I need to copy paste a number of tag names manually, and the syntax of the tag names is different on the source.
Eg ["name"."value"] need to be converted to [name.value]
Is there some kid of app that can replace chars on the fly, not needing to paste into a different app to remove characters, or remove them manually?
Im trying to copy a file in docker with below format
I have tried using something like below, but it does not seems to work
COPY databse-+([0-9]).+([0-9]).+([0-9]).zip /docker-entrypoint-initdb.d/database.zip
Is this something that can be done in docker copy ?
Dockerfile COPY uses shell globs, not regular expressions. The actual implementation uses the Go filepath.Match syntax. That syntax doesn't allow some of the combinations that regular expressions do: you can match any single digit [0-9], or any number of characters *, but not any number of digits.
Depending on how strict you want to be about what files you'll accept and how consistent the filename format is, any of the following will work:
COPY database-[0-9][0-9].[0-9].[0-9].zip ./database.zip
COPY database-*.*.*.zip ./database.zip
COPY database-*.zip ./database.zip
In all cases note that the pattern can match multiple files in the build context. If the right-hand side of COPY is a single file name (not ending with /) but the glob matches multiple files you will get a build error. In this case that's probably what you want.
I am using Selectize in an angular project. When we copy multiple values from an excel which are having line breaks in between the values. On pasting these values, line breaks convert into spaces. Can we somehow make it as multi-line?
Like if we paste:
it should paste as it is, including line breaks instead of a b c
I think you can use ng-paste to handle the pasted content, and replace \n of excel to of HTML
Let me now better your content target to have a better solution ! You may replace input by textarea to handle multiline.
You can check here, many answers to handle paste event in angular : "Paste" event in Angular [ngPaste]
So, text files can be copied and pasted to another location by copying the contents of the original file into a blank text file. This can be done with a text editor. Highlight contents of text file, copy, create new blank text file, paste in to it.
But, why can't image, audio, video, executable files, etc., be copied and pasted like this? For example, I open an executable file with a text editor, copy all of it's contents, create a new blank text file, change the extension to .exe, and paste into it (through a text editor). But, the file cannot be run. Why?
Also, I would like to be able to edit these types of files like I do with text files. Is there a way?
Because executable and media files are "binary" files. Text files are binary as well, but different. All files are created binary, but some are created more binary than others.
You're opening a binary file in a text editor. This immediately changes the semantics of the bytes. The main problem is bytes containing a value that happens to correspond to those of newline characters if it were a text file (0x0A and 0x0D), which will be rendered as a platform-dependent newline (\r\n on Windows, for example). When you copy that, you've changed either 0x0A or 0x0D to 0x0D 0x0A.
Then there's control characters or non-printable characters. Not all bytes between 0x00 and 0xFF can be represented as a character. They'll either be omitted or replaced with a displayable character.
So when you copy a text containing those, they'll be omitted or otherwise mangled.
In conclusion: you cannot reliably use text to display all possible byte values, unless you choose to encode the bytes' values, as is done using for example Base64 encoding.
If you want to edit a binary file, use an editor that is aware of those bytes: a "hex editor". Do note that changing random byte values in a binary file does not guarantee the sanity of that file: there may be checksums built into the format, and your edit will invalidate that checksum.
I am using Atom to find and replace certain letters in different lines in a file.
However, I am not able to select different lines and then apply the only in selection method.
I used cmd to select the lines I want to replace the letters in.
Thanks for any help!
I have about 100 or so columns with multiple conditional formats applied to each column that I need to copy from one excel document to another. I've tried solutions from the Format Painter, to Paste Special, each failing to actually copy the conditional formats over. I hope I'm doing it wrong, as it would mean an easy fix for an otherwise, extremely long process (again).
Is there any way to copy conditional formats from one workbook to another? I don't need to worry about copying over equations or cell values, just the formats.
Paste special > Formats would carry over the conditional formatting.
Try copying (Ctrl+C) and then paste special (Alt+E+S) and select Formats
You could copy the worksheet with the complex conditional formatting that you like, so you have a new copy with the desired behavior. And then simply copy the new values you'd like from your new workbook that doesn't have conditional formatting yet and paste–special–values those numbers. Or paste–special–value–formulas, as the desired case may be.