Mismatch between computational complexity of Additive attention and RNN cell - machine-learning

According to Attention is all you need paper: Additive attention (The classic attention use in RNN by Bahdanau) computes the compatibility function using a feed-forward network with a single hidden layer. While the two are similar in theoretical complexity, ...
Indeed, we can see here that the computational complexity of additive attention and dot-prod (transformer attention) are both n²*d.
However, if we look closer at additive attention, it is in fact a RNN cell which have a computational complexity of n*d² (according to the same table).
Thus, shouldn't the computational complexity of additive attention be n*d² instead of n²*d ?

Your claim that additive attention is in fact a RNN cell is what is leading you astray. Additive attention is implemented using a fully-connected shallow (1 hidden layer) feedforward neural network "between" the encoder and decoder RNNs as shown below and described in the original paper by Bahdanau et al. (pg. 3) [1]:
... an alignment model which scores how well the inputs around position j and the output at position i match. The score is based on the RNN hidden state s_i − 1 (just before emitting y_i, Eq. (4)) and the j-th annotation h_j of the input sentence.
We parametrize the alignment model a as a feedforward neural network which is jointly trained with all the other components of the proposed system...
Figure 1: Attention mechanism diagram from [2].
Thus, the alignment scores are calculated by adding the outputs of the decoder hidden state to the encoder outputs. So the additive attention is not a RNN cell.
[1] Bahdanau, D., Cho, K. and Bengio, Y., 2014. Neural machine translation by jointly learning to align and translate. arXiv preprint arXiv:1409.0473.
[2] Arbel, N., 2019. Attention in RNNs. Medium blog post.


What's the major difference between glove and word2vec?

What is the difference between word2vec and glove?
Are both the ways to train a word embedding? if yes then how can we use both?
Yes, they're both ways to train a word embedding. They both provide the same core output: one vector per word, with the vectors in a useful arrangement. That is, the vectors' relative distances/directions roughly correspond with human ideas of overall word relatedness, and even relatedness along certain salient semantic dimensions.
Word2Vec does incremental, 'sparse' training of a neural network, by repeatedly iterating over a training corpus.
GloVe works to fit vectors to model a giant word co-occurrence matrix built from the corpus.
Working from the same corpus, creating word-vectors of the same dimensionality, and devoting the same attention to meta-optimizations, the quality of their resulting word-vectors will be roughly similar. (When I've seen someone confidently claim one or the other is definitely better, they've often compared some tweaked/best-case use of one algorithm against some rough/arbitrary defaults of the other.)
I'm more familiar with Word2Vec, and my impression is that Word2Vec's training better scales to larger vocabularies, and has more tweakable settings that, if you have the time, might allow tuning your own trained word-vectors more to your specific application. (For example, using a small-versus-large window parameter can have a strong effect on whether a word's nearest-neighbors are 'drop-in replacement words' or more generally words-used-in-the-same-topics. Different downstream applications may prefer word-vectors that skew one way or the other.)
Conversely, some proponents of GLoVe tout that it does fairly well without needing metaparameter optimization.
You probably wouldn't use both, unless comparing them against each other, because they play the same role for any downstream applications of word-vectors.
Word2vec is a predictive model: trains by trying to predict a target word given a context (CBOW method) or the context words from the target (skip-gram method). It uses trainable embedding weights to map words to their corresponding embeddings, which are used to help the model make predictions. The loss function for training the model is related to how good the model’s predictions are, so as the model trains to make better predictions it will result in better embeddings.
The Glove is based on matrix factorization techniques on the word-context matrix. It first constructs a large matrix of (words x context) co-occurrence information, i.e. for each “word” (the rows), you count how frequently (matrix values) we see this word in some “context” (the columns) in a large corpus. The number of “contexts” would be very large, since it is essentially combinatorial in size. So we factorize this matrix to yield a lower-dimensional (word x features) matrix, where each row now yields a vector representation for each word. In general, this is done by minimizing a “reconstruction loss”. This loss tries to find the lower-dimensional representations which can explain most of the variance in the high-dimensional data.
Before GloVe, the algorithms of word representations can be divided into two main streams, the statistic-based (LDA) and learning-based (Word2Vec). LDA produces the low dimensional word vectors by singular value decomposition (SVD) on the co-occurrence matrix, while Word2Vec employs a three-layer neural network to do the center-context word pair classification task where word vectors are just the by-product.
The most amazing point from Word2Vec is that similar words are located together in the vector space and arithmetic operations on word vectors can pose semantic or syntactic relationships, e.g., “king” - “man” + “woman” -> “queen” or “better” - “good” + “bad” -> “worse”. However, LDA cannot maintain such linear relationship in vector space.
The motivation of GloVe is to force the model to learn such linear relationship based on the co-occurreence matrix explicitly. Essentially, GloVe is a log-bilinear model with a weighted least-squares objective. Obviously, it is a hybrid method that uses machine learning based on the statistic matrix, and this is the general difference between GloVe and Word2Vec.
If we dive into the deduction procedure of the equations in GloVe, we will find the difference inherent in the intuition. GloVe observes that ratios of word-word co-occurrence probabilities have the potential for encoding some form of meaning. Take the example from StanfordNLP (Global Vectors for Word Representation), to consider the co-occurrence probabilities for target words ice and steam with various probe words from the vocabulary:
As one might expect, ice co-occurs more frequently with solid than it
does with gas, whereas steam co-occurs more frequently with gas than
it does with solid.
Both words co-occur with their shared property water frequently, and both co-occur with the unrelated word fashion infrequently.
Only in the ratio of probabilities does noise from non-discriminative words like water and fashion cancel out, so that large values (much greater than 1) correlate well with properties specific to ice, and small values (much less than 1) correlate well with properties specific of steam.
However, Word2Vec works on the pure co-occurrence probabilities so that the probability that the words surrounding the target word to be the context is maximized.
In the practice, to speed up the training process, Word2Vec employs negative sampling to substitute the softmax fucntion by the sigmoid function operating on the real data and noise data. This emplicitly results in the clustering of words into a cone in the vector space while GloVe’s word vectors are located more discretely.

What is Maximum Entropy?

Can someone give me a clear and simple definition of Maximum entropy classification? It would be very helpful if someone can provide a clear analogy, as I am struggling to understand.
"Maximum Entropy" is synonymous with "Least Informative". You wouldn't want a classifier that was least informative. It is in reference to how the priors are established. Frankly, "Maximum Entropy Classification" is an example of using buzz words.
For an example of an uninformative prior, consider given a six-sided object. The probability that any given face will appear if the object is tossed is 1/6. This would be your starting prior. It's the least informative. You really wouldn't want to start with anything else or you will bias later calculations. Of course, if you have knowledge that one side will appear more often you should incorporate that into your priors.
The Bayes formula is P(H|E) = P(E|H)P(H)/P(D)
where P(H) is the prior for the hypothesis and P(D) is the sum of all possible numerators.
For text classification where a missing word is to be inserted, E is some given document and H is the given word. IOW, the hypothesis is that H is the word which should be selected and P(H) is the weight given to the word.
Maximum Entropy Text classification means: start with least informative weights (priors) and optimize to find weights that maximize the likelihood of the data, the P(D). Essentially, it's the EM algorithm.
A simple Naive Bayes classifier would assume the prior weights would be proportional to the number of times the word appears in the document. However,this ignore correlations between words.
The so-called MaxEnt classifier, takes the correlations into account.
I can't think of a simple example to illustrate this but I can think of some correlations. For example, "the missing" in English should give higher weights to nouns but a Naive Bayes classifier might give equal weight to a verb if its relative frequency were the same as a given noun. A MaxEnt classifier considering missing would give more weight to nouns because they would be more likely in context.
I may also advise HIDDEN MARKOV AND
MODELS from the Department of Computer Science, Johns Hopkins. Specifically, take a look at chapter 6.6. This book explains the Maximum Entropy on the example of PoS tagging and compare MaxEnt application in MEMM with Hidden Markov Model. There are also explanation what is exactly MaxEnt with math behind.
ENTROPY (Zheng et al., 2017):
(Original Maximum Entropy Model) Supposing the dataset has input X and label
Y, the task is to find a good prediction of Y using X. The prediction Yˆ needs to maximize the
conditional entropy H(Yˆ |X) while preserving the same distribution with data (X, Y ). This is
formulated as:
min −H(Yˆ |X) (1)
s.t. P(X, Y ) = P(X, Yˆ ),
\sum(Yˆ) P(Yˆ |X) = 1
Berger et al., 1996 solves this with lagrange multipliers ωi as an exponential form:
Pω(Yˆ = y|X = x) = 1/Zω(x) exp (\sum(i) ωifi(x, y))

Machine Learning - SVM

If one trains a model using a SVM from kernel data, the resultant trained model contains support vectors. Now consider the case of training a new model using the old data already present plus a small amount of new data as well.
Should the new data just be combined with the support vectors from the previously formed model to form the new training set. (If yes, then how to combine the support vectors with new graph data? I am working on libsvm)
Should the new data and the complete old data be combined together and form the new training set and not just the support vectors?
Which approach is better for retraining, more doable and efficient in terms of accuracy and memory?
You must always retrain considering the entire, newly concatenated, training set.
The support vectors from the "old" model might not be support vectors anymore in case some "new points" are closest to the decision boundary. Behind the SVM there is an optimization problem that must be solved, keep that in mind. With a given training set, you find the optimal solution (i.e. support vectors) for that training set. As soon as the dataset changes, such solution might not be optimal anymore.
The SVM training is nothing more than a maximization problem where the geometrical and functional margins are the objective function. Is like maximizing a given function f(x)...but then you change f(x): by adding/removing points from the training set you have a better/worst understanding of the decision boundary since such decision boundary is known via sampling where the samples are indeed the patterns from your training set.
I understand your concerned about time and memory efficiency, but that's a common problem: indeed training the SVMs for the so-called big data is still an open research topic (there are some hints regarding backpropagation training) because such optimization problem (and the heuristic regarding which Lagrange Multipliers should be pairwise optimized) are not easy to parallelize/distribute on several workers.
LibSVM uses the well-known Sequential Minimal Optimization algorithm for training the SVM: here you can find John Pratt's article regarding the SMO algorithm, if you need further information regarding the optimization problem behind the SVM.
Idea 1 has been already examined & assessed by research community
anyone interested in faster and smarter aproach (1) -- re-use support-vectors and add new data -- kindly review research materials published by Dave MUSICANT and Olvi MANGASARIAN on such their method referred as "Active Support Vector Machine"
MATLAB implementation: available from http://research.cs.wisc.edu/dmi/asvm/
PDF:[1] O. L. Mangasarian, David R. Musicant; Active Support Vector Machine Classification; 1999
[2] David R. Musicant, Alexander Feinberg; Active Set Support Vector Regression; IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON NEURAL NETWORKS, VOL. 15, NO. 2, MARCH 2004
This is a purely theoretical thought on your question. The idea is not bad. However, it needs to be extended a bit. I'm looking here purely at the goal to sparsen the training data from the first batch.
The main problem -- which is why this is purely theoretical -- is that your data is typically not linear separable. Then the misclassified points are very important. And they will spoil what I write below. Furthermore the idea requires a linear kernel. However, it might be possible to generalise to other kernels
To understand the problem with your approach lets look at the following support vectors (x,y,class): (-1,1,+),(-1,-1,+),(1,0,-). The hyperplane is the a vertical line going trough zero. If you would have in your next batch the point (-1,-1.1,-) the max margin hyperplane would tilt. This could now be exploited for sparsening. You calculate the - so to say - minimal margin hyperplane between the two pairs ({(-1,1,+),(1,0,-)}, {(-1,-1,+),(1,0,-)}) of support vectors (in 2d only 2 pairs. higher dimensions or non-linear kernel might be more). This is basically the line going through these points. Afterwards you classify all data points. Then you add all misclassified points in either of the models, plus the support vectors to the second batch. Thats it. The remaining points can't be relevant.
Besides the C/Nu problem mentioned above. The curse of dimensionality will obviously kill you here
An image to illustrate. Red: support vectors, batch one, Blue, non-support vector batch one. Green new point batch two.
Redline first Hyperplane, Green minimal margin hyperplane which misclassifies blue point, blue new hyperplane (it's a hand fit ;) )

Suggested unsupervised feature selection / extraction method for 2 class classification?

I've got a set of F features e.g. Lab color space, entropy. By concatenating all features together, I obtain a feature vector of dimension d (between 12 and 50, depending on which features selected.
I usually get between 1000 and 5000 new samples, denoted x. A Gaussian Mixture Model is then trained with the vectors, but I don't know which class the features are from. What I know though, is that there are only 2 classes. Based on the GMM prediction I get a probability of that feature vector belonging to class 1 or 2.
My question now is: How do I obtain the best subset of features, for instance only entropy and normalized rgb, that will give me the best classification accuracy? I guess this is achieved, if the class separability is increased, due to the feature subset selection.
Maybe I can utilize Fisher's linear discriminant analysis? Since I already have the mean and covariance matrices obtained from the GMM. But wouldn't I have to calculate the score for each combination of features then?
Would be nice to get some help if this is a unrewarding approach and I'm on the wrong track and/or any other suggestions?
One way of finding "informative" features is to use the features that will maximise the log likelihood. You could do this with cross validation.
Another idea might be to use another unsupervised algorithm that automatically selects features such as an clustering forest
In that case the clustering algorithm will automatically split the data based on information gain.
Fisher LDA will not select features but project your original data into a lower dimensional subspace. If you are looking into the subspace method
another interesting approach might be spectral clustering, which also happens
in a subspace or unsupervised neural networks such as auto encoder.

maximum entropy model and logistic regression

I am doing a project that has some Natural Language Processing to do. I am using stanford MaxEnt Classifier for the purpose.But I am not sure, whether Maximum entropy model and logistic regression are one at the same or is it some special kind of logistic regression?
Can anyone come up with an explanation?
This is exactly the same model. NLP society prefers the name Maximum Entropy and uses the sparse formulation which allows to compute everything without direct projection to the R^n space (as it is common for NLP to have huge amount of features and very sparse vectors).
You may wanna read the attachment in this post, which gives a simple derivation:
An explanation is quoted from "Speech and Language Processing" by Daniel Jurafsky & James H. Martin.:
Each feature is an indicator function, which picks out a subset of the training observations. For each feature we add a constraint on our total distribution, specifying that our distribution for this subset should match the empirical distribution we saw in our training data. We then choose the maximum entropy distribution which otherwise accords with these constraints.
Berger et al. (1996) show that the solution to this optimization problem turns out to be exactly the probability distribution of a multinomial logistic regression model whose weights W maximize the likelihood of the training data!
In Max Entropy the feature is represnt with f(x,y), it mean you can design feature by using the label y and the observerable feature x, while, if f(x,y) = x it is the situation in logistic regression.
in NLP task like POS, it is common to design feature's combining labels. for example: current word ends with "ous" and next word is noun. it can be feature to predict whether the current word is adj
