Problem with CLS due to <div id="content" class="site-content fixed"> - cls

Code makes a problem with the indicator CLS. I don't even understand in which direction I should "move" to solve it. Provide some ideas. Thank you!


Similar to Page Load Event - MVC

I want to display a list in a div when the view is loaded. I am new to MVC
and I don't know where or how to do it. I know I Need to do HTTP POST but how?
Thank you for your help.
<div class="form-group">
<div class="online">
A nudge to the right direction would help me. Thank you

angular material's md-select can overflow its container

I created a codepen to illustrate the problem. Just select all of the options in the dropdown, and you'll see that the display of the selected items will overflow the container. For reference, here's the html that causes the issue:
<div><!-- this container needs some arbitrary max-width to be able to see the overflow -->
<div layout="row"><!-- making this a layout="column" instead of row will fix it -->
<div layout="column"><!-- putting max-width:100% here will fix it -->
<md-select ng-model="test" multiple>
<!-- md-options -->
I can't figure out why it would overflow, and so I'm not really clear on why the two fixes work. Can anyone explain why this isn't working as written, or propose a better way to avoid the problem?
Update: I found this is a known issue on the github site, but there is no good resolution there.
Update 2: I found the max-width solution doesn't help in IE11.

Razor if statement inside HTML

Why I can do that:
Dim styleVisible As String = if(Model.IndicateurAchatPeriodique,"block","none")
End Code
<div id="#sectionDCAId" style="display:#styleVisible">...
but not that:
<div id="#sectionDCAId" style="display:#If(Model.IndicateurAchatPeriodique,"block","none")">
I just moved the if instruction inside the HTML but it throw an error. Why the compiler can't understand it?
I don't need solutions, just an explanation. Thanks
The compiler seems to have problems with inline VB.NET Ifs. Not sure if it is a bug or it just isn't quite that clever. I know you haven't asked for a solution, but if you put an extra set of brackets in to help it then it will probably work - as in #(If(Model.IndicateurAchatPeriodique,"block","none"))

How to get the total items in an array(array length) in dust.js

I can't seem to figure out(I'm pretty sure that I'm over thinking or not thinking here) a way to get the length of an array in the following example. Can anyone please help me, or direct me to a good tutorial. has mentioned the {#size} helper but does not have any examples.
<ul total-tems={#items.length/}>
<li class="item-{$idx}">{.title}</li>
Thank you in advance.
Yep, I was clearly overlooking. I was not including ( require('dustjs-helpers'); ) in order to use
<ul total-tems="{#size key=items /}">
Hope this will help others out as well.
I don't know if is it a new feature of dustjs but now you can simply use {items.length} to access the array length with no need of helpers.

Customized error handling

How can I achieve that the code below only will be executed if there is an HTML input-Tag? So that it won't be executed by the HTML label-Tag.
<div class=\"field_with_errors\">#{html_tag}</div>".html_safe
Thanks in advance!
I'm not 100% sure what you're asking, but if you're asking what I think you are you could do something like:
<div class=\"field_with_errors\">#{html_tag}</div>".html_safe unless html_tag.nil?
If this isn't what you're looking for, could you please explain more about what you want to achieve?
