Bootstrap 5 follow link URL with Modal toggle - bootstrap-5

I'm trying to get a Modal with Bootstrap 5 to open the modal from a link, and then dynamically load the content (body of the modal) by sending the request onto the server which will then return the content (remote_modal_content) to be magically loaded into the now-visible Modal body.
I'm doing this using Rails 7 / Turboframes.
My link:
<a data-turbo-frame="remote_modal_content" data-bs-toggle="modal" data-bs-target="#remote_modal_frame" class="btn btn-outline-primary" href="/lists/3/issue_items/new">+</a>
The remote_modal_frame to be opened:
<div class="modal fade" id="remote_modal_frame"
tabindex="-1" aria-labelledby="exampleModalLabel" aria-hidden="true">
<div class="modal-dialog">
<%= turbo_frame_tag "remote_modal_content" %>
The click on the link opens the Modal but the request to the href never gets sent to the server, and so magic never happens (the modal content is not populated).
I was doing something similar to this using Bootstrap 4 (with javascript rather than turbo) so this appears to be new behaviour in Bootstrap 5.
I'd be glad of any help someone could provide me.

I resolved this on the hotwired community forum:


How to find a link that has text nested in a div with Capybara?

I'm trying to find a link in my navbar, nested like so:
<div class="menu logged-out" id="loggedoutmenu">
<a href="/users/auth/twitter?state=navbar_basic" data-no-instant>
<div class="option"> via Twitter</div>
I've tried using the following methods and none of them have worked:
find_link("via Twitter")
find_link("via Twitter", {href: "/users/auth/twitter?state=navbar_basic"})
find('div', {class: 'option'})
Not really sure how to grab that element... The main goal is to test the link via click_link.
Here's the full HTML structure:
<div class="top-bar" id="top-bar">
<--- other nav elements not listed --->
<div class="navigation-butt desktop" id="navigation-butt">
<div class="menu logged-out" id="loggedoutmenu">
<a href="/users/auth/twitter?state=navbar_basic" data-no-instant>
<div class="option"> via Twitter</div>
I'm guessing the menu is collapsed and you haven't done anything to open it, so the link isn't actually visible on the page. Assuming you just need to click on the '#loggedoutmenu' item to open the menu you could do something like
find('#loggedoutmenu').click.click_link('via Twitter')
which will click on 'loggedoutmenu' then look for the link inside it, and click the link when found. If clicking on '#loggedoutmenu' isn't how you open the menu then you'll need to provide more info.
Update: You have now indicated that the menu opens on hover - so assuming the user has to hover over an ancestor of the button you want to click you can do
find('<css selector for the visible element the user needs to hover over>').hover.click_link('via Twitter')
Writing my solution as an extension of Thomas Walpole's, which lead me to getting it. Thanks again, Thomas!
Edit: Updated my answer since the previous explanation was incorrect.

Material Design Lite and dialog-polyfill modal dialogs on iOS

I'm using Material Design Lite ( along with dialog-polyfill ( for the modal dialog boxes.
Everything works great on my desktop browsers (Chrome, Safari, etc.), but on iOS (both Chrome and Safari), I can't tap inside the modal dialog boxes. It just doesn't respond.
I've tried the suggestion I've seen posted several places to put "cursor: pointer" in the CSS, but either I'm not doing it correctly, or it's not working.
Here's a typical modal dialog from my code:
<dialog class="mdl-dialog" id="delete_alias_confirm_dialog">
<h4 class="mdl-dialog__title">
Delete alias
<div class="mdl-dialog__content" id="delete_alias_confirm_dialog_content">
Alias [ALIAS NAME] has been successfully deleted.
<form action="#">
<div class="mdl-dialog__actions">
<button type="button" class="mdl-button mdl-button--raised mdl-button--colored" onClick="delete_alias_confirm_dialog.close()" id="delete_alias_confirm_dialog_ok_button">OK</button>
var delete_alias_confirm_dialog = document.querySelector('#delete_alias_confirm_dialog');
if (! delete_alias_confirm_dialog.showModal) {
var delete_alias_curr_name=""
function show_delete_alias_confirmation(clicked_element) {
var delete_alias_dialog_delete_button=document.querySelector('#delete_alias_dialog_delete_button');
var delete_alias_dialog_alias_name=document.querySelector('#delete_alias_dialog_alias_name');
Check the order in which you load the CSS.
If you are loading dialog-polyfll.css before material.min.css that might be the source of the problem.
Also check if you don't have a dialog duplicate, this also results on a dialog that can't be closed on IOS.

Jquery Mobile 1.4.5 programmatically pagecontainer change not working

I am using jqm 1.4.5. for my web app. I have a problem changing to a page programmatically using the pagecontainer change widget in a certain situation. I have a home page that is part of the index.html file. From the home page if I load an external page via jqm ajax method and then from that page have a button that changes back to the home page (via javascript) it fails silently. However, it works if the external page has an anchor button with an href="#home_page".
The JS code is being executed. All the id's are correct.
Why does it work using the anchor button but not programmatically with the button tag using the JS code?
What am I doing wrong?
<div id="page_home" data-role="page" >
<div data-role="header">
<h1>Home Page</h1>
<div data-role="content">
load in the external page
<div id="page_external" data-role="page" >
<div data-role="header">
<h1>Home Page</h1>
<div data-role="content">
go to home page <!-- this works -->
<button id="mybutton" data-role="button" > go to home page (script)</button> <!-- this does not work -->
$(document).on("click", "#mybutton, function () {
//this fails silently and does not change the page
$(":mobile-pagecontainer").pagecontainer( "change", "#page_home" );
I found the answer here on SO:
Similar Question
I was using the wrong syntax. It should be
$(":mobile-pagecontainer").pagecontainer( "change", $("#page_home" ));

Using CropIt with jQuery Mobile: Slider doesn't work if it's not on the first jQm page

I'm trying to implement a jQuery-based image crop function that exports to base64 text. CropIt seems perfect for the job, and works beautifully, UNLESS it's not the first jQuery Mobile page in the list of jQm "pages", that displays by default in the HTML file. If it's not, everything works except for the zoom slider. I've created a jsFiddle to illustrate the problem:
Any help getting the zoom slider to work would be appreciated, thanks! Code attached.
<!-- ********* DEFAULT JQUERY MOBILE PAGE **************** -->
<div data-role="page" id="splash" data-theme="f">
<div data-role="content">
<p>Here's a stripped-down example based on the sample CropIt code on GitHub. The long URL in the external resources list is a "locally" hosted version of Cropit.min.js on Google Drive. Everything else works, including the imageState tag, the drag-to-pan on the image, the image upload and export. Only the zoom slider doesn't work.</p>
Example: CropIt is the second jQm page
<p>If I switch the order of the jQuery Mobile pages, so that the Cropit page is the first (default) page of the HTML instead of this page, the zoom works fine: Example: Cropit is the first jQm page.</p>
<!-- ******** UPLOAD PAGE ******* -->
<div data-role="page" id="upload" data-close-btn="none">
<div data-role="content" style="padding:0px">
<!-- content -->
<div class="image-editor">
<input type="file" class="cropit-image-input">
<div class="cropit-image-preview"></div>
<div class="image-size-label">Resize image</div>
<input type="range" class="cropit-image-zoom-input">
<button class="export">Export</button>

Jquery Mobile / Phonegap - closing a pop up

I'm trying to show a pop up which will close when touched and also keep the underlying page as it was left because it will have open accordions on it. This works in the browser but wont close on android. I'm using android 2.3, jquery mobile and phonegap.
My code is:
<div data-role="page">
Open Popup
<div data-role="popup" id="popupBasic" data-dismissible="true" data-history="true" data-overlay-theme="c" onclick="closePopup();" >
<p>This is a basic popup.<p>
function closePopup(){
Any help would be great.
