why observedLargestContentFullPaint is always GREATER thanLargestContentFullPaint when using LHCI? - lighthouse

I'm currently using LHCI integrated with Gitlab CICD pipeline and I need to do the following:-
Add Assertion for ObservedDomContent Load value generated from the LightHouse json report, is it possible?
I'm using type Simulated type "Simulated" I have noticed that the observedLargestContentFullPaint is always larger than the LargestContentFullPaint although I expected that it will be less, can anyone explain and which one should I rely on during my page assessment


Testcafe - test scenarios failed

I have three separate test scenarios for application Alfresco in .js format. I run them locally via testcafe and run them once a day through build on Jenkins server. It happens that for about one month all three scenarios passed.After this time, it happens that the build ends up in error and always at a different step.
The following errors are most common -
A JavaScript error occurred on,
The element that matches the specified selector is not visible or
The specified selector does not match any element in the DOM tree.
I attach a file containing all three scenarios + functions used in scenarios - https://ulozto.sk/file/6AiA2Zz42dbw/ses-wf-js.
Please, can anyone advise me how to prevent these errors?
Thank you.

Dataflow with Go SDK failing with 'InvalidProtocolBufferException'

We were previously running Beam 2.11.0 which started failing due to an apparent change in URN format. When I attempted to update and use the latest release (2.13.0) the pipeline started timing out, and the only seemingly relevant error that I could identify from the logs during testing was:
org.apache.beam.vendor.grpc.v1p13p1.com.google.protobuf.InvalidProtocolBufferException: While parsing a protocol message, the input ended unexpectedly in the middle of a field. This could mean either that the input has been truncated or that an embedded message misreported its own length.
To further test this, I attempted to use the wordcount example as provided in the Beam docs/repo here - https://beam.apache.org/get-started/wordcount-example/ - But I got the same result. I'm not sure if this is a generic error or something to do with Dataflow. The pipelines seem to work when running via direct runner.
Note: I have rebuilt our worker_harness_container_image with the latest version.
I understand the Go SDK is not officially supported by Dataflow, but could anybody tell me if the error is something related to Dataflow or some other issue?
PS: I've asked the question in Dataflow and Beam Slack channels but haven't had any response.

Pass end point details in Rest Web Service command in Automation Anywhere

In the Rest Webservice Command, I don't see any option to pass a variable in the URI.
We do not want to hard the end point in the script.
As an e.g I will want the script to use different points for dev/stage and prod.
Is there a work around for this.
On building a URI with variables like :
https://$v_hostname$/test-rs-v1/employee/data send request works fine but
bot runs we get an error stating :
Hostname could not be parsed.
Update: That was a bug and fixed on version 11.3.1. You can only achieve that on version 11.3.1 or later.
Reference: https://docs.automationanywhere.com/bundle/enterprise-v11.3/page/topics/release-notes/release-notes-11-3-1.html
Workaround for older versions (If you have experience with C#): Build and test DLLs
The following applies only on version 11.3.1 and later.
Make sure that $v_hostname$ contains a value at the run time, using debugging option or message box command.
I did reproduce the same error by entering a variable that doesn't exist or doesn't have a value, there is no another scenario would reproduce "Hostname could not be parsed".
If the hostname/URL is invalid you will get "The remote name could not be resolved:".
I've tested the REST Web Service command on both community and enterprise editions, and it's working very well.

Why is my Dataflow pipeline not showing steps?

When I run the examples I get a pretty picture showing the flow and I can monitor as it executes. With my application it doesn't show the diagram and if I click on "Step" it displays nothing.
Adding screenshot of Job log. No warnings or errors. BTW, I assumed the icon on the log entry with an "i" stands for Info level, but when I change the level from BASIC to ALL many more entries are added and they all have the same icon. That is confusing. Icons should be more clear and should have hover tips, IMO.
I'm on the Dataflow team. I'm sorry that you are encountering this issue.
I believe this is occurring because of the custom step names you're code is using.
From your screenshot of the job logs, it appears that some of these steps have been given names that represent a GCS storage path location.
I noticed this from this message in the logs:
Executing operation "gs://datalake/landing/...."
This fails to render in the monitoring UI and likely hits an assertion because slashes are disallowed characters.
In order to work around this issue would you please try removing the custom step names used in your code. Which seems to be set to gs:// style paths. You could also try specifying names for each step, without using special characters.
Please try running the job again after that change and see if the graph renders properly in the dataflow UI.
I have created a github issue to track this bug and prevent these slash characters from sent in the future in the dataflow SDK code.
Please let me know if you encounter any more issues.

Grails on AppFog: BIRT report displayed partially

Within my Grails 2.2 application I use BIRT reporting plugin to generate a pdf of (a bit) complex report (7 datasets binded to 8th one) and it works ok on my local machine but, on AppFog, I get only aprox 1/3 of report. The problem is that I get Header and footer of document but, content is broken at different places at different attempt so It looks like some kind of time-out problem, like report engine hadn't had enough time to generate itself.
Do I forget to set something or? Anybody have a idea what to try?
