FF4J default rest endpoints not appearing under Swagger - swagger-ui

I don't see the rest api endpoints i.e. ff4j,store,{uid} etc. mentioned on ff4j website appearing under Swagger. I have a controller with one endpoint and it appears fine.


Swagger (SpringDoc) UI requests throught gateway

It seems that when we use Swagger (SpringDoc) UI for the gateway, when a request is sent through it, the request is made directly to the service and not through the gateway. For example, in this example (linked from SpringDoc documentation), the swagger ui address is while the request is being made to
Isn't an important point of using swagger to let API users know what APIs we have and be able to test them? Thus, shouldn't the requests be made through the gateway and not directly? Maybe, they don't even have access to the services directly. Is there a solution?

How to allow anonymous access for a REST endpoint?

I am using the JIRA web fragment and trying to create a REST endpoint. I am using a web fragment and its corresponding REST endpoint which is called "MounaBulkSummary". How can I enable "anonymous allowed" for my REST endpoint? You notice my REST endpoint is all the way to the bottom and it doesn't have the option "Anonymous allowed", how can I add it?

Setup google login with swagger UI in Nest.js Project

I have a Nest JS API project in which I've done all my normal auth and CRUD endpoints working good! I have all the endpoints shown in Swagger UI using Nest JS's SwaggerModule. Now I have to add google login to the Swagger UI of this project but IDK how to do it?? I haven't found a clear setup explanation on the web so I can understand how to do this?
This project does not have a front end, so I need like a button from the Swagger UI to access the google login page and then redirect to an endpoint into my project so I can return the token generated by google, copy it and add it into the authorization token in Swagger UI.
Here are some pictures of what I have and what I need so you can better understand in what I need help, please guys:
Here is my Swagger Setup:
Nest JS main.ts file wit Swagger Setup
Here we have:
Normal auth endpoints working.
Button to add auth token so I can use protected endpoints.
What I need, like a google login button that allows me to use a google account and redirect to an endpoint of my API to get the auth token and add it into the 2. button so I can use my protected endpoints.
What I have and what I need
Is it possible to achieve what I'm asking for? This is the first time I'm using Nest JS and Swagger UI.

Generating Swagger for one service only with Swashbuckle

Is it possible to get the Swagger for an individual endpoint from Swashbuckle? I would like to be able to build individual Swagger documents from each endpoint in my API solution, rather than including all operations in all endpoints.

Swagger UI behind google end point

I've setup a Google Endpoint in front of a Google Container Engine service. The container is running Loopback, which serves the swagger UI by default at /explorer. I would like to access the UI, but of course the Google end point prevents accessing as it isn't part of the API spec.
Google has these docs, but they seem to be specific to an app engine deployment.
How can I go about exposing the swagger UI while using Google Endpoints, Google Container Engine and swagger?
