Parsing Info to exe to clear the fields in Hashtag Tables - foreach

I'm trying to clear the Fields with values defined in Hash Tables by parsing it to the ipmiutil.exe utility. The script output shows it clear the fields but actually it is not when I manually check it. To clear the Fields values, each of those fields used different parameters as below. Can someone check my wipe code and help with the fix.
This is what I tried and expected the Field Values to clear when found but it is not clearing
Chassis Serial Number = .\ipmiutul.exe fru -G " "
Product Serial Number = .\ipmiutil.exe fru -s " "
Product Asset Tag = .\ipmiutil.exe fru -a " "
Powershell Code:
$fields_to_wipe = [ordered]#{
"Chassis Serial Num" = "fru -G";
"Product Serial Num" = "fru -s";
"Product Asset Tag" = "fru -a"
$input = $fru | Select-String -Pattern $fields_to_check | Tee-Object -FilePath "X:\output\fru_result.txt"
Write-Host "Checking FRU Fields for WIPE"
foreach($field in $input)
$field = "$field".Substring(0,"$field".IndexOf(":")).Trim()
if($value -eq "")
Write-Host $field "is BLANK. WIPE Not Needed."
Write-Host "`n"
if($fields_to_wipe.keys -contains $field)
Write-Host "$field Need WIPING"
Write-Host "WIPING $field"
Set-Location "Z:\Tools\Ipmi"
$cmd = .\ipmiutil.exe + {$fields_to_wipe}[$field] + " " + ('" "')
Write-Host $field_to_check ":" $value


Split EDI X12 files using Powershell

I am likely recreating the wheel here but this is my stab and solving an issue partly and asking for community assistance to resolve the remaining.
My task is to split EDI X12 documents into their own file (ISA to IEA)
and CRLF each line separately (similar to ex. EDI2.EDI below).
Below is my Powershell script and example EDI documents 1, 2 and 3.
My script will successfully split a contiguous X12 EDI document from ISA to IEA and CRLF into a file so that one contiguous string becomes something more readable. This works well and will even handle any segment delimiter as well as any line delimiter.
My issue is dealing with non-contiguous documents (ex. EDI2) or combined (ex. EDI3). The source folder could have any of the formatted files shown below. If the file already contains the CRLF, then I just need to split it from ISA to IEA. My script is failing when i pull in CRLF'd files.
Could someone help me solving this?
$sourceDir = "Z:\temp\EDI\temp\"
$targetDir = "Z:\temp\EDI\temp\archive"
<##### F U N C T I O N S #####>
Function FindNewFile
Param (
$filename = Resolve-Path $filename
$validFileName = "{0}\{1} {2}{3}" -f $targetDir, #([]$filename).DirectoryName,
$counter, #"1", #([guid]::newguid()).tostring("N"),
Return $validFileName
<###### M A I N L I N E ######>
If(test-path $sourceDir)
$files = #(Get-ChildItem $sourceDir | Where {!$_.PsIsContainer -and $_.extension -eq ".edi" -and $_.length -gt 0})
"{0} files to process. . ." -f $files.count
If(!(test-path $targetDir))
New-Item $targetDir -ItemType Directory | Out-Null
foreach ($file in $files)
$me = $file.fullname
# Get the new file name
$isaCount = 1
$newFile = FindNewFile $me $isaCount
$data = get-content $me
# Reset variables for each new file
$dataLen = [int] $data.length
$linDelim = $null
$textLine = $null
$firstRun = $True
$errorFlag = $False
for($x=0; $x -lt $data.length; $x++)
$textLine = $data.substring($x, $dataLen)
$findISA = "ISA{0}" -f $textLine.substring(3,1)
If($textLine.substring(0,4) -eq $findISA)
$linDelim = $textLine.substring(105, 1)
$newFile = FindNewFile $me $isaCount
$FirstRun = $False
$delimI = $textLine.IndexOf($linDelim) + 1
$textLine = $textLine.substring(0,$delimI)
$fLine = $textLine
add-content $newFile $fLine
$x += $fLine.length - 1
$dataLen = $data.length - ($x + 1)
$errorFlag = $True
"`t=====> {0} is not a valid EDI X12 file!" -f $me
$x += $data.length
"{0} contained {1} ISA's" -f $me, $isaCount
"No files in {0}." -f $sourceDir
"{0} does not exist!" -f $sourceDir
Filename: EDI1.EDI
ISA*00* *00* *08*925xxxxxx0 *01*78xxxx100 *170331*1630*U*00401*000000114*0*P*>~GS*FA*8473293489*782702100*20170331*1630*42*T*004010UCS~ST*997*116303723~SE*6*116303723~GE*1*42~IEA*1*000000114~ISA*00* *00* *08*WARxxxxxx *01*78xxxxxx0 *170331*1545*U*00401*000002408*0*T*>~GS*FA*5035816100*782702100*20170331*1545*1331*T*004010UCS~ST*997*000001331~~SE*24*000001331~GE*1*1331~IEA*1*000002408~
Filename: EDI2.EDI
ISA*00* *00* *ZZ*REINxxxxxxxDSER*01*78xxxx100 *170404*0819*|*00501*100000097*0*P*}~
Filename: EDI3.EDI
ISA*00* *00* *08*925xxxxxx0 *01*78xxxx100 *170331*1630*U*00401*000000114*0*P*>~GS*FA*8473293489*782702100*20170331*1630*42*T*004010UCS~ST*997*116303723~SE*6*116303723~GE*1*42~IEA*1*000000114~ISA*00* *00* *08*WARxxxxxx *01*78xxxxxx0 *170331*1545*U*00401*000002408*0*T*>~GS*FA*5035816100*782702100*20170331*1545*1331*T*004010UCS~ST*997*000001331~~SE*24*000001331~GE*1*1331~IEA*1*000002408~
ISA*00* *00* *ZZ*REINxxxxxxxDSER*01*78xxxx100 *170404*0819*|*00501*100000097*0*P*}~
FWIW, I've compiled this code from all over the net including If you see your code and desire recognition, let me know and I'll add it. I'm not claiming any of this is original! My motto is "ARRRGH!"
EDI3 is an invalid X12 document, each file should only contain one ISA segment with repeated envelopes if required.
The segment terminator should also be consistent. In EDI3 it is both ~ and ~ which is again invalid.
Segment terminator should be tilde "~".
It can be suffixed by: nothing, "\n" or, "\r\n", what is optional is the suffix for human reading. Some implementations might be more relaxed in terms of the X12 standard.
BTW, check my splitter/viewer:

Is it possible to prevent perforce submit without filename?

My usual way to submit a file is:
p4 submit –d “some description” filename
I could do:
p4 submit
and use the editor, but I always have many files open, so that method is inconvenient
Several times, I have mistakenly typed
p4 submit –d "some description"
(forgot the filename)
This submitted dozens of open files to production, with unintended consequences.
Time to panic and spend the afternoon doing damage control.
I would like to prevent p4 -d when the filename is not specified.
If you are using Linux you can define function in your .bashrs file that validates number of arguments and won't let you submit if you miss4th parameter.
function p4()
# validate what parameters are passed and if they are correct
# pass them to /opt/perforce/p4 ...
Thanks #pitseeker
I created a Perl wrapper "p4s" which checks the arguments and forwards the call to the real "p4 submit".
use warnings;
use strict;
use Capture::Tiny 'capture_merged';
die "Description and file is required!\n" if #ARGV < 2;
my ($description, #files) = #ARGV;
if ( -f $description ) {
die "It looks like you forgot the description before the filenames";
my $cmd;
my %summary;
print `date`;
for my $file (#files) {
if ( ! -f $file ) {
$summary{$file} = "File $file not found!";
my $pwd = `pwd`;
chomp $pwd;
# print p4 filelog to screen
print `ls -l $file`;
$cmd = "p4 filelog $file | head -n 2";
$cmd = "p4 fstat -T 'headRev' $file";
print $cmd . "\n";
my $filelog = `$cmd`;
print "$filelog" . "\n";
$cmd = "p4 diff -sa $file";
my ($merged, $status) = Capture::Tiny::capture_merged {system($cmd)};
if ( ! $merged ) {
$summary{$file} = "Skipped since the local file does not differ from p4";
# p4 submit
$cmd = "p4 submit -r -d \"$description\" $file";
print $cmd . "\n";
($merged, $status) = Capture::Tiny::capture_merged {system($cmd)};
chomp $merged;
print $merged . "\n";
if ( $merged =~ /No files to submit from the default changelist/ ) {
$summary{$file} = "$merged (You may need to 'p4 add' or 'p4 edit' this file)";
$summary{$file} = "Success";
if ( scalar #files > 0 ) {
print "\nSummary:\n";
for my $file (#files) {
printf "%s %s\n", $file, $summary{$file};

PowerShell parsing a PDF and extracting multiple lines

I'm using iTextSharp to search a PDF for a keyword, and extract any line(s) that contain that keyword. What I'd like to do is not only extract the line(s) with the keyword but subsequent lines.
Line with keyword and the next line, Line with keyword and the next 2 lines, etc.
I've been hung up on this for awhile, trying arrays, hash tables, iterators...none of them are working right. Any help is appreciated. This is the basic design i've been working with:
$reader = New-Object iTextSharp.text.pdf.pdfreader -ArgumentList anypdf.pdf
for ($page = 1; $page -le $reader.NumberOfPages; $page++) {
$lines = [char[]]$reader.GetPageContent($page) -join "" -split "`n"
foreach ($line in $lines) {
if ($line -match $searchstring) {
$line = $line -replace "^\[\(|\)\]TJ$", "" -split "\)\-?\d+\.?\d*\(" -join ""
$line = $line -replace "\\([\S])", $matches[1]
Write-host $line
I can't take credit for the logic that strips out the unwanted characters from the PDF, and that may be why I haven't figured this out yet. The above code gets me any line that contains the keyword. The problem seems to be the PDF is split into pages and those pages are split into lines (which are each an array of characters). It would be nice and efficient if I could simply create a hash table of every line in the PDF from the start.
That's what Select-String was invented for.
for ($page = 1; $page -le $reader.NumberOfPages; $page++) {
[char[]]$reader.GetPageContent($page) -join "" -split "`n" `
| Select-String $searchstring -Context 0,2 `
| % {
$_ -replace "^\[\(|\)\]TJ$", "" `
-split "\)\-?\d+\.?\d*\(" -join "" `
-replace "\\([\S])", $_.Matches.Value
I don't quite understand all the splitting and joinging and replacing you're doing there, so you may need to adjust that.
Also, the above doesn't include the after context, since I wouldn't know where you want it to go. It can be accessed via $_.Context.PostContext.

How to parse PDF content to database with powershell

I have a pdf document that I would like to extract content out of. The issue I am having is this... I search for the IMEI keyword, and it finds it, but I need the actual IMEI value which is the next item in the loop.
In the PDF the value looks like this:
IMEI 90289393092
returning value via the below script:
-0.1 -8.8 9.8 -0.1 446.7 403.9 Tm (IMEI:) Tj
I only want to have the value:
Script I am using:
Add-Type -Path .\itextsharp.dll
$reader = New-Object iTextSharp.text.pdf.pdfreader -ArgumentList "$pwd\PDF\DOC001.pdf"
for ($page = 1; $page -le $reader.NumberOfPages; $page++) {
$lines = [char[]]$reader.GetPageContent($page) -join "" -split "`n"
foreach ($line in $lines) {
if ($line -match "IMEI") {
$line = $line -replace "\\([\S])", $matches[1]
$line -replace "^\[\(|\)\]TJ$", "" -split "\)\-?\d+\.?\d*\(" -join ""
this is the way for using itextsharp.dll and read a pdf as plain text:
Add-Type -Path .\itextsharp.dll
$reader = New-Object iTextSharp.text.pdf.pdfreader -ArgumentList c:\ps\a.pdf
for ($page = 1; $page -le $reader.NumberOfPages; $page++)
$strategy = new-object 'iTextSharp.text.pdf.parser.SimpleTextExtractionStrategy'
$currentText = [iTextSharp.text.pdf.parser.PdfTextExtractor]::GetTextFromPage($reader, $page, $strategy);
[string[]]$Text += [system.text.Encoding]::UTF8.GetString([System.Text.ASCIIEncoding]::Convert( [system.text.encoding]::default , [system.text.encoding]::UTF8, [system.text.Encoding]::Default.GetBytes($currentText)));
And this can be the regex you need but I haven't tested it
[regex]::matches( $text, '(?<=IMEI\s+)(\d+)(?=\s+)' ) | select -expa value

Why will Powershell write to the console, but not to a file?

I have a PowerShell script that sets flags based on various conditions of the file. I'll abbreviate for brevity.
$path = "c:\path"
$srcfiles = Get-ChildItem $path -filter *.htm*
ForEach ($doc in $srcfiles) {
$s = $doc.Fullname
Write-Host "Processing :" $doc.FullName
if (stuff) {flag 1 = 1} else {flag 1 = 0}
if (stuff) {flag 1 = 1} else {flag 1 = 0}
if (stuff) {flag 1 = 1} else {flag 1 = 0}
$t = "$s;$flag1;$flag2;$flag2"
Write-Host "Output: " $t
This all works great. My file processes, the flags are set properly, and a neat semicolon delimited line is generated as $t. However, if I slap these two lines at the end of the function,
$stream = [System.IO.StreamWriter] "flags.txt"
$stream.WriteLine $t
I get this error.
Unexpected token 't' in expression or statement.
At C:\CGC003a.ps1:53 char:25
+ $stream.WriteLine $t <<<<
+ CategoryInfo : ParserError: (t:String) [], ParseException
+ FullyQualifiedErrorId : UnexpectedToken
If I'm reading this write, it appears that write-host flushed my variable $t before it got to the WriteLine. Before I try out-file, though, I want to understand what's happening to $t after Write-Host that prevents Write Line from seeing it as valid. Or is there something else I'm missing?
writeline is a method of streamwriter .net object. To pass in value you need to enclose it in ( )
-if you need to append to a streamwriter you need to create it like this:
$a = new-object 'System.IO.StreamWriter' -ArgumentList "c:\path\to\flags.txt",$true
Where the boolean arguments can be true to append data to the file orfalse to overwrite the file.
I suggest to pass full path for:
$stream = [System.IO.StreamWriter] "c:\path\to\flags.txt"
otherwise you create the file in .net current folder ( probably c:\windows\system32 if run as administrator your current powershell console, to know it type [System.IO.Directory]::GetCurrentDirectory())
you could try
$t > c:\path\to\flags.txt
