Get id image the which is pushed to ECR through TeamCity - devops

I have a doubt lets say i have 2 steps
docker build
docker push
after building the image and pushing it to ECR is there any way to get the image id of that, or atleast can we send that image id to slack


How can we change container registry service from Dockerhub to ECR?

I am looking for a way to move chunk of our organization's images from Dockerhub to ECR. Is there a good way to switch between container registry services?
Thanks in advnace
I have tried creating a ECR repository and get authentication token that we can use to authenticate to an Amazon ECR registry.
Use docker tag to tag new image based on source image from Dockerhub.
Use docker push to upload it to ECR.
Does this sound right, if yes can we automate this for a chunk of images?

Why can't I push local Docker image to Docker Hub repo?

I have Docker ID, let's say -> KN, and created a private repo. I can log into Docker Hub via CLI too. I run a container based on a image & commit that container to an image with following command
docker commit ub18 reponame/ub18 ==> successfull
but when I push that image like following, it doesn't upload.
Output of Docker images shows this image on top.
docker images
standard/ub18 latest c8ebc0f1dd75 12 seconds ago 102MB
docker push reponame/ub18 ==> gives error
The push refers to repository []
7660ded5319c: Preparing
94e5c4ea5da6: Preparing
5d74a98c48bc: Preparing
604cbde1a4c8: Preparing
denied: requested access to the resource is denied
So to push your images to your Docker Hub repo first you have to login to Docker Hub repo using username and password:
docker login
Then perform tagging of your image properly :
docker tag image_id yourhubusername/reponame:tag
Your image tag has to be in this specific format.
Then to push :
docker push yourhubusername/reponame:tag
assuming you are logged in.
If you want to gain more information about it, refer to docker docs.

How to download or tag an untagged image on ECR?

The UI on ECR does not let you apply tags to images. When you push images to ECR that have a tag that exists, the existing image becomes untagged, as expected. However, there does not appear to be a way to download untagged images. For example, I can't simply download the image hash
docker pull
Error response from daemon: manifest for not found
So I discovered a user-unfriendly way of doing this. You first tag an untagged image, then you can download it. Here I tag an untagged image to backup
MANIFEST=$(aws ecr batch-get-image --repository-name sandbox --image-ids imageDigest=sha256:e226e9aaa12beb32bfe65c571cb60605b2de13338866bc832bba0e39f6819365 --query 'images[].imageManifest' --output text)
aws ecr put-image --repository-name sandbox --image-tag backup --image-manifest "$MANIFEST"
Then I can download it as normal
docker pull
You must use another notation that AWS suggests on its UI recently (it may not have been available that time):
docker pull
At least it did work with my untagged images.
Assuming an ECR repository arn of
To pull a docker image that is untagged, use the sha that you can copy from the ECR repository for your untagged image (Thanks to #Győző Papp' answer), eg:
docker pull
To retag it once pulled, use docker tag with whatever tag you want, the below example tags it with the tag my-new-tag:
docker tag
Then push the tagged version back to AWS ECR:
docker push
You'll need to log in to ECR locally first using get-login first though...

Docker push local image under specified tag name

I need to push Docker image from my local machine to my repository under the specified tag name.
Locally I have the following image:
repo1/private image1 29234rs8dsf 5 months ago 1.07GB
Hot to push this image under the specified tag(not latest, for example, testtag1) under my repository inttest/myimage ?
If i understood the question correctly, you can do it with following 3 steps -
TAG your local image to dockerhub repo image -
$ docker tag repo1/private:image1 inttest/myimage:testtag1
Login to your dockerhub account using docker login
Push your dockerhub repo tagged image -
$ docker push inttest/myimage:testtag1

Why does "docker push" push several images and where?

I have private repo on docker hub named alek/test.
On my Mac:
$ docker images
alek/test 0.1 dc1a7cc41129 33 minutes ago 643 MB
node 0.12.7 9e20baae42c8 5 days ago 641.6 MB
$ docker push alek/test
The push refers to a repository [] (len: 1)
dc1a7cc41129: Image successfully pushed
537a913fe639: Image successfully pushed
b40236e9037f: Image successfully pushed
53c8b1d50397: Image successfully pushed
e8c37c1e2189: Image successfully pushed
68bbfd9543a7: Image successfully pushed
9e20baae42c8: Image already exists
8b74d7a75802: Image successfully pushed
3383909e8f95: Image already exists
e0919a8b95a8: Image already exists
6ad0799af6bd: Image successfully pushed
9213e81cb0f2: Image successfully pushed
607e965985c1: Image successfully pushed
1ff9f26f09fb: Image successfully pushed
9a61b6b1315e: Image already exists
902b87aaaec9: Image successfully pushed
0.1: digest: sha256:a2b1d8a3b283f13e8d6a1407e886ca8ee62d93377949e050b9e05509ce6aaf86 size: 30568
What just have happened??? Why several images have been pushed? Also where they were actually pushed - nothing changed on my private repo on docker hub (screen).
I am not sure If I understand docker hub correctly.
What I want is to build image from Dockerfile and push it to my repo to make it available for a client to pull it on his side and run in container...
You understand correctly.
There is an image for each layer in the image, corresponding to each instruction in a Dockerfile. Docker pushes these layers independently.
As you didn't specify a tag, Docker will push all the tags in the repository (in this case just 0.1). Anyone with access to your repository should be able to download it with docker pull alek/test:0.1. If you look at the tags tab on the Hub, you should see your images there.
If you do a docker push without a tag, I think it pushes the whole repo - i.e. all the images. If you do docker run or docker pull without a tag, it will use the latest tag. So I assume the 0.1 tag got pushed in your case, but you would need to say docker pull alek/test:0.1 to pull it.
