TypeError: 'NoneType' object is not callable? what is this error? - machine-learning

I want to use huggingface model to generate summaries of a given text but the following code gives an error can you people plsease help me to solve this error
image of code and error
i didnt try anything because i am a newbie i just want the solution of this code


Attribute Error for pytorch_forecasting models

I'm currently trying to set up a TemporalFusionTransformer from the pytorch_forecasting library in Google Colab, following the exact approach that is stated here.
For some reason, I always get "AttributeError: 'tuple' object has no attribute 'items'" when trying to set up a model.
Even if I just try initializing a default model in the Baseline class, I get the same error (see screenshot).
Error message for Baseline model
Maybe someone knows how to solve this issue here. Thanks in advance.
What I tried so far:
converted my data into a TimeSeriesDataSet object
used TemporalFusionTransformer.from_dataset(...) providing my data as well as some training parameters
tried the same without providing the training parameters
tried setting up the TFT with and without training parameters (i.e. TemporalFusionTransformer(...))
tried the same with the Baseline model (Baseline())
result was an Attribute error in all cases

YoloV8 Instance Segmentation Model Deployment to Roboflow Error: InvalidDatasetException Dataset is not of the correct type

I am using YOLOV8 for instance segmentation using Google Colab. Now, after I download, train, validate, and test my dataset from Roboflow, I want to upload my model/weights to a specific project version to use it as my API. I follow their documentation upon deploying it, but I got an error due to the method is only for object detection type. I would really appreciate your attention.
This is my code looks like
and this is what it looks like when I open the link.
message upon clicking the link
Code Snippet: project.version(2).deploy(model_type="yolov8", model_path=f"/content/drive/MyDrive/PATH/model/runs/segment/train4/")
Error Snippet: { "message": "Dataset is not of the correct type.", "type": "InvalidDatasetException", "hint": "This method can only be used on object detection datasets." }
I already applied the methods in the following articles but still I got the same error.
Model weights uploads are only available for object detection models from YOLOv8 at this time. I've just made an update to the blog post to make it a bit more clear.
I do want to add that it was already added to the documentation when the feature was released.

Unable to retrive metadata....error

Im still new to MVC and trying to follow a few tutorials (although slightly adapting them to meet my needs).
Im following the Music Store tutorial, and getting an error when trying to create a new controller in step 5 http://www.asp.net/mvc/tutorials/mvc-music-store/mvc-music-store-part-5
When i try to add the controller, i get an error that says 'Unable to retrieve metadata for "myproject.models.form'. Unable to cast object of type 'System.Data.Entity.Core.Objects.ObjectContext' to type 'System.Data.Objects.ObjectContext'.
Any have any ideas how i can fix this?

Metadata bug in Breeze 1.3.1? (Inheritence)

Trying out Breeze 1.3.1 and we've hit a problem. When trying to load the metadata, we get this error:
"Error: Metadata import failed for api/securitychart/Metadata; Unable to process returned metadata:Unable to locate a 'Type' by the name: Vehicle:#Project.Model.Entities"
Just for clarification, the entity "Vehicle" is the base type from which two other entities "Motorbike" and "Car" inherit.
We've digged up a bit through Breeze's code and found that the JSON returned from the ContextProvider.Metadata() method returns the array of entityTypes in the following order:
And the error pops out when trying to parse then entity data for Motorbike.
Without having much idea what was going on, we guessed that the base class Vehicle was not available when trying to parse the metadata for Motorbike, so we manipulated the array to let it process first the base class Vehicle. After doing this, this error no longer appears, but there's a different one: "bad navigation properties".
Can you guys please give us a clue about how to proceed from here?
Edit: As of v 1.3.2, this bug should be fixed. Please post back here to either confirm that it works or that you still have an issue.
Edit: Ok, this is a bug and will be fixed in the next release. And thanks for the repro metadata, it really helped.
Can you send me an email with the "broken" metadata ( the json returned from the server) at breeze.ideablade.com ( with Attn: Jay Traband somewhere in the email). and I'll try to get back to you as soon as possible.

Removing ModelErrors from ModelState once written to ValidationSummary()

I may be approaching this from the wrong angle entirely, but hopefully someone will know a way of acheiving what I'm after.
I reference a web service, which returns an ErrorInfo object. I add each returned error to the ModelState as a ModelError:
foreach(ErrorInfo error in serviceResponse)
ModelState.AddModelError(error.AssociatedField, error.Description);
For errors which relate to a particular input field (using strongly-typed Views here), I get a nice inline error returned to Html.ValidationMessageFor(x), which is great.
The problem is that in addition to these input-related errors, there may also be more generate results.
What I'd LIKE to do is have these output in a list similar to Html.ValidationSummary() - however if I do this at the moment, it will also include the errors which have already been displayed inline against each input.
Is there an elegant way of just displaying all the errors which DON'T relate to a particular form input?
This is a good enough solution for me, it doesn't print the individual error detail, but thats not important for the non-input related errors
Html.ValidationSummary(true, "Failed to login for some other reason")
