Erlang to c/cpp conversion how to do? - erlang

Is there a simple way to convert Erlang code to c or cpp?
I wish to convert Wings 3D code (from the first release ) to c/cpp

What would you do after converting? If you plan to run the c/cpp code, you will not get all the Erlang platform capabilities.
Sometimes, people try to convert to the language they understand, while learning a new language.


Latex (String formula to Image) for IOS

I've done my math application for Android.
I use JLatex Library to convert math expressions to Bitmap.
I have a lot of predefined strings with math expressions (in my crossplatform C++ core).
Now I'm working on IOS version. I want to use that core here.
But I face with Latex problem.
Are there JLatex alternatives for IOS?
I've found some Libraries, but syntax isn't the same...
Syntax of JLatex is the same as here.
Finally I've found great Latex Library for IOS.
It's iosMath.
Currently it has only one defect: doesn't support line break.
But I believe it'll be done soon.

How to apply IBM CPLEX to my iOS projects?

I am new to iOS development!
And I'm working on a project that deals with shift scheduling problems.
I was reading online paper and they mentioned that they used CPLEX to solve their linear programming problems.
So I'm wondering if there's anything that I have to know to run my scheduling constraints on CPLEX but get the results on Swift codes (XCode)?
what you could try also is to use CPLEX in the cloud which would be called from IOS.
You can find an example at
You can try that example on your smartphone and then have a look at how to.
CPLEX offers some libraries written in C, C++.
Xcode allow the use of this kind of librairies so I think you'll be able to work with inside your Swift project.
Hope this helps !

Using Perl code in iOS/ObjectiveC

How can I incorporate perl code into an native iOS/Objective application? Could you provide a sample?
The basics of calling Perl code from C is described in the perldoc perlembed. It's pretty straightforward to link a C program to the Perl interpreter and give it code to execute. However, I haven't been able to find an iOS build of Perl, which may mean you have to build it yourself.
Unfortunately, I don't have access to an iOS development environment so I can't give you any actual code.
You'll need to jailbreak your device to install perl:
You'll still need to follow the perl embedding guide (as Chris Reuter) said.

Functions from MATLAB to XCode

Essentially what I'm trying to do, is turn the following function:
function [template, mask] = createiristemplate(eyeimage_filename)
into a form useable by Xcode. I've spent several hours poring over the internet, and have yet to find a clean way to make it work. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
If you are talking about Xcode, the mac IDE:
According to wikipedia, this software can support the following languages:
C, C++, Objective-C, Objective-C++, Java, AppleScript, Python and Ruby
So the only way, is to use matlab coder, it is a matlab tool to convert matlab code in C or C++ :
But it is an expansive toolbox.

OpenCV on Erlang

I would like to use OpenCV in my Erlang application. One solution would be to write an Erlang port etc., but I'm sure it has been done before.
The ideal result would be to be able to configure OpenCV from Erlang, and never touch a line of C code. But is this possible ? How would you do that ?
Why not wrap the specific OpenCV configuration in a C application using the OpenCV C lib and call that app using Result = os:cmd('myapp'). That way you don't have to mess around with possible interoperability issues and have a clear separation between you C and Erlang code.
