how to update user role in online meeting using graph API - microsoft-graph-api

1.How to change the user role in ongoing meeting using graph api. When I open the development tools found that teams is using updateParticipantRole API, is there relevant graph API reference.
How the client know about the updated role either need to use event subscription and sending push notification to it?
I tried to update the online meeting but there must be an API to update meeting role alone which is used by teams itself.


MS Teams - Allow attendees report using Graph API for the online meetings

Is there any way to allow the attendees to report using Graph API for the online meetings?
as nothing clear from Microsoft documentation here about the property needs to be sent in the request body.
I was able to enable it manually from the MS Team App in the meeting settings, but not able to do it using the Graph API.
As an admin, you control whether meeting organizers can download meeting attendance reports by setting a Teams meeting policy. By default, the ability to download the report is turned on.
Microsoft Graph API currently doesn't provide any way to allow attendees to report using Graph API for online meetings.

Is there any way to get user id/conversation reference to proactively message user on teams if installation event wasnt captured

Looking for the best course of action that would have the least impact on users to be able proactively message users with teams app (bot) installed but where they have not messaged the bot and the conversation reference was not captured at time of install.
The scenario is that have an enterprise bot that has been operational for over 3 years servicing 10s of thousands of employees. The bot is auto installed for all users in the tenant, but conversation references were only being stored in the last 2/3's of the applications life, and the install event was not being captured until recently. This was not an issue in past as all proactive functionality was predicated on some interaction with the bot.
I now have a need to be able proactively messages all users within tenant regardless of if they have messaged the bot or not, or if they last messaged the bot before conversation references were being stored. There are only a small subset of users the fall into this category.
Hoping some way to generate a conversation update, be it through graph or other means. The installationUpdate event through app update seemed promising as can update the application but seems only triggered if bot is added or removed
Review the information provided here:
Here is what we do
If we have the conversation ID in our cache/persistent store, we use
it to send the message
If we dont have, we use GET{user-id}/teamwork/installedApps/{teamsAppInstallationId}/chat
to get the chatid (the app id here is not the bot application ID, but the ID generated when the app is installed in the org app store and is available from the Teams Admin interface)
If the user does not have our app installed, we
install the app using the teamsAppInstallationId ID. This automatically generates a event without user intervention that
is sent to the bot which you can then use to capture the conversation ID.
POST /users/{user-id | user-principal-name}/teamwork/installedApps
This approach does require an Application Permission: TeamsAppInstallation.ReadWriteSelfForUser.All
You might look into using the List Teams functionality in the Graph API. You can use Graph to get teams and list their members, assuming you can grant your bot the necessary permissions. There are many features in the Graph API which might help you accomplish this.
To send a proactive message to user the bot requires the conversation reference. The conversation can be only retrieved when bot installed.
Without conversation reference you cannot send a proactive message using bot.
You can use Send message in a chat API to send message to chat with delegated permissions.
Could you please raise a uservoice for your case

Posting to a teams channel from a logic app or flow which includes an banner alert / activity feed item

I have a logic app which posts a channel chat message to teams automatically when a new item is created in SharePoint. This I have working but our client requires that all the team members receive a banner alert and activity feed which I am having a lot of difficulty with.
What I've already tried...
Using a Incoming web hook on the teams channel - this was a very simple way to post from the logic app but the incoming webhook don't seem to support mentions.
Using the msft graph api - The /team/channel/message endpoint can post messages and user mentions but the this endpoint doesnt support channel or team mentions. It also appears that the graph API needs to use delegated permissions to post messages in teams. I'm using application permissions as this is a logic app. The logic app HTTP post connector doesnt offer the "connect as" some of the other connectors use.
Using the flowbot post message - Like the above channel and team mentions are supported here so the post is added to the channel but with no notification to the team members
Using a notification only bot - I thought I nearly had it with this one. Microsoft's node bot sample number 57 looked like it can do most of what I want, it iterates through the users in the team and messages them this a customisable alert message...
However I can't see how this bot can be triggered from my logic app as it seems to require an existing conversation context or an #mention from within teams to start communicating with users.
What I'm considering trying next
Iterating users within the logic app - Next I plan to try and get team membership from the graph API and iterate the members in the Logic App, posting a message to each user separately. I had hoped to utilise the group #mention feature as a simpler way so I'd be grateful if anyone had any thoughts on other ways of doing this, or maybe there's something wrong with what I've already tried that you could give me some expertise on.
Thanks in advance ;)
You're on the right track with the Bot, but you're wanting to send something called a "Pro-active" message. You need the bot registered in the channel in order to get access to a few key properties (conversation id, service url, etc.), but you can use those to send a message from -outside- your bot (e.g. in an Azure Function). You might be able to do this directly from a Logic App, but I haven't tested that specifically.
To find out more, see my answer at Programmatically sending a message to a bot in Microsoft Teams but I've also got a recent blog post that you might find interesting for background on this at How Bots Actually Work.
Hope that helps
You can use Graph to post a message in 1:1 chat as long as you have the chat it. You can find the answer in this post Send message to personal Chat via Graph API
You can also call Graph API from Logic Apps. (,Manage%20-%3E%20Certificates%20%26%20secrets%20More%20items...%20)

Create Skype meeting event in Microsoft Graph API

I am creating events using the Microsoft Graph API
I am able to schedule meetings with other user. But now question is how I will communicate with that user on the scheduled day or time.
can we add skype meeting as location while scheduling meeting?
or any other way to communicate with the users?
Today the Skype for Business APIs are not exposed through the Microsoft Graph and I doubt they will ever be considering Microsoft is investing heavily on Microsoft Teams.
As of today the Microsoft Teams APIs only allow you to CRUD teams and channels, manage tabs and post messages to channels (still beta).
If you want to interact with Skype For Business you have to use the UCWA API where you can create a meeting.
Then you can update your Exchange Event with the S4B online meeting information so the users can access the meeting.
You can create a Microsoft Teams meeting call by adding in the body of your JSON a "contentType" : "HTML",
"content": Call link https://aka/ms:mmkvlb"
This can be found in the Graph Explorer page when you choose a POST method in "add graph community call", which is accessible in the Outlook Calendar Sample Category.
I think that you can also open this link with Skype.
For more information check: ""

Sharing a calendar with another user via the Microsoft Graph API

I'm working on an application that does OAuth authorization on behalf of multiple users. My application wants to be able to create a calendar for user A and then share that calendar as read only to user B. It will then create events on that calendar so that they appear for user A as read/write and for user B as read only.
Obviously the Microsoft Graph API supports creating a calendar and putting events on it. My question pertains to the sharing part.
Does the Microsoft Graph API (or the Outlook 365 REST API) support sharing a calendar from one user to another user? I wouldn't want user B to receive the typical email that announces that user A shared a calendar with them. After creating the calendar under user A's account, I'd want to use user A's credentials to set up the sharing permission to user B. Then I would use user B's credentials to add the shared calendar to their list of calendars so that they see it in the Outlook 365 calendar interface.
I've read through a lot of the documentation and have been playing around with a prototype, but I can't find where this use case is supported.
I'm afraid this isn't possible to do via Microsoft Graph. The scenario seems reasonably straight forward, I recommend visiting the UserVoice and adding this suggestion.
