In swaager-doc,i want to add a header param for all api .This param is for filter to search some information and is must required.
Any Suggestion for it.
I have two page
Login/Registration Page as of now
OTP Verification Page
API has been created and in api, we are passing phone number as request and gets otp as response. However i would like your help to know how should i able to pass the phoneNumber textfield data to APIcall json request in flutterflow?
If there is anyway or any documentation will be really helpful?
I have tried with variable method, however i was not able to pass it to json.
I have also tried jsonpath method, but no luck.
Define dynamic part of API url with brackets[postId][postId]
then create the variable (postId) with the same name. When adding the API call, it is required to add these variables.
See API Calls 101 for details.
I'm trying to put in swagger for documentation the link below.
I see a particulariry of having my endpoint "/Runner?" followed by "Transaction=SC_AUTOMATION/API/SCRAP_LIST/SCRAP_LIST" I don't know ho to explicit it in swagger.
OutputParameter=ResultXML is currently a parameter but in fact there is no other possibily than "ResulXML" any possibility to define it as fixed ?
thanks a lot for your reading
I Check the swagger and we can have URL dynamically for various site based on Server specified. But i have doubt whether is it possible to construct URL dynamically for each operation similar like this
I know that server url can be configured at the top of swagger.json but how can we configure/add tag name to the URL dynamically.
consider i have following scenario
I have following tags,
Each tags have various operations associated with them, I need to add the tag name along with operation name dynamically in swagger URL as following
If the operation is getRecentActivity it need to be like{tagname}/{operation}
which is similar like
Note:- My configuration is in such a way, i know i can directly specify it in path itself by i required it to generate dynamically based on tag name
Following is the Web API Url that I need to call (GET Request),10,11&$expand=all&api-version=2.2
Question -: How to add the 9,10,11 ids in the header???
I want to add this ids in the header
You cannot add the work item ids in to the header, otherwise the result is 404.
Im trying to add a custom header in my post request header in apache nifi, I have seen that in the configuration tab there's Attributes to send as http header (regex) I'm not very familiar with regex, any idea how to add a header and its value like the following : token : READ ?
PostHttp's "Attributes to Send as HTTP Headers (Regex)" property can accept a regex, but it will work just fine to specify a single attribute name like token. If you had multiple attribute you wanted to name, you could use a pipe to "or" them together:
For each attribute you selected, the attribute name and value are sent as the HTTP header name and value.