I have a project A managed with pipenv that depends on another project B built with pipenv too. The project B is published in the private PYPI. My Pipfile looks like
url = "https://pypi.org/simple"
verify_ssl = true
name = "pypi"
url = "https://${USERNAME}:${TOKEN}#MyPrivateRepoUrl"
verify_ssl = true
name = "MyRepoPYPI"
When I install A locally I have not problems and every works fine (declaring environment variables with export command). I have configured an azure-pipelines.yml with 2 jobs, first install A and testing, and the second one is to build and publish the docker image to the ACR. When I trigger the pipeline, the first job fails with this error:
[ResolutionFailure]: File "/home/adminroot/.local/lib/python3.7/site-packages/pipenv/resolver.py", line 741, in _main
[ResolutionFailure]: resolve_packages(pre, clear, verbose, system, write, requirements_dir, packages, dev)
[ResolutionFailure]: File "/home/adminroot/.local/lib/python3.7/site-packages/pipenv/resolver.py", line 709, in resolve_packages
[ResolutionFailure]: requirements_dir=requirements_dir,
[ResolutionFailure]: File "/home/adminroot/.local/lib/python3.7/site-packages/pipenv/resolver.py", line 692, in resolve
[ResolutionFailure]: req_dir=requirements_dir
[ResolutionFailure]: File "/home/adminroot/.local/lib/python3.7/site-packages/pipenv/utils.py", line 1403, in resolve_deps
[ResolutionFailure]: req_dir=req_dir,
[ResolutionFailure]: File "/home/adminroot/.local/lib/python3.7/site-packages/pipenv/utils.py", line 1108, in actually_resolve_deps
[ResolutionFailure]: resolver.resolve()
[ResolutionFailure]: File "/home/adminroot/.local/lib/python3.7/site-packages/pipenv/utils.py", line 833, in resolve
[ResolutionFailure]: raise ResolutionFailure(message=str(e))
[pipenv.exceptions.ResolutionFailure]: Warning: Your dependencies could not be resolved. You likely have a mismatch in your sub-dependencies.
First try clearing your dependency cache with $ pipenv lock --clear, then try the original command again.
Alternatively, you can use $ pipenv install --skip-lock to bypass this mechanism, then run $ pipenv graph to inspect the situation.
Hint: try $ pipenv lock --pre if it is a pre-release dependency.
ERROR: Could not find a version that matches pymooslotting (from -r /tmp/pipenvzsh1c47crequirements/pipenv-y37q7d_w-constraints.txt (line 11))
No versions found
Were https://pypi.org/simple or https://MyUsername:***#MyPrivateRepoUrl reachable?
I'm pretty sure the credentials are set correctly.
The amazing thing is that if I run the second job, the docker image is built correctly, therefore it is telling me that the credentials to install B are being passed correctly.
here is the part of the pipelines where I install A
- task: UsePythonVersion#0
versionSpec: '3.7'
architecture: 'x64'
- script: |
python -m pip install --user --upgrade pip
python -m pip install --user pipenv
displayName: Install Pipenv
- script: |
pipenv lock --clear
pipenv install --system
displayName: Install Dev Dependencies
- bash: pytest -rf
displayName: Unit test
I'm not commiting the lock file, but I have done many tests that include the lock in the repo.
Here is the command for docker Publish (that works fine and do the job)
- task: Docker#2
displayName: Build Docker Image
command: build
containerRegistry: $(acrRepository)
repository: samples/execslotting
tags: |
arguments: '--build-arg USERNAME=$(MyUserName) --build-arg TOKEN=$(MyToken)'
The docker image is installing B, so in the build I pass USERNAME and TOKEN vars.
OBS: The error message No versions found Were https://pypi.org/simple or https://MyUsername:***#MyPrivateRepoUrl reachable? tells me that the envars are correctly read in the execution of the installation job.
the docs specify a different push and pull endpoint urls for pip... Try appending /pypi/simple to the repo description where you are pulling from.
full url: https://<your-feed-name>:<your-PAT-key>#pkgs.dev.azure.com/<your-organization-name>/<your-project-name>/_packaging/<your-feed-name>/pypi/simple/
I am trying to learn Docker and am building up a solution slowly as I go. I created an Azure Function App that has one Http endpoint exposed. I created the Docker file to build and run the solution in a linux container(image:mcr.microsoft.com/azure-functions/dotnet:3.0, Debian image). I'm on a Windows machine.
I installed the Azure CosmosDB Emulator on my Windows machine and wanted to connect to it from the function app running in the linux container.
I am passing in the connection string for cosmos as an environment variable.
ARG COSMOS_CONNECTION_STRING="AccountEndpoint=https://host.docker.internal:8081/;AccountKey=C2y6yDjf5/R+ob0N8A7Cgv30VRDJIWEHLM+4QDU5DE2nQ9nDuVTqobD4b8mGGyPMbIZnqyMsEcaGQy67XIw/Jw=="
I'm trying to connect to the emulator through the following code:
await new CosmosClient(Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("AzureCosmosConnectionString", EnvironmentVariableTarget.Process)
.GetContainer("db_name", "container_name")
When I do this, I'm getting the following error(I assume the first few lines are the most relevant, but am including the rest in case I'm wrong):
---> System.Net.Http.HttpRequestException: The SSL connection could not be established, see inner exception.
---> System.Security.Authentication.AuthenticationException: The remote certificate is invalid according to the validation procedure.
at System.Net.Security.SslStream.StartSendAuthResetSignal(ProtocolToken message, AsyncProtocolRequest asyncRequest, ExceptionDispatchInfo exception)
at System.Net.Security.SslStream.CheckCompletionBeforeNextReceive(ProtocolToken message, AsyncProtocolRequest asyncRequest)
at System.Net.Security.SslStream.StartSendBlob(Byte[] incoming, Int32 count, AsyncProtocolRequest asyncRequest)
at System.Net.Security.SslStream.ProcessReceivedBlob(Byte[] buffer, Int32 count, AsyncProtocolRequest asyncRequest)
at System.Net.Security.SslStream.StartReadFrame(Byte[] buffer, Int32 readBytes, AsyncProtocolRequest asyncRequest)
at System.Net.Security.SslStream.StartReceiveBlob(Byte[] buffer, AsyncProtocolRequest asyncRequest)
at System.Net.Security.SslStream.CheckCompletionBeforeNextReceive(ProtocolToken message, AsyncProtocolRequest asyncRequest)
at System.Net.Security.SslStream.StartSendBlob(Byte[] incoming, Int32 count, AsyncProtocolRequest asyncRequest)
at System.Net.Security.SslStream.ProcessReceivedBlob(Byte[] buffer, Int32 count, AsyncProtocolRequest asyncRequest)
at System.Net.Security.SslStream.StartReadFrame(Byte[] buffer, Int32 readBytes, AsyncProtocolRequest asyncRequest)
at System.Net.Security.SslStream.PartialFrameCallback(AsyncProtocolRequest asyncRequest)
--- End of stack trace from previous location where exception was thrown ---
at System.Net.Security.SslStream.ThrowIfExceptional()
at System.Net.Security.SslStream.InternalEndProcessAuthentication(LazyAsyncResult lazyResult)
at System.Net.Security.SslStream.EndProcessAuthentication(IAsyncResult result)
at System.Net.Security.SslStream.EndAuthenticateAsClient(IAsyncResult asyncResult)
at System.Net.Security.SslStream.<>c.<AuthenticateAsClientAsync>b__65_1(IAsyncResult iar)
at System.Threading.Tasks.TaskFactory`1.FromAsyncCoreLogic(IAsyncResult iar, Func`2 endFunction, Action`1 endAction, Task`1 promise, Boolean requiresSynchronization)
--- End of stack trace from previous location where exception was thrown ---
at System.Net.Http.ConnectHelper.EstablishSslConnectionAsyncCore(Stream stream, SslClientAuthenticationOptions sslOptions, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
--- End of inner exception stack trace ---
at System.Net.Http.ConnectHelper.EstablishSslConnectionAsyncCore(Stream stream, SslClientAuthenticationOptions sslOptions, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
at System.Net.Http.HttpConnectionPool.ConnectAsync(HttpRequestMessage request, Boolean allowHttp2, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
at System.Net.Http.HttpConnectionPool.CreateHttp11ConnectionAsync(HttpRequestMessage request, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
at System.Net.Http.HttpConnectionPool.GetHttpConnectionAsync(HttpRequestMessage request, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
at System.Net.Http.HttpConnectionPool.SendWithRetryAsync(HttpRequestMessage request, Boolean doRequestAuth, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
at System.Net.Http.RedirectHandler.SendAsync(HttpRequestMessage request, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
at Microsoft.Azure.Cosmos.DocumentClient.HttpRequestMessageHandler.SendAsync(HttpRequestMessage request, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
at System.Net.Http.HttpClient.FinishSendAsyncBuffered(Task`1 sendTask, HttpRequestMessage request, CancellationTokenSource cts, Boolean disposeCts)
at Microsoft.Azure.Cosmos.GatewayAccountReader.GetDatabaseAccountAsync(Uri serviceEndpoint)
at Microsoft.Azure.Cosmos.Routing.GlobalEndpointManager.GetDatabaseAccountFromAnyLocationsAsync(Uri defaultEndpoint, IList`1 locations, Func`2 getDatabaseAccountFn)
at Microsoft.Azure.Cosmos.GatewayAccountReader.InitializeReaderAsync()
at Microsoft.Azure.Cosmos.CosmosAccountServiceConfiguration.InitializeAsync()
at Microsoft.Azure.Cosmos.DocumentClient.InitializeGatewayConfigurationReaderAsync()
at Microsoft.Azure.Cosmos.DocumentClient.GetInitializationTaskAsync(IStoreClientFactory storeClientFactory)
at Microsoft.Azure.Cosmos.DocumentClient.EnsureValidClientAsync()
at Microsoft.Azure.Cosmos.Handlers.RequestInvokerHandler.EnsureValidClientAsync(RequestMessage request)
at Microsoft.Azure.Cosmos.Handlers.RequestInvokerHandler.SendAsync(RequestMessage request, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
at Microsoft.Azure.Cosmos.Handlers.RequestInvokerHandler.SendAsync(Uri resourceUri, ResourceType resourceType, OperationType operationType, RequestOptions requestOptions, ContainerInternal cosmosContainerble`1 partitionKey, Stream streamPayload, Action`1 requestEnricher, CosmosDiagnosticsContext diagnosticsContext, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
at Microsoft.Azure.Cosmos.ContainerCore.ProcessItemStreamAsync(Nullable`1 partitionKey, String itemId, Stream streamPayload, OperationType operationType, ItemRequestOptions requestOptions, CosmosDiagnostiiagnosticsContext, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
at Microsoft.Azure.Cosmos.ContainerCore.ExtractPartitionKeyAndProcessItemStreamAsync[T](Nullable`1 partitionKey, String itemId, T item, OperationType operationType, ItemRequestOptions requestOptions, CosmcsContext diagnosticsContext, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
at Microsoft.Azure.Cosmos.ContainerCore.UpsertItemAsync[T](T item, Nullable`1 partitionKey, ItemRequestOptions requestOptions, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
When I look at the emulator locally in my browser, it is using a localhost certificate(I assume one created with the dotnet cli).
Attempt 1
Export the localhost cert as a .pfx file and then get the linux container to trust that through the following commands(in my Dockerfile)
RUN openssl pkcs12 \
-in "/src/localhost.pfx" \
-clcerts \
-nokeys \
-out "/src/localhost.crt" \
RUN cp "/src/localhost.crt" "/usr/local/share/ca-certificates/"
RUN update-ca-certificates
I assume this attempt doesn't work, at least in part, due to the fact that the certificate on the Windows machine is created for localhost, whereas to connect to it from docker, the address needs to be host.docker.internal.
Attempt 2
Add the exported certificate to the Kestrel process running the function app in hopes that it would then honor it by adding the following to my dockerfile
ENV ASPNETCORE_Kestrel__Certificates__Default__Path=/src/localhost.pfx
Attempt 3
Update the CosmosClient instantiation to include options overriding the HttpClientFactory as follows:
CosmosClient = new CosmosClient(
Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("AzureCosmosConnectionString", EnvironmentVariableTarget.Process),
new CosmosClientOptions
HttpClientFactory = () =>
using (var httpClientHandler = new HttpClientHandler())
httpClientHandler.ServerCertificateCustomValidationCallback = HttpClientHandler.DangerousAcceptAnyServerCertificateValidator;
return new HttpClient(httpClientHandler);
With every attempt above, I'm still seeing the same error. Not sure what else to try to get this to work...
Just found this issue on GitHub. Seems as though I'm not alone.
Update (2/10/2021)
The SDK now allows overriding SSL validation in an easy fashion (reference https://learn.microsoft.com/azure/cosmos-db/local-emulator?tabs=cli%2Cssl-netstd21#disable-ssl-validation):
CosmosClientOptions cosmosClientOptions = new CosmosClientOptions()
HttpClientFactory = () =>
HttpMessageHandler httpMessageHandler = new HttpClientHandler()
ServerCertificateCustomValidationCallback = HttpClientHandler.DangerousAcceptAnyServerCertificateValidator
return new HttpClient(httpMessageHandler);
ConnectionMode = ConnectionMode.Gateway
CosmosClient client = new CosmosClient(endpoint, authKey, cosmosClientOptions);
Older information
Step 1 - Export the Certificate
Following this guide, but the certificate needs to be a PFX, not CRT. It will ask you to set some password.
Step 2 - Place the cert somewhere you can copy or access from docker
For example, I put it on a folder I can map to when booting Docker along with the code I wanted to run:
Step 3 - Get your machine's IP address
As per https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/cosmos-db/local-emulator#running-on-mac-or-linux, I used ipconfig and got my Windows IP.
Step 4 - Start a docker image
In my case, I use one with the NET Core 3.1 SDK, the official one from https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet/architecture/microservices/net-core-net-framework-containers/official-net-docker-images
I started the container with an interactive shell, and mapping localhost to the IP I got on Step 3. This let's you use localhost in the connection string.
docker run -v /c/DockerSample:/DockerSample --add-host="localhost:" -it mcr.microsoft.com/dotnet/core/sdk:3.1 /bin/bash
And I'm also mounting the folder where I saved the project and the certificate I want to import. This is not required, but I'm not fluent on Docker to know if there is a better way to pass the certificate.
After the shell starts, I basically run the commands described in the Emulator doc and the certificate gets added.
Step 5
The Docker container should now have the required Cert to connect to localhost and you should not need the HttpClientFactory.
NOTE: Also there is a bug tracking HttpClientFactory not being used everywhere that is the source of your error https://github.com/Azure/azure-cosmos-dotnet-v3/pull/1548
First of all, thank you to Matias Quaranta for all of the useful documentation. I had already pored over most of it before receiving his answer, but really appreciate all the time it took to compile it.
I have been struggling with this for around two weeks now and finally got something that I think will work. This work is largely based on the script found in this GitHub issue. I found that there is a PowerShell module that gets put on your computer when you install the Cosmos DB Emulator, so I tried to leverage those functions as much as possible to do the work.
The script's entry point is the function Start-CosmosDbEmulatorForDocker and it
Makes sure the Emulator is stopped.
Generates a new certificate to be used with the Docker image and replaces the one that was created upon install of the emulator.
Generates a .pfx certificate from the one created for the emulator.
Restarts the emulator once the new certificate is ready.
The password taken by the function is the one used for the .pfx file generated.
using namespace System.ServiceProcess
Function Start-CosmosDbEmulatorForDocker(
) {
$cosmosDbInstallLocation = Get-CosmosDbInstallLocation
If (!$cosmosDbInstallLocation) {
Write-Host "Importing Microsoft.Azure.CosmosDB.Emulator powershell module."
Import-Module -Name "$($cosmosDbInstallLocation.InstallLocation)\PSModules\Microsoft.Azure.CosmosDB.Emulator"
Install-CosmosDBDockerCertificate -cosmosDbInstallLocation $cosmosDbInstallLocation.InstallLocation -password $password
Start-CosmosDbEmulator -AllowNetworkAccess -Key "C2y6yDjf5/R+ob0N8A7Cgv30VRDJIWEHLM+4QDU5DE2nQ9nDuVTqobD4b8mGGyPMbIZnqyMsEcaGQy67XIw/Jw=="
Function Get-CosmosDbInstallLocation() {
Get-ChildItem HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall | ForEach-Object { Get-ItemProperty $_.PsPath } | Where-Object { $_.DisplayName -eq "Azure Cosmos DB Emulator" } | Select-Object InstallLocation
Function Install-AzureCosmosDBEmulator() {
Write-Host "Installing Azure Cosmos Db Emulator."
$installer = "$PSScriptRoot\cosmosEmulatorInstaller.msi"
curl "https://aka.ms/cosmosdb-emulator" -O $installer
Start-Process -Wait -FilePath msiexec -ArgumentList /i, $installer
Remove-Item $installer
Function Install-CosmosDBDockerCertificate(
) {
If ((Get-CosmosDbEmulatorStatus) -ne [ServiceControllerStatus]::Stopped) {
Write-Host "Stopping Cosmos DB emulator."
$dockerCertificatesPath = Join-Path (Split-Path -Path $PSScriptRoot -Parent) "certificates"
$cosmosDbPfxCertificatePath = "$($dockerCertificatesPath)\cosmosdbemulator.pfx"
Uninstall-Certificate -dockerCertificatePath $cosmosDbPfxCertificatePath
Write-Host "Generating new Cosmos DB certificate to work with Docker."
New-CosmosDbEmulatorCertificate "host.docker.internal"
Start-Sleep -s 5
New-DockerCertificate -dockerCertificatePath $cosmosDbPfxCertificatePath -password $password
Set-Location (Split-Path -Path $PSScriptRoot -Parent)
Function Uninstall-Certificate(
) {
Write-Host "Removing existing DocumentDbEmulatorCertificate certificate."
if (Test-Path $dockerCertificatePath) {
Remove-Item -Path $dockerCertificatePath
Function New-DockerCertificate(
) {
Write-Host "Generating new pfx version of DocumentDbEmulatorCertificate certificate for use in Docker image."
Get-CosmosDbEmulatorCertificate | Export-PfxCertificate -Filepath $dockerCertificatePath -Password $password
I then have a shell script to be run inside the Docker image that will install the .pfx cert into the Docker container. The COSMOS_DB_EMULATOR_PFX_PASSWORD value must match the one used by the PowerShell script.
# Save current working directory
pushd $PWD
# Find and move to the location of this script
DIR="$( cd "$( dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}" )" && pwd )"
cd $DIR
if [ -n "$1" ]; then
# Generate .crt file if pfx exists
if [ -f "$COSMOS_DB_EMULATOR_PFX" ]; then
openssl pkcs12 -in $COSMOS_DB_EMULATOR_PFX -clcerts -nokeys -out cosmosdbemulator.crt -passin pass:$COSMOS_DB_EMULATOR_PFX_PASSWORD;
# # Trust Cert (will end located in /etc/ssl/certs/ based on *.crt name as a *.pem, e.g. /etc/ssl/certs/cosmosdbemulator.pem for cosmosdbemulator.crt)
if [ -f "$CERT_TO_TRUST" ]; then
cp $CERT_TO_TRUST /usr/local/share/ca-certificates/
# Restore working directory
The project structure I have is as follows:
The Dockerfile contains the following lines:
COPY ["/scripts/", "/scripts/"]
COPY ["/certificates/", "/certificates/"]
RUN /scripts/trust_cosmos_db_emulator_crt.sh
With all of that in place, I can build the docker image with docker build -t temp . and then run it with docker run -it -p 80:80 temp and the code running inside of the docker container will talk to my local machine's installed version of the Azure Cosmos DB Emulator.
As this was a HUGE pain in the neck, if you are experiencing this pain as well, vote for better support from Microsoft on this here.
I am trying to set Jenkins up to perform continuous testing of some online applications.
I have installed Jenkins on Ubuntu 16.04 and have a slave which is running Windoze 10.
I have installed UltraVnc on the slave and am trying to get VncRecorder to record the test session.
At the moment, my job simply does some random stuff. The console output is as follows:
Started by user anonymous
Building remotely on Nove1 (UITest) in workspace
[WS-CLEANUP] Deleting project workspace...
Starting xvnc
[TestTester] $ "C:\Program Files\uvnc bvba\UltraVNC\winvnc.exe" -connect host:76 Recording from vnc server:
Using vnc passwd file: /var/lib/jenkins/secrets/vncpassword
job/TestTester/14/Recording from server:, to: /var/lib/jenkins/jobs/TestTester/builds/14/archive/TestTester_14.swf
[TestTester] $ cmd /c call
C:\Users\Jenkins\workspace\TestTester>echo "Start" "Start"
C:\Users\Jenkins\workspace\TestTester>exit 0
/var/lib/jenkins/jobs/TestTester/builds/14/archive/TestTester_14.swf doesn't exist.
Feature "Record VNC session" failed!
Terminating xvnc.
Finished: FAILURE
I've spent the past 2 days searching on Google and found nothing, so can ay of you good folks help?
Problem Steps Recorder is a cool Windows tool that can record your actions as a series of images. You can use this tool which is built-into windows :)
psr.exe [/start |/stop][/output <fullfilepath>] [/sc (0|1)] [/maxsc <value>]
[/sketch (0|1)] [/slides (0|1)] [/gui (o|1)]
[/arcetl (0|1)] [/arcxml (0|1)] [/arcmht (0|1)]
[/stopevent <eventname>] [/maxlogsize <value>] [/recordpid <pid>]
/start :Start Recording. (Outputpath flag SHOULD be specified)
/stop :Stop Recording.
/sc :Capture screenshots for recorded steps.
/maxsc :Maximum number of recent screen captures.
/maxlogsize :Maximum log file size (in MB) before wrapping occurs.
/gui :Display control GUI.
/arcetl :Include raw ETW file in archive output.
/arcxml :Include MHT file in archive output.
/recordpid :Record all actions associated with given PID.
/sketch :Sketch UI if no screenshot was saved.
/slides :Create slide show HTML pages.
/output :Store output of record session in given path.
/stopevent :Event to signal after output files are generated.
PSR Usage Examples:
psr.exe /start /output fullfilepath.zip /sc1 /gui 0 /record <PID>
/stopevent <eventname> /arcetl 1
psr.exe /start /output fullfilepath.xml /gui 0 /recordpid <PID>
/stopevent <eventname>
psr.exe /start /output fullfilepath.xml /gui 0 /sc 1 /maxsc <number>
/maxlogsize <value> /stopevent <eventname>
psr.exe /stop
1. Output path should include a directory path (e.g. '.\file.xml').
2. Output file can either be a ZIP file or XML file
3. Can't specify /arcxml /arcetl /arcmht /sc etc. if output is not a ZIP file.
The port number of your VNC server 0 looks suspicious..
What about the firewall settings of your slave - is the vnc port blocked ?
You could verify port of your vncserver with vncviewer
Dimitri (developer of vncrecorder plugin)
I use coverity for my rails application, but I can't upload any build.
I tried it with the Coverity Scan Self-Build. It runs without any problems, but when I upload my .tgz file, it fails with the following message:
Please fix the errors below.
Project is invalid
I used the following commands:
$ ~/Downloads/cov-analysis-linux64- --dir cov-int --no-command --fs-capture-search ./
Coverity Build Capture (64-bit) version on Linux 4.7.4-1-ARCH x86_64
Internal version numbers: db70178643 p-kent-push-26368.949
[STATUS] Running filesystem capture search...
[WARNING] Path '/<PATH_TO_MY_APP>/cov-int' looks like an idir. Skipping filesystem capture on it.
[STATUS] Emitting 239 source files from filesystem capture
Emitted 3 JavaScript compilation units (100%) successfully
Emitted 233 Ruby compilation units (100%) successfully
3 JavaScript compilation units (100%) are ready for analysis
233 Ruby compilation units (100%) are ready for analysis
The cov-build utility completed successfully.
$ tar czvf myproject.tgz cov-int
Afterwards I tried to upload the file myproject.tgz.
I also tried to use travis for uploading my first build, but it also fails with the following message:
Coverity Scan analysis selected for branch coverity_scan.
Coverity Scan analysis authorized per quota.
Note: COVERITY_SCAN_PROJECT_NAME and COVERITY_SCAN_TOKEN are available on Project Settings page on scan.coverity.com
Coverity Scan configured to run on branch coverity_scan
Coverity Scan analysis authorized per quota.
Downloading Coverity Scan Analysis Tool...
2016-09-29 20:36:31 URL:https://scan.coverity.com/download/Linux [449455458/449455458] -> "/tmp/cov-analysis-Linux.tgz" [1]
Extracting Coverity Scan Analysis Tool...
/tmp/coverity-scan-analysis ~/build/<PROJECT_NAME>
Running Coverity Scan Analysis Tool...
Coverity Build Capture (64-bit) version on Linux 3.13.0-92-generic x86_64
Internal version numbers: db70178643 p-kent-push-26368.949
[STATUS] Running filesystem capture search...
[WARNING] Path '/home/travis/build/<PROJECT_NAME>/cov-int' looks like an idir. Skipping filesystem capture on it.
[STATUS] Emitting 238 source files from filesystem capture
Emitted 2 JavaScript compilation units (100%) successfully
Emitted 233 Ruby compilation units (100%) successfully
2 JavaScript compilation units (100%) are ready for analysis
233 Ruby compilation units (100%) are ready for analysis
The cov-build utility completed successfully.
Extracting SCM data for 235 files...
Please see the log file '/home/travis/build/<PROJECT_NAME>/cov-int/scm_log.txt' for warnings and SCM command issues.
[WARNING] SCM data appears to be mismatched.
File: '/home/travis/build/<PROJECT_NAME>/config/initializers/cookies_serializer.rb'
Please check the correctness of the SCM data with cov-manage-emit.
Successfully added SCM data for 235 files
Tarring Coverity Scan Analysis results...
Uploading Coverity Scan Analysis results...
Coverity Scan upload failed: ERROR: Project is invalid.
It also says Project is invalid. And since the build is from travis, I can't look into the logs.
The references file config/initializers/cookies_serializer.rb looks like this:
# Be sure to restart your server when you modify this file.
Rails.application.config.action_dispatch.cookies_serializer = :json
The third possibility is the command line upload. Here is the log:
$ curl --form token=<TOKEN> \
--form email=<MY_EMAIL> \
--form file=#/<PATH_TO_MY_APP>/myproject.zip \
--form version="1.0" \
--form description="Initial" \
ERROR: Project is invalid
And here is an excerpt of my .travis.yml file:
# environment settings
- secure: "<SECURE>"
- DB=sqlite
- DB=mysql
- DB=postgresql
# commands to run before the install
# download certificate
- echo -n | openssl s_client -connect scan.coverity.com:443 | sed -ne '/-BEGIN CERTIFICATE-/,/-END CERTIFICATE-/p' | sudo tee -a /etc/ssl/certs/ca-
# addons
name: "<PROJECT_NAME>"
description: "Build submitted via Travis CI"
notification_email: <MY_EMAIL>
build_command_prepend: ""
build_command: "--no-command --fs-capture-search ./"
branch_pattern: coverity_scan
I also tried this with the build command option --fs-capture-search ./app/, so just all application files are scanned.
Does anyone know why this error occurs?
Thanks in advance!
EDIT: added command line example
I believe the error message here is complaining that the project you're trying to commit your results to in SCAN isn't correctly configured. From your other question How to setup a Travis Rails project to submit to Coverity Scan?, you have this in your travis.yml. Did you update this to point to the correct project?
# addons
name: "<PROJECT_NAME>"
description: "Build submitted via Travis CI"
I am trying to build a Docker image on a Play 2.2 project. I am using Docker version 1.2.0 on Ubuntu Linux.
My Docker specific settings in Build.scala looks like this:
dockerBaseImage in Docker := "dockerfile/java:7"
maintainer in Docker := "My name"
dockerExposedPorts in Docker := Seq(9000, 9443)
dockerExposedVolumes in Docker := Seq("/opt/docker/logs")
Generated Dockerfile:
FROM dockerfile/java:latest
ADD files /
WORKDIR /opt/docker
RUN ["chown", "-R", "daemon", "."]
USER daemon
ENTRYPOINT ["bin/device-guides"]
CMD []
Output looks like the dockerBaseImage is being ignored, and the default
(dockerfile/java:latest) is not handled correctly:
[project] $ docker:publishLocal
[info] Wrote /..../project.pom
[info] Step 0 : FROM dockerfile/java:latest
[info] ---> bf7307ff060a
[info] Step 1 : MAINTAINER
[error] 2014/10/07 11:30:12 Invalid Dockerfile format
[trace] Stack trace suppressed: run last docker:publishLocal for the full output.
[error] (docker:publishLocal) Nonzero exit value: 1
[error] Total time: 2 s, completed Oct 7, 2014 11:30:12 AM
[project] $ run last docker:publishLocal
java.lang.RuntimeException: Invalid port argument: last
at scala.sys.package$.error(package.scala:27)
at play.PlayRun$class.play$PlayRun$$parsePort(PlayRun.scala:52)
at play.PlayRun$$anonfun$play$PlayRun$$filterArgs$2.apply(PlayRun.scala:69)
at play.PlayRun$$anonfun$play$PlayRun$$filterArgs$2.apply(PlayRun.scala:69)
at scala.Option.map(Option.scala:145)
at play.PlayRun$class.play$PlayRun$$filterArgs(PlayRun.scala:69)
at play.PlayRun$$anonfun$playRunTask$1$$anonfun$apply$1.apply(PlayRun.scala:97)
at play.PlayRun$$anonfun$playRunTask$1$$anonfun$apply$1.apply(PlayRun.scala:91)
at scala.Function7$$anonfun$tupled$1.apply(Function7.scala:35)
at scala.Function7$$anonfun$tupled$1.apply(Function7.scala:34)
at scala.Function1$$anonfun$compose$1.apply(Function1.scala:47)
[trace] Stack trace suppressed: run last compile:run for the full output.
[error] (compile:run) Invalid port argument: last
[error] Total time: 0 s, completed Oct 7, 2014 11:30:16 AM
What needs to be done to make this work?
I am able to build the image using Docker from the command line:
docker build --force-rm -t device-guides:1.0-SNAPSHOT .
Packaging/publishing settings are per-project settings, rather than per-build settings.
You were using a Build.scala style build, with a format like this:
object ApplicationBuild extends Build {
val main = play.Project(appName, appVersion, libraryDependencies).settings(
The settings should be applied to this main project. This means that you call the settings() method on the project, passing in the appropriate settings to set up the packaging as you wish.
In this case:
object ApplicationBuild extends Build {
val main = play.Project(appName, appVersion, libraryDependencies).settings(
dockerBaseImage in Docker := "dockerfile/java:7",
maintainer in Docker := "My name",
dockerExposedPorts in Docker := Seq(9000, 9443),
dockerExposedVolumes in Docker := Seq("/opt/docker/logs")
To reuse similar settings across multiple projects, you can either create a val of type Seq[sbt.Setting], or extend sbt.Project to provide the common settings. See http://jsuereth.com/scala/2013/06/11/effective-sbt.html for some examples of how to do this (e.g. Rule #4).
This placement of settings is not necessarily clear if one is used to using build.sbt-type builds instead, because in that file, a line that evaluates to an SBT setting (or sequence of settings) is automatically appended to the root project's settings.
It's a wrong command you executed. I didn't saw it the first time.
run last docker:publishLocal
remove the run last
Now you get your docker image build as expected