calculate area of each pixel in SpatialPixelsDataFrame - spatial

I'm fitting Poisson counts models in inlabru and require the total area of the SpatialPixelsDataFrame to use for the abundance estimates of the model.
Is there a way for me to get the overall area?
I have tried using both:
to get the area of each pixel but neither way seems to be getting plausible abundance estimates so I am wondering whether there is something I am missing.


Evaluating the confidence of an image registration process

Assuming there are two shots for the same scene from two different perspective. Applying a registration algorithm on them will result in Homography Matrix that represents the relation between them. By warping one of them using this Homography Matrix will (theoretically) result in two identical images (if the non-shared area is ignored).
Since no perfection is exist, the two images may not be absolutely identical, we may find some differences between them and this differences can be shown obviously while subtracting them.
Furthermore, the lighting condition may results in huge difference while subtracting.
I am looking for a metric that I can evaluate the accuracy of the registration process. This metric should be:
Normalized: 0->1 measurement which does not relate to the image type (natural scene, text, human...). For example, if two totally different registration process on totally different pair of photos have the same confidence, let us say 0.5, this means that the same good (or bad) registeration happened. This should applied even one of the pair is for very details-reach photos and the other of white background with "Hello" in black written.
Distinguishing between miss-registration accuracy and different lighting conditions: Although there is many way to eliminate this difference and make the two images look approximately the same, I am looking of measurement that does not count them rather than fixing them (performance issue).
One of the first thing that came in mind is to sum the absolute differences of the two images. However, this will result in a number that represent the error. This number has no meaning when you want to compare it to another registration process because another images with better registration but more details may give a bigger error rather than a smaller one.
Sorry for the long post. I am glad to provide any further information and collaborating in finding the solution.
P.S. Using OpenCV is acceptable and preferable.
You can always use invariant (lighting/scale/rotation) features in both images. For example SIFT features.
When you match these using typical ratio (between nearest and next nearest), you'll have a large set of matches. You can calculate the homography using your method, or using RANSAC on these matches.
In any case, for any homography candidate, you can calculate the number of feature matches (out of all), which agree with the model.
The number divided by the total matches number gives you a metric of 0-1 as to the quality of the model.
If you use RANSAC using the matches to calculate the homography, the quality metric is already built in.
This problem is given two images decide how misaligned they are.
Thats why we did the registration. The registration approach cannot answer itself how bad a job it did becasue if it knew it it would have done it.
Only in the absolute correct case do we know the result: 0
You want a deterministic answer? you add deterministic input.
a red square in a given fixed position which can be measured how rotated - translated-scaled it is. In the conditions of lab this can be achieved.

How to find brightest rectangle of certain size in integral image?

Is there anything faster than sliding window? I tried sort of binary search with overlapping rectangles - it kinda works but sometimes cuts off part of the blob (expected, right) - see the video in
Binary search makes no sense, because it is an algorithm for searching for specific values in a sorted structure.
Unless you have some apriori knowledge about the image, you need to check all possible locations, which is the sliding window method you suggested.
Chris is correct, unless you can say something about the statistics of the surrounding regions, e.g., "certain arrangements of pixels around the spot I'm looking for are unlikely". Note, this is different from saying "will never happen", and any algorithm based on statistical approaches will have an associated probability of (wrong box found).
If you think the statistics of the larger regions around your desired location might be informative, you might be able to do some block-processing on larger blocks before doing the fine-level sliding window. For example, if you can say with high probability that a certain 64 x 64 region doesn't contain the max, then, you can throw out a lot of [64 x 64] pixel regions, with 32 pixel overlap using (maybe) only a few features.
You can train something like AdaBoost to do this. See the classic Viola-Jones work which does this for face-detection
If you absolutely need the maxima location, then like Chris said, you need to search everywhere.

Does a smaller reprojection error always means better calibration?

During camera calibration, the usual advice is to use many images (>10) with variations in pose, depth, etc.
However I notice that usually the fewer images I use, the smaller the reprojection error. For example with 27 images, cv::calibrateCamera returns 0.23 and with just 3 I get 0.11
This may be due to the the fact that during calibration we are solving a least squares problem for an overdetermined system.
Do we actually use the reprojection error as an absolute measure of how good a calibration is? For example, if I calibrate with 3 images and get 0.11, and then calibrate with 27 other images and get 0.23 can we really say that "the first calibration is better"?
OpenCV uses the same images both for calibration and for calculating the error. Isn't that some form of overfitting? Wouldn't it be more correct if I actually used 2 different sets -one to compute the calibration parameters and one to compute the error-? In that case, I would use the same (test) set to calculate the error for all my calibration results from different (training) sets. Wouldn't that be more fair?
Sorry if this is too late - only just saw it.
The error is the reprojection of the fit. So find points on an image, calculate the real world model, recalculate where those points would be on the image given the model - report the difference. In a way this is a bit circular, you might have a model that is only correct for those few images which would then report a very good error while giving it lots of images will make a much more generally correct model - but will have a larger error, just because you are trying to stretch it to fit a much bigger space.
There does come a point where adding more images doesn't improve the fit, and may add noise since points are never detected perfectly. What's important is to provide a bigger set of paramters, more angles and positions, rather than equivalent data
Using the same image set to predict the error isn't really a problem because the fit does have a real meaning in terms of actual physical lens parameters - it's not like training/testing a neural net on the same data.
edit: a better calibration routine than opencv (although based on the same concept) is included in 3D-DIC (free but not OSS, register for the site to get the download link) specifically see the calibration manual.

Best-fit hexagonal tilings of irregular areas

I'm looking for recommendations for an application or library to calculate good fits of regular hexagonal grids to an irregular area or group of areas.
Minimally, I'd like to be able to supply an image and maximum number of hexagons and retrieve the image that rotates/shifts/scales a hexagonal grid to fill each hexagon with one color with minimal error. An advanced feature might be to perform deformations of the underlying image (within specified limits) to achieve a better fit. I have some ideas of how I'd do this myself, but it seems likely to be a solved problem.
Thanks for any suggestions.
EDIT: The use-case I'm thinking of would be to generate reasonably faithful hex maps of real geography for use in board (or virtual board) games.
My general idea is to do the following:
you should to approximate your irregular Curve shape to a minimal linear segments
then, you may calculate the angle a between each couple of sements 90 < a <180.
There are few methods to approximate curves into lines: explained here

OpenCV RANSAC returns the same transformation everytime

I am confused as to how to use the OpenCV findHomography method to compute the optimal transformation.
The way I use it is as follows:
cv::Mat h = cv::findHomography(src, dst, CV_RANSAC, 5.f);
No matter how many times I run it, I get the same transformation matrix. I thought RANSAC is supposed to randomly select a subset of points to do the fitting, so why does it return the same transformation matrix every time? Is it related to some random number initialization? How can I make this behaviour actually random?
Secondly, how can I tune the number of RANSAC iterations in this setup? Usually the number of iterations is based on inlier ratios and things like that.
I thought RANSAC is supposed to randomly select a subset of points to do the fitting, so why does it return the same transformation matrix every time?
RANSAC repeatedly selects a subset of points, then fits a model based upon them, then checks how many data points in the data set are inliers given that fitted model. Once it's done that lots of times, it picks the fitted model that had the most inliers, and refits the model to those inliers.
For any given data set, set of variable model parameters, and rule for what constitutes an inlier, there will exist one or more (but often exactly one) largest possible set of "inliers". For example, given this data set (image from Wikipedia):
... then with some sort of reasonable definition of an outlier, the maximal possible set of inliers any linear model can have is the one in blue below:
Let's call the set of blue points above - the maximal possible set of inliers - I.
If you randomly select a small number of points (e.g. two or three) and draw a line of best fit through them, it's hopefully intuitively obvious that it'll only take you a handful of tries until you hit an iteration where:
all the randomly-selected points you pick are from I, and so
the line of best fit through those points is roughly equal to the line of best fit in the graph above, and so
the set of inliers found on that iteration is exactly I
From that iteration onwards, all further iterations are a waste that cannot possibly improve the model further (although RANSAC has no way of knowing this, since it doesn't magically know when it's found the maximal set of inliers).
If you have a large enough number of iterations relative to the size of your data set, and a large enough proportion of the data set are inliers, then you will eventually find the maximal set of inliers with a close to 100% chance every time you run RANSAC. As a consequence, RANSAC will (almost) always output exactly the same model.
And that's a good thing! Often, you want RANSAC to find the absolute maximal set of inliers and don't want to settle for anything less. If you're getting different results each time you run RANSAC in such a scenario, that's a sign that you want to increase your number of iterations.
(Of course, in the case above we're talking about trying to fit a line through points in a 2D plane, which isn't what findHomography does, but the principle is the same; there will typically still be a single maximal set of inliers and eventually RANSAC will find it.)
How can I make this behaviour actually random?
Decrease the number of iterations (maxIters) so that RANSAC sometimes fails to find the maximal set of inliers.
But there's generally no reason to do this besides pure intellectual curiosity; you'll basically be deliberately telling RANSAC to output an inferior model.
findHomography will already give you the optimal transformation. The real question is about the meaning of optimal.
For example, with RANSAC you'll have the model with maximum number of inliers, while with LMEDS you'll have the model with minimum median error.
You can modify default behavior by:
changing the number of iteration of RANSAC by setting maxIters (max number allowed is 2000)
decreasing (increasing) the ransacReprojThreshold used to validate a inliers and outliers (usually between 1 and 10).
Regarding you questions.
No matter how many times I run it, I get the same transformation matrix.
Probably your points are good enough that you find always the optimal model.
I thought RANSAC is supposed to randomly select a subset of points to do the fitting
RANSAC (RANdom SAmple Consensus) first selects a random subset, the checks if the model built with these points is good enough. If not, it selects another random subset.
How can I make this behaviour actually random?
I can't imagine a scenario where this would be useful, but you can randomly select 4 couples of points from src and dst, and use getPerspectiveTransform. Unless your points are perfect, you'll get a different matrix for each subset.
