JIRA : Allow searching by last commit date - jira

In JIRA, does it exist a way to search last commit date ?
I try this but it doesn't work
issue.property[development].commits > 0 AND issue.property[development].lastCommitDate > -15days
(it works but the result is empty, in my case it's false)
issue.property[development].commits > 0 AND issue.property[development].lastCommitDate > "2022/10/09"
(the result is empty)
Does it exist a configuration in order that commits are saved in update data.
In JIRA when I select "All activities", the commit dates are not displayed in interface
We can only see the last commit date in the interface beside the number of commmit
Is it possible to create a correct JQL allowing to retrieve all JIRA with commits from a chosen date


Some datetime filters on Wonderware Historian queries returns no data

I'm querying to Wonderware Historian Database from SQL Server Management Studio and found that sometimes I don't get values, depending on the datetime filters I've set, even using Full retrieval mode.
I can get the values for the first ten days of October with this statement:
FROM Runtime.dbo.History
WHERE TagName = 'SFRL_JP\QInst'
AND wwRetrievalMode = 'Full'
AND wwQualityRule = 'Extended'
AND wwVersion = 'Latest'
AND DateTime >= '20191001 00:00:00'
AND DateTime <= '20191101 00:00:00';
But if I change de start date to October 2 (or any day after) the query only returns a tupla with value 0:
FROM Runtime.dbo.History
WHERE TagName = 'SFRL_JP\QInst'
AND wwRetrievalMode = 'Full'
AND wwQualityRule = 'Extended'
AND wwVersion = 'Latest'
AND DateTime >= '20191002 00:00:00'
AND DateTime <= '20191101 00:00:00';
Get same results using Historian Query and Historian Trends.
All returned data with the first statement seems to be good (QualityDetail = 192 and OPCQuality = 192).
I can't see what's wrong in the second query.
It looks like the latest.dat files get corrupted over a period of time, so I've tried to export the existing data for those dates in .csv file, and then upload this new set of CSV files specifying "Original Values" instead of "Update Values" and process them via FastLoad for that specific tag and check the values. Queries seems to be ok, but after a couple of days same error appears again.
Finally, solution comes from installing a patch on Historian: Wonderware Historian 11.6 SP1 P02 .

Using JIRA Query Language from Klipfolio To Query JIRA API For Number of Rejected Issues

I am trying to query the JIRA API from Klipfolio, to return all issues whos status = "rejected" in a given month, and the number of times each issue's status = "rejected".
Example queries I have run:
Give me the issue history for a given issue which contains rejected issues. But I don't know how to return the number of times the issue's status = "rejected" from this query:
Give me the the number of issues whos status = "rejected" for a given project and sprint:
https://upvate.atlassian.net/rest/api/2/search?jql=project="UC" and sprint="21" and status="rejected"
But I need all issues whos status = "rejected" in a given month, and the number of times each issue's status = "rejected".
To determine which issues have been rejected, you will need to construct a JQL statement and insert that into the query. If you want to see the changelog for any issue that has been rejected, the query will look like this:
https://upvate.atlassian.net/rest/api/2/search?jql=project='UC' and status = 'rejected'&expand=changelog&maxResults=100
The expand=changelog will add a JSON array to each issue object with a revision history of each change made to that issue. In case you have more than the default 50 issues per call, you can use the maxResults parameter (maxResults=100) which will bring the number of issues up to the max per call set by JIRA of 100. If you have more than that you will need to use the startAt parameter to paginate through the pages of issues.
Like the above, you will need to create a JQL statement and insert it into the query url.
https://upvate.atlassian.net/rest/api/2/search?jql=project = 'UC' and sprint = '21' and status = 'rejected' and createdDate >= 2017-12-01 AND createdDate <= 2017-12-31&maxResults=100
This will successfully return data from project UC for sprint 21 that has been rejected and created within the month of December 2017. If you want to filter the data by a relative date range; for example, the previous month, you can utilize Klipfolio's date parameters. To have the above query always return data for the previous month's with the same conditions, the query will look like so:
https://upvate.atlassian.net/rest/api/2/search?jql=project = 'UC' and sprint = '21' and status = 'rejected' and createdDate >= {date.addMonths(-1).startOfMonth.format()} AND createdDate <= {date.addMonths(-1).endOfMonth.format()}&maxResults=100

Run TFS query in the past?

I've some simple queries in my Team Foundation Server 2015, .e.g,. to count the open WorkItems. Now I want to track this in history and want to know, how many WorkItems were open one week or one month ago?
So, can I run a query in the past to a date x? Or is the only way to get such historical data to start today and write down all values from now on to have the history in the future?
This will only work in VSO or TFS 2015+
You can use the queries in new REST API's with the ASOF operator.
You would do an HTTP POST with content like below
"query": "Select [System.Id], [System.Title], [System.State] From WorkItems Where [System.AssignedTo] = #Me AND [State] <> 'Closed' AND [State] <> 'Done' AND [State] <> 'Removed' ASOF '01 Sep 2015' order by [Microsoft.VSTS.Common.Priority] asc, [System.CreatedDate] desc"
to the url
and then you will get a response back with each work item Id that that query returns and then you can get the details for those work items using the other Rest API that takes in a list of work item Ids (look for _apis/wit/WorkItems on the Rest API link below).
So you would need to use code and not just the UI but you shouldn't need to use the object model to do this.
Rest API Queries - http://r3f.co/1g5cYIw
ASOF - http://r3f.co/1g5cSRg
It is impossible to use TFS work item queries to get historical work items. You need to work with TFS API.
Please check this blog for the details on how to get work item histories via API.

Get commits without review

I have a list of JIRA issues that have one or many commits:
J1 (c11, c12, ..., c1n)
J2 (c21, c22, ..., c2m)
Jk (ck1, ck2, ..., cky)
where n,m,y >= 1
Using Crucible I'm trying to create reviews for J1,..., Jk (or for c11, ..., cky - because it's ok if the number of Crucible reviews is bigger than the number of JIRA issues).
In order to achieve this, I want to see using EyeQL which are the commits without a created review (not necessarily closed).
If I run the following query:
select ...
from ...
and not reviewed
group by ...
return ...
it returns only the commits that don't have a "complete" review. But I want to see only the commits that don't have a "review" (regardless of its state).
How can I achieve this behavior?
I want something like and doesn't have any created review instead of and not reviewed.
Using the clause not in any review should work, i.e.:
select revisions from dir "/" where (not in any review) order by date desc group by changeset return path, revision, author, date, csid
See the EyeQL reference for the full grammar description with examples.

TFS Query - History section - comments added by date

How do I write a query in TFS to show me users that have added comments in the history section of a work item in the past 2 days?
Team Project = # Project
And Work Item Type = [Any]
And History Contains MY_KEY_PHRASE
And Changed Date >= #Today - 2
Since Contains cannot be null we have to add a value to the History search.
MY_KEY_PHRASE = Whatever you want to put in your comments field, as a standard, to identify changes (such as "comments" or "cc" or "." etcetera).
The easiest solution is to use prefix before any comments, so any one need to write comments just write "Comments:" keyword followed by carriage return before his comments and then
Edit the query
Add new criteria as the following:
(And/Or)--> And
(Field)---> History
(Operator)--> Contains
(Value)--> Comments
