OpenCover CodeCoverage support for IIS 10 and Windows 2016 Server? - code-coverage

We are trying to get functional coverage for our .NET Core application using Open Cover. Able to get coverage with dotnet command as well as application executable running in local machine setup.
In one of the server, we have hosted the website and planning to running End to End functional automation using the script from another machine.
Tried the steps mentioned in the document to run Open Cover along with IIS process(in debug mode):
It didn't work for me. Application is not getting up and running. Worker Process is not showing up under machine node in IIS manager though able to see it in task manager Running with command line 'C:\Windows\System32\inetsrv\w3wp.exe -debug -s 2".
It didn't show up with command 'appcmd.exe list wp' also.
Has anyone tried with IIS 10 and Windows 2016 server? is there any new workaround?
Any help would be great. Thanks in advance
**Command tried : **
OpenCover.Console.exe -target:C:\Windows\System32\inetsrv\w3wp.exe -targetargs:"-debug -s 2" -targetdir:{WebsiteBinFolder} -output:FuncCoverage.xml -filter:+[] -register:user -oldstyle


Visual Studio w/Docker has exited with code 4294967295 (0xffffffff)

On our new company laptops we are running into issues running containers in docker desktop from visual studio. We tried a bunch of things which were unsuccessful. Any help / thoughts would be great as we are running out of ideas.
.Net Core Version 6 / Core (web api)
Running docker compose manually in cmd works and I'm able to hit the site.
Running docker compose debug profile from visual studio results in:
The output window shows "The program '' has exited with code 4294967295 (0xffffffff)."
Docker desktop shows the container running but I can't grab logs from it or hit it in the url.
WSL is fine and everything is working there.
My home machine works great and i'm able to launch and debug containers.
Faced with identical error, I was able to resolve by deleting VSDBG debugger folder:
After deleting the folder start Visual Studio debugger (F5) and as a result VSDBG debugger will be recreated
Container Tools build properties
I have the same error when I'm trying to start 2 project simultaneously. And one project was cloned from another. So, they have the same GUIDs of projects in .sln files. After changing GUIDs all works ok.
Most of the time this error code does not provide any concrete information. In my case I had to go and find error details in logs folder. Log file is generally located at 'YourProject\bin\Debug\App_Data\Logs' location.
There was an issue with 3rd party service and it worked after fixing the service issue.

Is IntelliJ's support for Dockerized Python environments compatible with Python running on a Windows container?

My Python project is very windows-centric, we want the benefits of containers but we can't give up Windows just yet.
I'd like to be able to use the Dockerized remote python interpreter feature that comes with IntelliJ. This works flawlessly with Python running on a standard Linux container, but appears to work not at all for Python running on a Windows container.
I've built a new image based on a standard Microsoft Server core image. I've installed Miniconda, bootstrapped a Python environment and verified that I can start an interactive Python session from the command prompt.
Whenever I try to set this up I get an error message: "Can't retrieve image ID from build stream". This occurs at the moment when IntelliJ would have normally detected the python interpreter and it's installed libraries.
I also tried giving the full path for the interpreter: c:\miniconda\envs\htp\python.exe
I've never seen any mention that this works in the documentation, but nor have I seen any mention that it does not work. I totally accept that Windows Containers are an oddity, so it's entirely possible that IntelliJ's remote-Python feature was never tested on Python running in Windows containers.
So, has anybody got this feature working with Python running on a Windows container yet? Is there any reason to believe that it does or does not work?
Regrettably, it is not supported yet. Please vote for the feature request in order to increase its priority.

Can one install a vNext (C# 6) console app as a Windows service

In previous versions of .Net, there were some different methods of creating a project that could run as a console app or be installed as a service.
Things like TopShelf or other approaches like: .NET console application as Windows service
This is a nice convenience for development and later deployment. I put together a vNext console app using a similar approach to the accepted answer here: .NET console application as Windows service.
The issue is that vNext runs things in a different way. If you create output, it no longer gives you an exe to install. Instead you get a nuget package and a .cmd file that will tell dnx to host your application. The command file looks like:
dnx --appbase "$(dirname $0)" Microsoft.Framework.ApplicationHost My.vNext.Service $#
So my question is: Is there a way to install this thing as a Windows service given the new console application approach?

Can Jenkins start up GenyMotion on Ubuntu 14, if I access the Jenkins website from my Mac?

Is it possible for this setting to work?
1) Ubuntu 14 with Jenkins, Genymotion, and Virtual Box installed
2) The job inside Jenkins will restore and run Genymotion from a command line following this tutorial:
From my Mac, I tried to access the Jenkins website and run the build.
Firstly, Genymotion failed because it couldn't "connect to X server".
So, I installed Xvnc Plugin on Jenkins which solved the error.
Unfortunately, Genymotion still failed to start up with the error "Cannot get IP address".
Please note that I only have "ssh -X" access to the server.
I can manually start up Genymotion but the process was terminated when I logged off. As a result, I could not leave the GenyMotion run on the Server as suggested by this solution: Jenkins - Use Genymotion VM instead of Android Emulator
Any advice?
Here is the way to make Genymotion works on a continuous integration server.
First, the computer running Genymotion needs to respect the hardware requirements
You won't be able to run Genymotion if you don't have an X server running.
I don't think xVNC supports OpenGL so I advise you to run your standard X server.
You can launch the Xorg server by running startx.
Then you need to set your ssh connection in Jenkins without the -X parameter because we want the rendering to be done locally
Then you need to declare the environement variable DISPLAY to the default X client's value. Most of the time it is :0
This value will ask to open all the windows you launch through the ssh connexion into the first X client. It is the one running on the computer screen.
To check the DISPLAY value you need to enter, you need to access the computer physically and type echo $DISPLAY. Most of the time this value is :0
Also, if your computer is not compatible with the hardware requirements, you can use another computer on your network to run your tests thanks to the Jenkins nodes. Here is a good tutorial to set it up.
And finally, I want to mention we will soon release a command line tool for Genymotion and a Gradle Plugin that will allows you to control your Genymotion devices running during your tests directly from your build.gradle file.
It`s a bit late, but maybe this could help you out
### Get IP address of selected VM
VM_IP=`VBoxManage guestproperty get $VM_SELECTED androvm_ip_management | awk - F ": " '{print $2}'`
I found this here (repo) respectively here (slides)

Highcharts Server side generation not working on windows 2008 server

I am trying to generate highcharts images using phantomjs on windows 2008 rc2 server, but for some reason the command exits without generating the SVG. The following command is being executed to generate the chart,
E://BrandManagement//HighCharts//phantomjs//phantomjs E://BrandManagement//HighCharts//js//highcharts-convert.js -infile C:\Tomcatx64\temp\ILmZ47YS4358686612292944754.json -outfile C:\Tomcatx64\temp\ILmZ47YS4358686612292944754.svg -callback C:\Tomcatx64\temp\OpwX6N8a931179010207236357cb.js -constr Chart
If I execute the command prompt the svg does get created, but not from the java process. If there anything special that needs to be takes care of.
Th problem was with windows permission, tomcat was running as a service, hence probably not able to execute the command.
Went to services>> properties>> security and started running the service as the Administrator logon permission and that did the trick.
