How to add a Route53 alias to an existing Route53 entry? - aws-cdk

I have a DNS entry already in Route 53. In my CDK stack, I want to set up an alias (effectively a CNAME), so I have a new DNS entry pointing to the existing one. For example, I want to make point to, where is hosted in Route 53 and existing is already set up and working.
Through the AWS console I would just create a new A or CNAME record for and set it as an alias of and it would be fine, so I am trying to replicate this in CDK.
In the CDK docs, it says I can do this:
declare const zone: route53.HostedZone;
declare const record: route53.ARecord;
new route53.ARecord(this, 'AliasRecord', {
target: route53.RecordTarget.fromAlias(new targets.Route53RecordTarget(record)),
However, the docs don't say how to populate the record variable.
If I look at the route53.ARecord docs, there doesn't appear to be a way to look up an existing record.
The closest I could find is using one of the other RecordSet.fromXXX() functions instead of fromAlias, however there doesn't appear to be one that can look up host names:
target: cdkRoute53.RecordTarget.fromValues(''), // doesn't work
Unfortunately, RecordTarget.fromValues() only accepts an IP address. If you put a hostname in, it tells you:
Invalid Resource Record: 'FATAL problem: ARRDATAIllegalIPv4Address (Value is not a valid IPv4 address) encountered with ''
So it looks like I can only create the alias if I also created the target records in the same stack - there doesn't appear to be a way to load an existing record, so you can pass it in as the target for the new alias.
What am I missing?

I found a workaround in the meantime thanks to this answer. Since then they added the functionality that was missing, but it looks like they didn't provide lookups so that workaround still applies.
The solution is to provide a bind() function instead that provides the necessary information:
const route53entry = new cdkRoute53.ARecord(this, 'dns', {
recordName: '',
zone: hostedZone,
target: cdkRoute53.RecordTarget.fromAlias({
bind: () => ({
dnsName: '',
hostedZoneId: hostedZone.hostedZoneId,


Origin of files `holoclient.js` and `` in holochain application?

In, how are the files ui/holoclient.js and ui/ obtained ?
Also, is there any official documentation about that that I missed and is this still the way to get a UI to talk to the holochain container ?
ui/holoclient.js is a tiny library that makes it much easier to talk to a running Holochain app instance. The current way of connecting your GUI to an instance is a JSON-RPC-like process via a local WebSocket connection. It's intended as a nice wrapper to make zome function calls feel like local, in-browser function calls. Documentation is currently very light, but it shouldn't take much to figure out how it's supposed to work using the example. In a nutshell:
const url = 'ws://localhost:3000/'
window.holoclient.connect(url).then(({call, close}) => {
document.getElementById('form').addEventListener('submit', e => {
// First, get a list of locally running Holochain instances...
call('info/instances')().then(info => {
// Now that we have instance info, we can make zome calls into any of them
// by referring to them by DNA hash (and agent ID) as specified in our
// container config.
// Search for the instance we're looking for, given known DNA and agent
// hashes.
const matchingInstances = Object.entries(info)
.find(([id, value]) => value.dna === 'blog_dna_hash' && value.agent === 'my_agent_hash')
const instance = getInstance(info, 'the_dna_hash', 'the_agent_hash')
const content = document.querySelector('#message').value
// Make another zome call now
call(instance, 'blog', 'main', 'create_post')({
content: content
It's written in TypeScript, which would mean that ui/ is a 'source map', a file which maps line numbers in the compiled JavaScript file to line numbers in the original TypeScript source. Both Chrome and Firefox look for and use those source maps when you're debugging your JS.

TYPO3 - Retrieved TypoScript in itemsProcFunc are incomplete

I have following problem:
We are overriding the tt_content TCA with a custom column which has an itemsProcFunc in it's config. In the function we try to retrieve the TypoScript-Settings, so we can display the items dynamically. The problem is: In the function we don't receive all the TypoScript-Settings, which are included but only some.
'itemsProcFunc' => 'Vendor\Ext\Backend\Hooks\TcaHook->addFields',
class TcaHook
public function addFields($config){
$objectManager = \TYPO3\CMS\Core\Utility\GeneralUtility::makeInstance('TYPO3\\CMS\\Extbase\\Object\\ObjectManager');
$configurationManager = $objectManager->get('TYPO3\\CMS\\Extbase\\Configuration\\ConfigurationManagerInterface');
$setup = $configurationManager->getConfiguration(
$setup is now incomplete and doesn't contain the full TypoScript, for example some of the static-included TypoScript is missing.
Used TYPO3 7 LTS (7.6.18), PHP 7.0.* in composer-mode.
Does anybody know where the problem is? Is there some alternative?
You maybe misunderstood the purpose of TypoScipt. It is a way of configuration for the Frontend. The Hook you mentioned is used in the TCA, whích is a Backend part of TYPO3. TypoScript usually isn't used for backend related stuff at all, because it is bound to a specific page template record. Instead in the backend, there is the TSConfig, that can be bound to a page, but also can be added globally. Another thing you are doing wrong is the use of the ObjectManager and the ConfigurationManager, which are classes of extbase, which isn't initialized in the backend. I would recommend to not use extbase in TCA, because the TCA is cached and loaded for every page request. Instead use TSConfig or give your configuration settings directly to the TCA. Do not initialize extbase and do not use extbase classes in these hooks.
Depending on what you want to configure via TypoScript, you may want to do something like this:
'config' => [
'type' => 'select',
'renderType' => 'singleSelect',
'items' => [
['EXT:my_ext/Resources/Private/Language/locallang_db.xlf:myfield.I.0', '']
'itemsProcFunc' => \VENDOR\MyExt\UserFunctions\FormEngine\TypeSelectProcFunc::class . '->fillSelect',
'customSetting' => 'somesetting'
and then access it in your class:
class TypeSelectProcFunc{
public function fillSelect(&$params){
if( $params['customSetting'] === 'somesetting' ){
$params['items'][] = ['New item',1];
I had a similar problem (also with itemsProcFunc and retrieving TypoScript). In my case, the current page ID of the selected backend page was not known to the ConfigurationManager. Because of this it used the page id of the root page (e.g. 1) and some TypoScript templates were not loaded.
However, before we look at the solution, Euli made some good points in his answer:
Do not use extbase configuration manager in TCA functions
Use TSconfig instead of TypoScript for backend configuration
You may like to ask another question what you are trying to do specifically and why you need TypoScript in BE context.
For completeness sake, I tested this workaround, but I wouldn't recommend it because of the mentioned reasons and because I am not sure if this is best practice. (I only used it because I was patching an extension which was already using TypoScript in the TCA and I wanted to find out why it wasn't working. I will probably rework this part entirely.)
I am posting this in the hope that it may be helpful for similar problems.
public function populateItemsProcFunc(array &$config): array
// workaround to set current page id for BackendConfigurationManager
$_GET['id'] = $this->getPageId((int)($config['flexParentDatabaseRow']['pid'] ?? 0));
$objectManager = GeneralUtility::makeInstance(ObjectManager::class);
$configurationManager = $objectManager->get(BackendConfigurationManager::class);
$setting = $configurationManager->getTypoScriptSetup();
$templates = $setting['plugin.']['tx_rssdisplay.']['settings.']['templates.'] ?? [];
// ... some code removed
protected function getPageId(int $pid): int
if ($pid > 0) {
return $pid;
$row = BackendUtility::getRecord('tt_content', abs($pid), 'uid,pid');
return $row['pid'];
The function getPageId() was derived from ext:news which also uses this in an itemsProcFunc but it then retrieves configuration from TSconfig. You may want to also look at that for an example: ext:news GeorgRinger\News\Hooks\ItemsProcFunc::user_templateLayout
If you look at the code in the TYPO3 core, it will try to get the current page id from
This will usually be set, but in an itemsProcFunc it may not (which was the case for me in TYPO3 10.4.14).

Is there a way in deployd to map a collection to a different endpoint?

I have a collection called customer_devices and I can't change the name. Can I expose it via deployd as /devices ? How?
There are a few ways that I can think of. If you really just want to rename the collection, you can do so from the dashboard, as #thomasb mentioned in his answer.
Alternatively, you can create a "proxy" event resource devices and forward all queries to customer_devices. For example, in devices/get.js you would say
dpd.customer_devices.get(query, function(res, err) {
if (err) cancel(err);
Finally, here is a "hack" to redirect all requests from one resource path to a different path. This is poorly tested so use at your own risk. This requires that you set up your own server as explained here. Once you have that, you can modify the routing behaviour using this snippet:
server.on('listening', function() {
var customer_devices = server.router.resources.filter(function (res) {
return res.path === '/customer_devices';
// Make a copy of the Object's prototype
var devices = Object.create(customer_devices);
// Shallow copy the properties
devices = extend(devices, customer_devices);
// Change the routing path
devices.path = "/devices";
// Add back to routing cache
This will take your customer_devices resource, copy it, change the path, and re-insert it into the cached routing table. I tested it and it works, but I won't guarantee that it's safe or a good idea...
Can't you change the name via dashboard?
Mouseover your collection customer_devices
Click the down arrow
Select 'Rename'
Enter the new name and click 'Rename'

IBM Worklight 6.0 - Pass parameter to JSONStore load function

I want to load a JSONStore based on a provided param to the adapter mapped load function.
Let me explain it better.
The JSONStore initialization is like this:
searchFields : {ENAME: 'string', EMPNO:'integer'},
//-- Start optional adapter metadata
adapter : {
name: 'EmployeesDB',
add: 'addEmployee',
remove: 'deleteEmployee',
replace: 'updateEmployee',
load: {
procedure: 'getEmployee',
params: [region],
key: 'resultSet'
//-- End optional adapter metadata
//Initialize the people collection
WL.JSONStore.init(collections, options)
As you can see in the code above, even after the param region was passed to the adapter collection init, is it supposed to change during my app life cycle, so there are moments where region let's say is SOUTH, others is NORTH and so on.
I realized that even though I change this value after the store was created, the mapped load function in the adapter getEmployee (see below) always get value that region contained at the time the jsonstore was initialized regardless I change the region variable value later on. Looks like the adapter binds conf is getting at collection creation time, and never changes it
function getEmployee(data) {'Show param:'+data);
return WL.Server.invokeSQLStatement({
preparedStatement : selectStatement,
parameters : []
Is there a way to pass parameter to the Jsonstore load function that can change after the store was initialized ?
I wanted to avoid close and init the collection again to save time and resources.
By the way, what I really need is to have flexibility on what I load from the database based on a adapter parameter that is bound to a collection.
Try something like:
WL.JSONStore.get(EMPLOYEE_COLLECTION_NAME).adapter.load.params = ['...']
Before calling WL.JSONStore.get(EMPLOYEE_COLLECTION_NAME).load().
If you want more flexibility, you can always call WL.Client.invokeProcedure and inside the onSuccess callback you can call: WL.JSONStore.get(EMPLOYEE_COLLECTION_NAME).add(['...'], {push: false}). The push: false section will make sure JSONStore understands that the data added is up-to-date with the data on the backend. This means it won't show those documents when you call: WL.JSONStore.get(EMPLOYEE_COLLECTION_NAME).getPushRequired() or WL.JSONStore.get(EMPLOYEE_COLLECTION_NAME).push().

Create tab/window with DOM document instead of URI?

I have a web service that requires special headers to be sent in the request. I am able to retrieve expected responseXMLs using an XMLHttpRequest and setRequestHeader().
Now I would like to create a new tab (or window) containing the response document. I would like the default XMLPrettyPrint.xsl file applied to it and when the source is viewed, I'd like to see the un-styled source as when viewing a normal .xml file.
Any ideas?
I ended up creating a protocol handler.
The biggest trick that I didn't find to be documented well was the fact that the XPCOM contract ID must start with ";1?name=". E.g.,:
/* as in foo:// . This is called the scheme. */
var thisIsWhatMyProtocolStartsWith = "foo";
var contractID = ";1?name=" + thisIsWhatMyProtocolStartsWith;
