Why is train loss and validate loss both in a straight line? - machine-learning

I am using Conv-LSTM for training, and the input features have been proven to be effective in some papers, and I can use CNN+FC networks to extract features and classify them. I change the task to regression here, and I can also achieve model convergence with Conv+FC. Later, I tried to use Conv-LSTM for processing to consider the timing characteristics of the corresponding data. Specifically: return the output of the current moment based on multiple historical inputs and the input of the current moment. The Conv-LSTM code I used: https://github.com/ndrplz/ConvLSTM_pytorch. My Loss is L1-Loss and optimizer is Adam.
A loss curve is below:
Example loss value:
Epoch:1/500 AVG Training Loss:16.40108 AVG Valid Loss:22.40100
Best validation loss: 22.400997797648113
Saving best model for epoch 1
Epoch:2/500 AVG Training Loss:16.42522 AVG Valid Loss:22.40100
Epoch:3/500 AVG Training Loss:16.40599 AVG Valid Loss:22.40100
Epoch:4/500 AVG Training Loss:16.40175 AVG Valid Loss:22.40100
Epoch:5/500 AVG Training Loss:16.42198 AVG Valid Loss:22.40101
Epoch:6/500 AVG Training Loss:16.41907 AVG Valid Loss:22.40101
Epoch:7/500 AVG Training Loss:16.42531 AVG Valid Loss:22.40101
My attempt:
Adjust the data set to only a few samples, verify that it can be overfitted, and the network code should be fine.
Adjusting the learning rate, I tried 1e-3, 1e-4, 1e-5 and 1e-6, but the loss curve is still flat as before, and even the value of the loss curve has not changed much.
Replace the optimizer with SGD, and the training result is also the above problem.
Because my data is wireless data (I-Q), neither CV nor NLP input type, here are some questions to ask about deep learning training.

After some testing, I finally found that my initial learning rate was too small. According to my previous single-point data training, the learning rate of 1e-3 is large enough, so here is preconceived, and it is adjusted from 1e-3 to a small tune, but in fact, the learning rate of 1e-3 is too small, resulting in the network not learning at all. Later, the learning rate was adjusted to 1e-2, and both the train loss and validate loss of the network achieved rapid decline (And the optimizer is Adam). When adjusting the learning rate later, you can start from 1 to the minor, do not preconceive.


Is this LSTM underfitting?

I am trying to create a model that predicts if it will rain in the next 5 days (multi-step) or not, so I dont need the precipitation value, just a "yes" or "no". I've been testing with some different tools/algorithms and I guess the big challenge here is dealing with the zero skewed data.
The dataset consists of hourly data that has columns such as precipitation, temperature, pressure, wind speed, humidity. It has around 1 milion rows. There is no requisite to use a multivariate approach.
Rain occurs mostly on months 1,2,3,11 and 12.
So I tried using a univariate LSTM on the data, and with hourly sample I had the best results. I used the following architecture:
model.compile(loss='mean_squared_error', optimizer='adam')
history = model.fit(trainX, trainY, epochs=15, batch_size=4096, validation_data=(testX, testY), shuffle=False)
I'm using a lookback value of 24*60, which should mean 2 months.
Train/Validation Loss:
Final result:
So I read that this train/validation loss means the model is underfitting, is it? What could I do to prevent this?
Before using LSTM I tried using Prophet, which rendered really bad results and tried used autoarima, but it couldn't handle a yearly seasonality (365 days).
In case of underfitting what you can do is icreasing the learning rate, increasing training duration and number of training data.
It is also worth having some external metric such as the F1 score because loss isn't a good metrics for human evaluation.
Just looking at your example I would start with experimenting a bit with the loss function, it seems like your data is binary so it would be wiser to use a binary loss instead of a regression loss

training loss increases over time despite of a tiny learning rate

I'm playing with CIFAR-10 dataset using ResNet-50 on Keras with Tensorflow backend, but I ran into a very strange training pattern, where the model loss decreased first, and then started to increase until it plateaued/stuck at a single value due to almost 0 learning rate. Correspondingly, the model accuracy increased first, and then started to decrease until it plateaued at 10% (aka random guess). I wonder what is going wrong?
Typically this U shaped pattern happens with a learning rate that is too large (like this post), but it is not the case here. This pattern also doesn't' look like a classic "over-fitting" as both the training and validation loss increase over time. In the answer to the above linked post, someone mentioned that if Adam optimizer is used, loss may explode under small learning rate when local minimum is exceeded, I'm not sure I can follow what is said there, and also I'm using SGD with weight decay instead of Adam.
Specifically for the training set up, I used resent50 with random initialization, SGD optimizer with 0.9 momentum and a weight decay of 0.0001 using decoupled weight decay regularization, batch-size 64, initial learning_rate 0.01 which declined by a factor of 0.5 with each 10 epochs of non-decreasing validation loss.
base_model = tf.keras.applications.ResNet50(include_top=False,
prediction_layer = tf.keras.layers.Dense(10)
model = tf.keras.Sequential([base_model,
SGDW = tfa.optimizers.extend_with_decoupled_weight_decay(tf.keras.optimizers.SGD)
optimizer = SGDW(weight_decay=0.0001, learning_rate=0.01, momentum=0.9)
reduce_lr= tf.keras.callbacks.ReduceLROnPlateau(monitor='val_loss',factor=0.5, patience=10)
model.fit(train_batches, epochs=250,

Validation Loss Much Higher Than Training Loss

I'm very new to deep learning models, and trying to train a multiple time series model using LSTM with Keras Sequential. There are 25 observations per year for 50 years = 1250 samples, so not sure if this is even possible to use LSTM for such small data. However, I have thousands of feature variables, not including time lags. I'm trying to predict a sequence of the next 25 time steps of data. The data is normalized between 0 and 1. My problem is that, despite trying many obvious adjustments, I cannot get the LSTM validation loss anywhere close to the training loss (overfitting dramatically, I think).
I have tried adjusting number of nodes per hidden layer (25-375), number of hidden layers (1-3), dropout (0.2-0.8), batch_size (25-375), and train/ test split (90%:10% - 50%-50%). Nothing really makes much of a difference on the validation loss/ training loss disparity.
# 25 observations per year; Allocate 5 years (2014-2018) for Testing
n_test = 5 * 25
test = values[:n_test, :]
train = values[n_test:, :]
# split into input and outputs
train_X, train_y = train[:, :-25], train[:, -25:]
test_X, test_y = test[:, :-25], test[:, -25:]
# reshape input to be 3D [samples, timesteps, features]
train_X = train_X.reshape((train_X.shape[0], 5, newdf.shape[1]))
test_X = test_X.reshape((test_X.shape[0], 5, newdf.shape[1]))
print(train_X.shape, train_y.shape, test_X.shape, test_y.shape)
# design network
model = Sequential()
model.add(Masking(mask_value=-99, input_shape=(train_X.shape[1], train_X.shape[2])))
model.add(LSTM(375, return_sequences=True))
model.add(LSTM(125, return_sequences=True))
model.compile(loss='mse', optimizer='adam')
# fit network
history = model.fit(train_X, train_y, epochs=20, batch_size=25, validation_data=(test_X, test_y), verbose=2, shuffle=False)
Epoch 19/20
14s - loss: 0.0512 - val_loss: 188.9568
Epoch 20/20
14s - loss: 0.0510 - val_loss: 188.9537
I assume I must be doing something obvious wrong, but can't realize it since I'm a newbie. I am hoping to either get some useful validation loss achieved (compared to training), or know that my data observations are simply not large enough for useful LSTM modeling. Any help or suggestions is much appreciated, thanks!
In general, if you're seeing much higher validation loss than training loss, then it's a sign that your model is overfitting - it learns "superstitions" i.e. patterns that accidentally happened to be true in your training data but don't have a basis in reality, and thus aren't true in your validation data.
It's generally a sign that you have a "too powerful" model, too many parameters that are capable of memorizing the limited amount of training data. In your particular model you're trying to learn almost a million parameters (try printing model.summary()) from a thousand datapoints - that's not reasonable, learning can extract/compress information from data, not create it out of thin air.
What's the expected result?
The first question you should ask (and answer!) before building a model is about the expected accuracy. You should have a reasonable lower bound (what's a trivial baseline? For time series prediction, e.g. linear regression might be one) and an upper bound (what could an expert human predict given the same input data and nothing else?).
Much depends on the nature of the problem. You really have to ask, is this information sufficient to get a good answer? For many real life time problems with time series prediction, the answer is no - the future state of such a system depends on many variables that can't be determined by simply looking at historical measurements - to reasonably predict the next value, you need to bring in lots of external data other than the historical prices. There's a classic quote by Tukey: "The combination of some data and an aching desire for an answer does not ensure that a reasonable answer can be extracted from a given body of data."

The difference between accuracy of test(60%) and training(99.9%) data sets is huge indicating high variance

What should I do to to reduce variance.I checked for multicollinearity using VIF.VIF for all the parameters was less than 2.AIC and BIC are high.Adj R^2 is around 0.45 which is less.The condition number is also high.What should I do?
I am using decision trees and random forests to build the model.

Training accuracy on SGD

How do you compute for the training accuracy for SGD? Do you compute it using the batch data you trained your network with? Or using the entire dataset? (for each batch optimization iteration)
I tried computing the training accuracy for each iteration using the batch data I trained my network with. And it almost always gives me 100% training accuracy (sometimes 100%, 90%, 80%, always multiples of 10%, but the very first iteration gave me 100%). Is this because I am computing the accuracy on the same batch data I trained it with for that iteration? Or is my model overfitting that it gave me 100% instantly, but the validation accuracy is low? (this is the main question here, if this is acceptable, or there is something wrong with the model)
Here are the hyperparameters I used.
batch_size = 64
kernel_size = 60 #from 60 #optimal 2
depth = 15 #from 60 #optimal 15
num_hidden = 1000 #from 1000 #optimal 80
learning_rate = 0.0001
training_epochs = 8
total_batches = train_x.shape[0] // batch_size
Calculating the training accuracy on the batch data during the training process is correct. If the number of the accuracy is always multiple of 10%, then most likely it is because your batch size is 10. For example, if 8 of the training outputs match the labels, then your training accuracy will be 80%. If the training accuracy number goes up and down, there are two main possibilities:
1. If you print out the accuracy numbers multiple time over one epoch, it is normal, especially at the early stage of training, because the model is predicting over different data samples;
2. If you print out the accuracy once each epoch, and if you see the training accuracy goes up and down during the later stage of the training, that means your learning rate is too big. You need to decease that overtime during the training.
If these do not answer your question, please provider more details so that we can help.
