I prefer to use PyScripter rather than "Visual Studio Code" to program for LEGO Mindstorms EV3, that runs EV3 MicroPython V2.0.
Has anybody found a way to let PyScripter connect to the EV3?
Windows 10, Delphi 10.4.1, IBLite 2020
Hello all,
Getting "ibtogo64.dll not found in the path" when trying to run on any computer that does not have Interbase installed.
I have been using Advantage local server and would like to move to iblite for testing and small desktop projects.
I created a small test project using the sample data.
I copied the compiled project and supporting files, including license file and data to a USB drive.
Stopped the Interbase service and ran the project fine.
Moved the USB drive to a different computer and got the error as soon as project ran.
To make sure the running project was using the local DLL, I moved the USB back to the development computer and removed the DLL. Got the error, pasted back everything fine.
What am I missing.
Things I checked:
Made sure DLL's are in same directory as exe
Deployment files all checked except reg_ibtogo.txt using reg_iblite.txt
reg_iblite.txt is in the license folder
Interbase directory in same directory as exe
Project is release version
I ran the program from USB on laptop that has Interbase installed and service stopped and worked fine.
On Delphi-PRAXiS question came up about license. I have an included license file and according to this that's all I need.
RAD Studio includes InterBase 2020 ToGo and IBLite editions for embedded application development.
Developers can deploy their multi-device applications on Windows (32-bit and 64-bit), macOS (32-bit and 64-bit), iOS (32-bit and 64-bit) or Android (32-bit and 64-bit) devices with an IBLite license, for free. Also, developers using RAD Studio 10.3 Rio Enterprise or Architect editions can deploy their iOS and Android applications with the InterBase ToGo (IBToGo) for Mobile license included. They can additionally purchase an IBToGo license for desktop platforms (Windows, macOS, and Linux).
Developers using Professional edition can purchase an IBToGo license for all platforms separately.
any help would be appreciated,
Try deploying the InterBase 64 bit client to the .EXE directory, then copy ibclient64.dll to ibtogo64.dll. If that works, we can contemplate why.
I just had this problem on 32 bit. The problem was I did not have the 32 bit Visual C++ runtime installed. So, you likely did not have the 64 bit one.
i'm tryng to build an ios app in a iPad connected to my PC. I haven't mac so i use a remote mac (i have a macincloud managed server).
I have a paid developer apple account, I dowloaded ios_certificate and provisioning profile (and installed it in the registered-ipad).
I launch remotebuild from mac terminal, the ios-configuration in tool>option of visual studio is ok and the connection is ok.
I open my project in visual studio, set ios and local device, but when i try to compile the app i have an error, so i have some questions:
1)maybe i need a macincloud dedicated server? (i have a valid ios-developer-certificate but can't install it in xcode because i'm not administrator of tha remote mac).
2) i need to install visual studio in remote mac or it is enough have visual studio installed in my pc?
3)any other suggestions?
P.S. If i compile the ios-app in a generic ios-simulator with remotebuild + f5 in visual studio it works fine.
But if i try to compile in local device i have the following error:
Gravità Codice Descrizione Progetto File Riga Stato eliminazione
Errore Error: Errore di compilazione remota restituito dal server di compilazione La compilazione non è riuscita. Errore: Error code 65 for command: xcodebuild with args: -xcconfig,/Users/user134231/.taco_home/remote-builds/taco-remote/builds/53300/cordovaApp/platforms/ios/cordova/build-debug.xcconfig,-workspace,tennispiu.xcworkspace,-scheme,tennispiu,-configuration,Debug,-destination,generic/platform=iOS,-archivePath,tennispiu.xcarchive,archive,CONFIGURATION_BUILD_DIR=/Users/user134231/.taco_home/remote-builds/taco-remote/builds/53300/cordovaApp/platforms/ios/build/device,SHARED_PRECOMPS_DIR=/Users/user134231/.taco_home/remote-builds/taco-remote/builds/53300/cordovaApp/platforms/ios/build/sharedpch: 1
Thank you if you would like to help me.
For ios target build you need to install xcode and other stuffs (remotebuild agent, npm..) on remote mac.
Please follow official TACO guide available here at paragraph "Mac OS Installation", (its a bit long to post here):
Visual Studio Tools for Apache Cordova: iOS Guide
I'm using Visual Studio Mac to build a .NET Core MVC web application that I want to run in a Docker container.
The solution compile and run correctly, but when I try to add the Docker support,
from the solutions menu, the choice "Add Docker support" is missing!
The Visual studio is the Community Edition 7.1 (build 1297)
The docker for mac is the 17.06.1-ce-mac24
The .Net Core is 2.0
Anyone can help me?
Docker support was removed in Visual Studio for Mac
Docker support was available in early Visual Studio Mac 7.1 preview versions but was not stable at the time VS Mac 7.1 was released so it was removed.
Visual Studio for Mac 7.2, currently available on the alpha channel, does include Docker support.
I don't find the add docker support worth it to be honest, as long as you have Dockerfile in the root of the project. And your compose files up a level with the solution. You can achieve pretty much the same thing.
It'd just be a pain to debug/attach straight into it. I've never found a reason to yet, but that's just me.
We are attempting to connect to a Xamarin build host running on a Mac Mini (OS X 10.11 Yosemite) to a Visual Studio running on a Windows 8.1 Machine. We have updated Xamarin.iOS to same version on both system.
The issue:
My Visual Studio can detect the build host and asks for PIN to pair with the build host. But even if I'm entering the same PIN, it never accepts, and keeps giving this error(PFA Screenshots):
The PIN you entered was invalid.
Please ensure you have entered the correct PIN.
You may have to close this dialog and retry from Visual Studio.
I've restarted both systems and tried to unpair and pair again with new PIN, but no success.
Needless to say, but both systems are on same network and VS can detect the build host.
My Mac Details are in attached image –
Visual Studio Details:
Microsoft Visual Studio Professional 2013
Version 12.0.31101.00 Update 4
Connecting to your build host via telnet you should not be receiving any response until you enter HELO.
The response that you are getting before the HELO MTBSERVERPORTS:62592;62595 is incorrect (a Xamarin bug).
objc[66118]: Class WebAnimationController is implemented in both /System/Library/Frameworks/WebKit.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/WebKitLegacy.framework/Versions/A/WebKitLegacy and /System/Library/Frameworks/WebKit.framework/Versions/A/WebKit. One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined.
If you are running any thing older that the Xamarin 3.9 release, you need to upgrade. If that does not help, either contact Xamarin Support to help troubleshoot why this is happening or upgrade to the Xamarin 4.0 for Visual Studio.
Personally, I would upgrade to the Xamarin 4.0 for Visual Studio (currently an alpha release) as it replaces the PIN pairing with a SSH tunnel that avoids all of the older issues with 3.0 Build Host connection problems.
Re: http://developer.xamarin.com/releases/vs/xamarin.vs_4/xamarin.vs_4.0/
This version also introduces the new Xamarin Mac Agent which replaces
the old Xamarin Build Host with a new approach taking advantage of the
built-in MacOS Remote Login feature based on SSH for a faster and more
reliable connectivity.
First check firewall rule on your both machines if the port (5000) is not blocked.
Second read this link
Try to connect manually by telnet.
Is there any QNX SDK available for MAC? I had found one for Windows and for Linux.. But Can't find one for MAC... Would be so helpful if anyone help me in this.
Thanks in advance.
I was going to say "no, I've never seen a Mac package for QNX", but a simple Google search reveals that if you are trying to target BlackBerry, they have something.
See this link.
If you're not targeting BlackBerry, then you should probably give their QNX-hosted development VM a try. This should work pretty well on any modern host machine.
For those targeting the QNX Neutrino RTOS:
I just found a very nice gem inside the Momentics IDE for Blackberry installed on a Mac. Simply go to File->Preferences and in the side-bar select QNX->Profiles and check the box QNX Developer.
You now have access to the QNX project wizards and can target the Neutrino RTOS. I'm developing everything on my Mac with Momentics and a QNX Neutrino target running on a VMWare virtual machine (supplied by QNX). I can connect to the VM target with qconn and going through the first steps tutorial was a breeze.
My current setup:
Yosemite 10.10.5
Momentics IDE for Blackberry IDE 2.1.2
VMware Fusion 8
QNX-supplied VMware image of Neutrino RTOS 6.5.0 SP1 runtime