How to reduce over an entire dataset in the GPU? - webgl

I'm using WebGPU/WGSL compute modules to analyze medium-large datasets (millions of data points) by slicing or sharding the data and making each invocation of the shader work on its own slice of data.
This works fine when data operations are local enough. But what if I need to compute the minimum value over the entire dataset, which is not a local operation (because it needs to read the entire dataset and output a single number)?
Fortunately the minimum function is commutative and associative, so I can have the shader compute the minimum of its own slice of data and put the result in a specific cell in a temporary storage. But then, how do I detect when all invocations are done and do the final reduction over that storage?
I'm thinking of putting that code at the end of my shader after a barrier and only run it once, for instance in the invocation with local id zero. But as far as I can tell, barriers only hold within a workgroup, so I would still need to reduce over the results of all workgroups. Where should that final code go?
Edit: I just thought of using a global atomic operation at the end of my shader to increment a global counter, and if I detect that I'm the last code to run it, I can reduce over the final results. Is this correct?
Something like this:
perform the bulk of the work on the instance's own shard of data;
store the shard-level result in a workgroup storage buffer of length workgroup_size, indexed by local_invocation_id;
call workgroupBarrier to synchronize over that memory;
if we are the workgroup leader (local_invocation_id is zero) reduce the workgroup buffer to a single workgroup-level result and store it into a global buffer of length num_workgroups;
call storageBarrier (maybe? is this even needed here?)
increment a single global counter with atomicAdd: if we are the last workgroup leader to do so, perform the last reduction over the global buffer and store the final, single result in global storage.
Can anybody confirm whether this is correct? I'm not sure whether the atomic counter can guarantee that I can read the results stored by the other workgroups. That's why I added a storageBarrier, but I'm still not sure whether it's a strong enough guarantee.
In my case (max function) I could probably replace all intermediate buffers with atomicMax calls:
work on the instance data;
combine the local maximum into a workgroup-level atomicMax;
call workgroupBarrier() to wait for all atomicMax calls;
if we are the workgroup leader, do an atomicLoad and combine it into a global atomicMax.
This should work, if I understand correctly. But what if my reduction function is not max, but is more complex? Can I use an atomic counter and intermediate buffers as I described above?


All blocks read same global memory location section. Fastest method is?

I am writing an algorithm which all blocks are reading a same address. Such as we have a list=[1, 2, 3, 4], and all blocks are reading it and store it to their own shared memory...My test shows the more blocks reading it, the slower it will be...I guess no broadcast happen here? Any idea I can make it faster? Thank you!!!
I learnt from previous post that this can be broadcast in one wrap, seems can not happen in different wrap....(Actually in my case, the threads in one wrap are not reading a same location...)
Once list element is accessed by first warp of a SM unit, the second warp in same SM unit gets it from cache and broadcasts to all simt lanes. But another SM unit's warp may not have it in L1 cache so it fetches from L2 to L1 first.
It is similar in __constant__ memory but it requires same address to be accessed by all threads. Its latency is closer to register access. __constant__ memory is like instruction cache, you get more performance when all threads do same thing.
For example, if you have a Gaussian-filter that iterates over same coefficient-list of filter on all threads, it is better to use constant memory. Using shared memory does not have much advantage as the filter array is not scanned randomly. Shared memory is better when the filter array content is different per block or if it needs random access.
You can also combine constant memory and shared memory. Get half of list from constant memory, then the other half from shared memory. This should let 1024 threads hide latency of one memory type hidden behind the other.
If list is small enough, you can use registers directly (has to be compile-time known indices). But it increases register pressure and may decrease occupancy so be careful about this.
Some old cuda architectures (in case of fma operation) required one operand fetched from constant memory and the other operand from a register to achieve better performance in compute-bottlenecked algorithms.
In a test with 12000 floats as filter to be applied on all threads inputs, shared memory version with 128 threads-per-block completed work in 330 milliseconds while constant-memory version completed in 260 milliseconds and the L1 access performance was the real bottleneck in both versions so the real constant-memory performance is even better, as long as it is similar-index for all threads.

Is it safe for an OpenCL kernel to randomly write to a __global buffer?

I want to run an instrumented OpenCL kernel to get some execution metrics. More specifically, I have added a hidden global buffer which will be initialized from the host code with N zeros. Each of the N values are integers and they represent a different metric, which each kernel instance will increment in a different manner, depending on its execution path.
A simplistic example:
__kernel void test(__global int *a, __global int *hiddenCounter) {
if (get_global_id(0) == 0) {
// do stuff and then increment the appropriate counter (random numbers here)
hiddenCounter[0] += 3;
else {
// do stuff...
hiddenCounter[1] += 5;
After the kernel execution is complete, I need the host code to aggregate (a simple element-wise vector addition) all the hiddenCounter buffers and print the appropriate results.
My question is whether there are race conditions when multiple kernel instances try to write to the same index of the hiddenCounter buffer (which will definitely happen in my project). Do I need to enforce some kind of synchronization? Or is this impossible with __global arguments and I need to change it to __private? Will I be able to aggregate __private buffers from the host code afterwards?
My question is whether there are race conditions when multiple kernel instances try to write to the same index of the hiddenCounter buffer
The answer to this is emphatically yes, your code will be vulnerable to race conditions as currently written.
Do I need to enforce some kind of synchronization?
Yes, you can use global atomics for this purpose. All but the most ancient GPUs will support this. (anything supporting OpenCL 1.2, or cl_khr_global_int32_base_atomics and similar extensions)
Note that this will have a non-trivial performance overhead. Depending on your access patterns and frequency, collecting intermediate results in private or local memory and writing them out to global memory at the end of the kernel may be faster. (In the local case, the whole work group would share just one global atomic call for each updated cell - you'll need to use local atomics or a reduction algorithm to accumulate the values from individual work items across the group though.)
Another option is to use a much larger global memory buffer, with counters for each work item or group. In that case, you will not need atomics to write to them, but you will subsequently need to combine the values on the host. This uses much more memory, obviously, and likely more memory bandwidth too - modern GPUs should cache accesses to your small hiddenCounter buffer. So you'll need to work out/try which is the lesser evil in your case.

Computing in-place with dask

Short version
I have a dask array whose graph is ultimately based on a bunch of numpy arrays at the bottom, and which applies elementwise operations to them. Is it safe to use to compute the array and store the results back into the original backup numpy arrays, making the whole thing an in-place operation?
If you're thinking "you're using dask wrong" then see the long version below for why I feel the need to do this.
Long version
I'm using dask for an application where the original data is sourced from in-memory numpy arrays that contain data collected from a scientific instrument. The goal is to fill most of the RAM (say 75%+) with the original data, which means that there isn't enough to make an in-memory copy. That makes it semantically a bit like an out-of-core problem, in that any derived value can only be realised in memory in chunks rather than all at once.
Dask is well-suited to this, except for one wrinkle. I'm simplifying a lot, but on most of the data (call it X), we need to apply an element-wise operation f, compute some summary statistics s(f(X)), and use that to compute another result over the data, say t(s(f(X)), f(X)). While all the functions are dask-friendly (can be done on a per-chunk basis), trying to simply run this dask graph would cause f(X) to all be held in memory at once because the chunks are all needed for the second pass. An alternative is to explicitly compute s before asking for t (as suggested by, and thus pay to compute f(X) twice, but it's a somewhat expensive operation so I'd like to avoid that.
However, once f has been applied, the original data are no longer needed. So I'd like to run and have it store the results in the original backing numpy arrays. Technically I think I know how to set that up, and as long as I can be sure that each piece of data is fully consumed before it is overwritten then there are no race conditions, but I'm worried that I may be breaking an API contract by changing back data underneath dask and that it might go wrong in some way. Is there any way to guarantee that it is safe?
One way I can immediately see this going wrong is if several of the input arrays have the same contents and hence get given the same name in dask, causing them to the unified in the graph. I'm using name=False in da.from_array though, so that shouldn't be an issue.

Passing arguments through __local memory in OpenCL

I am confused about the the __local memory in OpenCL here.
I read some spec saying that the data flow has to be from Host to
__Global, and then __Local.
But I also see some kernel function like this:
__kernel void foo(__local float * a)
I was wondering how the data was transferred directly into the __local
memory in this way?
It is not possible to fill local buffer on the host side. Therefore you have to follow the flow host -> __global -> __local.
Local buffer can be either created on the host side and then it is passed as a kernel parameter or on gpu side inside the kernel.
Creating local buffer on the host side gives the advantage to decide about its size before the kernel is run which can be important if the local buffer size needs to be different each time the kernel is run.
Local memory is not visible to anything but a single work-group, and may be allocated as the work-group is dispatched by hardware on many architectures. Hardware that can mix multiple work-groups from different kernels on each CU will allow the scheduling component to chunk up the local memory for each of the groups being issued. It doesn't exist before the group is launched, and does not exist after the group terminates. The size of this region is what you pass in as other answers have pointed out.
The result of this is that the only way on many architectures for filling local memory from the host would be for kernel code to be inserted by the compiler that would copy data in from global memory. Given that as the basis, it isn't any worse in terms of performance for the programmer to do it manually, and gives more control over exactly what happens. You do not end up in a situation where the compiler always generates copy code and ends up copying more than was really necessary because the API didn't make it clear what memory was copy-in and what was not.
In summary, you cannot fill local memory in any automated way. In practice you will rarely want to, because doing it manually gives you the opportunity to only put the result of a first stage into local, removing extra copy operations, or to transform the data on the way in to local, allowing padding or data transposition to remove bank conflicts and so on.
As #doqtor said, the size of local memory on kernel parameter can be specified by clSetKernelArg calls.
Fortunately, OpenCL 1.2+ support VLA(variable length array), local memory kernel parameter is not required any more.

boost lockfree spsc_queue cache memory access

I need to be extremely concerned with speed/latency in my current multi-threaded project.
Cache access is something I'm trying to understand better. And I'm not clear on how lock-free queues (such as the boost::lockfree::spsc_queue) access/use memory on a cache level.
I've seen queues used where the pointer of a large object that needs to be operated on by the consumer core is pushed into the queue.
If the consumer core pops an element from the queue, I presume that means the element (a pointer in this case) is already loaded into the consumer core's L2 and L1 cache. But to access the element, does it not need to access the pointer itself by finding and loading the element either from either the L3 cache or across the interconnect (if the other thread is on a different cpu socket)? If so, would it maybe be better to simply send a copy of the object that could be disposed of by the consumer?
Thank you.
C++ principally a pay-for-what-you-need eco-system.
Any regular queue will let you choose the storage semantics (by value or by reference).
However, this time you ordered something special: you ordered a lock free queue.
In order to be lock free, it must be able to perform all the observable modifying operations as atomic operations. This naturally restricts the types that can be used in these operations directly.
You might doubt whether it's even possible to have a value-type that exceeds the system's native register size (say, int64_t).
Good question.
Enter Ringbuffers
Indeed, any node based container would just require pointer swaps for all modifying operations, which is trivially made atomic on all modern architectures.
But does anything that involves copying multiple distinct memory areas, in non-atomic sequence, really pose an unsolvable problem?
No. Imagine a flat array of POD data items. Now, if you treat the array as a circular buffer, one would just have to maintain the index of the buffer front and end positions atomically. The container could, at leisure update in internal 'dirty front index' while it copies ahead of the external front. (The copy can use relaxed memory ordering). Only as soon as the whole copy is known to have completed, the external front index is updated. This update needs to be in acq_rel/cst memory order[1].
As long as the container is able to guard the invariant that the front never fully wraps around and reaches back, this is a sweet deal. I think this idea was popularized in the Disruptor Library (of LMAX fame). You get mechanical resonance from
linear memory access patterns while reading/writing
even better if you can make the record size aligned with (a multiple) physical cache lines
all the data is local unless the POD contains raw references outside that record
How Does Boost's spsc_queue Actually Do This?
Yes, spqc_queue stores the raw element values in a contiguous aligned block of memory: (e.g. from compile_time_sized_ringbuffer which underlies spsc_queue with statically supplied maximum capacity:)
typedef typename boost::aligned_storage<max_size * sizeof(T),
>::type storage_type;
storage_type storage_;
T * data()
return static_cast<T*>(storage_.address());
(The element type T need not even be POD, but it needs to be both default-constructible and copyable).
Yes, the read and write pointers are atomic integral values. Note that the boost devs have taken care to apply enough padding to avoid False Sharing on the cache line for the reading/writing indices: (from ringbuffer_base):
static const int padding_size = BOOST_LOCKFREE_CACHELINE_BYTES - sizeof(size_t);
atomic<size_t> write_index_;
char padding1[padding_size]; /* force read_index and write_index to different cache lines */
atomic<size_t> read_index_;
In fact, as you can see, there are only the "internal" index on either read or write side. This is possible because there's only one writing thread and also only one reading thread, which means that there could only be more space at the end of write operation than anticipated.
Several other optimizations are present:
branch prediction hints for platforms that support it (unlikely())
it's possible to push/pop a range of elements at once. This should improve throughput in case you need to siphon from one buffer/ringbuffer into another, especially if the raw element size is not equal to (a whole multiple of) a cacheline
use of std::unitialized_copy where possible
The calling of trivial constructors/destructors will be optimized out at instantiation time
the unitialized_copy will be optimized into memcpy on all major standard library implementations (meaning that e.g. SSE instructions will be employed if your architecture supports it)
All in all, we see a best-in-class possible idea for a ringbuffer
What To Use
Boost has given you all the options. You can elect to make your element type a pointer to your message type. However, as you already raised in your question, this level of indirection reduces locality of reference and might not be optimal.
On the other hand, storing the complete message type in the element type could become expensive if copying is expensive. At the very least try to make the element type fit nicely into a cache line (typically 64 bytes on Intel).
So in practice you might consider storing frequently used data right there in the value, and referencing the less-of-used data using a pointer (the cost of the pointer will be low unless it's traversed).
If you need that "attachment" model, consider using a custom allocator for the referred-to data so you can achieve memory access patterns there too.
Let your profiler guide you.
[1] I suppose say for spsc acq_rel should work, but I'm a bit rusty on the details. As a rule, I make it a point not to write lock-free code myself. I recommend anyone else to follow my example :)
