Why do I keep seeing Umbraco.Web.PublishedModels and Umbraco.Web.Models? - umbraco

I am new to Umbraco, can anyone tell me why I am seeing these 2 values instead of the expected string?
I get Umbraco.Web.Models when I use this code to get a link
var businessLink = child.Value("websiteLink");
And Umbraco.Web.PublishedModels when trying to use this code to get the name of the previous child to my current node:
var business = child.AncestorsOrSelf("Business").Last();
Any advice would be greatly appreciated.

I'm not sure what you're trying to accomplish, but for Umbraco v8, all of the following extension methods are available on Umbraco.Core.Models.IPublishedContent so you can have strongly typed access to all of them with intellisense for both content and media. These methods return IEnumerable<IPublishedContent>.
Children() // this is the same as using the Children property on the content item.
Ancestors(int level)
Ancestors(string nodeTypeAlias)
AncestorsOrSelf(int level)
AncestorsOrSelf(string nodeTypeAlias)
Descendants(int level)
Descendants(string nodeTypeAlias)
DescendantsOrSelf(int level)
DescendantsOrSelf(string nodeTypeAlias)
Alternatively, you have other methods that return a single IPublishedContent.
AncestorOrSelf(int level)
AncestorOrSelf(string nodeTypeAlias)
AncestorOrSelf(Func<IPublishedContent, bool> func)
More information can be found here: https://our.umbraco.com/documentation/Reference/Templating/Mvc/querying


Genexus Extensions SDK - Where can I find the avaliable Menu Context strings?

Im trying to use the Genexus Extensions SDK to place buttons on the IDE, in this case, i want to place it in the "context" menu, avaliable only in objects of type "Webpanel/Webcomponent" and "Transaction", Just like WorkWithPlus does here:
So far, digging up into the avaliable documentation, i've noticed that you need tu put the context type string into the xml tag and the GUID of the package that you're aiming to add the menu item, such as below in GeneXusPackage.package:
The Context ID above will add the item into the "Folder View" Context.
My questions:
Where can I find a list with all the possible ID Context strings?
What is that package attribute for, where can i get it's possible values?
I am using the SDK for Genexus 16 U11
I'm sorry to say that there is no extensive list of all the menus available. I'd never thought of it until now, and I see how it could be useful, so we'll definitely consider making it part of the SDK so that any package implementor may use it for reference.
In the meantime, in order to add a new command in the context menu you mentioned, you have to add it to the command group that is listed as part of that menu. That group is KBObjectGrp which is provided by the core shell package whose id is 98121D96-A7D8-468b-9310-B1F468F812AE.
First define your command in your .package file inside a Commands section:
<CommandDefinition id='MyCommand' context='selection'/>
Then add it to the KBObjectGrp mentioned earlier.
<Group refid='KBObjectGrp' package='98121D96-A7D8-468b-9310-B1F468F812AE'>
<Command refid='MyCommand' />
Then in order to make your command available only to the objects you said before, you have to code a query handler for the command, that will rule when the command is enabled, disabled, or not visible at all. You can do that in the Initialize method of your package class.
public override void Initialize(IGxServiceProvider services)
CommandKey myCmdKey = new CommandKey(Id, "MyCommand");
AddCommand(myCmdKey, ExecMyCommand, QueryMyCommand);
private bool QueryMyCommand(CommandData data, ref CommandStatus status)
var selection = KBObjectSelectionHelper.TryGetKBObjectsFrom(data.Context).ToList();
status.Visible(selection.Count > 0 && selection.All(obj => obj.Type == ObjClass.Transaction || obj.Type == ObjClass.WebPanel));
return true;
private bool ExecMyCommand(CommandData data)
// Your command here
return true;
I'm using some helper classes here in order to get the objects from the selection, and then a class named ObjClass which exposes the guid of the most common object types. If you feel something isn't clear enough, don't hesitate to reach out.
Decompiling the Genexus dll and looking for the resource called package, you can infer what the names are.
It's cumbersome but it works

Default constructors in Xamarin.Android

I am new to Android development with Xamarin.Android and I would like to understand how to have the next issue fixed.
Sometimes after restoring my Android application from background I was facing the next error:
Unable to find the default constructor on type MainMenuFragment. The MainMenuFragment is used by the application NavigationDrawerActivity to allow users to switch between different Fragments inside the app.
In order to solve it, I added a default constructor to the MainMenuFragment as described inside the next links:
Xamarin Limitations - 2.1. Missing constructors
Added a default constructor, should fix the issue.
public class MainMenuFragment : DialogFragment
readonly NavigationDrawerActivity navigationDrawer;
#region Constructors
public MainMenuFragment () {} // Default constructor...
public MainMenuFragment (NavigationDrawerActivity navigationDrawer, IMenuType launchMenu = null)
if (navigationDrawer == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException ("navigationDrawer");
this.navigationDrawer = navigationDrawer;
Fragment UpdateTopFragmentForCurrentMenu (Fragment newMenuRootFragment = null)
Fragment currentMenuRootFragment = navigationDrawer.CurrentFragment; // issued line.
But now sometime in the future, the MainMenuFragment gets initialized using its default constructor and at the first time it tries to access its navigationDrawer it throws a System.NullReferenceException:
System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
at MainMenuFragment.UpdateTopFragmentForCurrentMenu (Android.App.Fragment) <0x00018>
at MainMenuFragment.OpenMenu (IMenuType,bool) <0x0006b>
at MainMenuFragment.OnCreate (Android.OS.Bundle) <0x00053>
at Android.App.Fragment.n_OnCreate_Landroid_os_Bundle_ (intptr,intptr,intptr) <0x0005b>
at (wrapper dynamic-method) object.3919a6ec-60c1-49fd-b101-86191363dc45 (intptr,intptr,intptr) <0x00043>
How can I have a default constructor implemented without facing this null reference exception?
You're programming like a C# developer, thats what the problem is :) I faced these same hurdles learning monodroid.
Take a look at the examples out there, in java, you'll see almost all the time they initialize using a static method like object.NewInstance() which returns object. This is how they initialize their views/receivers/fragments. At that point they populate the Arguments property and store that in the fragment. You need to remove all your constructors EXCEPT the empty ones and use arguments to pass your data around. If you try to do this using constructors and regular oo concepts you'll be in for a world of hurt. Arguments.putExtra and all those methods are there. It makes things a little verbose but once you get the hang of it you'll start creating some helper methods etc.
Once you get that sorted, you'll need to figure out if you need to recreate your fragments everytime the activity is resumed and if not, mark them as RetainInstance = true as well as get them onto a fragmentmanager which will help you retain all your state.
If you haven't built on android before it's weird and certainly not what I expected. But it's reeaaallly cool, much more awesome than I expected too. And same with Xamarin.
Great similar question: Best practice for instantiating a new Android Fragment

Setting layout properties in code at runtime

I am having trouble finding out how to set layout properties in my code.
My controls are being generated at runtime so I can't set the layout in my xml.
I would like to be able to set properties such as
However I can't find any documentation or examples on how to do this in code.
Is it possible with the current version of Mono for Android?
Relevant thread on the Mono for Android mailing list.
Many of the constructors take an IAttributeSet instance, so (worst case) you could always provide the XML custom attributes through that parameter when invoking the e.g. RelativeLayout(Context, IAttributeSet) constructor.
Resource attributes are handled specifically in Java code, and thus can potentially vary from one class to another. For example, the RelativeLayout constructor implementation.
Because of this, attributes can (and will be) specific to a given type. For example, as best as I can tell from quickly perusing the Android source, it's not valid for a type to have both android:layout_alignParentBottom and android:layout_weight attributes, as android:layout_alignParentBottom appears to be specific to the RelativeLayout type, while android:layout_weight is specific to LinearLayout, and there is no inheritance relationship between RelativeLayout and LinearLayout.
That said, to programmatically assign the android:layout_alignParentBottom property, it looks like you'd want to do:
// Get a RelativeLayout.LayoutParams instance
// Option 1, if you have an existing RelativeLayout instance already:
var p = (RelativeLayout.LayoutParams) layout.LayoutParameters;
// Option 2: if you don't.
var p = new RelativeLayout.LayoutParams (context, null);
// Enable layout_alignParentBottom:
p.AddRule ((int) LayoutRules.AlignParentBottom);
This uses the RelativeLayout.LayoutParams.AddRule method to enable the layout option. The int cast is necessary because we didn't realize that AddRule() should take a LayoutRules enum; oops.
To programmatically assign the android:layout_alignParentRight property:
p.AddRule ((int) LayoutRules.AlignParentRight);
As noted above, it appears that android:layout_weight is specific to LinearLayout, so we can't use RelativeLayout.LayoutParams to set this. Instead, we need to use LinearLayout.LayoutParams to set the LinearLayout.LayoutParams.Weight property:
// Just like before, but get a LinearLayout.LayoutParams instance
// Option 1, if you have an existing LinearLayout instance already:
var p = (LinearLayout.LayoutParams) layout.LayoutParameters;
// Option 2: if you don't.
var p = new LinearLayout.LayoutParams (context, null);
// Enable layout_weight:
p.Weight = 1.0f;

System::IDisposable woes

public ref class ScriptEditor : public Form
typedef map<UInt32, ScriptEditor^> AlMap;
static AlMap AllocationMap;
Form^ EditorForm;
RichTextBox^ EditorBox;
StatusBar^ EditorStatusBar;
StatusBarPanel^ StatusBarLineNo;
void Destroy() { EditorForm->Close(); }
ScriptEditor(unsigned int PosX, unsigned int PosY);
The above code throws an Error C2039: '{dtor}' : is not a member of 'System::IDisposable'. I'm quite lost after having looked into articles that explain how the CLR manages memory. Any advice on getting rid of it would be appreciated. My first dabble in C+++/CLI isn't going too well.
You are not getting a very good error message. But the problem is that the STL map<> template class is only suitable for unmanaged types. It requires an element type to have a destructor, managed types don't have one. In the C++/CLI language, destructors are simulated with the IDisposable interface, that's the source of the confusing error message you see.
If you really want to use STL, you can with the STL/CLR implementation, available in VS2008. It is however pretty widely ignored as it basically combines the disadvantages of STL (expensive value semantics) with those of managed code (no default value semantics on reference types). This web page compares it to the native .NET collection classes, stark results to put it mildly.
The appropriate collection class to use here is System::Collections::Generic::Dictionary<>

How to check if two objects are of the same type in Actionscript?

I want to do this in Actionscript:
typeof(control1) != typeof(control2)
to test if two objects are of the same type. This would work just fine in C#, but in Actionscript it doesnt. In fact it returns 'object' for both typeof() expressions because thats the way Actionscript works.
I couldn't seem to find an alternative by looking in the debugger, or on pages that describe typeof() in Actionscript.
Is there a way to get the actual runtime type?
The best way is to use flash.utils.getQualifiedClassName(). Additionally, you can use flash.utils.describeType() to get an XML document the describes more about the class.
Actionscript 3 has an is operator which can be used to compare objects. Consider the following code:
var mySprite:Sprite = new Sprite();
var myMovie:MovieClip = new MovieClip();
trace(mySprite is Sprite);
trace(myMovie is MovieClip);
trace(mySprite is MovieClip);
trace(myMovie is Sprite);
Which will produce the following output:
This will work for built-in classes, and classes you create yourself. The actionscript 2 equivalent of the is operator is instanceof.
You'll want to use the Object.prototype.constructor.
From the documentation:
dynamic class A {}
trace(A.prototype.constructor); // [class A]
trace(A.prototype.constructor == A); // true
var myA:A = new A();
trace(myA.constructor == A); // true
(Conveniently, this is also how to check types in javascript, which is what originally led me to this in the docs)
So, to test this out before I posted here, I tried it in an app I have, in a class called Player. Since the prototype property is static, you can't call it using "this" but you can just skip the scope identifier and it works:
public function checkType():void {
trace(prototype.constructor, prototype.constructor == Player);
// shows [class Player] true
Is there a way to get the actual runtime type?
var actualRuntimeType:Class = Object(yourInstance).constructor;
Some other answers already refer to .constructor, but you can't always directly access .constructor in ActionScript 3. It is only accessible on dynamic classes, which most classes are not. Attempting to use it on a regular class will cause a compile-time error under the default settings.
However, because every class inherits from Object, which is dynamic, we can look up their .constructor property just by casting an instance to Object.
Therefore if we are not interested in subclasses, we can confirm that two instances are of exactly the same class by simply evaluating this:
Object(instanceA).constructor === Object(instanceB).constructor;
I learned of this from the post "Get the class used to create an object instance in AS3" by Josh Tynjala.
A even simpler alternative that also works for me is just:
var actualRuntimeType:Class = yourInstance["constructor"];
The runtime is entirely capable of giving you the .constructor, it's just that the compiler complains if you use that syntax. Using ["constructor"] should produce the same bytecode, but the compiler isn't clever enough to stop you.
I included this second because it hasn't been tested anywhere except my current Flash environment, whereas several users have said that the method described above works for them.
If you want to account for inheritance, then you might want to try something like this:
if (objectA is objectB.constructor || objectB is objectA.constructor)
// ObjectA inherits from ObjectB or vice versa
More generally, if you want to test whether objectA is a subtype of objectB
import flash.utils.getDefinitionByName;
import flash.utils.getQualifiedClassName;
if (objectA is getDefinitionByName(getQualifiedClassName(objectB)))
Object obj = new Object();
Object o = new Object();
return true;
return false;
