Metal defaultLibrary does not load .metal functions - ios

My metal default library does not contain the vertex and shader functions from the .metal file of the same directory.
Then the library.makeFunction(name: ..) returns nil for both the vertex and shader functions that should be assigned to pipelineDescriptor vars.
The metal file & headers are copied from the Apple Sample App "BasicTexturing" (Creating and Sampling Textures).
The file APPLShaders.metal and APPLShaderTypes.h contain a vertexShader and samplingShader functions that are loaded by an AAPLRenderer.m
In the sample it's really straightforward
id<MTLLibrary> defaultLibrary = [_device newDefaultLibrary];
id<MTLFunction> vertexFunction = [defaultLibrary newFunctionWithName:#"vertexShader"];
id<MTLFunction> fragmentFunction = [defaultLibrary newFunctionWithName:#"samplingShader"];
I have copied these files to a RayWenderlich Swift tutorial and used the swift version
There is an init to set the library
Renderer.library = device.makeDefaultLibrary()
let library = Renderer.library
let importVertexFunction = library?.makeFunction(name: "vertexShader")
let importShaderFunction = library?.makeFunction(name: "samplingShader")
This works just fine!
Same thing in my app with the same files copied over and it does not load the functions.
I have checked compileSources in build settings - it lists the metal file.
Comparing everything in settings and don't see a difference between the working apps and my app.
I don't see any error messages or log messages to indicate a syntax or path problem.
Any ideas?
The Apple sample code AAPLShaders.metal
See LICENSE folder for this sample’s licensing information.
Metal shaders used for this sample
#include <metal_stdlib>
#include <simd/simd.h>
using namespace metal;
// Include header shared between this Metal shader code and C code executing Metal API commands
#import "AAPLShaderTypes.h"
// Vertex shader outputs and per-fragment inputs. Includes clip-space position and vertex outputs
// interpolated by rasterizer and fed to each fragment generated by clip-space primitives.
typedef struct
// The [[position]] attribute qualifier of this member indicates this value is the clip space
// position of the vertex wen this structure is returned from the vertex shader
float4 clipSpacePosition [[position]];
// Since this member does not have a special attribute qualifier, the rasterizer will
// interpolate its value with values of other vertices making up the triangle and
// pass that interpolated value to the fragment shader for each fragment in that triangle;
float2 textureCoordinate;
} RasterizerData;
// Vertex Function
vertex RasterizerData
vertexShader(uint vertexID [[ vertex_id ]],
constant AAPLVertex *vertexArray [[ buffer(AAPLVertexInputIndexVertices) ]],
constant vector_uint2 *viewportSizePointer [[ buffer(AAPLVertexInputIndexViewportSize) ]])
RasterizerData out;
// Index into our array of positions to get the current vertex
// Our positions are specified in pixel dimensions (i.e. a value of 100 is 100 pixels from
// the origin)
float2 pixelSpacePosition = vertexArray[vertexID].position.xy;
// Get the size of the drawable so that we can convert to normalized device coordinates,
float2 viewportSize = float2(*viewportSizePointer);
// The output position of every vertex shader is in clip space (also known as normalized device
// coordinate space, or NDC). A value of (-1.0, -1.0) in clip-space represents the
// lower-left corner of the viewport whereas (1.0, 1.0) represents the upper-right corner of
// the viewport.
// In order to convert from positions in pixel space to positions in clip space we divide the
// pixel coordinates by half the size of the viewport.
out.clipSpacePosition.xy = pixelSpacePosition / (viewportSize / 2.0);
// Set the z component of our clip space position 0 (since we're only rendering in
// 2-Dimensions for this sample)
out.clipSpacePosition.z = 0.0;
// Set the w component to 1.0 since we don't need a perspective divide, which is also not
// necessary when rendering in 2-Dimensions
out.clipSpacePosition.w = 1.0;
// Pass our input textureCoordinate straight to our output RasterizerData. This value will be
// interpolated with the other textureCoordinate values in the vertices that make up the
// triangle.
out.textureCoordinate = vertexArray[vertexID].textureCoordinate;
return out;
// Fragment function
fragment float4
samplingShader(RasterizerData in [[stage_in]],
texture2d<half> colorTexture [[ texture(AAPLTextureIndexBaseColor) ]])
constexpr sampler textureSampler (mag_filter::linear,
// Sample the texture to obtain a color
const half4 colorSample = colorTexture.sample(textureSampler, in.textureCoordinate);
// We return the color of the texture
return float4(colorSample);
The Apple Sample code header AAPLShaderTypes.h
See LICENSE folder for this sample’s licensing information.
Header containing types and enum constants shared between Metal shaders and C/ObjC source
#ifndef AAPLShaderTypes_h
#define AAPLShaderTypes_h
#include <simd/simd.h>
// Buffer index values shared between shader and C code to ensure Metal shader buffer inputs match
// Metal API buffer set calls
typedef enum AAPLVertexInputIndex
AAPLVertexInputIndexVertices = 0,
AAPLVertexInputIndexViewportSize = 1,
} AAPLVertexInputIndex;
// Texture index values shared between shader and C code to ensure Metal shader buffer inputs match
// Metal API texture set calls
typedef enum AAPLTextureIndex
AAPLTextureIndexBaseColor = 0,
} AAPLTextureIndex;
// This structure defines the layout of each vertex in the array of vertices set as an input to our
// Metal vertex shader. Since this header is shared between our .metal shader and C code,
// we can be sure that the layout of the vertex array in the code matches the layout that
// our vertex shader expects
typedef struct
// Positions in pixel space (i.e. a value of 100 indicates 100 pixels from the origin/center)
vector_float2 position;
// 2D texture coordinate
vector_float2 textureCoordinate;
} AAPLVertex;
#endif /* AAPLShaderTypes_h */
Debug print of my library
Printing description of self.library:
(MTLLibrary?) library = (object = 0x00006000004af7b0) {
object = 0x00006000004af7b0 {
baseNSObject#0 = {
isa = CaptureMTLLibrary
Debug print of working library from RayWenderlich sample app
The new added sampleShader and vertexShader are shown in the library along with the existing fragment and vertex functions.
▿ Optional<MTLLibrary>
- some : <CaptureMTLLibrary: 0x600000f54210> -> <MTLDebugLibrary: 0x600002204050> -> <_MTLLibrary: 0x600001460280>
label = <none>
device = <MTLSimDevice: 0x15a5069d0>
name = Apple iOS simulator GPU
functionNames: fragment_main vertex_main samplingShader vertexShader

Did you check the target membership of file? Your code is nothing to weird so please check the target.

Answer - issue of not loading functions into the metal library is resolved by removing a leftover -fcikernel flag in the Other Metal Compiler Flags option of Build Settings of the project target.
The flag was set when testing a CoreImageKernel.metal as documented in
I removed the kernel definition file from the app but missed the compiler flag.. and missed it when visually comparing build settings.


Draw RGB pixel array to DirectX-11 render view

Given an array of RBG pixels that updates every frame (e.g. 1024x1024), a ID3D11RenderTargetView, ID3D11Device and ID3D11DeviceContext, what's the easiest way to draw these pixels to the render view?
I've been working the angle of creating a vertex buffer for a square (two triangles), trying to make pixels be a proper texture, and figuring out how to make a shader reference the texture sampler. I've been following this tutorial .... But to be honest, I don't see how this tutorial has shaders that even reference the texture data (shaders defined on the proceeding tutorial, here).
I am a total DirectX novice, but I am writing a plugin for an application where I am given a directx11 device/view/context, and need to fill it with my pixel data. Many thanks!
IF you can make sure your staging resource matches the exact resolution and format of the render target you are given:
Create a staging resource
Map the staging resource, and copy your data into it.
Unmap the staging resource
UseGetResource on the RTV to get the resource
CopyResource from your staging to that resource.
Otherwise, IF you can count on Direct3D Hardware Feature level 10.0 or better, the easiest way would be:
Create a texture with USAGE_DYNAMIC.
Map it and copy your data into the texture.
Unmap the resource
Render the dynamic texture as a 'full-screen' quad using the 'big-triangle' self-generation trick in the vertex shader:
SamplerState PointSampler : register(s0);
Texture2D<float4> Texture : register(t0);
struct Interpolators
float4 Position : SV_Position;
float2 TexCoord : TEXCOORD0;
Interpolators main(uint vI : SV_VertexId)
Interpolators output;
// We use the 'big triangle' optimization so you only Draw 3 verticies instead of 4.
float2 texcoord = float2((vI << 1) & 2, vI & 2);
output.TexCoord = texcoord;
output.Position = float4(texcoord.x * 2 - 1, -texcoord.y * 2 + 1, 0, 1);
return output;
and a pixel shader of:
float4 main(Interpolators In) : SV_Target0
return Texture.Sample(PointSampler, In.TexCoord);
Then draw with:
ID3D11ShaderResourceView* textures[1] = { texture };
context->PSSetShaderResources(0, 1, textures);
// You need a sampler object.
context->PSSetSamplers(0, 1, &sampler);
// Depending on your desired result, you may need state objects here
context->OMSetBlendState(nullptr, nullptr, 0xffffffff);
context->OMSetDepthStencilState(nullptr, 0);
Draw(3, 0);
For full source for the "Full Screen Quad" drawing, see GitHub.

How to manually render a mesh loaded with the DirectX Toolkit

I have a c++/cx project where I'm rendering procedural meshes using DirectX-11, it all seems to work fine, but now I wanted to also import and render meshes from files (from fbx to be exact).
I was told to use the DirectX Toolkit for this.
I followed the tutorials of the toolkit, and that all worked,
but then I tried doing that in my project but it didn't seem to work. The imported mesh was not visible, and the existing procedural meshes were rendered incorrectly (as if without a depth buffer).
I then tried manually rendering the imported mesh (identical to the procedural meshes, without using the Draw function from DirectXTK)
This works better, the existing meshes are all correct, but the imported mesh color's are wrong; I use a custom made vertex and fragment shader, that uses only vertex position and color data, but for some reason the imported mesh's normals are send to shader instead of the vertex-colors.
(I don't even want the normals to be stored in the mesh, but I don't seem to have the option to export to fbx without normals, and even if I remove them manually from the fbx, at import the DirectXTK seem to recalculate the normals)
Does anyone know what I'm doing wrong?
This is all still relatively new to me, so any help appreciated.
If you need more info, just let me know.
Here is my code for rendering meshes:
First the main render function (which is called once every update):
void Track3D::Render()
if (!_loadingComplete)
static const XMVECTORF32 up = { 0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f };
// Prepare to pass the view matrix, and updated model matrix, to the shader
XMStoreFloat4x4(&_constantBufferData.view, XMMatrixTranspose(XMMatrixLookAtRH(_CameraPosition, _CameraLookat, up)));
// Clear the back buffer and depth stencil view.
_d3dContext->ClearRenderTargetView(_renderTargetView.Get(), DirectX::Colors::Transparent);
_d3dContext->ClearDepthStencilView(_depthStencilView.Get(), D3D11_CLEAR_DEPTH | D3D11_CLEAR_STENCIL, 1.0f, 0);
// Set render targets to the screen.
ID3D11RenderTargetView *const targets[1] = { _renderTargetView.Get() };
_d3dContext->OMSetRenderTargets(1, targets, _depthStencilView.Get());
// Here I render everything:
The Present-function:
void Track3D::Present()
DXGI_PRESENT_PARAMETERS parameters = { 0 };
parameters.DirtyRectsCount = 0;
parameters.pDirtyRects = nullptr;
parameters.pScrollRect = nullptr;
parameters.pScrollOffset = nullptr;
hr = _swapChain->Present1(1, 0, &parameters);
if (FAILED(hr))
throw Platform::Exception::CreateException(hr);
Here's the render function which I call on every mesh:
(All of the mesh-specific data is gotten from the imported mesh)
void Mesh::Render(ModelViewProjectionConstantBuffer constantBufferData)
if (!_loadingComplete)
XMStoreFloat4x4(&constantBufferData.model, XMLoadFloat4x4(&_modelMatrix));
// Prepare the constant buffer to send it to the Graphics device.
UINT offset = 0;
DXGI_FORMAT_R16_UINT, // Each index is one 16-bit unsigned integer (short).
// Attach our vertex shader.
// Send the constant buffer to the Graphics device.
// Attach our pixel shader.
// Draw the objects.
And this is the vertex shader:
cbuffer ModelViewProjectionConstantBuffer : register(b0)
matrix model;
matrix view;
matrix projection;
struct VertexShaderInput
float3 pos : POSITION;
//float3 normal : NORMAL0; //uncommenting these changes the color data for some reason (but always wrong)
//float2 uv1 : TEXCOORD0;
//float2 uv2 : TEXCOORD1;
float3 color : COLOR0;
struct VertexShaderOutput
float3 color : COLOR0;
float4 pos : SV_POSITION;
VertexShaderOutput main(VertexShaderInput input)
VertexShaderOutput output;
float4 pos = float4(input.pos, 1.0f);
// Transform the vertex position into projected space.
pos = mul(pos, model);
pos = mul(pos, view);
pos = mul(pos, projection);
output.pos = pos;
output.color = input.color;
return output;
And this is the pixel shader:
struct PixelShaderInput
float3 color: COLOR0;
float4 main(PixelShaderInput input) : SV_TARGET
return float4(input.color.r, input.color.g, input.color.b, 1);
The most likely issue is that you are not setting enough state for your drawing, and that the DirectX Tool Kit drawing functions are setting states that don't match what your existing code requires.
For performance reasons, DirectX Tool Kit does not 'save & restore' state. Instead each draw function sets the state it needs fully and then leaves it. I document which state is impacted in the wiki under the State management section for each class.
Your code above sets the vertex buffer, index buffer, input layout, vertex shader, pixel shader, primitive topology, and VS constant buffer in slot 0.
You did not set blend state, depth/stencil state, or the rasterizer state. You didn't provide the pixel shader so I don't know if you need any PS constant buffers, samplers, or shader resources.
Try explicitly setting the blend state, depth/stencil state, and rasterizer state before you draw your procedural meshes. If you just want to go back to the defined defaults instead of whatever DirectX Tool Kit did, call:
_d3dContext->OMSetBlendState(nullptr, nullptr, 0);
_d3dContext->OMSetDepthStencilState(nullptr, 0xffffffff);
See also the CommonStates class.
It's generally not a good idea to use identifiers that start with _ in C++. Officially all identifiers that start with _X where X is a capital letter or __ are reserved for the compiler and library implementers so it could conflict with some compiler stuff. m_ or something similar is better.

How do you get normalized devices coordinates into Apple's Metal kernel functions?

I have a kernel function in Metal that I pass in a texture to so that I can perform some operations on the image. I'm passing in uint2 gid [[thread_position_in_grid]] which gives me the pixel coordinates as integers.
To get a the normalized devices coordinates I can do some simple math on gid.x and gid.y along with my texture width and heigh. Is this the best way to do it? Better way?
Your approach is a good one. If you don't want to query the texture dimensions inside the kernel function or create a buffer just to pass them in, you can use the -[MTLComputeCommandEncoder setBytes:length:atIndex:] method to bind the texture dimensions in a "temporary" buffer of sorts that is handled by Metal:
[computeEncoder setBytes:&dimensions length:sizeof(dimensions) atIndex:0]
I think you right, and it is good way to use the same approach usually is applied in GLSL:
compute texel size
float2 texSize = float2(1/outTexture.get_with(),1/outTexture.get_height());
then use it to get normalized pixel position
constexpr sampler s(address::clamp_to_edge, filter::linear, coord::normalized);
// something to do...
float4 color = inTexture.sample(s,float2(gid)*texSize);
// something todo with pixel
The method specified in the question works well. But for completion, an alternate way to read from textures using non-normalized (and/or normalized device coordinates) would be to use samplers.
Create a sampler:
id<MTLSamplerState> GetSamplerState()
MTLSamplerDescriptor *desc = [[MTLSamplerDescriptor alloc] autorelease];
desc.minFilter = MTLSamplerMinMagFilterNearest;
desc.magFilter = MTLSamplerMinMagFilterNearest;
desc.mipFilter = MTLSamplerMipFilterNotMipmapped;
desc.maxAnisotropy = 1;
desc.sAddressMode = MTLSamplerAddressModeClampToEdge;
desc.tAddressMode = MTLSamplerAddressModeClampToEdge;
desc.rAddressMode = MTLSamplerAddressModeClampToEdge;
// The key point: specifies that the sampler reads non-normalized coordinates
desc.normalizedCoordinates = NO;
desc.lodMinClamp = 0.0f;
desc.lodMaxClamp = FLT_MAX;
id <MTLSamplerState> sampler_state = nil;
sampler_state = [[device_ newSamplerStateWithDescriptor:desc] autorelease];
// Release the descriptor
desc = nil;
return sampler_state;
And then attach it to your compute command encoder:
id <MTLComputeCommandEncoder> compute_encoder = [comand_buffer computeCommandEncoder];
id<MTLSamplerState> ss = GetSamplerState();
// Attach the sampler state to the encoder, say at sampler bind point 0
[compute_encoder setSamplerState:ss atIndex:0];
// And set your texture, say at texture bind point 0
[compute_encoder setTexture:my_texture atIndex:0];
Finally use it in the kernel:
// An example kernel that samples from a texture,
// writes one component of the sample into an output buffer
kernel void compute_main(
texture2d<uint, access::sample> tex_to_sample [[ texture(0) ]],
sampler smp [[ sampler(0) ]],
device uint *out [[buffer(0)]],
uint2 tid [[thread_position_in_grid]])
out[tid] = tex_to_sample.sample(smp, tid).x;
Using a sampler allows you to specify parameters for sampling (like filtering). You can also access the texture in different ways by using different samplers attached to the same kernel. Sampler also avoids having to pass and check for bounds on texture dimensions.
Note that the sampler can also be set up from within the compute kernel. Refer to Section 2.6 Samplers in the Metal Shading Language Specification
Finally, one main difference between read function (using gid, as specified in the question) vs. sampling using a sampler is that read() takes integer coordinates, whereas sample() takes floating point coordinates. So integer coordinates passed into sample will get casted into equivalent floating-point.

HLSL 3 Can a Pixel Shader be declared alone?

I've been asked to split the question below into multiple questions:
HLSL and Pix number of questions
This is asking the first question, can I in HLSL 3 run a pixel shader without a vertex shader. In HLSL 2 I notice you can but I can't seem to find a way in 3?
The shader will compile fine, I will then however get this error from Visual Studio when calling SpriteBatch Draw().
"Cannot mix shader model 3.0 with earlier shader models. If either the vertex shader or pixel shader is compiled as 3.0, they must both be."
I don't believe I've defined anything in the shader to use anything earlier then 3. So I'm left a bit confused. Any help would be appreciated.
The problem is that the built-in SpriteBatch shader is 2.0. If you specify a pixel shader only, SpriteBatch still uses its built-in vertex shader. Hence the version mismatch.
The solution, then, is to also specify a vertex shader yourself. Fortunately Microsoft provides the source to XNA's built-in shaders. All it involves is a matrix transformation. Here's the code, modified so you can use it directly:
float4x4 MatrixTransform;
void SpriteVertexShader(inout float4 color : COLOR0,
inout float2 texCoord : TEXCOORD0,
inout float4 position : SV_Position)
position = mul(position, MatrixTransform);
And then - because SpriteBatch won't set it for you - setting your effect's MatrixTransform correctly. It's a simple projection of "client" space (source from this blog post). Here's the code:
Matrix projection = Matrix.CreateOrthographicOffCenter(0,
GraphicsDevice.Viewport.Width, GraphicsDevice.Viewport.Height, 0, 0, 1);
Matrix halfPixelOffset = Matrix.CreateTranslation(-0.5f, -0.5f, 0);
effect.Parameters["MatrixTransform"].SetValue(halfPixelOffset * projection);
You can try the simple examples here. The greyscale shader is a very good example to understand how a minimal pixel shader works.
Basically, you create a Effect under your content project like this one:
sampler s0;
float4 PixelShaderFunction(float2 coords: TEXCOORD0) : COLOR0
// B/N
//float4 color = tex2D(s0, coords);
// = color.r;
// Transparent
float4 color = tex2D(s0, coords);
return color;
technique Technique1
pass Pass1
PixelShader = compile ps_2_0 PixelShaderFunction();
You also need to:
Create an Effect object and load its content.
ambienceEffect = Content.Load("Effects/Ambient");
Call your SpriteBatch.Begin() method passing the Effect object you want to use
spriteBatch.Begin( SpriteSortMode.FrontToBack,
Inside the SpriteBatch.Begin() - SpriteBatch.End() block, you must call the Technique inside the Effect

General confusion about .fx files and shaders use in DirectX9 in C++ - how exactly do you make the connection with the app?

Well basically,I'm not quite sure how to properly use the Set and Get Parameter methods in DX to use the .fx files.I mean I can't find a good tutorial anywhere.I even had a book about D3D9 and while I got most of it,I'm still unable to use effect files.What's worse is the DirectX Samples provided by microsoft are packed with some DX Utility classes by microsoft and all sorts of other needless complications and I can't quite get it trough the 2k lines of code.I mean I get the basic idea(load,begin,loop with passes,end),but can anyone please point me out to a good tutorial on some simple example.The main thing I don't understand is how to work with the effect parameters :(
Here is a reference sheet I wrote back when I was first learning how to use HLSL shaders in DirectX9. Perhaps it will be of assistance.
Declare needed variables:
ID3DXEffect* shader;
Load the .fx file:
D3DXCreateEffectFromFile( d3dDevice,
Clean up the effect object (some people use a SAFE_RELEASE macro):
shader = nullptr;
Use the shader to render something:
void Application::Render()
unsigned passes = 0;
for(unsigned i=0;i<passes;++i)
// Set uniforms
shader->CommitChanges(); // Not necessary if SetWhatevers are done OUTSIDE of a BeginPass/EndPass pair.
/* Insert rendering instructions here */
Declare the uniforms (variables you want to set from within the application):
float4x4 gWorld : WORLD;
float4x4 gViewProj : VIEWPROJECTION;
float gTime : TIME;
Texture2D gDiffuseTexture; // requires a matching sampler
sampler gDiffuseSampler = sampler_state // here's the matching sampler
Texture = <gDiffuseTexture>;
AddressU = Wrap;
AddressV = Wrap;
Define the vertex shader input structure:
struct VS_INPUT // make this match the vertex structure in Application
float3 untransformed_pos : POSITION0;
float3 untransformed_nrm : NORMAL0;
float4 color : COLOR0;
float2 uv_coords : TEXCOORD0;
Define the pixel shader input structure (vertex shader output):
struct PS_INPUT
float4 transformed_pos : POSITION0;
float4 transformed_nrm : NORMAL0;
float4 color : COLOR0;
float2 uv_coords : TEXCOORD0;
Define a vertex shader:
PS_INPUT mainVS (VS_INPUT input)
PS_INPUT output;
/* Insert shader instructions here */
return output;
Define a pixel shader:
float4 mainPS (PS_INPUT input) : COLOR
/* Insert shader instructions here */
return float4(resultColor,1.0f);
Define a technique:
technique myTechnique
// Here is a quick sample
pass FirstPass
vertexShader = compile vs_3_0 mainVS();
pixelShader = compile ps_3_0 mainPS();
// Setting a few of the many D3D renderstates via the effect framework
ShadeMode = FLAT; // flat color interpolation across triangles
FillMode = SOLID; // no wireframes, no point drawing.
CullMode = CCW; // cull any counter-clockwise polygons.
Can you be a bit more specific about where you're having problems?
The basic idea with the API for Effect parameters is to load your .fx file and then use ID3DXEffect::GetParameterByName() or GetParameterBySemantic() to retrieve a D3DXHANDLE to the parameters you want to modify at runtime. Then in your render loop you can set the values for those parameters using the ID3DXEffect::SetXXX() family of functions (which one you use depends on the type of the parameter you are setting, e.g. Float, Vector, Matrix), passing the D3DXHANDLE you retrieved when you loaded the effect.
The reason you work with D3DXHANDLEs and not directly with parameter name strings is performance - it saves doing lots of string compares in your render loop to look up parameters.
A simple example of how you might use this is defining a texture2D parameter called diffuseTex in your .fx file. When you load the .fx file, use
D3DXHANDLE diffuseTexHandle = effect->GetParameterByName(NULL, "diffuseTex");
and then in your render loop set the appropriate diffuse texture for each model you draw using
LPDIRECT3DTEXTURE9 diffuseTexturePtr = GetMeTheRightTexturePlease();
ID3DXEffect::SetTexture(diffuseTexHandle, diffuseTexturePtr);
