Can i highlight a specific graticule at a certain latitude in amcharts 5 maps or with geoJSON - geojson

I'm looking to highlight the Arctic circle latitude in an amcharts5 globe
Take this demo:
the "create graticule series" commented part makes the grid of longitudes and latitudes (see
// Create graticule series
var graticuleSeries = chart.series.push(, {}));
graticuleSeries.mapLines.template.setAll({ strokeOpacity: 0.1, stroke: root.interfaceColors.get("alternativeBackground") })
I would like to add a single graticule at 66.34 latitude that is e.g black and thicker than the rest of the stroke. Maybe even add a annotation or tooltip for it. Is this possible?
There is the map line function, but it only takes a geoJSON LineString, points with lines drawn straight between them:, which wont result in them staying around a latitude
Can separate styling of a latitude (e.g. 66.34) be done either by:
• Highlighting a single graticule with the graticuleSeries feature of amcharts5?
• somehow in geoJSON? In that case MapLineSeries can be used


How to get the hc-transform for a custom map?

I have a GeoJson from brazil which is a more detailed version of the official HighMaps Brazil map. In this JSON I have the states divided into its mesoregions.
When I tried to draw a point on top of this GeoJson I got the message telling me that this functionality was only supported with official highmaps maps. Reading the documentation I found out that I should create an object hc-transform on my geojson. I thought it would make sense to use the same hc-transform used by the official HighMaps Brazil map, and when I did, it kinda works ok: It gives me the the same point with fromLatLonToPoint() method but then when I use the method toPixels() to get the "canvas" position (and draw something on top of it) it gives me different values.
The code Im using is this (it works fine for brazil official highmaps):
let point = chart.fromLatLonToPoint({lat:, lon: n.long});
let x = chart.xAxis[0].toPixels(point.x, true);
let y = chart.yAxis[0].toPixels(point.y, true);
// Draw the div / point / whatever on the (x, y) position
The GeoJson I am talking about you can find here:
Checking Highmaps oficial Brazilian map I can see that each polygon also has some highcharts attributes (hc-middle-x, hc-middle-y, etc). Does that make any difference? If not, what am I doing wrong?
Turns out my hc-transform doesn't seem to be right as we can see on this fiddle:
If we uncoment the line 8, we can see that the city Belo Horizonte, is not plotted on the right position on the Mesoregion map.
So, how can I get the hc-transform right?

Here Map : How to differentiate between two markers at same location

How can we differentiate among multiple NMAMapMarker at same location.
As we have marker.userdata property for google markers but how to manage data for markers in Here Maps.
When you are placing multiple markers at the same geo-point, they are stacked on top of the other. Since they are all at the same coordinate, only the top most one will be displayed. To enable multiple marker to be shown at the same coordinate, you will need to have some logic to slightly shift the position of markers. For example check if there is already a marker at the point, if there is an existing one, then use some logic to slightly change the coordinate value of the new marker to be added at the point.

Polygons in Google Map

I construct three polygons in the google map using the help polygons in google Map API for developers site. They are look like one polygon inside an another polygon .When my page is loaded all three polygon are loaded.How can i get the inner polygon when the outer polygon is zoomed or clicked in google map?Image:polygon inside another polygon
Your polygon are just place in postion that appear as one is inside another
for google maps the way you place your polygon had not a topological meaning
A easy eay for avoid that a larger polygon is over a small one could be based on z-index
assignin z-index with higher value to the polygon over the others eg:
// the larger - at base
var polylgon1 = new google.maps.Polygon({
zIndex: 100
// the middle - at medium leve
var polylgon2 = new google.maps.Polygon({
zIndex: 200
// the smaller - at top leve
var polylgon3= new google.maps.Polygon({
zIndex: 300

Charts: Disabling/Hiding the first node point in Line chart

I successfully drawn a multiline chart using Charts library in Swift. However there is a minor customisation I need. Looking up the documentation I haven't found anything relative in the properties of datasets and line chart.
Here's slice of screenshot from my multiline chart.
My requirement is all the lines should start from Y-Axis but the first nodal point which is on Left axis shouldn't have a circle on it e.g the (0, 30) point.
Remaining all the nodal points must have a circle on them as shown in the image. Is any property out there in any class which toggles off the first nodal point or any other alternate customization I can do to achieve this?

Highstock marker points do not display on line series with grouped data

Using highstock v1.2.2 I am trying to set a few red marker points on a line series with approximately 8000 points.
However, the marker points are only displayed when the data is not being grouped.
When i increase the size of my navigator and the data is grouped, the marker points are no longer displayed.
I searched the highstock api and didn't find anything helpful. All i found was this issue: Fixed issue with disappearing point markers after switching from non, that was fixed about a year ago.
I also tried to increase the turboThreshold attribute with no luck. So how can i display marker points on a large data set when the points are grouped?
You say that you set "a few" marker points. In that case, the markers will disappear when those individual points are grouped with other points, since the global option is that markers are disabled.
As an alternative, you should consider using flags for the points you want to emphasize. Or to make them look like regular point markers, you can even use a scatter series on top of the line series.
