I want to use the hls instance in a safari browser (IPad), but when attachMedia method is run gives me an error and adds src= blob:null/.... to the video element. It is supposed to support Safari for ipadOS 13+ and the Hls.isSupported() function returns true. Should it behave like this? or do I have to handle the same behavior as for Safari for iPhone (with the video tag).
sadly, it seems that on iOS the navigator object on Chrome or Safari does not have navigator.mediaDevices or navigator.getUserMedia.
Is there any other known way of accessing the camera of an iPad or iPhone and stream the data into the <video> tag of a html page?
Background: I'm using the custom pin share URL as you can see in the example below.
Problem: This share URL works on every single operating system and browser except Safari on iOS. It works in all other browsers on iOS, and it works in Safari on all other operating systems.
Example Link: https://pinterest.com/pin/create/button/?url=http://redefiningmom.com/the-real-reason-i-left-corporate-america/&media=http%3A%2F%2Fredefiningmom.com%2Fwp-content%2Fuploads%2F2016%2F01%2Freal-reason-i-left-corporate-america-pinterest.jpg&description=After+ten+years%2C+I+quit+my+job+in+Corporate+America.+Find+out+the+real+reason+I+left+Corporate+America+and+how+you+can+too.
Desired/Usual Behavior: This link would open a share dialogue leading to the creation of a rich pin with a large image, a description, and a link back to the webpage.
Undesired Behavior: Only on Safari on iOS this opens a share dialogue leading to the creation of a non-rich pin with a large image, a description and a link to the image, not the web page.
How do I fix this?
Using an iPhone 5S with iOS 9.2.1 (the latest), the pages look exactly the same on Chrome and Safari:
Simple web pages using HTML5 video no longer work in iOS 8.0.2 as they did in iOS 7 -- or at least that's what I'm seeing on my iPad.
Specifically, a web page viewed in mobile Safari in iOS 8 (or the iOS version of Chrome) no longer displays the auto-generated poster frame for an HTML5 video. Instead, there's just a grey triangle in a light grey circle. See http://web.wellesley.edu/video/html5/b.html on your iOS 8 device for an example. The auto-generated poster frame displays fine in desktop Safari and Chrome.
If one creates a specific poster image and adds the poster attribute (e.g., poster="poster.jpg"), iOS 8 will show the poster -- but that shouldn't be necessary. In iOS 7, the first frame of the video was automatically displayed to the user.
Are others seeing this? Any idea what broke, or how to fix it (besides adding the poster attribute?)
I would like to generate sounds in HTML5 and to be able to play them on background operation, I mean when the screen is off.
Right now I am able to generate sounds using ScriptProcessor of webAudio API and play them correctly on Safari/Chrome for iOS 7.
The problem is that when I turn the screen off, when using Safari, the sounds are stopped and the sound reproduction is started again when I turn the screen on. This problem does not happen in Chrome, I can listen to them even with the screen off.
Is there something I can do to support this feature in Safari?
I have a 'very' simple web page I've thrown together using VideoJS to playback an MP4. This works a treat with desktop browsers and also on the iPhone but fails to load/play on the iPad. Instead I just get a solid black rectangle. I'm completely baffled - any ideas?
I'm guessing it could possibly be an encoding issue but I'm suprised that it plays back just fine on the iPhone but not the iPad. Both devices have the latest iOS install (5.1.1).
In your link, none of the Video.js setup methods are being used, so basically Video.js isn't running. Add data-setup="{}" as an attribute to the video tag. I'm not sure if that will fix the issue, but it's a start.