bad argument #1 to 'for iterator' (table expected, got string) - lua

have a data like this
result = {
[1] = { ["identifier"] = MMK18495,["vehicles"] = {"vehN":"Caracara 4x4","vehM":"caracara2","totals":3},["id"] = 1,} ,
[2] = { ["identifier"] = MMK18495,["vehicles"] = {"vehN":"Sandking SWB","vehM":"sandking2","totals":3},["id"] = 2,} ,
[3] = { ["identifier"] = MMK18495,["vehicles"] = {"totals":5,"vehN":"Caracara 4x4","vehM":"caracara2"},["id"] = 3,} ,
trying to sort this data to a menu like this
for i=1, #result, 1 do
local ownedcars = result[i].vehicles
for _,v in pairs(ownedcars) do -- <- the error is here
menu[#menu+1] = {
header = " Model "..v.vehM.." Name "..v.vehN.." quantity"..v.totals,
txt = "",
the output of ownedcars
{"vehN":"Caracara 4x4","vehM":"caracara2","totals":3}
but here is the error

As others have commented, this is not a Lua table. When inputting JSON tables, Lua reads them as strings. You will first need to convert your given JSON string into Lua. Thankfully, others have already done this. I will refer you to this question which has answers that solved this problem.
Once you've converted your JSON string to a Lua table, you should be good to go.


Can't find a way to save a table of data

I have been working on a survival game base on "Booga Booga" but i cant seem to find out how to load player data on the game. The data im trying to load is saved in the for loop that follows:
module.SaveData = function (player, DT)
local data_saved = {}
local setData = player.inventory.Inv:GetChildren()
for i, v in pairs(setData) do
table.insert(data_saved, {[v] = {
value = v.Value,
name = v.Name
Data_Store:SetAsync(player.UserId, data_saved)
I've done multiple things to attempt to solve this problem
I've tried load with http service
I've already attempted loading the raw table
and I've tried to use a global data store instead
here is my code that loads the data as of now:
CF.PlayerInventorySetup(plr) -- not relavent
p = plr -- not relavent
local PD =require(game.ServerScriptService.DataHandler)
local plrdata =PD.FetchData(plr)
for i, v in pairs(plrdata) do -- this is what im having trouble with
if not plr.inventory.Inv:FindFirstChild(v) then
local newint ="NumberValue")
newint.Name = -- the ouput says: string expected, got nil
newint.Value = v.value --
newint.Parent = plr.inventory.Inv
I actually don't know wtf to do.
Before we talk about a solution, let's talk about what's happening when you save the data. Let's say for example, your inventory is a list of NumberValues like this :
Fish (value of 3)
Iron (value of 10)
Grass (value of 8)
Your FetchData function expects that the saved player data is formatted like this :
{ value = 3, name = "Fish" },
{ value = 10, name = "Iron" },
{ value = 8, name = "Grass" },
However, the result of the loop in the SaveData function would be this :
{ Fish(NumberValue) = { value=3, name="Fish" }},
{ Iron(NumberValue) = { value=10, name="Iron" }},
{ Grass(NumberValue) = { value=8, name="Grass" }},
On every step of the loop, you are pushing a new dictionary into the data_saved table.
The FetchData function expects that dictionary to have keys for "name" and "value". But, you've pushed that data one layer deeper, so those keys don't exist where the FetchData code expects them to and it throws errors.
So to fix your issue in the SetData function, remove the outer layer of that table, and just use the raw data.
table.insert(data_saved, {
value = v.Value,
name = v.Name

Spawning an Object with State TTS

I would like to combine two and more objects in the TabletopSimulator. Wenn I spawn the objects I can combine like this page I would like this create with Lua. So I need help... I spawn the objects like here, but I didn`t get two objects with 2 states.
function SpawnLevel1(Obj1, ID)
spawnparamslvl = {
type = 'Custom_Assetbundle',
position = Obj1.getPosition(),
rotation = Obj1.getRotation(),
scale = {x=1, y=1, z=1},
paramslvl = {
assetbundle = data[CID].assetbundle,
type = 1,
material = 0,
Obj2 = spawnObject(spawnparamslvl)
obj_name = data[CID].display_name
function deploy(PID)
display_name = data[PID].display_name
spawnparams = {
type = 'Custom_Assetbundle',
position = self.getPosition(),
rotation = self.getRotation(),
scale = {x=1, y=1, z=1},
params = {
assetbundle = data[PID].assetbundle,
type = 0,
material = 0,
Spawning(spawnparams, params, display_name, PID)
function Spawning(spawnparams, params, display_name, PID)
Obj1 = spawnObject(spawnparamsmain)
Level1 = SpawnLevel1(Obj1, ID)
Thank you for your help
You have to use spawnObjectData or spawnObjectJSON. The format of the "object data" follows the format of the save file.
Rather than hardcoding the large data structures needed to build an object, I'll use existing objects as templates. This is a common practice that's also reflected by the following common idiom for modifying an existing object:
local data = obj.getData()
-- Modify `data` here --
obj = spawnObjectData({ data = data })
The following are the relevant bits of "object data" for states:
{ -- Object data (current state)
-- ...
States = {
["1"] = { -- Object data (state 1)
--- ...
["3"] = { -- Object data (state 3)
-- ...
["4"] = { -- Object data (state 4)
-- ...
-- ...
So you could use this:
function combine_objects(base_obj, objs_to_add)
if not objs[1] then
return base_obj
local data = base_obj.getData()
if not data.States then
data.States = { }
local i = 1
while data.States[tostring(i)] do i = i + 1 end
i = i + 1 -- Skip current state.
while data.States[tostring(i)] do i = i + 1 end
for _, obj in ipairs(objs_to_add) do
data.States[tostring(i)] = obj.getData()
i = i + 1
return spawnObjectData({ data = data })

Lua - iterating through nested list

I'm going to simplify the situation as much as I can. I have the following code:
windows = { "window1", "window2" }
window1 = {
x = 100
y = 100
properties = { active = false, width = 200, height = 200 }
window2 = {
x = 0
y = 0
properties = { active = false, width = 200, height = 200 }
If I do the following, I get the correct output:
print (window1.x)
print (
OUTPUT: false
HOWEVER, if I iterate through the list, I get "nil" values for "l.x" and "":
for _,l in ipairs(windows) do
print (l)
print (l.x)
print (
Is there a different way I need to iterate through the variables in the lists, so I can get the values?
That is not a nested table, but just a table containing strings. And, as you just saw, a string doesn't contain a value for the key "x".
You have to put the tables in a sequence:
local window1 = {...} -- first table
local window2 = {...} -- second table
local windows = {window1, window2}
for _,l in ipairs(windows) do
-- do stuff with l
Or, if you want to keep the list of strings and iterate over the strings, put the windows in a second table using these strings as a key.
local windowNames = { "window1", "window2" }
local windows = {}
windows.window1 = {...} -- first table
windows.window2 = {...} -- second table
for _,l in ipairs(windowNames) do
local ourWindow = windows[l]
-- do stuff with ourWindow

Formatting lua table for a parse $in query that is also a table

I am using corona (lua) with and I have hit a problem constructing an $in query using values from another table / array.
My code is a little like this:
local usersToFetch = {}
table.insert( usersToFetch, "KnVvDiV2Cj")
table.insert( usersToFetch, "Paf6LDmykp")
and the working query I want to perform is the following lua table (which will get encoded before heading to parse). As I said, this works when I am hard coding the values as shown
local queryTable = {
["where"] = {
["objectId"] = { ["$in"] = {"KnVvDiV2Cj","Paf6LDmykp" }}
["limit"] = 1000
My problem is how do I incorporate my 'usersToFetch' table in the above table so that it will work the same as hard coding the values?
I swore I tried that but clearly I did not.. I think that I placed it inside the braces whereas they are not needed which is where I went wrong.
Thanks, hjpotte92 - what you put worked fine but this is my final solution in a single declaration:
Where I was going wrong before was because I had too many braces ["objectId"] = { ["$in"] = { usersToFetch } }
local queryTable = {
["where"] = {
["objectId"] = { ["$in"] = usersToFetch}
["limit"] = 1000

How to reference lua table member from table member?

i have a table in lua:
enUS = {
LOCALE_STHOUSANDS = ",", --Thousands separator e.g. comma
patNumber = "%d+["..LOCALE_STHOUSANDS.."%d]*", --regex to find a number
["PreScanPatterns"] = {
["^("..patNumber..") Armor$"] = "ARMOR",
So you see there is a whole chain of self-references in this table:
["^("..patNumber..") Armor$"]
How can i perform self-referencing in an lua table?
What i don't want to do is have to hard-replace the values; there are hundreds of references:
enUS = {
LOCALE_STHOUSANDS = ",", --Thousands separator e.g. comma
patNumber = "%d+[,%d]*", --regex to find a number
["PreScanPatterns"] = {
["^(%d+[,%d]*) Armor$"] = "ARMOR",
How can i perform self-referencing in an lua table?
You don't.
Lua is not C. Until the table is constructed, none of the table entries exist. Because the table itself doesn't exist yet. Therefore, you can't have one entry in a table constructor reference another entry in a table that doesn't exist.
If you want to cut down on repeated typing, then you should use local variables and do/end blocks:
local temp_thousands_separator = ","
local temp_number_pattern = "%d+["..LOCALE_STHOUSANDS.."%d]*"
enUS = {
LOCALE_STHOUSANDS = temp_thousands_separator, --Thousands separator e.g. comma
patNumber = "%d+["..temp_thousands_separator.."%d]*", --regex to find a number
["PreScanPatterns"] = {
["^("..temp_number_pattern..") Armor$"] = "ARMOR",
The do/end block is there so that the temporary variables don't exist outside of the table creation code.
Alternatively, you can do the construction in stages:
enUS = {}
enUS.LOCALE_STHOUSANDS = ",", --Thousands separator e.g. comma
enUS.patNumber = "%d+["..enUS.LOCALE_STHOUSANDS.."%d]*", --regex to find a number
enUS["PreScanPatterns"] = {
["^("..enUS.patNumber..") Armor$"] = "ARMOR",
There's no way of doing this inside the constructor itself, but you can do it after creating the table like so:
enUS = {
enUS.patNumber = "%d+["..enUS.LOCALE_STHOUSANDS.."%d]*"
enUS.PreScanPatterns = {
["^("..enUS.patNumber..") Armor$"] = "ARMOR",
If you specifically need to refer to the current table, Lua provides a "self" parameter, but it's only accessible in functions.
local t = {
x = 1,
y = function(self) return self.x end
-- this is functionally identical to t.y
function t:z() return self.x end
-- these are identical and interchangeable
print(t:y(), t.z(t))
-- 1, 1
