Does anyone know whether I could perform HTTP requests from the YT Data API, asking for an actual mp4 file of a video that has been uploaded to a specicific channel that has granted me access to do so via OAuth2? I would need the mp4 file because I want to subtitle the videos I pull from those channels.
I read the docs, but I wasn't able to find any details on this matter, unfortunately.
Unfortunately there isn't any YouTube Data API v3 Videos: download endpoint as there is the Captions: download one. I would recommend you to use yt-dlp to download your videos in an automatic manner.
YouTube Data API has:
but this shows whether you are already live streaming or there is a scheduled live stream.
And the YouTube livestream API doesn't seem to deal with non-LIVE entries:
works with api_key unlike the fileDetails in the old answer.
I was lucky and spotted that the past live streams are saved with file name livestream.str.
So, using the YouTube Data API to get videos with filename livestream.str should work.
To get this filename, you need the OAuth2 authorization. If you use the API key you will get 403 error. Then use the part=fileDetails:
is there a way to upload videos through the Youtube API to a specific channel that I'm administrating.
From what I see in the documentation the parameters onBehalfOfContentOwnerChannel is reserved to Youtube partners. Does this mean that I can only upload videos to my personal channel and not to one of my pages?
As per documentation, you are correct. onBehalfOfContentOwnerChannel is only available for Youtube Partner only. If there is a way to be authorized that is when you do a transfer of ownership of the account but this should be done by the owner himself.
Reference related SO questions:
YouTube API - how to specify which channel to upload to
YouTube v3 API upload to channel
Hope this helps.
the use case is that I'd like Vimeo users to supply me a vimeo link to a specific file (and the upload_ticket), and only have access to that one particular video and no other video in that user's account. How does one do that?
This is not supported by Vimeo's API. If you have access to download one video, you have access to download all of their videos.
Is it possible to upload a video file which is stored on Google Cloud to YouTube pro-grammatically (without user intervention)? Preferably PHP.
I would like to run the application via a Cron job.
Can you point me to an example of how this is done?
Thanks in advance
You can use the YouTube Data API to upload videos to YouTube programmatically. Its documentation is at
I am not very familiar with it, but I don't think that it can read directly from Google Cloud Storage.
We are proposing to use the YouTube API for a community video portal. When using the Upload API and the Player API ... I have the following queries ...
Can I store all the videos in my own Server, instead of storing on YouTube?
Will the uploaded videos on my site also appear on automatically? Can I restrict the display of our videos on the YouTube site, as these come through a Pay wall?
Are there any restrictions to the number of videos being uploaded using the API?