> 0.055 202 0 - 725 50 (daemon) (idle)
pfd <8ce9eb62121b30789b79e1f436991382> 0.015 142 0 - 292 50 (daemon) (idle)
cloudd <c52c2112d0273e96b8590473a61e7620> 6.121 690 0 - 2504 50 (daemon) (idle)
WirelessRadioMan <c4181e6d863133e8aa0c95e77a7bb206> 0.026 289 0 - 835 50 (daemon) (idle)
adid <4311d58b77b73fd4bf2c9e9e0bbe7102> 0.028 138 0 - 567 50 (daemon) (idle) <a1ced7e68eda30b1937b477edc680e47> 0.020 185 0 - 716 50 (daemon) (idle) <865e9aa3dce0392393a2445e115bc26f> 0.022 185 0 - 518 50 (daemon) (idle)
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mobileassetd <2a22e27544cc3061a22b02482e465e18> 0.336 581 0 - 2101 50 (daemon) (idle)
misd <33855e3c639237059e7c9d7dda6aca90> 0.033 206 0 - 823 50 (daemon) (idle)
CallHistorySyncH <bc9285858ef43d54840605171b184fa2> 0.060 431 0 - 1252 50 (daemon) (idle)
IMDPersistenceAg <5fa1bcbbda9430798334affdb70def14> 0.030 277 0 - 930 50 (daemon) (idle)
timed <6fa98ab7f5de312b9bfed47e04e3a43e> 0.032 277 0 - 1031 50 (daemon) (idle)
AppleIDAuthAgent <32f4603750953460b1a7cb4969fd7cf5> 0.045 318 0 - 1743 50 (daemon) (idle)
keybagd <04b17e6606dd367885be8033ee6f077a> 0.015 161 0 - 381 50 (daemon) (idle)
biometrickitd <6298f82913613677b4b7207a26c585ec> 0.421 261 0 - 786 50 (daemon) (idle)
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calaccessd <0a7ad7bbfb523bfdbae43aa6f21279f6> 0.191 631 0 - 1786 50 (daemon) (idle)
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DuetHeuristic-BM <e333cee8cc9e3dc282446623596bab84> 0.117 300 0 - 1117 50 (daemon) (idle)
healthd <9c827f1747f83866b20dcf4e398cc04d> 0.034 306 0 - 1035 50 (daemon) (idle) <203112144ccc3e84acf77312bcf37070> 2.857 187 0 - 753 50 (daemon) (idle)
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pkd <caa0944ef38235e7ac99199add47d66d> 0.038 289 0 - 707 50 (daemon) (idle)
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misagent <ddb04cb78e2537a088fbe6c299c0ed8e> 0.046 177 0 - 418 50 (daemon) (idle)
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coreduetd <aef9d0f50b733e809cad3a94e579e421> 82.665 1127 0 - 2401 50 (daemon) (idle)
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containermanager <7036996ffbed3c0e9b50d8868efe28e0> 0.214 248 0 - 702 50 (daemon) (idle)
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gamecontrollerd <f41fdd3b557336b6b146bb00a33eab9f> 0.028 287 0 - 1200 50 (daemon) (idle)
aosnotifyd <8928d77645f134aa9150588fe1c143cf> 0.131 581 0 - 2008 50 (daemon) (idle)
syncdefaultsd <6f6a68c431cc37238c9e618de999477c> 0.065 421 0 - 1260 50 (daemon) (idle)
nsurlstoraged <85de3fa57a65304a959e6c2956042080> 1.553 451 0 - 1471 50 (daemon) (idle)
coresymbolicatio <09a629143bfc3a7d9228b414bb958ae9> 0.015 132 0 - 727 50 (daemon) (idle)
diagnosticd <274578acfd6d358a95c961c0bab148a9> 0.012 148 0 - 269 50 (daemon) (idle)
seld <c955a19f0fbd33118c611afe19061379> 3.394 303 0 - 1156 50 (daemon)
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tccd <f2878273872231afa1a6e0af2dcb73a6> 2.322 310 0 - 1084 50 (daemon)
kbd <f66b6a1e58b93ad9a2c5bd2e1b278a89> 3.316 895 0 - 3607 50 (daemon)
MyAppMobileiOS <3f455836ca6a322eac86d527e1523ab1> 14.932 307041 0 - 139221 50 [per-process-limit] (frontmost) (resume)
ptpd <a06176d3eefe3e3c8549bb4f6d340658> 2.108 774 0 - 2011 50 (daemon)
BTServer <fb2cd87aeac73d17bf13c86301b5b484> 66.048 631 0 - 2001 50 (daemon)
wifid <dd76567ec94c37d9b1c94cd96424b2a9> 1099.027 1335 0 - 2267 50 (daemon)
lockdownd <6e013570f34d36daa8738867f8421001> 162.384 436 0 - 2710 50 (daemon)
discoveryd <68f73878299336d7872b0ae9ce3f7f08> 2956.940 935 0 - 2164 100 (daemon)
imagent <432c43382eeb3724894a973cd6f5a399> 50.719 711 0 - 1777 50 (daemon)
identityservices <9d4b00e3c6003685ac8697c59f4e4d38> 149.813 954 0 - 2601 50 (daemon)
mediaserverd <a0354e528bc431958df0d50830bead36> 33.273 1696 0 - 4212 50 (daemon)
cfprefsd <4325eab208063b998046460a4c2ee484> 98.702 537 0 - 2497 50 (daemon)
syslogd <05f6b5e5512938a892bac5af23ab1c08> 1605.858 320 0 - 2162 50 (daemon)
iaptransportd <c10fd2029e2e315d92873b74a92c6e9c> 181.800 354 0 - 983 50 (daemon)
powerd <2b4ae8758a5b3b709a97c452ec08923b> 286.535 406 0 - 727 50 (daemon)
apsd <bb925404cb1137b09b85671a8d2c7656> 312.283 1037 0 - 4497 50 (daemon)
networkd <ad1db85ed3c53c6fadbd858f9a88dd20> 237.182 778 0 - 5847 50 (daemon)
dataaccessd <33bcaea3bc473f128685f4df14a115eb> 13.681 960 0 - 2823 50 (daemon)
sharingd <233b174d5619396cb3af72c7d7e51985> 12.777 885 0 - 2694 50 (daemon)
searchd <eff930e81e4d38f796034db851dad1fe> 757.973 1193 0 - 5590 50 (daemon)
locationd <a57577b0423133a0b17579011ef1c65f> 2051.091 3549 0 - 5035 50 (daemon)
SpringBoard <d9487116f8c239d2b5fb32c12168cac1> 10.514 6275 0 - 25629 50
backboardd <45eb8ac74abd31b386cb3b7ba27618ea> 54.692 97037 0 - 131444 50 (daemon)
fseventsd <16c9b62bb28c388ca10d54dbff18c4f8> 143.831 979 0 - 2080 50 (daemon)
configd <ed40fcde35ae337ab3b70073199564b1> 117.409 1478 0 - 1865 50 (daemon)
fairplayd.A2 <6ca40f79d0ad34d5b4df0a80fce4bc5d> 3.232 176 0 - 1325 50 (daemon)
wirelessproxd <ab1fa7e43a7c3f9393533404c2cc80b8> 2.607 299 0 - 1082 50 (daemon)
assertiond <10ec04add18f3ecd8a8efbb1cc4e2bd6> 52.340 366 0 - 2071 50 (daemon)
distnoted <cb5e76091dc53ceeaf65290f8e197a89> 7.723 244 0 - 500 50 (daemon)
discoveryd_helpe <492c39ae2d643adca0ed971675c77406> 0.151 187 0 - 796 50 (daemon)
filecoordination <519743feb6cb36ff871945656d950d8b> 0.314 298 0 - 1027 50 (daemon)
aggregated <281958649a3130aab6ecb1aa47f0a6c1> 4.644 1092 0 - 2275 50 (daemon)
UserEventAgent <f5a211b9c88e3fa481f2bd1ee1f5a921> 2.033 886 0 - 2815 100 (daemon)
CommCenter <33412ab229c738c8860c70803fed173b> 1329.544 3270 0 - 6434 50 (daemon)
notifyd <5fa8fd5e44c83f64be1475b882b16c82> 1302.113 520 0 - 615 50 (daemon)
ReportCrash <698156bee7ff37c0ab9fd8fe15a6ee32> 0.080 395 0 - 829 50 (daemon)

How to analysis crash in Xcode6?

I found crash logs but I can't understand it. I tried from this:How to symbolicate crash log Xcode? but I got stuck in seme step because of I haven't use crash logs before.
Then I pull the log into a folder and then rename it because it contains chinese. And I tried follow this: It didn't work also.
applematoMacBook-Air:crash apple$ DEVELOPER_DIR=`xcode-select -print-path` /Applications/ -o ./myapp-resymbolicated.crash ./MoneyPower.crash ./
No crash report version in ./MoneyPower.crash at /Applications/ line 957.
Below is the log:
Incident Identifier: 13C0A1CB-2A40-496D-9DEF-DE85F72B84DE
CrashReporter Key: 52577145db78209ce4892c3e02465b6cfdc27b07
Hardware Model: iPhone5,4
OS Version: iPhone OS 8.1 (12B411)
Kernel Version: Darwin Kernel Version 14.0.0: Tue Oct 7 00:04:37 PDT 2014; root:xnu- 2783.3.13~4/RELEASE_ARM_S5L8950X
Date: 2014-11-26 16:57:11 +0800
Time since snapshot: 65 ms
Free pages: 2758
Active pages: 16544
Inactive pages: 7324
Speculative pages: 759
Throttled pages: 170016
Purgeable pages: 0
Wired pages: 33684
File-backed pages: 23985
Anonymous pages: 642
Compressions: 714623
Decompressions: 224424
Compressor Size: 29519
Uncompressed Pages in Compressor: 71670
Page Size: 4096
Largest process: kbd
Name | <UUID> | CPU Time| rpages| purgeable| recent_max| lifetime_max| fds | [reason] | (state)
AppleIDAuthAgent <e05ab3faa1243f3a900bac613820c3cd> 0.158 216 0 - 1257 50 (daemon) (idle)
cplogd <8e9ff218b5de30428df98e6d088cc6e7> 0.122 116 0 - 457 50 (daemon) (idle)
ind <35c1864a720232ea9b42aeb1df454ac6> 0.420 360 0 - 1221 50 (daemon) (idle)
MailCompositionS <fb46b62148b432bca350f4f0962e5baa> 2.197 4089 0 - 4928 50 (suspended)
QSInstaller <0ac1afc270963cba8e7ceacfbd88327b> 0.796 401 0 - 1983 50 (daemon) (idle)
Eudic_Pro_us <c767d73448bd38f381ef61e8059487f0> 59.839 5178 0 - 12422 50 (suspended)
CloudKeychainPro <bf2dc17596d9381bb02f0d3848253d29> 0.264 123 0 - 376 50 (daemon) (idle)
rocketd <379e73e3ec7b395296a9185cdb886153> 0.025 67 0 - 158 50 (daemon) (idle)
TingIPhone <fead8493c4d53af88370a65b90c8e13e> 2.015 2293 0 - 8027 50 (suspended)
MessagesNotifica <c21e17f099763f079a8909e53939cab6> 1.292 1609 0 - 3871 50 (suspended)
IMDPersistenceAg <8709c1b2c8ac37c38331026019487c4a> 1.948 444 0 - 4001 50 (daemon) (idle)
QZone <bad24b7fc2e33bc7ad0f9e35fe56fcdc> 53.227 8769 0 - 17340 100 (suspended)
adid <318b35f544ef30458c779f196840141b> 0.187 118 0 - 528 50 (daemon) (idle) <0aa3451928ec326781922890b85b6376> 0.418 357 0 - 1324 50 (daemon) (idle)
MicroMessenger <5d0e48e5bb623e088cb372a1981d09cd> 31.297 6579 0 - 17535 100 (suspended)
coresymbolicatio <015dae53431f3f89a557a3f1ed748ba1> 0.103 82 0 - 187 50 (daemon) (idle)
diagnosticd <4593765ed9a833228e3f1515308b20fa> 0.443 121 0 - 254 50 (daemon) (idle)
AssetCacheLocato <6018ec37b6ad3dde8cb6d576b24b61e7> 0.473 235 0 - 849 50 (daemon) (idle) <7b86d693c03f3149a1eba23d4d834eeb> 27.701 161 0 - 739 50 (daemon) (idle)
CallHistorySyncH <8ce6f70f70273829936775ea5cccdd12> 1.824 428 0 - 1225 50 (daemon) (idle)
fmfd <eb696bfb4c03371b83b1f4e89e446eeb> 1.826 422 0 - 1348 50 (daemon) (idle)
cloudphotod <2edd5622cf23381f8b22c92bc4b7a5c3> 6.342 617 0 - 1752 50 (daemon) (idle)
CacheDeleteGeoTi <bb953149b86a33cf8cc9226b9a74bd34> 0.196 146 0 - 562 50 (daemon) (idle)
mobileassetd <9a378084bd953954a1dd760d49fe7ede> 2.244 392 0 - 1792 50 (daemon) (idle)
geod <48710d774a42357ea97f9ad0a527ee5f> 4.365 635 0 - 1434 50 (daemon) (idle)
CacheDeleteAppCo <ee9139b8e1db3d3ba6d20a08a2cf08ac> 9.867 343 0 - 1226 50 (daemon) (idle)
CacheDeleteMobil <9cbeda33d15f3ee4af73660e85b8a738> 0.416 345 0 - 1489 50 (daemon) (idle)
CacheDeleteITune <9b54c0dcf93a3ddfa5f461436ea11664> 0.436 185 0 - 815 50 (daemon) (idle)
deleted <11e9a7b04fd335f5ac6e6f9e7922deff> 0.278 153 0 - 395 50 (daemon) (idle)
rtcreportingd <6a3478eeeec93f1797f432895851613a> 1.912 349 0 - 1129 50 (daemon) (idle)
SOHUVideo <8f2a763084bd33df91fb4d49bec096ce> 1039.212 5915 0 - 11547 100 (suspended)
vvebo <d76cf63bb0543b75b0f28e0ddc9bfe39> 439.540 13452 0 - 21578 200 (suspended)
pipelined <75d09f2b0b493a2d84a7043a5ce96360> 0.524 346 0 - 1858 50 (daemon) (idle)
librariand <72539244d3923f2d88cd15d9ce08c0bc> 0.601 243 0 - 859 50 (daemon) (idle) <7b86d693c03f3149a1eba23d4d834eeb> 2.964 138 0 - 555 50 (daemon) (idle)
swcd <09d4cfa1662e3483b7da852d10cf45d5> 0.108 163 0 - 548 50 (daemon) (idle)
findmydeviced <2b7e318bab4e394ebd19a17ed0bf979d> 0.843 530 0 - 1786 50 (daemon) (idle)
aosnotifyd <16ece00586ec3ccab1fbdeb6d92aad1a> 1.598 495 0 - 1741 50 (daemon) (idle)
mobile_installat <9c9425ce271b3154b99d23e6e35240ef> 18.061 360 0 - 1213 50 (daemon) (idle)
streaming_zip_co <f8a43feeded33f30ae10bafafde0f052> 1.787 224 0 - 960 50 (daemon) (idle)
ContainerMetadat <24e851abc8b43f4093ea6d80c5a262ac> 29.550 488 0 - 1963 50 (daemon) (idle)
QSCenter <00f1d456fc583c9a8c2c57ecd3327f46> 238.360 1344 0 - 5462 200 (daemon) (idle)
familycircled <5fea61a5086f36348233dbf09e7adeee> 0.521 397 0 - 1481 50 (daemon) (idle)
AppStore <4443338ecbfe3b85afc4aba498d0cee8> 138.361 24407 0 - 25261 100 (suspended)
misd <8ea26d6e019d355795ff0cb117733f68> 0.258 159 0 - 747 50 (daemon) (idle)
Preferences <6bcd6b5ca2393131902eaee019857bd2> 27.053 5010 0 - 8509 50 (suspended)
MQQSecureJB <019bc764bc133db7baafa8a23c9445e7> 2.767 2271 0 - 7357 50 (suspended)
healthd <8495258d6e7b3ecfa21c18dc110b5402> 2.035 412 0 - 1099 50 (daemon) (idle)
BlueTool <79ec82b9ee3b31e7aee4ad348206fb07> 0.085 112 0 - 452 50 (daemon) (idle)
nehelper <d3804c7b0ccf3e1aa437061c7229cfb7> 1.580 217 0 - 843 50 (daemon) (idle)
BTLEServer <666685c2f90a3daa81bbe6520a811206> 0.326 273 0 - 1629 50 (daemon) (idle)
recentsd <04f80416cfc734cc8f3d6be6578467e0> 1.223 530 0 - 1583 50 (daemon) (idle)
medialibraryd <c80a6cacc2a334729705adb044e68c00> 9.229 563 0 - 1479 50 (daemon) (idle)
DTMobileIS <2a11eaaf903d38798629d3aecd137832> 302.687 502 0 - 1976 50 (daemon) (idle)
storebookkeeperd <046122091101309d968c43a2be97867c> 3.857 954 0 - 2460 50 (daemon) (idle)
itunesstored <651906971d0732e1942355da4bd91100> 110.578 2312 0 - 4746 100 (daemon) (idle)
itunescloudd <47bdc6fbccd6364480dbd1a2b3c7998d> 5.967 859 0 - 2625 50 (daemon) (idle)
CMFSyncAgent <268f03103f6032af8597e9fce57491b7> 0.152 143 0 - 498 50 (daemon) (idle)
WirelessRadioMan <40bc5fa762323e69a45d77854a53c4b2> 2.835 246 0 - 931 50 (daemon) (idle)
awdd <857efa30f8e23d2a9f25f53673af6ccb> 3.726 520 0 - 1124 50 (daemon) (idle)
passd <cea683659ba036a6a6f4b4f927160353> 30.283 679 0 - 2519 50 (daemon) (idle)
lsuseractivityd <9057065ea9cd37e2b905cfa169f62ef2> 3.083 384 0 - 1773 50 (daemon) (idle)
assetsd <55f3adbf8b1e3bf3b57471e01356417c> 38.141 1611 0 - 4256 50 (daemon) (idle)
webbookmarksd <3173c4f369ac382aa0e03975b1f6bc18> 26.917 564 0 - 1458 50 (daemon) (idle)
QSCharmer <b7f401ca48cd3c13a7e6a51328d183e8> 17.301 819 0 - 2277 100 (daemon) (idle)
profiled <4edd7c7d0a8631b58e739cfd13fc1865> 6.793 547 0 - 4488 50 (daemon) (idle)
GoodReader4 <dbe6961a764b347abbd609b6a223e6a7> 4.941 2008 0 - 5229 50 (suspended)
misagent <716ddd8b8fdf30a180872e0ac95b0c96> 1.161 129 0 - 526 50 (daemon) (idle)
nsurlstoraged <2216f383497435919d46cce44e2750dd> 23.292 1352 0 - 2999 200 (daemon) (idle)
networkd_privile <1c19249e1c9b3c1fae4bdb06671795d0> 0.986 92 0 - 261 50 (daemon) (idle)
routined <014344942eca323bb12d360e06c8d865> 13.554 511 0 - 2147 50 (daemon) (idle)
keybagd <30eb49ca086937f4a52413bee502a025> 4.062 110 0 - 328 50 (daemon) (idle)
assistantd <bbc6396ded9f32f89e4f3c3c62550786> 1.593 464 0 - 1793 50 (daemon) (idle)
pkd <d1ef96d5c84a3ec7bac8811f210d0d86> 8.705 335 0 - 886 50 (daemon) (idle)
revisiond <e89e877ac57239f59c0eed4ea5ecdff9> 1.206 267 0 - 569 50 (daemon) (idle) <2518403a187230cc98feadecab0d1a63> 13.933 1975 0 - 7508 50 (suspended)
MobileGestaltHel <069f2f40d7ee3345adcc53637ae9ddf7> 3.302 173 0 - 597 50 (daemon) (idle)
sandboxd <a2a6b1bb1b3231af96cf6125c8f3e971> 0.722 144 0 - 620 50 (daemon) (idle)
DuetHeuristic-BM <003d26850d5e3dc7997d444a182c03ad> 5.482 327 0 - 1031 50 (daemon) (idle)
coreduetd <ac84ea2f95a43b9e911738284359db9b> 270.000 1370 0 - 2466 50 (daemon) (idle)
timed <3b91fa8cbe9131af958b430e85fa448d> 5.483 247 0 - 1002 50 (daemon) (idle)
accountsd <6185caa9f3793aef892ccf0ec3391ced> 80.564 1225 0 - 3233 50 (daemon) (idle)
calaccessd <9d8bb08b0f1d33a3878f213805bb7a14> 38.640 734 0 - 1799 50 (daemon) (idle)
mobactivationd <04a28566ff493e2b931706a59270fe8a> 3.647 207 0 - 814 50 (daemon) (idle)
securityd <d425cdb8afb13ccd836a8e0e706f33e0> 79.635 1033 0 - 2432 50 (daemon) (idle)
containermanager <7d4e114c087f3566bb0fe4be34f0d315> 18.437 336 0 - 880 50 (daemon) (idle)
lockbot <ba949fe90d403a95abc20b3780e5dfab> 1.286 176 0 - 676 50 (daemon) (idle)
nsurlsessiond <7676f54e86233a47b73b7a707f5903e1> 181.227 870 0 - 2165 50 (daemon)
gamed <424e1a60719830b5b4d799ed01954180> 13.246 979 0 - 3083 50 (daemon)
Music <8c00f2c612d631bca8c94cb80079f45e> 10.284 1793 0 - 4795 50 (background)
absd <84d31e794d8b345bbdc06c990e18922d> 0.218 97 0 - 386 50 (daemon)
bird <1c0b6b6474ab3b0686ca1fbcd547245d> 37.934 1711 0 - 3450 50 (daemon)
cloudd <309d7860b8db331a978c2c814f0c8332> 108.050 1442 0 - 3031 50 (daemon)
notification_pro <6ceb017d382139b19f49e20e461dbee2> 2.658 189 0 - 368 50 (daemon)
afcd <9725b438ad9d3e259a2e628f6fffb449> 0.265 139 0 - 294 50 (daemon)
mobile_assertion <de75b4d90658347b8873a4938aa02122> 0.117 119 0 - 340 50 (daemon)
MobileMail <7285623db1753882bca1a7983ba6a479> 10.635 1433 0 - 3853 50 (resume) (continuous)
MobileSMS <e36c461c698438948d233a751658dc8d> 12.979 2795 0 - 7633 50 (continuous)
lsd <b4acbcce51273ae699bcdaba19e8e6d2> 31.574 615 0 - 1453 50 (daemon)
tccd <046fa98e4bfd30789c10447b04d67a59> 11.467 307 0 - 904 50 (daemon)
kbd <91b2e4707a4233c598ba51ab8d765fc6> 89.667 31706 0 - 32409 50 [highwater] (daemon)
InCallService <d83952575cf631baac492f39dd5bd2c5> 6.497 1132 0 - 3379 50 (resume) (continuous)
FaceTime <d0e139af986b34d08c219f8057708b23> 6.179 1517 0 - 4518 50 (continuous)
MoneyPower <c72bab945b653b7cb101e44f88e4d1ff> 1.352 1726 0 - 4493 50 (frontmost) (resume)
ptpd <1b2175128a1e3880bc9f2c8835df0a84> 0.899 871 0 - 1789 50 (daemon)
BTServer <8138d14a265f3445a288e8a8fefc4f88> 4.663 590 0 - 2360 50 (daemon)
amfid <0162233147ee3429bd1e344fde40d8d7> 0.023 76 0 - 173 25 (daemon) (idle)
discoveryd <8aed6e4ba09f3761b12796bc1ef045d7> 104.080 900 0 - 1818 100 (daemon)
wifid <07a9fb4965473001880a56f4e06e18c8> 52.415 538 0 - 1545 50 (daemon)
lockdownd <0d55399f17293f74af1f04987c0c7f30> 67.031 401 0 - 1410 50 (daemon)
imagent <c0ef36357e8c3658b3876bfb5dd25996> 12.568 805 0 - 2623 50 (daemon)
identityservices <d4c29d99664e34bdb82e046c600271c1> 18.707 713 0 - 2183 50 (daemon)
syslogd <d9a9a4a03dea32d8b041d5ac197c8f98> 46.064 344 0 - 445 50 (daemon)
iaptransportd <4d6f8290631a33928f87ddf2cc87ac41> 8.753 318 0 - 821 50 (daemon)
mediaserverd <88151824720a3e649461c81e73cd4b5e> 2173.885 6721 0 - 32721 50 (daemon)
locationd <48b400c62e4c394299e6124935dedf08> 644.756 1671 0 - 4824 100 (daemon)
powerd <7d9c31f8a70431a884047612f65e1c02> 32.568 250 0 - 515 50 (daemon)
apsd <4b5d193860a43c96af1313e8128ede6d> 37.354 638 0 - 1869 50 (daemon)
networkd <33404341f70c3231a60f0b40bbe968d7> 141.706 771 0 - 1791 50 (daemon)
dataaccessd <189b8330160434f8b5b0ebee43290697> 10.081 862 0 - 2432 50 (daemon)
vmd <9d324b2ab0b03b93bdc165c1cc27e9d1> 0.442 266 0 - 859 50 (daemon)
sharingd <79def39dbceb3b9190742c7bbcd0ad7c> 12.374 726 0 - 2495 50 (daemon)
mediaremoted <4f8bff5ccf923657b17f72dd2b002f1c> 67.387 316 0 - 1282 50 (daemon)
SCHelper <196af7bc7205305082beae63d0143af9> 2.662 116 0 - 318 50 (daemon)
atc <a4bf959671773746b408f825460ac0aa> 22.413 1425 0 - 3760 50 (daemon)
syslog_relay <1ce514e7b1cb39218a1bb4afb37a2a47> 1.200 111 0 - 275 50 (daemon)
installd <acf9113478133a9d8ec90eb3233a0d4e> 57.496 488 0 - 2140 50 (daemon)
SpringBoard <a4cf2abe291e3c9082c58d38b9cf0356> 709.123 10136 0 - 27546 100
backboardd <d35acdc51c0e39da896d8760d30f72ff> 2534.389 7304 0 - 6100 50 (daemon)
fairplayd.H2 <30cc265b9aa13511a461149ecf326b4e> 22.379 236 0 - 1404 50 (daemon)
configd <287504687f22353fb98df72ce0445f85> 87.054 478 0 - 1256 50 (daemon)
fseventsd <533f5fbbb6683b86bbce8649a74eb688> 30.630 529 0 - 1031 50 (daemon)
UserEventAgent <f2ea7b62ae4e38ffa9c7b5a93c5dc6dc> 328.253 880 0 - 2494 200 (daemon)
assertiond <36cbbe6205723972844d2a3a61e5c31d> 26.361 356 0 - 1013 50 (daemon)
distnoted <11db066ae1fa32dfb4755accfe8d6f32> 14.823 237 0 - 472 50 (daemon)
wirelessproxd <b480891c9ec93154bbe2107ea7e96abf> 2.202 210 0 - 912 50 (daemon)
discoveryd_helpe <099460d32af7337d95d6362993ea1406> 0.285 140 0 - 588 50 (daemon)
filecoordination <6d9f3fb4ccf630eb8ccba96e51cb1bbe> 4.758 321 0 - 880 100 (daemon)
aggregated <04c00c9ea92a3b40a1221b7b622e9d1c> 1171.560 1131 0 - 2725 50 (daemon)
callservicesd <ae5546b18df13320a52bcf46c9dc1a65> 2.751 606 0 - 1597 50 (daemon)
ubd <89ad1cd20dbb32eab266903379256adb> 0.238 214 0 - 770 50 (daemon)
touchsetupd <a08d390378a433979da5ce42197b1189> 0.759 193 0 - 731 50 (daemon)
gputoolsd <956b542f7d263b38a6384d8aa8e5760a> 0.289 735 0 - 2089 50 (daemon)
MobileStorageMou <605984d05a1c30ada9bb32338673ea00> 0.072 129 0 - 375 50 (daemon)
cfprefsd <1a4938a6a60e3d7ba5e940f96033c6c8> 33.537 455 0 - 897 50 (daemon)
CommCenter <552a7fd4f67e32ceb6fa3f1664e754de> 622.642 1822 0 - 5535 50 (daemon)
notifyd <1454674148363528952383ed99eaee44> 86.372 369 0 - 424 50 (daemon)
ReportCrash <e365c04793583967bc173ce46616ab70> 0.120 131 0 - 532 50 (daemon)
I don't know why it crash. I even have no idea whether it is symbolized.
I will be grateful for your generous help, thanks!
This is not a crash report but LowMemory report. There's nothing to symbolicate in it, just the list of processes with how much memory / resources each was using and which ones were killed. There should be a line with your app name on it and the resources it was using. You should check that e.g. the memory in use is consistent with what you expect.
In your case, it seems that kbd got killed, not your app, so if your app crashed I think you are looking at the wrong file.
Steps to analyze crash report from apple:
Copy the release .app file which was pushed to the appstore, the .dSYM file that was created at the time of release and the crash report receive from APPLE into a FOLDER.
OPEN terminal application and go to the folder created above (using cd command)
Run atos -arch armv7 -o MEMORY_LOCATION_OF_CRASH. The memory location should be the one at which the app crashed as per the report.
Ex: atos -arch armv7 -o ''/'APPNAME' 0x0003b508
This would show you the exact line, method name which resulted in crash.
Ex: [classname functionName:]; -510
Symbolicating IPA
if we use IPA for symbolicating - just rename the extention .ipa with .zip , extract it then we can get a Payload Folder which contain app. In this case we don't need .dSYM file.
This can only work if the app binary does not have symbols stripped. By default release builds stripped the symbols. We can change it in project build settings "Strip Debug Symbols During Copy" to NO.

parsing using awk

how to parse a file based on data from another file using awk.
i made a script:
BEGIN{ FS="\t" ; OFS="\t"
while((getline<"headfpkm")>0) {
print id[a],fpkm[a]
print lastid
print $2,$3,$5,$7,$8,$14,fpkm[a]
END{ print "total lines=",FNR,"\n\nfile 1 index: ",a}
when i run it :
/$ awk -f testawk.awk file2
it runs the BEGIN section properly but doesnt give any output.
NM_000014 5.04503
NM_000015 0.586677
NM_000016 1.138332278
NM_000017 0.64386
NM_000018 3.61746
NM_000019 2.8793
NM_000020 10.846
NM_000021 0.685098
NM_000022 46388.6
NM_000026 0.257471
total lines= 10
file 1 index: 10
Is anything wrong with the searching section??
file 2 looks like this:
34 ACADM NM_000016 9606 hsa-miR-3148 3 80 87 0.003 -0.016 -0.094 0.082 0.112 -0.160 97
34 ACADM NM_000016 9606 hsa-miR-3163 1 623 629 0.001 -0.022 -0.020 0.065 0.125 -0.01 57
35 ACADS NM_000017 9606 hsa-miR-3921 3 68 75 0.013 0.192 -0.097 0.031 -0.039 -0.147 82
35 ACADS NM_000017 9606 hsa-miR-4303 2 67 73 0.012 0.150 -0.052 0.013 -0.039 -0.036 31
35 ACADS NM_000017 9606 hsa-miR-4653-5p 3 68 75 0.003 0.192 -0.097 0.031 -0.039 -0.157 84
37 ACADVL NM_000018 9606 hsa-miR-124 2 31 37 0.003 0.023 -0.057 0.012 -0.032 -0.171 76
37 ACADVL NM_000018 9606 hsa-miR-1827 2 135 141 -0.007 -0.043 -0.058 0.039 -0.069 -0.258 91
37 ACADVL NM_000018 9606 hsa-miR-2682 2 134 140 0.003 -0.014 -0.058 0.004 -0.047 -0.232 87
37 ACADVL NM_000018 9606 hsa-miR-449c 2 134 140 -0.035 -0.014 -0.058 0.004 -0.047 -0.270 92
37 ACADVL NM_000018 9606 hsa-miR-506 2 31 37 -0.016 0.023 -0.057 0.012 -0.032 -0.190 80
This is going to be a bit of guess, because I'm not 100% sure as to what you're trying to accomplish. The better way to solve your problem, would be to do something like this:
$3 in a {
print $2,$3,$5,$7,$8,$14,a[$3]
printf "total lines=%s\n\nfile 1 index: %s\n", FNR, c
Run like:
awk -f script.awk headfpkm file2
ACADM NM_000016 hsa-miR-3148 80 87 -0.160 1.138332278
ACADM NM_000016 hsa-miR-3163 623 629 -0.01 1.138332278
ACADS NM_000017 hsa-miR-3921 68 75 -0.147 0.64386
ACADS NM_000017 hsa-miR-4303 67 73 -0.036 0.64386
ACADS NM_000017 hsa-miR-4653-5p 68 75 -0.157 0.64386
ACADVL NM_000018 hsa-miR-124 31 37 -0.171 3.61746
ACADVL NM_000018 hsa-miR-1827 135 141 -0.258 3.61746
ACADVL NM_000018 hsa-miR-2682 134 140 -0.232 3.61746
ACADVL NM_000018 hsa-miR-449c 134 140 -0.270 3.61746
ACADVL NM_000018 hsa-miR-506 31 37 -0.190 3.61746
total lines=10
file 1 index: 10
