How do I copy text from windows10 to centos9?
I tried ctrl+c in windows and then pasting in Centos terminal with ctrl+v, ctrl+shift+v, and mouse right click then paste, but all didn't work.
It depends on what you are copying if it's a text file it might be an issue with your OS.
to ease your stress why not use free program WinSCP. You can also transfer data from Windows to Linux servers via SCP.
I want to learn about Docker. So I go ahead to install Docker, check all requirements for Windows 11,
wsl2 is enabled in my system.
virtualization is also enabled.
I have 16gb ram
but I don't know why the docker engine don't start. Every time I see the following image click here
I have done so many things, I am listing all of them ---
Execute the command "C:\Program Files\Docker\Docker\DockerCli.exe" -SwitchDaemon by running command line as administrator but no effect.
I watch from an youtube video that some time ubuntu installed in wsl2 make interruption in docker daemon, so I uninstall it. But still the problem persists.
I installed hyper-v as there is no option for hyper-v in windows 11' s "turn windows features on or off" and enabled it. same problem exist.
Uninstalling and reinstalling docker and restarting multiple times, but still no luck.
I don't know why this happened. Please help me in this matter. I have windows 11 home single language installed in my computer.
I had the same problem in Windows 11, but the solution in the link below fixed it.
wsl --update
I am currently trying to understand and learn Docker. I have an app, .exe file, and I would like to run it on either Linux or OSX by creating a Docker. I've searched online but I can't find anything allowing one to do that, and I don't know Docker well enough to try and improvise something. Is this possible? Would I have to use Boot2Docker? Could you please point me in the right direction? Thank you in advance any help is appreciated.
Docker allows you to isolate applications running on a host, it does not provide a different OS to run those applications on (with the exception of a the client products that include a Linux VM since Docker was originally a Linux only tool). If the application runs on Linux, it can typically run inside a container. If the application cannot run on Linux, then it will not run inside a Linux container.
An exe is a windows binary format. This binary format incompatible with Linux (unless you run it inside of an emulator or VM). I'm not aware of any easy way to accomplish your goal. If you want to run this binary, then skip Docker on Linux and install a Windows VM on your host.
As other answers have said, Docker doesn't emulate the entire Windows OS that you would need in order to run an executable 'exe' file. However, there's another tool that may do something similar to what you want: "Wine" app from WineHQ. An abbreviated summary from their site:
Wine is a compatibility layer capable of running Windows applications
on several operating systems, such as Linux and macOS.
Instead of simulating internal Windows logic like a virtual
machine or emulator, Wine translates Windows API calls
on-the-fly, eliminating the performance and memory penalties of
other methods and allowing you to cleanly integrate Windows
applications into your desktop.
(I don't work with nor for WineHQ, nor have I actually used it yet. I've only heard of it, and it seems like it might be a solution for running a Windows program inside of a light-weight container.)
I'm using bash or cmd for Rails console.
I get this weird symbols like <-[1m.
In my tutorial I see the output fine (With spaces and color), and it's difficult to read it in my cmd...
Can you help me to display those special characters right?
Instead of using cmd, run rails and ruby through cygwin, it works better than cmd as cygwin is supposed to bring you a linux environnement on windows. When i tried to do rails on windows it was the most complete tool.
I insist on the fact that you should use a Linux VM to do rails on windows. If you install VMWare player on your windows, you will have a virtual machine running in vmware on your windows desktop. This machine will be connected to you network. I strongly advise you to use this solution, as you will encounter many problems using rails on windows.
I work on windows, and i have a Virtual Ubuntu always launched. My VM share the code via samba and i edit it with sublim text executed in windows. On my second screen i have my VM full screen that display multiple terminals.
Ok, I found this wonderful software and it did solve my problem :)
cmd.exe doesn't understand those color codes.
There is a project to make cmd understand them (and add other useful feaures) here. I do not use windows, so I cannot vouch for the quality of it.
Everytime I run any rails command on my windows vista dev box there is always something like a 30 second delay before the command does anything. I don't have the firewall enabled and the virus protection is disabled. Any thoughts on what could be causing this?
I can't comment on this specific issue, but I can say I had nothing but problems trying to run Rails on Windows in the past. That said, after trying Ubuntu and MacOs, I still prefer to use Windows as my primary UI. My solution is to run Ubuntu Server on a VM, and use a Samba file share to access dev files, with putty as my primary console interface. The linux command line is far more powerful, and is where the Rails ecosystem is really geared to be running.
With these tools, you can run your Rails stack in a nice linux server environment, and still enjoy the utility and functionality of the Windows GUI. (Although I'd recommend you move from Vista to 7)
I installed WinDDK 7600 in my Windows XP operating system.Now,when I double click the devcon.exe(Location- D:\WinDDK\7600.16385.1\tools\devcon\i386),the command prompt is just showing up and suddenly disappears.Can anyone resolve this issue.
As far as I'm aware devcon is a command-line only program. You have to run it from a command window (cmd.exe) with the appropriate parameters. Once you know the parameters you want to use, you can write a batch file to easily recreate the command you want.
I ran across this post because Win7 has a similar problem even when running in cmd.exe.
There is a solution found on Microsofts website here:
I have not been able to verify it yet.
The same (a windows open and automatically close) happens even if using a normal command prompt. However opening the command prompt with administrator rights and then run devcon works.