Device Access Registration Canceled, need link to pay again - fee

My Device Access Registration order was canceled because I used an old, expired, card.
I can’t seem to find a way to pay it once the Console is setup.
Is there a way to do it?
Tried multiple google support channels and they all led me here


How do you "reset" a user's TOTP in Twilio?

I am using Twilio's verify API for TOTP services (Authy, Google Authenticator, etc).
I am trying to figure out how to handle the case where a user has lost access to their phone and cannot get past the TOTP 2FA challenge. Can I create a new Factor for that user and somehow "invalidate" the previous one?
Anyone know how to do this?
You can delete a factor, which would remove it from the entity. You can then create a new factor.
How to handle how you re-enable access to the user's account in your system is up to you though. Presumably after the user has convinced your support team that they are the rightful owner of the account, you could turn off 2FA verification for their account, allowing them to log in, and then have them go through 2FA set up again themselves. You might also want to consider generating back up codes which they can use in the case that they lose their device again.

Problem with "Sign in with Google temporarily disabled for this app"

My app has been OAuth verified for youtube and youtube.upload.
When I OAuth with these scopes, it's still not working.
I get the following in the web browser as before verification. They closed out my ticket, so I have no means to contact them.
Sign in with Google temporarily disabled for this app
This app has not been verified yet by Google in order to use Google Sign In.
If you are a developer for this application, please submit a verification request to re-enable Sign in with Google. Learn more
Please advise
Sign in with Google temporarily disabled for this app This app has not been verified yet by Google in order to use Google Sign In.
If you are a developer for this application, please submit a verification request to re-enable Sign in with Google. Learn more
The message you are getting clearly states the issue. Your application is not verified or its verification has bee removed. In order to fix this you must go thought he verification process. You might want to check your email and see if there is any messages from google as to why your verification was removed. I have seen several posts like this over the last week it seams Google may be going though projects.

How can I provide unconditional access to a Google Account?

As per Apple's App Store review guidelines, if the app I'm making requires sign-in, then I must provide Apple testers with credentials.
My app exclusively uses Google Accounts, and since I am working for an organization, I am required to only allow accounts that are registered in the database as "students". Keep in mind when I say organization, I mean one that is exempt from using "Sign in with Apple".
I created a dummy Google Account to allow sign-in, and provided credentials to Apple. However, they got prompted to enter in a phone number, since their device was not recognized. What can I provide them with so that they will have unconditional access to my account, whether they are on a legitimate device, or a simulator behind a hundred proxies?
2FA is not enabled, nor are any recovery methods specified, so to be fully transparent I am not really sure which phone number Google seems to want. Here is the prompt Apple has got.
I have already enabled the "less secure access" feature in the Google Account dashboard, but seeing as the Apple review process can be quite lengthy, I want to make sure I got this right before submitting.

Google Cloud OAuth verification

I recently received an email from the Google Cloud Platform Team notifying me of a policy violation stating that we had not completed the OAuth developer verification process and we're limited to 100 new user grants of which we're already at 60% towards.
The thing is, if I view this Oauth consent screen in the Google Cloud Platform, at the top of the page, it states:
Your consent screen is being verified. This may take up to several days. Your last approved consent screen is still in use.
This page was last saved and 'submitted for verification' some months ago now.
The page itself is constantly glitchy and poor anyway I've noticed at various points in the past.
The information this page contains is correct and I am unable to re-submit for verification unless I make changes.
Nonetheless, I'll make a change, resubmit, then edit removing that change and resubmit again but it's proving to be a bit of a hassle when either their system doesn't work or we're waiting on them to approve/reject the Oauth verification.
Am I supposed to be doing something else or is there a workaround at all?
Make sure that you've taken a look at the App Verification help page:
and the much more detailed verification FAQ:
From the sounds of your post, it seems like you probably just need to get your app's branding verified because you are accessing sensitive scopes. That should be a pretty straightforward process if you have everything ready for review. Make sure you haven't gotten any messages from the review team with open items you need to accomplish. If not, you can make a trivial change and resubmit.
If you are trying to access a restricted scope like Gmail APIs, the process will be much more involved. Make sure you have all your requirements taken care of as outlined in the FAQ. And be sure you look closely at what scopes your code is actually requesting. If you are asking for sensitive or restricted scopes in your app but don't have those fully registered and approved in the developer console, your users will get warnings and you'll have restricted tokens revoked.

Validating GamceCenter user credentials in the backend

I am building a backend for ios apps, that support login in different networks.
Once the user login in to the network the client tells the news to the backend, and this could offer a list of worlds that the user might play, or even delete old worlds.
One way to steal another person's world is by saying that you are his social network id.
To solve that with facebook, we force the client to send us the fb_token, a token provided from facebook to the client, that we use in the backend to ask facebook if that specific user is the one that he told us to be.
If apple doesn't provide a way to validate this I understand that if an iOS app wants to use game center, it is directly forcing the app developer to also use iCloud because apple can validate the user credentials.
Did apple provide any way to validate user credentials?
The client on iOS can retrieve info about the currently logged in player in GameCenter, which has nothing to do with iCloud.
If you want to use iCloud to authenticate, you might have a different player than the one you wanted.
I think the solution is for the client to retrieve the player info in GameCenter, and send it to your server in an encrypted fashion (say HTTPS), including a timestamp and possibly other dynamic information. This way you'll know that the user info is being sent from the client app itself and there is no man-in-the-middle. That's really the issue that you are struggling with: how to ensure that client-server communication is secure.
