Why my deploy did no complete; local git pushs will not arrive to dev and pull requestes will not arrive to live - bitbucket

I'm pushing my local changes to master branch and then changes should be available to see in dev and I also tried to create pull request (master -> live branch) as well in bitbucket, however changes did not reach live.
I'm not receiving any error messages either only thing I see is in slack channel where I'm getting following message and color code: "red; Deploy did not complete". I have tried to check for answers on web without any luck to find solutions to my problem


Bitbucket credentials issue in source tree and git

I am not sure if this is the correct place for this. I used source tree to clone a bit bucket repo and was able to do it a couple of months ago. I was also able to push and pull. However, recently when I try to push and pull or even clone down another copy using the same credentials i get an invalid credentials message.
I have tried clearing out the windows credential manager, resetting my atlassian password, and trying to clone on a completely different computer with the same result.
It's weird because I can add my bitbucket account to source tree using the username and password but I cannot clone, pull, or push using those same credentials.
I do not have an errors message screenshot but could get one if the issue is not clear.
Update: Here is an interesting behavior happening out of sourcetree, when I try to clone a repo I get multiple login prompts. All of these fail when using the credentials.
It appears that the newest version of source tree has a few issues to work out. Downgrading to an older version, 1.9 I believe, I was able to perform cloneing, pulling, and pushing without issue.
I decided to look for alternative clients but source tree would still work on an older version.

Addition of webhooks in Gitlab

I want to do automatic build in Jenkins when code gets pushed into the Gitlab.
For the same doing webhooks configuration in Gitlab, but getting error :
Url is blocked: Requests to the local network are not allowed.
Even not able to do the activity mentioned in the image :
I am not able to go to the admin area.
if you have the gitlab server locally
from doc
This behavior can be overridden by enabling the option “Allow requests to the local network from web hooks and services” in the “Outbound requests” section inside the Admin Area > Settings (/admin/application_settings/network):
url to the entire article here
Use the root login and check the outbound option, you should be good.
Let me know if you get any other error.
I had faced the same issue yesterday, but all good now.

Build Jenkins project on BitBucket pushes and pull requests

I have a scenario where I'm setting up Jenkins for my app. I have BitBucket set up and firing appropriate webhooks.
I want to start a build whenever a push is made to the repo as well as whenever someone creates/updates a pull request.
I've looked at the BitBucket Plugin. It works good if I have the BitBucket webhook to fire for all pushes.
Then I added the BitBucket Pull request plugin to build on every pull request create/update. So I changed the BitBucket webhook preferences to fire on pushes and PR creates/updates.
Unfortunately, these plugins have conflicting settings, hence they cannot be used at the same time (as per my research, the minute I send custom webhooks from BitBucket, the first one stops working, but the second one works)
Has anyone been able to set this up correctly? Maybe there's a plugin for what I want, but I couldn't find it.
I want to keep writing a proxy in front of Jenkins to manage webhooks the last option, only if there really is nothing I can do.
Thanks for the help!

Can I trigger a 'pull' update from a RoR app instead of 'push' from dev environment?

Is it possible to trigger a server update via Capistrano on the actual deployment server, so it fetches updates rather than them being pushed to it?
Our customer's server config is locked down from external access, so can't push an update to it (but it can get to the interwebs, so could see a repository somewhere)
I can't believe I'm inventing something new here, so is it possible to visit and admin page in the app to find an update is available and stop/update/restart the server? What do other people do?
Just to finally close this off, we solved this eventually by moving the project tot gitlab.com and using a gitlab-runner to poll for deployments - thus, pulling updates, not having them pushed.

Do BitBucket hooks fire on branch commits?

If I have multiple branches in my BitBucket repository, and push changes to one of the branches, do the hooks fire?
I want to ensure that my hook to AppHarbor only fires on pushes to the master, but I can't find any configuration on whether that is possible.
From what I can tell, they do.
However, with AppHabor, I can now attach to a specific branch in the repository. When done this way, only changes to that branch cause AppHarbor to get the updates and republish my website.
So I now have 3 "permanent" branches...
"dev" that I can push to any time and is not monitored by AppHarbor
"uat" that I pull from "dev" when desired, and this updates my UAT web site
"live" that I pull from "uat" when desired, and this updates my Live web site
