what is difference between sinput and input? - trading

i wish you best.
what is actually difference between static input and normal input in MQL language? i mean sinput and sinput
in the book that i read written that:
"The value of a static input variable can be changed, but it cannot be optimized in the Strategy Tester. Static input variables are useful for logical grouping of input parameters."
what does it mean exactly "it cannot be optimazed"? could you tell me a example please?
i can't undrestand the explanation and core difference.

sinput or static input simply excludes the variable from being able to have multiple different values tested when using the strategy tester.
You can find a more detailed explanation in the documents:
Input Variables


Check values existence using spss syntax

I should check existence of values based on some conditions.
i.e. i have 3 variables, varA, varB and varC. varC should not be empty only if varA>varB (condition).
i normally use some syntax to check any of the variables and run a frequency of any of them to see if there are errors:
if missing(varC) and (varA>varB) ck_varC=1.
if not(missing(varC)) and not(varA>varB) ck_varC=2.
fre ck_varC.
I had some errors when the condition became complex and when in the condition there are missing() or other functions but i could have made a mistake.
do you think there is an easier way of doing this checks?
thanks in advance
EDIT: here an example of what i mean, think at a questionnaire with some routing, you ask age to anyone, if they are between 17 and 44 ask them if they work, if they work ask them how many hours.
i have an excel tool where i put down all variables with all conditions, then it will generate the syntax in the example, all with the same structure for all variables, considering both situations, we have a value that shouldn't be there or we don't have a value that should be there.
is there an easier way of doing that? is this structure always valid no matter what is the condition?
In SPSS, missing values are not numbers. You need to explicitly program those scenarios as well. you got varC covered (partially), but no scenario where varA or varB have missing data is covered.
(As good practice, maybe you should initialize your check variable as sysmis or 0, using syntax):
numeric ck_varC (f1.0).
compute ck_varC=0.
if missing(varC) and (varA>varB) ck_varC=1.
if not(missing(varC)) and not(varA>varB) ck_varC=2.
***additional conditional scenarios go here:.
if missing(varA) or missing(varB) ck_varC=3.
fre ck_varC.
By the way - you do not need any of the exe. commands if you are going to run your syntax as a whole.
Later Edit, after the poster updated the question:
Your syntax would be something like this. Note the use of the range function, which is not mandatory, but might be useful for you in the future.
I am also assuming that work is a string variable, so its values need to be referenced using quotation signs.
if missing(age) ck_age=1.
if missing(work) and range(age,17,44) ck_work=1.
if missing(hours) and work="yes" ck_hours=1.
if not (missing (age)) and not(1>0) ck_age=2. /*this will never happen because of the not(1>0).
if not(missing(work)) and (not range(age,17,44)) ck_work=2. /*note that if age is missing, this ck_work won't be set here.
if not(missing(hours)) and (not(work="yes")) ck_hours=2.
String variables are case sensitive
There is no missing equivalent in strings; an empty blank string ("") is still a string. not(work="yes") is True when work is blank ("").

Problem with PMML generation of Random Forest in R

I am trying to generate a PMML from a random forest model I obtained using R. I am using the randomForest package 4.6-12 and the last version of PMML for R. But every time I try to generate the PMML obtain an error. Here is the code:
data_train.rf <- randomForest( TARGET ~ ., data = train, ntree=100, na.action=na.omit, importance=TRUE)
pmml_file = pmml(data_train.rf)
[1] "Now converting tree 1 to PMML"
Error in append.XMLNode(rfNode, splitNode) : object 'splitNode' not found
I haven't been able to find the origin of the problem, any thoughts?
Thanks in advance,
Looks like the variable splitNode has not been initialized inside the "pmml" package. The initialization pathway depends on the data type of the split variable (eg. numeric, logical, factor). Please see the source code of the /R/pmml.randomForest.R file inside "pmml" package.
So, what are the columns in your train data.frame object?
Alternatively, you could try out the r2pmml package as it is much better at handling the randomForest model type.
The pmml code assumes the data type of the variables are numeric, simple logical or factor. It wont work if the data you use are some other type; DateTime for example.
It would help if your problem is reproducible; ideally you would provide the dataset you used. If not, at least a sample of it or a description of it...maybe summarize it.
You should also consider emailing the package maintainers directly.
I may have found the origin for this problem. In my dataset I have approx 500000 events and 30 variables, 10 of these variables are factors, and some of them have weakly populated levels in some cases having as little as 1 event.
I built several Random Forest models, each time including and extra variable to the model. I started adding to the model the numerical variables without a problem to generate a PMML, the same happened for the categorical variables with all levels largely populated, when I tried to include categorical variables with levels weakly populated I got the error:
Error in append.XMLNode(rfNode, splitNode) : object 'splitNode' not found
I suppose that the origin of the problem is that in some situations when building a tree where the levels is weakly populated then there is no split as there is only one case and although the randomForest package knows how to handle these cases, the pmml package does not.
My tests show that this problem appears when the number of levels of a categorical variable goes beyond the maximum number allowed by the randomForest function. The split defined in the forest sublist is no longer a positive integer which is required by the split definition for categorical objects. Reducing the number of levels fixed the problem.

Idioms/Practices for Implementing Constrained Numeric Types in F#?

Suppose one needs a numeric data type whose allowed values fall within a specified range. More concretely, suppose one wants to define an integral type whose min value is 0 and maximum value is 5000. This type of scenario arises in many situations, such as when modeling a database data type, an XSD data type and so on.
What is the best way to model such a type in F#? In C#, one way to do this would be to define a struct that implemented the range checking overloaded operators, formatting and so on. A analogous approach in F# is described here: http://tomasp.net/blog/fsharp-custom-numeric.aspx/
I don't really need though a fully-fledged custom type; all I really want is an existing type with a constrained domain. For example, I would like to be able to write something like
type MyInt = Value of uint16 where Value <= 5000 (pseudocode)
Is there a shorthand way to do such a thing in F# or is the best approach to implement a custom numeric type as described in the aforementioned blog post?
You're referring to what are called refinement types in type theory, and as pointed out by Daniel, look for F*. But it is a research project.
As far as doing it with F#, in addition to Tomas' post, take a look at the designing with types series.
My suggestion would be to implement a custom struct wrapping your data type (e.g., int), just as you would in C#.
The idea behind creating this custom struct is that it allows you to "intercept" all uses of the underlying data value at run-time and check them for correctness. The alternative is to check all of these uses at compile-time, which is possible with something like F* (as others mentioned), although it's much more difficult and not something you would use for everyday code.

Matrix language and macro variables

is there a way to use calculations made in matrix language (matrix-end matrix) as macro variables later in calculations?
Let say I calculate chi^2 and pvalue in matrix language and then I want to use them as my new macro variables for, let say, printing information about if the statistics is significant or not.
Of course I can use OMS to solve my problem but I want to find out if there is a possible way to get variables from matrix language to syntax later on.
You might want to look into Python programmability instead of macro. It is much more powerful and flexible. You can read about it in the books and articles section of the SPSS Community website (www.ibm.com/developerworks/spssdevcentral). The site also provides the materials for getting started with programmability.
MATRIX can write datasets, which Python can read and manipulate - and it can even generate macro values from them.
Jon Peck

F#: Can units of measure be bound dynamically at runtime?

I'm very new to F# and am intrigued by the Units of Measure functionality and have a rough idea of how it works normally, but would like to know if it's possible to bind measures to values where we don't know what the measure will be until the code is executing?
The practical example I'm looking at is binding floats as currency values where the unit of measure is inferred from a database lookup.
Let's assume that the measures for each currency (USD, EUR, AUD, etc) are declared normally:
[<Measure>] USD
[<Measure>] EUR
[<Measure>] AUD
First you would need a way to obtain a measure's type from an identifier, ideally the measure name itself as the currency code is most likely stored and retrieved as a 3-character string (similar to Enum.Parse()).
Then you would need a way of binding a float value to the type created in the previous step.
Is this possible, or is there another way to achieve the same outcome?
This isn't possible, since F# units-of-measure are erased (they only exist at compile-time).
You could author a library with a runtime implementation (I haven't thought about what a design would look like). But you probably lose the static checking.
I think possibly a better strategy may be to isolate the boundary, and at the boundary point (where you read from the database and infer the unit types) somehow get the right types into the type system, but depending on how the code is structured and what exactly you're doing, that may or may not be possible/easy...
Unless you are writing code that is actually specific to one particular currency, you shouldn't explicitly mention USD, EUR, AUD etc in your code. Instead, make your code polymorphic over the currency/currencies involved.
What you have to think about is what kinds of safety you are expecting to get from units of measure. If for example (in a very simplistic scenario) you would be reading from a database field, doing some processing and writing back to that same field, then having a function of type float<'a> -> float<'a> is exactly what you want: you don't care what the currency is, so long as you get back the same one you put in.
