How to make API request from Google authentication in ASP.NET? -

I do not understand how I can get the authorization code/access token to make a request.
This is my .AddGoogle():
builder.Services.AddAuthentication(o =>
o.DefaultChallengeScheme = "Google";
o.DefaultScheme = CookieAuthenticationDefaults.AuthenticationScheme;
}).AddCookie().AddGoogle("Google",options =>
IConfigurationSection auth = builder.Configuration.GetSection("Authentication:Google");
options.ClientId = auth["ClientId"];
options.ClientSecret = auth["ClientSecret"];
options.CallbackPath = "/Home";
options.AuthorizationEndpoint += "?prompt=consent";
options.SaveTokens = true;
So I log in / register, and then what?
I've tried this method
UserCredential credential;
var flow = new GoogleAuthorizationCodeFlow(new GoogleAuthorizationCodeFlow.Initializer()
ClientSecrets = new ClientSecrets()
ClientId = configuration.GetSection("Authentication:Google")["ClientId"],
ClientSecret = configuration.GetSection("Authentication:Google")["ClientSecret"]
Scopes = new[] {
var token = new TokenResponse
AccessToken = "",
RefreshToken = ""
credential = new UserCredential(flow, "user", token);
FitnessService fitnessService = new FitnessService(new BaseClientService.Initializer()
ApplicationName = "Exrecise App",
HttpClientInitializer = credential
var resp = await fitnessService.Users.Sessions.List("me").ExecuteAsync();
But how do I get the tokens to begin with?
I even tried HttpClient (by pasting the token from OAuthplayground)
HttpClient http = new HttpClient();
var resp = await http.SendAsync(new HttpRequestMessage()
RequestUri = new UriBuilder("").Uri,
Headers =
{ "Authorization","Bearer " }
Method = HttpMethod.Get
return Ok(await resp.Content.ReadAsStringAsync());
Same problem, how do I get the access token from the currently signed in user?
I looked everywhere, but every solution is either outdated or is unclear or just doesn't work for some reason.


Swagger (C#) not adding Authorize header

I'm trying to get Swagger working with a client credentials flow.
builder.Services.AddSwaggerGen(c =>
c.SwaggerDoc("v1", new OpenApiInfo { Title = "The API", Version = "v1" });
var basePath = System.AppContext.BaseDirectory;
string docFileName = Directory.GetFiles(basePath, "*.xml").First();
var docFile = Path.Combine(basePath, docFileName);
if (File.Exists(docFile))
// Makes the UI appear and be able to get a token.
c.AddSecurityDefinition("oauth2", new OpenApiSecurityScheme()
Description = "Bearer token",
In = ParameterLocation.Header,
Name = "Authorization",
Scheme = "Bearer",
BearerFormat = "JWT",
Type = SecuritySchemeType.OAuth2,
Flows = new OpenApiOAuthFlows()
ClientCredentials = new OpenApiOAuthFlow()
AuthorizationUrl = new Uri("http://www.localhost:5000/connect/authorize"),
TokenUrl = new Uri("http://www.localhost:5000/connect/token"),
Scopes = new Dictionary<string, string>() { { "thescope", "The scope" } }
// Docs claim this is necessary; doesn't say what it does in addition to the above.
c.AddSecurityRequirement(new OpenApiSecurityRequirement()
new OpenApiSecurityScheme
Reference = new OpenApiReference
Type = ReferenceType.SecurityScheme,
Id = Microsoft.AspNetCore.Authentication.JwtBearer.JwtBearerDefaults.AuthenticationScheme
Scheme = "Bearer", //
In = ParameterLocation.Header
new List<string>()
On the Swagger web page an Authorize button appears and I can use the client_id and client_secret to get a token.
However, Swagger does not use the token. No Authorize header is added to any requests. Why?

IdentityServer4 and external oauth privider: The oauth state was missing or invalid

I'm trying to implement external oauth authentication within IdentityServer4.
All auth requests goes successfully. I have a message AuthenticationScheme: Identity.External signed in. in app log.
But when authentication process tries to go back to ExternalLoginCallback action it falls with Error 500 (The oauth state was missing or invalid) after HTTP 302.
Screenshot is here
Result 302. Request https://localhost:5999/Account/ExternalLoginCallback?state=xxx&code=xxx&session_state=xxx
Then request goes to https://localhost:5999/Account/ExternalLoginCallback (without any parametres)
My IS4 Startup
IdentityServerConfiguration.AddIdentityServer(services, _configuration);
AddTinkoff extension method:
public static AuthenticationBuilder AddTinkoff(this AuthenticationBuilder builder, IConfiguration config)
return builder.AddOAuth("TinkoffId", "Tinkoff ID", options =>
options.AuthorizationEndpoint = "";
options.TokenEndpoint = "";
options.UserInformationEndpoint = "";
options.CallbackPath = "/Account/ExternalLoginCallback";
options.ClientId = "xxx";
options.ClientSecret = "xxxx";
options.SaveTokens = true;
options.SignInScheme = IdentityConstants.ExternalScheme;
options.BackchannelHttpHandler = new TinkoffAuthorizingHandler(new HttpClientHandler(), options);
options.ClaimActions.MapJsonKey(ClaimTypes.NameIdentifier, "name");
options.ClaimActions.MapJsonKey(ClaimTypes.Email, "email", ClaimValueTypes.Email);
options.Events = new OAuthEvents
OnCreatingTicket = async context =>
var request = new HttpRequestMessage(HttpMethod.Post, context.Options.UserInformationEndpoint);
request.Headers.Authorization = new AuthenticationHeaderValue("Bearer", context.AccessToken);
request.Content = new FormUrlEncodedContent(new List<KeyValuePair<string, string>>() {
new KeyValuePair<string, string>("client_id",options.ClientId),
new KeyValuePair<string, string>("client_secret",options.ClientSecret)
var response = await context.Backchannel.SendAsync(request, HttpCompletionOption.ResponseHeadersRead, context.HttpContext.RequestAborted);
var user = JsonDocument.Parse(await response.Content.ReadAsStringAsync());
//OnTicketReceived = async context =>
// context.HttpContext.User = context.Principal;
// //context.SkipHandler();
My ExternalLogin action:
public IActionResult ExternalLogin(string provider, string returnUrl = null)
_logger.LogInformation($"External login fired. ReturnUrl='{returnUrl}'. Provider='{provider}'");
var redirectUrl = Url.Action("ExternalLoginCallback", "Account", new { ReturnUrl = returnUrl });
var properties = _signInManager.ConfigureExternalAuthenticationProperties(provider, redirectUrl);
return Challenge(properties, provider);
ExternalLoginCallback action not fired while debug.
What I'm doing wrong. Why request redirects to itself without params?
Thank you.
I solved an issue for me.
I added
OnTicketReceived = async context =>
context.HttpContext.User = context.Principal;
context.ReturnUri += $"/{context.Request.QueryString}";
Now it works as expected

JWT Token valid by JwtSecurityTokenHandler but no valid by JWT IO

My token is generate from X509Certificate2
My problem:
Validation works via JwtSecurityTokenHandler but not when I go to
public static bool ValidateToken(string token, X509Certificate2 certificate)
var tokenHandler = new JwtSecurityTokenHandler();
var securityKey = new X509SecurityKey(certificate);
/*var rsaSecurityKey = new RsaSecurityKey(certificate.GetRSAPrivateKey())
KeyId = "S5669243590045587695"
var validationParameters = new TokenValidationParameters
ValidateIssuerSigningKey = true,
IssuerSigningKey = securityKey,
ValidateAudience = true,
ValidateIssuer = true,
ValidAudience = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["authorizationServer"] + "/realms/" + ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["realm"],
ValidIssuer = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["clientID"],
SecurityToken validatedToken;
tokenHandler.ValidateToken(token, validationParameters, out validatedToken);
catch (Exception _ex)
return false;
But not when I use
I fill in my public key
Do you have an idea ?

Connecting with Javascript to Web API protected by IdentityServer3

I have a Asp.NET MVC / WebAPI project with an embedded IdentityServer3.
I want both MVC and WebAPI to be protected by the IdentityServer. So I have used Authorize attribute on both MVC controllers and API controllers.
When surfing to my test page (which is protected) I get redirected to the IdentityServer login page. I enter my username and password and get authenticated and redirected back.
On the page I have a button that triggers a GET from javascript, with my access token in the authorization header, to my protected API. But here it fails with a 401 Unauthorized.
I get the access token to javascript by rendering it to the page with Razor.
I have 1 client in the IdentityServer set to hybrid flow. MVC uses cookies, while the API uses bearer tokens.
On my API HttpConfiguration I have set SuppressDefaultHostAuthentication. If I remove that line everything works, but then it uses cookies for the API which I don't want.
I use only HTTP and RequireSsl=false for now to avoid potential certificate problems.
I have tried for days to get this to work but I'm getting nowhere.
I don't even know how to debug this to get to cause of the 401.
By now I recognize just about every page that google suggests when I search for help.
Any ideas what it could be or how to debug this?
Here is my Startup.cs
public class Startup
public void Configuration(IAppBuilder app)
Log.Logger = new LoggerConfiguration()
// MVC client
string authBaseAddress = "http://localhost:50319/identity";
string tokenEndpoint = authBaseAddress + "/connect/token";
string userInfoEndpoint = authBaseAddress + "/connect/userinfo";
string redirectUri = "http://localhost:50319/";
app.UseCookieAuthentication(new CookieAuthenticationOptions
AuthenticationType = "Cookies"
app.UseOpenIdConnectAuthentication(new OpenIdConnectAuthenticationOptions
ClientId = "hybrid_clients",
Authority = authBaseAddress,
RedirectUri = redirectUri,
ResponseType = "code id_token token",
Scope = "openid profile roles sampleApi offline_access",
TokenValidationParameters = new TokenValidationParameters
NameClaimType = "name",
RoleClaimType = "role"
SignInAsAuthenticationType = "Cookies",
Notifications = new OpenIdConnectAuthenticationNotifications
AuthorizationCodeReceived = async n =>
// use the code to get the access and refresh token
var tokenClient = new TokenClient(
var tokenResponse = await tokenClient.RequestAuthorizationCodeAsync(n.Code, n.RedirectUri);
if (tokenResponse.IsError)
throw new Exception(tokenResponse.Error);
// use the access token to retrieve claims from userinfo
var userInfoClient = new UserInfoClient(
new Uri(userInfoEndpoint),
var userInfoResponse = await userInfoClient.GetAsync();
// create new identity
var id = new ClaimsIdentity(n.AuthenticationTicket.Identity.AuthenticationType);
id.AddClaim(new Claim("access_token", tokenResponse.AccessToken));
id.AddClaim(new Claim("expires_at", DateTime.Now.AddSeconds(tokenResponse.ExpiresIn).ToLocalTime().ToString()));
id.AddClaim(new Claim("refresh_token", tokenResponse.RefreshToken));
id.AddClaim(new Claim("id_token", n.ProtocolMessage.IdToken));
id.AddClaim(new Claim("sid", n.AuthenticationTicket.Identity.FindFirst("sid").Value));
n.AuthenticationTicket = new AuthenticationTicket(
new ClaimsIdentity(id.Claims, n.AuthenticationTicket.Identity.AuthenticationType, "name", "role"),
// Attach the id_token for the logout roundtrip to IdentityServer
RedirectToIdentityProvider = n =>
if (n.ProtocolMessage.RequestType == OpenIdConnectRequestType.LogoutRequest)
var idTokenHint = n.OwinContext.Authentication.User.FindFirst("id_token");
if (idTokenHint != null)
n.ProtocolMessage.IdTokenHint = idTokenHint.Value;
return Task.FromResult(0);
AntiForgeryConfig.UniqueClaimTypeIdentifier = Constants.ClaimTypes.Subject;
JwtSecurityTokenHandler.InboundClaimTypeMap = new Dictionary<string, string>();
// web api
app.Map("/api", a =>
var config = new HttpConfiguration();
a.UseIdentityServerBearerTokenAuthentication(new IdentityServerBearerTokenAuthenticationOptions
//AuthenticationMode = AuthenticationMode.Active,
Authority = authBaseAddress,
RequiredScopes = new[] { "sampleApi" },
DelayLoadMetadata = true
config.Filters.Add(new HostAuthenticationFilter(OAuthDefaults.AuthenticationType));
// Identity server
app.Map("/identity", idsrvApp =>
idsrvApp.UseIdentityServer(new IdentityServerOptions
SiteName = "Embedded IdentityServer",
SigningCertificate = LoadCertificate(),
Factory = new IdentityServerServiceFactory()
AuthenticationOptions = new IdentityServer3.Core.Configuration.AuthenticationOptions()
EnablePostSignOutAutoRedirect = true // Automatically redirects back to the client on signout
RequireSsl = false,
X509Certificate2 LoadCertificate()
return new X509Certificate2(
string.Format(#"{0}\bin\idsrv3test.pfx", AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory), "idsrv3test");
My client
new Client
Enabled = true,
ClientName = "Hybrid Clients",
ClientId = "hybrid_clients",
Flow = Flows.Hybrid,
//AllowAccessTokensViaBrowser = false,
RedirectUris = new List<string>
PostLogoutRedirectUris = new List<string>
AllowedScopes = new List<string>
ClientSecrets = new List<Secret>
new Secret("secret".Sha256())
AccessTokenType = AccessTokenType.Reference,
LogoutSessionRequired = true
My scopes
public static class Scopes
public static IEnumerable<Scope> Get()
var scopes = new List<Scope>
new Scope
Enabled = true,
Name = "roles",
Type = ScopeType.Identity,
Claims = new List<ScopeClaim>
new ScopeClaim("role")
new Scope
Enabled = true,
DisplayName = "Sample API",
Name = "sampleApi",
Description = "Access to a sample API",
Type = ScopeType.Resource
return scopes;
public class SecuredApiController : ApiController
public IHttpActionResult Get()
var user = User as ClaimsPrincipal;
var claims = from c in user.Claims
select new
type = c.Type,
value = c.Value
return Json(claims);
Part of my Razor view
<button data-bind="click:callApi">Call API</button>
<span data-bind="text:apiResult"></span>
$(function() {
ko.myViewModel = new ClientAppViewModel('#ViewData["access_token"]');
My JavaScript (KnockoutJS) that calls SecuredApi
function ClientAppViewModel(accessToken) {
var self = this;
self.accessToken = accessToken;
self.apiResult = ko.observable('empty');
self.callApi = function () {
var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();"GET", "http://localhost:50319/api/SecuredApi");
xhr.onload = function () {
self.apiResult(JSON.stringify(JSON.parse(xhr.response), null, 2));
xhr.setRequestHeader("Authorization", "Bearer " + self.accessToken);
The Katana logs for the API are what you want. With these you will see why the API is returning a 401.
You can access these using the Microsoft.Owin log source (see Katana Documentation)

How can I use ASP.NET MVC Owin AccessToken in Google.Apis call?

I'm trying to use the AccessToken provided by Owin in Google.Apis requests but I'm receiveing the exception System.InvalidOperationException (Additional information: The access token has expired but we can't refresh it).
My configuration of Google Authentication is OK and I can successfully login into my application with it. I store the context.AccessToken as a Claim in the authentication callback (OnAuthenticated "event" of GoogleOAuth2AuthenticationProvider).
My Startup.Auth.cs configuration (app.UseGoogleAuthentication(ConfigureGooglePlus()))
private GoogleOAuth2AuthenticationOptions ConfigureGooglePlus()
var goolePlusOptions = new GoogleOAuth2AuthenticationOptions()
ClientId = "",
ClientSecret = "YYYYYYzzzzzz",
Provider = new GoogleOAuth2AuthenticationProvider()
OnAuthenticated = context =>
context.Identity.AddClaim(new System.Security.Claims.Claim("Google_AccessToken", context.AccessToken));
return Task.FromResult(0);
SignInAsAuthenticationType = DefaultAuthenticationTypes.ExternalCookie
return goolePlusOptions;
The code in which the exception is throwed (Execute() method)
var externalIdentity = await AuthenticationManager.GetExternalIdentityAsync(DefaultAuthenticationTypes.ExternalCookie);
var accessTokenClaim = externalIdentity.FindAll(loginProvider + "_AccessToken").First();
var secrets = new ClientSecrets()
ClientId = "",
ClientSecret = "YYYYYYzzzzzz"
IAuthorizationCodeFlow flow =
new GoogleAuthorizationCodeFlow(new GoogleAuthorizationCodeFlow.Initializer
ClientSecrets = secrets,
Scopes = new[] { PlusService.Scope.PlusLogin, PlusService.Scope.UserinfoEmail }
UserCredential credential = new UserCredential(flow, "me", new TokenResponse() { AccessToken = accessTokenClaim.Value });
var ps = new PlusService(
new BaseClientService.Initializer()
ApplicationName = "My App Name",
HttpClientInitializer = credential
var k = ps.People.List("me", PeopleResource.ListRequest.CollectionEnum.Visible).Execute();
Is there another way to get the original AccessToken or refresh it without pass thru the entire authentication process (the user is already authenticated)?
I need to query some GooglePlus profile data such as GivenName, familyName, gender, profile picture and profile url.
Linda helped me with an URL pointing to a new mvc sample (
I just had to add AccessType = "offline" to GoogleOAuth2AuthenticationOptions and save some extra info to create a new instance of TokenResponse when I need.
Google Authentication Options
private GoogleOAuth2AuthenticationOptions ConfigureGooglePlus()
var goolePlusOptions = new GoogleOAuth2AuthenticationOptions()
AccessType = "offline",
ClientId = "",
ClientSecret = "Yyyyyyyyyy",
Provider = new GoogleOAuth2AuthenticationProvider()
OnAuthenticated = context =>
context.Identity.AddClaim(new System.Security.Claims.Claim("Google_AccessToken", context.AccessToken));
if (context.RefreshToken != null)
context.Identity.AddClaim(new Claim("GoogleRefreshToken", context.RefreshToken));
context.Identity.AddClaim(new Claim("GoogleUserId", context.Id));
context.Identity.AddClaim(new Claim("GoogleTokenIssuedAt", DateTime.Now.ToBinary().ToString()));
var expiresInSec = (long)(context.ExpiresIn.Value.TotalSeconds);
context.Identity.AddClaim(new Claim("GoogleTokenExpiresIn", expiresInSec.ToString()));
return Task.FromResult(0);
SignInAsAuthenticationType = DefaultAuthenticationTypes.ExternalCookie
return goolePlusOptions;
How to retrieve the credentials (using token info "stored" as claim)
private async Task<UserCredential> GetCredentialForApiAsync()
var initializer = new GoogleAuthorizationCodeFlow.Initializer
ClientSecrets = new ClientSecrets
ClientId = "",
ClientSecret = "YYyyyyyyyyy",
Scopes = new[] {
"" }
var flow = new GoogleAuthorizationCodeFlow(initializer);
var identity = await AuthenticationManager.GetExternalIdentityAsync(DefaultAuthenticationTypes.ApplicationCookie);
var userId = identity.FindFirstValue("GoogleUserId");
var token = new TokenResponse()
AccessToken = identity.FindFirstValue("Google_AccessToken"),
RefreshToken = identity.FindFirstValue("GoogleRefreshToken"),
Issued = DateTime.FromBinary(long.Parse(identity.FindFirstValue("GoogleTokenIssuedAt"))),
ExpiresInSeconds = long.Parse(identity.FindFirstValue("GoogleTokenExpiresIn")),
return new UserCredential(flow, userId, token);
