How to make form that allow users to input a mix of repeated and unique data in google form and then send the result to google sheet? - google-sheets

I want to make a google form where the user can submit data like the example below
The invoice and invoice date for each form will be the same while the rest of the data will be different. Is there a way to make the form in google sheet where the user can:
input invoice and invoice date only 1 time while the rest is manually inputted
send the result to google sheet with the same format as the table above?

This is unfortunately not possible in Google Forms currently, as each response must be written to a pre-determined row.
One way this might be achieved is by using a single instance of your form for each item in the invoice. Each response can then be appended to the existing sheet; although not an ideal solution, this is probably the best you will get with Google Sheets. See an example of how to do this here


How to make google form responses submit to bottom of spreadsheet and not ignore manually entered data in the spreadsheet

I have a spreadsheet with responses from a form, but occasionally we manually enter responses into the spreadsheet that do not come in through the google form. I would like these to remain in order with the form responses, but when a google form is submitted it inserts the next form response after the last form response and shifts the manually entered data on the spreadsheet down.
Is there a way I can get the manually entered data to be recognized when the form submits and always append the latest form response to the bottom of the spreadsheet?
I followed this answer here but it doesnt work for me, it still ignores manual entries. Any help is appreciated.
You cannot have automated data and manually entered data in the same range.
For instance, if you use an array formula on a sheet in in B:B, the array formula "owns" B:B. If you then enter manual data anywhere in B:B, you will "break" the array, all of your formula data will disappear and the original formula cell will show an error. Think of that error as Google Sheets' way of saying, "Looks like you decided that you want to use this range for manual data now instead of formula-produced data, so it appears your formula is now not what you want."
The same concept is true for form integration. A form does not "read" cell from your Google Sheet. It just outputs data to it. It's a one-way conversation, so to speak. As such, the form doesn't know what else you are doing on the form-data intake sheet. It only knows how to find the information that marks where it left off with the last submission; and then its instructions are to enter a new line below that point for the next new submission.
In other words, a form "owns" the sheet you integrate it with. And the form will do what it is programmed to do, regardless of whether you try to also "own" that sheet by typing into in manually.
The simple solution: always use your form to enter data.
If you say to yourself, "But using the form is more work than manual entry," it's time to rethink your form and your user experience, since forms are meant to make data entry easier than manual entry into the spreadsheet, not harder.
This sounds plain, but i keyed in the timestamps columns of manually entered data to any earlier date and sorted the data by timestamp. the new data from the form would populate the bottom rows after
however new responses doesn't take your formats n formulas..maybe u have to export it for calculations etc
hope this helps

How to add row automatically in between filled row like google form in google spreadsheet?

So, right now I'm working on adding data to my spreadsheet using google form. I would like to add my second google form response below my first google form response automatically by adding row automatically (im doing this process in another sheet using importrange), even in my first google response has some data on it. The content of these two google form remain the same so i would like to see it in 1 sheet.
The reason why i want to do this is to minimize to create another spreadsheet to collect all the data. When im doing this i always get an error message "#REF!" because i know google form using array to add response.
What i want is like this
Can you guys please help me with it?
Here is my folder.
You should use the below formula which essentially merges the two different ranges from the two different sheets:
={'Question 1'!A1:B11 ; 'Question 2'!A1:B8}

Can I use a Google Form to check the status of a student's paperwork that is recorded in Google Sheets?

I have a Google Sheets filled in with student names and the status of a paper form. I need to email parents to have them complete the paper form if it is missing. But every time I send this email the first question I get is Doesn't my kid already have this form completed and on file?
So I would like to create a Google form where parents can enter the name of their student and it will show whether or not there is completed paperwork.
I can find how to pre-populate forms but that's not what I want. I need it to show a response based on the information a parent enters.
that's not really how Google Form was intended to be used. (eg. it's unfortunately not possible). you will need to redo your approach... you could create a new spreadsheet in which you would use IMPORTRANGE formula and import column of names only and send this new spreadsheet to the parents. this way when they press CTRL+F to find their kiddo a cell gets highlighted or just not found.

Formula (Array, etc.) for automatic Google Sheets Indexing using inputs from Google Forms

I'm hoping that someone can help me tweak (or even substitute) a formula that I'm using in Google Sheets to automatically populate columns with information based on inputs from a Google form.
Simply put, I am using the Index function to match the name that is selected from a drop-down menu in the Google Form and arrives in Column E of the Google Sheet receiving the responses with an identical list of names in Column A of 'Sheet 2'. The index formula takes information from 'Sheet 2' relating to that name (e.g. Registration Number, Email Address) and places it in the 'Formresponses 1'sheet alongside the inputs from the Google form (including, of course, the name that appears in Column E'.
I have been using (variations on) the following formula without any issues, but I have to manually drag it down the relevant column in 'Formresponses 1' each time a new entry/name arrives from the Google Form: =index(Sheet2!$B$2:$B,match(E2, Sheet2!$A$2:$A,0),1)
I have successfully used Array Formulas to automatically carry out other functions on data arriving from a Google Form (i.e. adding up individual numbers to arrive at an overall total), but in this case I cannot figure out how to create a formula that will automatically take each new name that arrives in column E and insert it into the relevant indexing formula at that end of that new row.
Any suggestions - or solutions! - would be greatly welcome!
Cheers I'-'I,
I've used I'-'I's response to my original question here as a starting point and, with a bit of research, I've come up with the following working formula:
= ArrayFormula(vlookup(E2:E, Sheet2!A:E, {1,2,3,5},FALSE))
[The curly brackets simply indicate the columns in Sheet 2 from which I want to pull pieces of data relating to each name that is matched up in the 'front end' sheet receiving the responses from the Google Form.] As with my previous problems with array formulas, I found the following website really useful, so full credit has to go to it:

How to auto populate specific Google Form fields, based on dropdown choice

I use Google Forms regularly at work, and I think they are awesome, especially since I am a total newbie with coding. With a few good plugins for Forms and Sheets, I am able to generate contracts, invoices, and so on very easily, based on document templates.
To keep it short, here is my request:
I have a form, where I input the customer's details, and upon submission, an addon generates a gdoc, based on a template. Al working great so far. My problem is that we are generating many different documents for a single customer, so it becomes a repetitive and very time-consuming task, considering that I have 15-20 different input fields for a customer, plus specific input fields for each different document.
The first input filed in my form is "Customer Name" and I have managed to create a dynamic dropdown list, that takes it's information from a specific column in a Google Sheet.
My request: how could I auto populate specific input fields in my Google Form, so that, based on my dropdown choice, the auto completed information will match the corresponding row present in the Google Sheet.
I have attached 2 images for easier understanding:
You can actually do this with a simple vlookup:
note: I also always wrap my functions with and if statement that checks if there is text in the first field, so try:
pretend that your dynamic customer name is in cell A1:
customer vat formula -
customer city formula -
